
  • glassist
    glassist Member Posts: 26

    I just got home from my LAST AC treatment!  Next step is arimidex.  Are many of you taking this? How have the SE's been for you?

    I'd like to address all the above posts, but really groggy right now.  Just know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers.

  • PattiB
    PattiB Member Posts: 107

    I also did LookGoodFeelBetter - I thought it was great and used/use all the goodies they sent me home with.

  • Kimmer51
    Kimmer51 Member Posts: 11

    Loved Look Good Feel Better.  Much better quality makeup than I usually used and I had never used concealer or eyebrow pencil.  My hair (when I have it) is red and my eyebrows are blond.  My daughter said she didn't realize I had eyebrows EVER until I started using the eyebrow pencil.

  • valeriekd
    valeriekd Member Posts: 79

    Hi Deb, I am from Massachusetts also and getting my treatment at the Gilette ctr. Pretty good so far, How about u?

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I went to the seminar in my town back in the day.  I got some cosmetics including dark red lipstick.  I guess it will draw the attention away from the lack of eyelashes and eyebrows.  I sat there near tears the whole time. knowing that I would be losing my hair within days.  One tip I truly appreciated was where to buy "eyebrown stencils".  I have a set in my "Me" scrapbook along with a photo without any makeup or hair, and one with makeup/no hair.  I also received a beautiful brass compact which reminds me how far I have come since then.  Ahhhh memories!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Oh!  Oh!  Oh!   B-9    . .  .  BINGO!!!!!  All clear on the Stereaotactic core biopsy!  Headed to the PS after the Oncologist today and I am set for more recon surgery in November.  He said he will double check with my oncologist tonight to make sure she's okay with it.  But I have a good chance of getting this done before the end of the year.  Thank you for your prayers and good thoughts

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    That's fabulous news on your biopsy Meece!  
  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    glass and meece.............CONGRATs

  • Sunris
    Sunris Member Posts: 18

    Oh wow....I'm loving this thread already!!  

     Ha!!  Funny to think that my mom & I almost fit into the same "middle-aged women" category.

    She actually told me once when I was like maybe 18?  She said...."One day when you're 50, I'll be 68 and we'll be old ladies together"....We were so laughing about that the other day thinking that  time really isn't that far away.   I am 44 and she is 62. 

    So glad I found this thread!!!

     Hugs to all,


  • Sunris
    Sunris Member Posts: 18

    Oh wait!!  I just realized something..... I honest to goodness just put myself in the "middle age" category....wow!!  Guess until now I never even gave it much thought!!  haha

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Yes, I have discovered that the 7 Stages of Middle Age are denial, anger, grieving, collagen loss,  ...uh, a couple other things, AND posting on this thread. 

  • Rainenz
    Rainenz Member Posts: 21

    Glass congrats on finishing chemo  and Meece great news that it's B9

     I'm now one step closer to my reconstruction, got an appointment to see the Breast Surgeon on the 8th (who will be doing the Mast) thenhopefully the recon won't be to far after that.  It's been a long wait, but finally some light at the end of the tunnel.

  • Dustysmom
    Dustysmom Member Posts: 20

    Hi All...

    Meece - Fair?  Is that the LA County Fair?  I have been holding off from going since it has been so, so hot.  You must be near me.  I hope to go this weekend.

    I went to the PS today.  I am a little disappointed.  He does not perform Diep.  He was pushing implants really hard. I now feel like I am on the fence.  BUT!  I am going to Loma Linda University and UCLA Medical Center for second surgery opinions.  Regardless, I am going to have a BMX with immediate reconstruction...just have to think, pray and research first to decide which method to use...decisions, decisions.  I just feel so tired and depressed today.  I am usually so upbeat, but now...not so sure.

    Blessings to all,


  • Somuch
    Somuch Member Posts: 21

    Keeping up with this thread is not an easy task! ;)

     OK,... No grandbabies, only two grandbunnies and though they are cuddly, just not quite the same.

