
  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    Such good thoughts, Meece.  I noticed that your diagnosis is very similar to mine, and it's so good to see that you're six years out now.  I am so looking forward to my five year "cancerversary," especially since the risk of recurrence for triple negatives goes way down after that point.  You have encouraged me today. 

  • glassist
    glassist Member Posts: 26

    Good Morning Marvelous Middles!

    My 4th and last AC was scheduled for yesterday but had to be cancelled because my blood counts have plummeted.  Ugh!  We will try again next week.

    Mantra - your avatar photo could be mine.  I have a white and a chocolate lab as well.  They are "the girls" so when your guys need a date on new years, just let us know.  But I have to warn you, they are NOT cheap dates!

  • mantra
    mantra Member Posts: 189

    Glassist, okay, let's get down to the details. Age? Weight? Bank account? . . . . oh, I'm talking about the dogs of course!!!

  • glassist
    glassist Member Posts: 26


  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137


    You could Never bore us girlfriend ! This is our little space to reflect and share, and it's a great thing.  We are sooooooo glad you are here 6 years later. I hope that I can say that also, with no reoccur I may have it made in the shade Cool Lots of good points in your post and may I add one ? I have always tried to be the memory maker in the family, and I do so even more so now. I guess that's one more thing BC has made me aware of.


    sorry to hear about the blood count, will be thinking possitive thoughts for ya this week, looks like you and Mantra have alot in common !

    I am missing some of our "Middles" several I notice we haven't heard from lately Frown

    Calling all "Middles" !! is everyone OK ??

  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137

    Your Chuckle for today, My Granddaughter Abby, she thinks she's an actress Laughing This face always makes me laugh ! She and her family went from San Antonio to Port Aransas for a week-end, the week-end after Labor Day..........

  • mantra
    mantra Member Posts: 189
    What a sweetie! I have found my grandchildren to be such a blessing in helping me get through this. Yesterday my grandson (5 years old) decided to have an art show. He displayed his art on a table and put it up for sale. I unfortunately am not mobile yet so my daughter set up the webcam so he could show me his pieces and I could decide which ones I wanted to buy. I bought two pieces and told him he had to sign them so when he becomes a famous artist, I will have two signed originals from his first collection. A good investment??!! Smile
  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137

    That is adorable Mantra ! that's the kind of stuff Abby does also, I call her the craft Queen. Thank God we have them, they really show us how to enjoy the simple things in life !

    Aren't we lucky to live in a time that we have webcams ! Monday I got to see my Grandson Adam open his Birthday present from me in San Antonio.

    Be well Mantra ! hoping that you are mobile soon,


  • mantra
    mantra Member Posts: 189

    In the winter, when living in the US, I use the webcam a lot to keep in touch. I've attended birthday parties too.  They sat their lap top on the table so I could sing happy birthday, watch birthday candles being blown out and could sit around with everyone else at the table and join in on the conversation. I've even webcammed my fashion consultant AKA my daughter to ask her which shoes looked better with my outfit. Love the WEBCAM!!!

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Hey what happened it is to quiet here!  My girlfriend and I had fun this last weekend went into Manhattan and did some shopping and ate some great Italian food and the best cheese cake ever! Ummm, I need to drop 50 lbs but I seem to be having a love affair with food instead of my DH! LOL

    Ok girls let's get rowdy againKiss

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377
    Hey everyone did you have a nice weekend? My girlfriend came down and we did some shopping and ate at a great Italian place and then later went for coffee and cheese cake. I need to loose 50 lbs but it seems I am having a love affair with food instead of my DH. Innocent
  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137

    Oh Mantra

    I'm with you ! I have Grandkids in West Virginia, North Carolina, Texas, Kansas, and Nebraska I think the inventor of webcam is the greatest !


    no wonder you haven't been around ............very busy I see !

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    I must say that grandchildren seem to be much more of a positive, healing influence than one's own teenagers. I would not recommend having breast cancer OR enjoying Tamoxifen while living with 12 1/2 year old and 14 year old girls. I'm MOSTLY kidding - they are wonderful, but we do have quite the festival of mood swings around here.

    Nebraskagrandma - well, I was happily enjoying our lovely blast of fall coolness, and then all of a sudden you've posted this fabulous beach photo and now I want to be at the beach!!!!!!

    Just got back in touch with my best friend from 2nd grade, and it turns out that she, too, was diagnosed with breast cancer, five years ago at 41! We always did have a lot in common, but I'm thinking this is one thing we wish we didn't have in common... We have few risk factors, so today's Cancer Cause Theory is the elementary school playground. Or the tater tots in our school lunches?

    I don't have dogs, so I can't participate in the E-harmony for pooches in progress here. I do have a male guinea pig, Reeses, and he lost his cagemate a couple of months ago (Howie was 6 - senior citizen in piggie years). I suppose he could use a date. He has a lovely double-wide piggie palace...he's quite the well-to-do guinea guy.

  • glassist
    glassist Member Posts: 26

    I envy you guys with grandchildren.  I started my family kinda late and they are only 25, 23 and 20, but none seem to have any interest in a significant other so I may never have any.  Abby is precious - and all those curls!

    Kleenex - I'm sorry but I don't envy you the girls right now.  All the "drama" is still freshly embedded in my brain.

    Oh yum - cheesecake!

