
  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    What a gorgeous photo! I can't believe you're new to photography! And you must also be something of a contortionist, unless the daisies in Ohio are considerably taller than ones I've seen here. Love the sentiment as well.

    88 today, 90 tomorrow - no mulled cider for us just yet. Perhaps pumpkin popsicles?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Well, I guess there is no escaping what has befallen many of the longer threads.  That's three weather reports in a row.  Cry
  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    elimar.. I really have nothing to say except you cracked me up with your SOH!!!!!

    I guess you don't want to know how weather will be in NY today    lol

    Laughing Sheila

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441

    36 degrees when I got up this morning 8:00 am now its 2:30 and it is 72 degrees.


  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
      Pumpkin Ice Cream 4

  • mantra
    mantra Member Posts: 189

    Deboyre, Gee, if you were talking about 36 degrees celsius, it would be boiling hot out. At first when you wrote 36 degrees, my Canadian mind thought "OMG, too hot for me!!" I always go through a bit of adjustment period when I go back to the US for 5 months. I'll check the weather, and have to convert it to celsius before I know what to wear. After 5 months of F, I go through the same adjustment when I get back to Canada. I remember years ago waking up in Florida one of my first cross-border living years and the weather channel said it was 45. I had no idea exactly what that meant and I remember thinking; 80's hot, 70s' perfect, 60's cool . . . but hadn't had a day in the 50's or 40's to know what it meant. I decided to wear shorts and a sweatshirt. I stepped outside and even my dogs took a step back and shivered. I decided 50's and below was too cold and just hibernate in my house, stare at my golf clubs and wait until the temperature hits mid 60's.

  • mantra
    mantra Member Posts: 189

    F&F; great photo but I too agree . . . either you are 3 inches tall or you have daisies on steriods!!

  • PatMom
    PatMom Member Posts: 322

    elimar, the weather reports are a sign that the weather is changing. 

    Once we settle into the new season, something else exciting will start happening, but right now, it is an adventure every morning trying to figure out what to wear that will be warm enough morning and evening, but not so hot at midday as to trigger a hot flash.  Besides, for those of us with hot flashes, the arrival of cooler weather is reason for celebration, and if that isn't a sure sign that we are all "in the middle" I don't know what is.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Well, alright then, let's just exhaust the subject.  Let's weather it up.  Weather, weather, weather.  Who needs the Weather Channel when we've got this thread?   

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Do you want to go back to food?  Started a batch of Concord wine today, canned plum preserves last night, we are having a fine Fall dinner tonight, pork chops, acorn squash, scallopped apples,  and tomatos!  Concord grapes are a very light crop this year so will only make one small batch, that is ok, not supposed to drink much anyway!  The flowers still look nice but I do not have any daisy's like Faith!!!  I love making meals in the oven with all the fresh fall produce. 

  • Kimmer51
    Kimmer51 Member Posts: 11

    Faithandfifty:  I am about 2 blocks away from Wittenberg.  Our backyard butts up against Wittenberg's soccer field.  Small world, huh?  My hubbie works at Youngs and brought some donut holes home for me - still warm.  Heavenly.

    My nephew and his wife live near the Columbus Zoo - they are newlyweds.

    My dad will be coming over to OSU probably sometime next month for surgery on his liver.  He has 2 carcinoids.  Springfield doesn't have a liver specialist.  He's fighting with insurance right now because they cover the doc in Columbus, but not OSU (the only hospital he operates at).

    Your photo was pretty.  Next shot will have to be the fall leaves. 

    Thanks for letting me you know you're my neighbor!  Have a great weekend.  Go Bucks!

  • Kimmer51
    Kimmer51 Member Posts: 11

    Mazy1959:  You reminded me that I meant to buy apple cider at the store last night.  I like it hot too with a cinnamon stick in it.  I like the idea about putting it in a crock pot all day though.  Beats air freshner!

  • glassist
    glassist Member Posts: 26

    I definitely like the food talk better than the weather talk!Laughing

    The honeycrisp apples are just now available again here.  They are sooo wonderful.

  • AmyD
    AmyD Member Posts: 1


     I used to live in Columbus and work @ OSU/James.  Who is doing your dad's surgery? 