    I am now so wanting to bake or at least eat and both my DH and I are trying to shed a few lbs.

    In Florida we don't see much of a seasonal change. It is still very hot (up to 92 f.) and muggy (humid). Great for swimming and indoor shopping! 

    Dustysmom: Great that you are going for other opinions. It was really hard for me too. Due to work and insurance issues and wanting the BC out ASAP, I need to have my BMX and recon. done locally. I felt very strongly about not having implants and my first choice was DEIP. Several local BS do them but I didn't feel they had enough experience. The same went for the Free TRAM. After more research I decided I would be OK with the pedical TRAM. My Pre-op is today and surgery is Oct.20. Good luck, I hope you find what you want .

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Somuch:  I have four grandpuppies and you are right, it is not the same.  DH and I volunteer at our church nursery every other week so I can get my "baby fix".  DH seems to love it almost as much as  I do.  Someone around here said something about rocking a baby being theraputic.  Whoever that was, is so right!

    Dustysmom:  No, I am a bit north of you.  Much smaller county fair.  But, my oncologist is at UCLA.  I went to a PS at UCLA for reconstruction, but I waited two months for them to get back to me with my out of pocket cost and for one side it was going to be over 7k!  The waiting room reminded me of the PS office in the movie "Doc Hollywood".  Anyway, I didn't happen to have 7k lying around so I was lucky to be recommended to a doctor outside of the UCLA team.  I had stage one of my recon on one side only and I was out of pocket $600 and some change.  I am happy and feel that I have gone to a good surgeon who understands how insurance companies like to see the coding.  I went back to him yesterday and I get stage two of the recon and side number two will be made to match.  They are getting the insurance approval and I should be scheduled for surgery in eight weeks.  I am looking forward to the results, not so much to the surgery.  An implant isn't that bad, I don't know what your reasons are against them, but it really isn't horrible.  I am hoping to get "fat transplant"  to fill in the gap, but at least the implant made the breast closer in size to my unaffected one.

    Cheer up, you are gonna get through this!  You have an adorable little man who needs you.  Mine were a bit older, but they got me through it.  I hear the weather is to get cooler, so get out to the LA Fair.  

  • ReneeJean
    ReneeJean Member Posts: 21

    To all you Cali ladies....you all are in my thoughts...your fall is horrid this year with the heat!!  I lived north of Sacramento for 20 years and Sept and October were always my fave months except when we would have those really bad hot spells like y'all have now!  My youngest was born on 10/13 and it was 105+ the entire first week of her life and the Oakland Hills fires were that week....

    Now, here in N. Texas, Colleen and I are enjoying a very mild fall and a beautiful overcast cool Tuesday morning<g>.  Weird for us, but we are going to enjoy every minute of it aren't we?

    Took  my 8mg of decadron, a colace, tylenol and ate my Activia....all prep for first chemo in the am.   I am on my way into FW to do some work stuff and then have my second 'build a boob' session.  Hopefully this will give me some profile and take away the 9mo preggo look(you know, no boobs, the belly just sticks way out).  

    Have a wonderful day ladies.  Gentle Hugs to all.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Move over, Al Roker.

  • glassist
    glassist Member Posts: 26

    Elimar - well sex would be a more interesting topic, but to be honest, current health events have deemed me more likely to get excited about the weather.  Maybe others have stories we could enjoy vicariously? Wink

    Fair food - our local fair is going on as well and they posted a listing of the vendor's offerings  in the newspaper.  My mouth has been craving the "2 lb sweet potato filled with butter, brown sugar, pecans, coconut, raisins and marshmallows"!

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    Oh, that sounds delicious.  And wash it down with a big mug of hot apple cider.  Maybe pecan pie or carrot cake for dessert???

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    My DH makes a maple, walnut, pumpkin cheesecake to die for!

  • Sunris
    Sunris Member Posts: 18

    Recipe please!!!!    Sounds yummy!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    It's in his head he's been making it for so long, but he's thinking about where it might be....

