
  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137


    The Race for the Cure in Omaha had about 18,000 registered. For me it's always emotional. I do really well until we do the Survivor picture,after that we watch the 1 mile walkers start off. They released a bunch of pink balloons as the 1 mile walkers started. We do the 5 K walk.This year I had with me 3 cousins, 3 BFF's 2 of their husbands 1 of their sons, a niece, a step-son "to be" & his wife their 17 month old baby "Lincoln" and my S.O.

    Lincoln's Mom had made a BC fleece blanket to cover him in his stroller, and he had a shirt on that said "I wear pink for My Hero My Grandma" My DIL "to be" got up at 6:30 am got Lincoln up dressed him in his warm clothes, and she and my step-son "to be" got to the Civic Auditorium by 7:15. Now that's what you call LOVE. It's no wonder I got emotional.


    Thanks for sharing the picture, I'm so happy it turned out to be such a nice day. You looked elegant.

    Blessings to all,

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    F and F, your mob dress is the dress my friend wore for her wedding!!!!! It looks really pretty! Mazel tov!

  • Dustysmom
    Dustysmom Member Posts: 20

    OK, Elimar...you have your own SAG card??  I love it.  I laughed so hard my stress-incontinence meds didn't do their job...

    FaithandFifty...awesome wedding photo.  Didn't you sat there was a harpist?  How was it?  That sounded so wonderful to me.

    Also, a couple of weeks ago, a dear friend of mine from High School and her DH and DD walked in the LA Avon walk.  They are so funny, he is a guitar player in a 70's band, they are selling tie-dyed T-Shirts that say "Hippies for Hooters"...they raised quite a lot.  I love the shirt idea...

    Take care all,


  • Somuch
    Somuch Member Posts: 21

    Faithandfifty, great wedding Pix. Those are the moments that makes going through all this c--p worth going through.Smile

    I had my Delay procedure yesterday in prep for the BLM & Recon on 10/20 and it wasn't too bad.

     Fl. weather still hot and muggy, we were teased by mother nature with two glorious days of cooler ( high in the mid eightys and low humidity) weather and now back to the summer pattern.Tongue out

  • glassist
    glassist Member Posts: 26

    PattiB - thanks for the comforting info about your hair.  Maybe there's hope for me yet!

    Our local college football team wears red, but this past weekend was pink day.  A sea of pink in the stands.  My son's girlfriend bought him a pink polo and he actually wore it.  Very cool!

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Faith, I love the picture and you and your family are gorgeous and so is the WEATHER!

    I am still sore from the walk, I will post a couple of pictures later, Omaha had over 16,000 people participate.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Rads # 31 --- dry sarcasm, just plain funny, or both?

    Anyone here can go back and read all my misgivings about radiation, it's all on record.  Well, today was my last doctor consult and he said, "Your skin looks GREAT."  Not just good, but great!  (I have just two boosts to go & they have been "radiation-lite" as far as I'm concerned...very tolerable.)  Then, my doctor uttered the funniest words:  He said, "I think you got thru' this so well because of your attitude."  (I was at a loss for words but mentally I was ROFLOL.)   First off, that is the most un-scientific thing he has uttered in all the weeks.  Second, my "attitude" has pretty much been one of  regarding him with suspicion, telling him things I did NOT want to have done, and last, but not least, constantly challenging his information with the experiences of real women on this discussion board.  He seemed sincere in not holding any of that against me.  If he could roll with all that, I have just gained a new respect.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Thanks for all your kind responses to that first picture.

    My older daughter's husband took pictures after the fact, while the professional photographer was snapping away. I just went over & got her memory card.

    This is my favorite from their camera.

    My older daughter, the blonde is the matron-of-honor (in black.)

    I love this picture. So happy.

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441

    Such nice smiles.

    Well, I turned the big 58 yesterday, DH took me out to eat.  When Rebekah comes home from Germany, she is taking me to www.pickityplace.com

    I love that place.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Happy (belated) birthday Deb!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Faith, I LOVE the second picture! Glorious love and joy is evident. You done good! Laughing

    Love the "Save Second Base" team name, too!

    A guy at work (whose DIL got bc after me) raised $20,000 last weekend! That wasn't even his DIL's team! His family did it. I thanked him for all of us.

  • glassist
    glassist Member Posts: 26

    Oh, I wanna go to Pickity Place!  I love that they have such a nice vegetarian offering.

    Happy Birthday!

  • Somuch
    Somuch Member Posts: 21

    Fantastic pix, faithandfifty. Your girls look like you, same wonderful smile. 

    Happy BD Deb. 

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    faithandfifty - what a GREAT picture! Your daughters are beautiful.

    And as it turns out, I think I actually own a purple version of your dress - does it have wonderful overlapping curved diagonal panels that are amazingly flattering?

  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137

    Happy Birthday Deb !


    This new picture is amazing ! What a beautiful group of people............

    Blessings All,

    Enjoy your Thursday everyone Smile

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    yea wedding pix!

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    PRAYERS NEEDED: My DD (pictured above) and my SIL have taken their 3 year old to our Children's Hospital at the urging of the Urgent Care. He was fine this am & popped off to preschool as happy as a lark. The school called to say he was doubled over & shrieking in pain an hour later.