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Too hot here to think about a warm kitchen and baking.  DH and I bbq'd t-bones and lobster tonight.  Added Mango salsa for the lobster and blue cheese butter for the steak.  Had to wait until 7:00 so it would be cool enough to stand outside.    Ah, surf and turf and a glass of wine!!! How's that for the weather and food?


  • susan_CNY
    susan_CNY Member Posts: 64
    53 degrees and going down in upstate NY Cool I am not complaining, doing the usual fireplace mornings and warm afternoons, the leaves are starting to change, apple picking time, good sleeping and cooking weather I love it! kick me a month from now if I bitch about early snow !! my hubby took me to my favorite Japanese Rest. tonight for filet mignon to celebrate my 58th birthday, we have been married for 8 years, ( I have had colon and breast cancers and another scare this summer since we marrried), I cannot believe he is still in love with me, God does work in mysterious ways, bless us all, I wish all here the feelings I have today, God knows we need and deserve it! I lost my only sibling  Patti to MS 9 years ago, my birthdays since have been sad to me, not hers but mine, seems so selfish but is how I feel, can anyone relate or am I a selfish wench? this is when I miss her the most ♥
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Susan, you are not a selfish wench. I had many Christmases alone with my sibs off all over North America. My step-mom used to say Christmas is for kids and go romping off to HER mother's with my Dad. I got no gifts or family time. So sad.... I have the right to feel that, and so do you.

    {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ hugs }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    And Happy Birthday Baby!

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Party, party, party, party!!! Happy not-your-birthday, but startin' the new year:

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Deborye - at first, I was wildly envious of your weather and irritated that you were taunting me with fall fabulousness that we're not experiencing down here. But THEN, you whipped up a pumpkin popsicle for me! I'm all choked up!

    I don't know about you ladies, but I get a little weird during "breast cancer awareness month," or Pinktober. I was enjoying coffee and reading the paper this morning and suddenly, there they were: ads festooned with pink. Perhaps if I felt that all of these companies were really contributing significant amounts and not just working a marketing angle... Last year, I was enjoying radiation in October, having been diagnosed last June. One afternoon, some poor grocery store clerk cheerfully asked me if I wanted to donate to breast cancer research. "Not right now," I said, "I actually have breast cancer, and at the moment, all of my money is going towards treatment." She looked a bit horrified. I couldn't help it. So I'm gearing up and hope I'll be able to be appropriate this Pinktober...

    Especially for Elimar: it's currently 82 degrees (F!) at 11 am with light winds out of the west at 12 mph. We're heading up to a toasty 95 today, with all sun, all the time. My Inverse Seasonal Affective Disorder (aka Reverse Hibernation) is giving me a bit of an eye twitch, but it will be cool later this week and all will be well. I know how important it is to you that we ALL share our weather details with you. Would you like our pollen count, as well? Tongue out



  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Meece sounds wonderful.  We grilled sirloin on the grill today with heirloom tomato salad, harvard beets and grilled potato.  Susan Happy Birthday and you are fine, remember our feelings cannot be wrong, but sometimes our actions about are feelings are suspect!!!  I am blessed to have all my siblings alive we do not see each other a lot as we are spread all over the country but we do stay in touch.

    Humm pumpkin popcicle, have had pumpkin mousse!!

  • Kimmer51
    Kimmer51 Member Posts: 11

    AmyD - He saw a Dr. Ellison.  Both his surgeon and oncologist here in Springfield say he is the best around.  Are you familiar with him?

  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137

    Hi "Middles" !

    I am still in Kansas visiting kids and our next to the youngest Grandson Carter, Just waiting for him to wake from his nap, and thought I'd check in on ya.

    Susan, Happy Birthday !!