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Yes, ReneeJean, I was just outside enjoying the fabulousness! I don't get why it ever has to be any other temperature than THIS. That's quite the breakfast of champions you enjoyed there. Hope it does the trick!

    Glassist - yay on being done with chemo! I only know about Tamoxifen, so I can't scare you much. Meece - glad you got good news on your biopsy results!

    We're thinking about going to the Texas State Fair, and if we do go, I know I'll have to have this years's fried masterpiece: "Fried Butter." Does it get ANY better than that? Apparently, it's a globule of butter wrapped in something akin to biscuit batter and fried.

    One of the Seven Stages of Middle Age that you forgot, Elimar, is: Memory Loss!

    Possibly also Libido Loss, though that could just be one of the Seven Things I Hate About Tamoxifen.

    Barbe - you are lucky - my husband has never attempted to cook anything nearly as elaborate as cheesecake! Is it one of those really heavy, rich cheesecakes? If my husband "made dessert," it would involve putting ice cream (purchased by me at the grocery store) into a dish and then, if he were feeling like taking it up a notch, he might swirl a bit of chocolate syrup on it. He has other gifts...

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    It is a rich enough cheesecake that you can't do a second piece. The taste is amazing!

    I've had fried icecream! Anyone else? That, too, was amazing!

    Okay ladies, I need your help. Today we bought a silicone, fluted bundt pan to make an angel food cake in. It's my first silicone piece as I've never trusted them. It's also my first angel food cake! Anyway, you don't mix the cake very much. About a minute and a half was all, then into the pan. It turned out horrid! It overflowed then sank and wouldn't rise. We finally took it out and it smelled like plastic! It was gluey on the bottom by the pan and crispy on the top. What the heck did I do wrong?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Kleenex, oh yeah, memory loss...that's it!  Thanks for jogging my brain.  The Seven Stages of Middle Age are denial, anger, grieving, collagen loss, memory loss, reading glasses AND posting on this thread.  The posting is the "acceptance" stage.

    FRIED BUTTER!  My cholesterol shot up 20 points just reading about it!  So let us know if you actually do try this delicacy.   (My tastes run more toward the uber-sweet desserts---the kind that need to come with their own insulin shot chaser.)

  • lynska1
    lynska1 Member Posts: 1

    Thank you Elimar. I feel young, and my actual age doesn't feel like it belongs to me! Thanks for opening up a discussion for US! I had a partial mastectomy in 1992 RB, and then a breast reconstruction a year later on my LB. The implant on my RB has gotten really hard, making breast exam almost impossible. I am seeing someone at UCSF next month, but looking for info from other women who have had a similar experience. Any ideas? Thanks. Lynne 

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    We had fresh homemade apple pie tonight!  Yumm Yumm, fried butter just sounds too rich, I am more the fruity type!!!!!

  • Sunris
    Sunris Member Posts: 18

    Enough already with the food talk....LOL.    With fall here I have so been smelling & tasting some of the things I would love to bake / eat............Grrr......why does sugar have to make everything taste so good??

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    OMG just had amazing dinner....If you are ever in Green Bay WI, hinterland has my favorite beer and amazing food, Andoille crusted hawaiian sunfish, crabcakes with fried green tomatoes, salad with the best blue cheese pears and nuts...oooooh.

    So glad I got to eat there again.

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Barbe: angel food cake is about $2 or less at the grocery store, so I've never actually tried to make it... sorry. I have silicone suspicion as well. Perhaps you need to adjust the cooking temperature? Sort of like when dark pans and glass pans have different settings?

    Elimar: the fried peaches and cream must be designed for you. It's apparently another fried favorite.

    Suz42 - that sounds FABULOUS!! I hated blue cheese until maybe last year, and suddenly, I love it! I use this as an example for my girls: they should always revisit food they think they don't like, because you never know. It's so amazing in a salad. I had Chik-fil-a due to band committments and poor planning...bummer