    Doc @ Urgent Care said it could be anything from viral to appendix.

    I'm here with the twinsies, feeling especially helpless. Appreciate prayers & good thoughts.

    And yes. My dress is the "it" dress of the season. When I was shopping for shoes I saw variations of it everywhere I went..... in all shades of the rainbow. Yes. It has THE most flattering  diagonal layered tiers on the skirt.

    I got mine off the rack @ Macy's. Everyone go grab one up quickly. I've never in my life received as many compliments. One of our BCO sisters sent me a PM asking where I got it. LOL.

    I told her I'd give her mine, but I intend to wear it daily until it falls apart. More LOL.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    That is definitely distressing.  Hope it is nothing serious for your grandson.  Wonder if it was Play-Doh day at pre-school?  I'm serious, because I liked the taste of that.  Post an update on him when you know. 

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    Keeping him in my prayers.  Please let us know when you hear something.

    Lovely wedding photo - everyone looks very happy!  I'll have to go get that dress and then find some special occasion to wear it.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Faith has posted on another thread.  WB is kind of 'backed up' from the stress of potty training I think. 

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Thanks Sharon.

    Yes. It's a constipation of epic proportions. 

    Oh happy day!!

    Given all of the alternatives this is delightfully happy news. 

    Prayers for the kaka to be sorted out..... funny prayer? 

    Angels must laugh at us. 

    Thanks for keeping me company during a very long afternoon of it. 


  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Backed up poo poo is painful at ANY age.

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    carolina chick - definitely go get the dress - those pleats are a miracle of engineering. My "sharpei-like" midsection (I just gave birth only twelve years ago) vanishes under their magical angles.

    And I say - life is short, so why not wear the dress for absolutely no reason?

    Although I actually have a good reason for dressing up this weekend: my 17th wedding anniversary is on the 10th, and a friend is keeping the girls overnight so we don't have to worry about what they're doing while we're out for a fabulous romantic dinner at a restaurant in downtown Ft. Worth called "The Chop House."

    Elimar: should we add play-doh consumption to the list of "Weird Things I Did That May Have Led to Breast Cancer?" I wonder if having ANY family history would stop me from those types of thoughts. OMG! What about that huge Dr. Pepper flavored lip gloss I loved in junior high?! Was THAT a factor?!!

    faithandfifty - when my girls were in the age range of your grandson, a friend had a son who really had issues "giving up" his bowel movements. They got onto a really bad cycle of constipation-laxatives-diarhea-constipation-laxatives, etc., so hopefully new methods have emerged to guide parents through this... Poor little guy.

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Wow, I go away for a few days and I can hardly catch up we are such a busy bunch of middle girls.

    Deb, Happy Happy Birthday

    Faith, glad your little guy is okay now. Love all your beautiful pictures thanks for sharing.

    My daughter was in HS and she too had terrrible stomach pains and we had awful insurance and I had to pay alot of money for her to have a CT scan just to find out she was full of s_ _ _

    when I could have told them that myself LOL.

    Hope everyone is planning a good weekend. I will be leaving all my frinds and family tomorrow and heading back to NY. I won't miss the weather here it is unseasonably cold but everyone here makes it warmer (:

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Rads # 33 -- "Tha Tha-Tha That's All, Folks!"

    Thirty three and OUT.  I'm done, finito, finished with Rads.  I'd like to say it wasn't so bad, but there is no way I'll ever call that freakishly un-natural activity anything but bad.  Like dentists, but worse.  Don't get me wrong, the staff were all super nice.  I took them some muffins.  The treatment went quick, and then I was off that table with a side aerial flip.  The judges in my mind scored the dismount with 10, 10 and 9.5.  I skipped out to the lobby, RANG THE BELL like the building was on fire.  Then, as pre-planned, my sheet music of "The Merry Go Round Broke Down" (more widely known as the LOONEY TUNES theme) was played by the lobby pianist.  More skipping ensued.  (They had warned me that cartwheels were a liability!)  My check-in swipe card was flung heavenward, as I closed with the immortalized lines, "Tha Tha-Tha That's All, Folks!"

    *The side aerial is fictional; the skipping all true.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Elimar............CONGRATS on being 'done'.

    Edit to add I have to chuckle when you mentioned about the building not being on fire.........the fire alarm went off when I was getting one of my rads.  My eyes were closed so I have no idea how high I jumped............I'll betcha that wasn't the most directed tx.

  • queenlurker
    queenlurker Member Posts: 34

    elimar-congrats to you!!!

    We better get the party started-cyber party that is(no weather worries).  I'll bring the champagne-you are probably tired of red wine.  Hmm-fried food or no?  Pink or no pink?  So many things to consider.......

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Girlfriend, pop that cork!  And bust out the Cheetos!  Are they marketing THOSE in Pink yet, for Pinktober?  Where's my girl Kleenex?  I want some Fried Butter too.  The party's ON!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    Elimar Here in Canada it Thanksgiving weekend so that means your party lasts the whole weekend.Enjoy.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    NICE PIC!  Cultural exchange question of the day:

    Does Canadian Thanksgiving include FIREWORKS?   Down here the only thing blowing up on Thanksvgiving is our waistlines.  (And Underdog in NYC.)