    My SO and I have been together, it will be 10 years in Dec. since we have lost an infant Grandson,  my handicapped daughter broke her leg (that was a three month ordeal) I had a hyster, then BC with recon ! The guy has hung in there like glue ! So next summer we will be married on the 2nd anniversary of my BC surgery, July 3rd. God does work in mysterious ways.

    selfish ? no way ! I can understand why you would miss her so much on your birthday. Glad you shared your day with us !!Laughing



    you throw a great party Laughing


    Seems to me your response last year was appropriate ! I know exactly how you feel. Last Pinktober I was expandingYell 

    Enjoy your Sunday Ladies,

    Blessings all around !!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Headed out to the fair this afternoon.  Ooooooooooooh it was too hot!  Over 100 degrees.  I want so much to have hot cocoa and warm cookies, hot chili and cornbread, clam chowder... nice warm comfort foods, but at this rate all I have to do is set my plate outdoors and I'll have hot food in a matter of minutes.

    Pinktober...I like it.  Yes, I hate to be reminded of what I went through, and at times resent those lucky compassionate BC advocates who have never been through it, but come out of the woodwork during that month. But, I am here now and get the privilege of living through another pinktober.In fact, around here, some of us put up pink holiday lights and pinkporch lights, and pink lighted riboons in the windows.  And yes, last year Dh and I did it. 

    I head to the onc. tomorrow am to find out the result of the core biopsy.  I am keeping my fingers crossed, cuz I head to the PS in the afternoon to look into more recon. surgery.  I'd hate to have to cancel my afternoon appointment.

    You all enjoy your fall weather and baking.  Hopefully we'll enjoy it soon.

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254


    I lost my only sibling 7 years ago to Diabetes. It is so hard to describe losing him. I miss him terribly at holiday time. I know for sure that he would not want me to stop having fun and good times because he is not here. My Grandma told me that if we stop living it up and celebrating when loved ones die....we stop making happy memories for the next generation. She said its just not fair to anyone. It was hard for me to do after my brother died. But I found that if I went thru the motions and started gearing up for holidays and special occasions.......I really started getting into it and when I see the smiles and hear the laughter of my kids and their kids...I understand what Grandma meant. There are new memories being made and my family and friends so enjoy them and so do I. My brother's picture is always right there and he is never forgotten.

    I do understand how you feel and we all handle things different. Had it not been for my Grandma, I might have been the same way.

    Happy Happy Birthday !!! and may you have many many more.

    Meece..crossing everything

    Hugs, Mazy

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    Stop by to say hi and hope everyone having a ok day, 

    Take care, going to take a pain pill. Hugs Footprintsangel

    PS If not I will pray for you.

  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137


    Good Luck tomorrow, I hope with all my heart you don't have to cancel that afternoon appt.Innocent


    Your Grandma was a very wise Woman !! Bless her soul.....I became a widow in 1998 at the age of 48 and ever since tried to make memories with my Grandchildren. After I was DX with BC it made me even more determined to make memories, for the next generation.Laughing

    Blessings to all,

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    This is probably "old news" to a lot of you, but I thought I would mention that I went to the ACS-sponsored "Look Good...Feel Better" gathering at my Cancer Center.  It is for women with all varieties of cancer and is a demonstration of make-up; plus scarves & wigs.  I was given a large bag of cosmetic goodies to take home.  I could go on about this in a funny way (lipstick with a light greenish tint, what's that about!) but it is a nice idea.  Who, in treatment, cannot use some under eye concealer or a little blush when your skin tone starts to fail?  

    My Cancer Center gave me a list of support groups and it was listed on there.  For anyone who does not have this as a local resource, but is interested, the website is lookgoodfeelbetter.org 

  • BMac
    BMac Member Posts: 115

    I concur.  I went to a Look Good Feel Better seminar when I had ovarian cancer.  I really didn't need the tips or cosmetics as I was already well versed in make up application and how to hide the fact that you don't have eyelashes or brows but this was such a fun evening.  We spent most of the evening laughing.  It's a great chance to meet other women and forget about things for a few hours.

    I went to a seminar at Wellspring.

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    Meece - sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.  Keep us posted.

    In regards to Pinktober - I do hope that those companies that use the pink ribbon actually make contributions toward a cure, and that it's not just another marketing ploy.

    I agree that Look Good Feel Better is a great opportunity to meet other women who are on this journey.  It was a good pick-me-up, and I came home with some very nice cosmetics.

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Did you really receive "lipstick" in a greenish tint? It could have been a redness correction stick - green makeup is often used to cover spider veins or other facial redness, weird as that sounds.

    Or it was a pre-Halloween treat.