  • rgiuff
    rgiuff Member Posts: 339

    I had no mammos for about 7 years before the one that diagnosed my BC last April 2008.  My Gyn said "You picked the right year to have it done because it was caught very early.  If you had gone the year before, maybe it wouldn't have shown up and then maybe, you'd have skipped a few more years."  So I feel very lucky compared to many others I know who go every year and yet had more advanced cancers.

    Yesterday I went for my 1st transvaginal ultrasound after being on tamoxifen since November.  It showed multiple follicles on my ovaries and a borderline normal uterine lining.  I haven't had a period since March.  I don't see my Gyn for several more days, so wondering if anybody had anything similar and might know what all those ovarian follicles mean .  I do know that this happens right before ovulation, but don't know if the amt. is something to worry about or if this should even be happening when I haven't menstruated in 6 months.

  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137


    Thank-you we love our little 3rd generation princess, she's so dramamtic !

    Kleenex and glassist,

    remember this saying : "Grandchildren are the reward we get for not killing our children" oh how I remember those teen years Yell

    When my daughter tells me something that Abby has done I smile and say "I had a girl just like that"Laughing

    Making memories everyday that's my goal.............

    Blessings my "Middle" friends

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Rgiuff, any OCTOMOM in the house can tell you that today's follicles are tomorrow's Barbara Walters interview.  Har-har!  (Sorry!  I didn't know the real answer, so I made that up.)  
  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    You have alot of love and support here, God bless you.

    I think it is wonderful you have family that supports you.

    I live alone and hear of all the love and support, Take

    care, Footprintsangel

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    elimar.. I am totally lost about OCTOMOM joke.

    Heeeeeelp me understand please.

  • mantra
    mantra Member Posts: 189
    Octomom is the woman/girl who gave birth to octuplets after already having 6 other children (I think it was 6). She went to a fertility clinic to get pregnant.  I think she has her own show now . . . single mom, 14 kids, no job, lots of contraversy (sp??) surrounding her decision to have all 8 children . . . just the usual stuff that makes her ripe for getting her own reality TV show. Smile
  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Mantra....I know about Octomom. I just couldn't understand B> Walters involvement.

    Sorry Embarassed

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    I've been up for hours baking goodies & waiting for the rest of you to wake up!!


  • mantra
    mantra Member Posts: 189
    Sorry, but I'm new here and unsure of the routine. Are we each supposed to bake goodies on a rotating basis? And call me clueless but I can't figure out how to get one of those yummy looking cookies? Do you ship them through cyber space to us? Laughing
  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Just wanted to let you all know that I am always here for you in times of baking excess. My favorite food category is "Something Someone Else Made."

  • ReneeJean
    ReneeJean Member Posts: 21

    Add me to the list of fave food catagory of "something someone else made" too....LOL...esp since I don't bake!

    And yes, grandchildren are our reward for raising our children.  I knew I would love my granddaughter, I just didn't know I would BE IN LOVE with her.  She melts my heart every day.  And watching her with her grandad has reminded me of what a wonderful father he was to our children and how much more I love him with each passing year.   And watching my dd and her husband as new parents has been a joy---they are very calm, laid back, fun parents.   You would never know this child was a first born.  I am going to live long enough to see my great grands grow up.....and enjoy every minute of it.  

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    crunch crunch ouch!

    Just broke tooth trying to eat computer.


  • glassist
    glassist Member Posts: 26

    I KNEW I smelled a wonderful aroma coming from my computer!

    Oh, footprints angel. My heart had a twinge when I read your post.  My DH left yesterday for a 2 day business trip and I feel so alone already.  I forget that there are some of us that face that feeling every day.  I wish I were closer, but I'll just have to send my thoughts, prayers and (((((((((((((((((MAJORHUGS))))))))))))))))))))) through cyber space.  Please remember we are all here to support each other in whatever way we can.  Let us know if there's something specific we can do for you.  In the mean time, we are all sending our addresses to faithandfifty so she can get started baking the 2 dozen goodies that she's going to be mailing to each of us.  Regularly. Ha!

  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137

    AMEN glassist !


    You are not alone, we are here. Of couse so is the big man upstairs............he is ALWAYS looking out for you.Innocent

    Hey All,

    Now that you have all made me hungry, I hope your happy !


    Not to worry about understanding all of elimar's joke, she's just making stuff up as she goes along Laughing some silliness goes a long way !!

    Blessings my "Middles"

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Awwwwwwwwww your making me hungry, how about the "Better than Sex" cake that was out several years ago with all kinds of coconut and gooey stuff inside or I'll settle for PB cookies.

    Rose, I have had an ovarian follicle/cyst for about 8 years now, luckily it never changes, even though annually they dust my cobwebs and do the transvaginal ultrasound to check it.

    I didn't get married until I was 52 and my daughter was raised. So, when my husband leaves for a trip I love the alone time guess I got used to alot of that in my past life. My aunt and uncle are 85 and have been married for 65 years and except for his time in the service they have never slept apart.

  • indomitable1
    indomitable1 Member Posts: 136

    Kleenex, Having one pre-teen and one 15 yo in the home-I understand your sentiments about mood swings, and I'm not on tamoxifen!  (and the 11 yo is trying w/her 8 yo brother, to talk me into letting them buy a guinea pig in Dec. Been using "let me get thru chemo" as an excuse...and they have to keep their rooms clean as a small child could potentially be lost in them for several days currently.)

    I pray that I will see and get to know my grandchildren!

    Muffins, cookies, cheesecake...after the wine and cheese before! I definitely am in the right place!