
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Seyla, you do have a point.

    JeanH, right-ee-o!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I wasn't going to bring it up here because it isn't B/C related, but the subject came up on another thread, and then I thought, "Hey wait, this IS definitely a Mid-Age issue." 

    Getting a COLONOSCOPY.

    In your 40's, you are vaguely aware that there is a procedure to screen for colon cancer known as colonoscopy.  Once you turn the BIG 5-oh, you can expect your doctors to began working that word into every other sentence.  Who knows what color the ribbbon is, but you will soon get an awareness that medical personnel are strongly recommending that you undergo a screening that involves drinking nasty liquids and ingesting something akin to a date-rape drug so you are blissfully unaware during a prcedure involving an alien butt probe.

    I don't know anyone whose first thought is, "How soon can I get one of those?" 

    Nevertheless, it has a pretty good track record for discovering The Beast early enough to give anyone a fighting chance.  I do hate The Beast enough to finally say, "O.K., let's do it!"  I'm getting one early next month.  

    Now's a good time for all the HAVES (had it done) to leave some commentary for all the HAVE NOTS.  So far, I have heard that it is some of the best sleep you can get and you wake up well rested.  Don't all the alien abductions say that too?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Well I've been an empty nester for about 18 years already!  Eldest is turning 41 this year and the other will be 38.  Grandsons are 15, 14, 13, and 12.   The kids timed them well!.  At least it's easy for me to remember their ages....lol  I had all my children by the time I was 25 so I was still young when they flew the coup.  Will be 60 in December so I think the 'ish' really does apply to me!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    eli, I had my first one a few months ago. My appt was at 1PM on Monday so Sunday was clear liquids only. I started the drinking around 2 and was done around 5 then I went to a beach bar where DH's band was playing. I asked the doctor's office if beer qualifies as a clear liquid. Answer: yes. So I had several beers until I didn't care that I was starving.

    Next day, sitting in the waiting room, I wanted to rip DH's arm off and start gnawing. Lesson learned: 7AM appt for the next one.

  • momand2kids
    momand2kids Member Posts: 118


    having mine in March-so not looking forward to it-- they told me I could go early because of bc--yay!  My appt is at noonish as well-although I tried to get the early one--but just could not.... sigh.....  

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Anette, the hot flashes DO stop....don't they? I mean it doesn't go on until we....go on....if you know what I mean.

    I've had TWO colonoscopies. The first one years ago was brutal with the liquids and the last one was with pills. The pills didn't clear me enough so I hope they didn't miss anything. The good thing is that you are told results immediately. If they have to biopsy a node you may have to wait. BUT, there is NO after pain/ache. Hard to believe with what they do that you don't know what they've done, but you don't!

    The cleansing is the hardest. Don't wait till the last day. Start on liquids 3 days before. Don't worry if they're clear or not at that point, so soup, jello, yoghurt, anything that you can easily and quickly "get rid of". Then when you do start the medical cleansing it is easier on your body. I wrote a great blog after my first one but don't know where on the cybernet it is!

    You will be starving after the treatment. Eat what you want, you're going to get rid of it anyway and you've probably lost a pound or two already.

  • shells43
    shells43 Member Posts: 499

    Re: hot flashes - OMG I had the worst night. It's getting old fast. I have a big hot flash at 5:30 almost every morning. This morning it came a little early and then was followed by about 3 more. I'm getting so exhausted, by the time I work all day and fix dinner and eat, I'm ready to pass out for the night. This is no way to live. I have not asked my Onc about taking anything for them yet, but I feel like I will have to soon. I am very fatigued this week. I think the additional hot flashes may be a result of arimidex? I've been on it for a month now. I guess it's working.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Sherryc - This may come as some encouragement to you.  I had terrible hot flashes several times a night, changing clothes, changing pillows, etc before I started Tamox.  I have been on it one week now and been having warm flushes.  Most nights I just kick the covers off for a little while but nothing to get me out of bed. Day time I don't notice them at all.  I was also taking mega doses of  Vit E and stopped that the same day I started Tamox.  Did one have anything to do with the other?  Don't know.  Hope this is one SE I won't have to worry about - I am liking the idea of minimal hot flashes.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Thanks for the colonoscopy prep tips, ladies...I did put the appt. off about 10 days just so I could get one first thing in the morning for the reason you mentioned. The drug they give you is Versed, an amnesia class drug.  No doubt so you never remember the grey, oval eyed, three fingered "specialists" who actually do the procedure.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Barbe, that is good advice.  It makes sense to me.  I will be calling to get my appt, as the referral has been sitting on my desk for almost two weeks.  That won't be helping me at all if it sits there.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Elimar I have not had a colonoscopy but my husband has had 2 because colon cancer runs in his family.  He just had one 2 months ago and said it was much improved from the first one.  The drink was better and when he woke up from the procedure he felt great and I took him straight to breakfast. I recomment doing first appt in the morning. The doctor said if you have colon cancer in your family you should start getting them done at 40, if not age 50.  Guess I will be getting mine in 2 years.  He also said that since they have started doing screenings and are able to remove polyps that it has greatly decreased the amount of colon cancer in America.  Our insurance actually pays 100% for this screening even if you have not met the deductible. My husband has had 3 polpys removed each time and they were fine.

  • CandyB
    CandyB Member Posts: 38

    Cheetos and kids are much better topics than colonoscopies, but it's necessary.  I would have had one last year (age 50) but was in the midst of dealing w/BC, so my GP said to wait until the initial BC surgery, etc. was done.  Guess it's now time to deal with that.

    Thanks for all the input on night flushes.  I'm not drenching the sheets, so guess I'm lucky.  I'm premenopausal and hadn't had them before.  I've been on tamoxifen 7 months, so could be SE of that or just being 51 or both or who knows?

     On kids and emptynesting -- got to have dinner (homecooked, even) last night with my 14- and 17-year olds because snow ended up cancelling a late work meeting.  They were thoroughly enjoyable and one of those times that reminded me it goes by too fast.  I would like grandkids before I'm too ancient to enjoy them, though.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    CandyB, my own era of Tamox. coincides with my perimenopausal years.  It IS hard to firgure how much flash the Tamox. was causing and how much I would have had due to my natural estrogen dropping.  When I heard that the main S/E of Tamox. was the hot flash, I thought, "What the heck, go for it; I'm going to be getting the hot flashes one way or another anyway."
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    I have been post menopausal for 3 years now and I can tell you the hot flashes have not been fun.  Waking up at night soaking wet is not my idea of a good night's sleep.  Have been on Tamox for 1 week and the hot flashes are almost gone.  Don't know what that is all about since Tamox is supposed to cause them.  I am certainly not going to argue.

    On the subject of colonoscopies, seems this is the main topic of another thread right now too.  My gyn had me to one when I was 51.  Not a fun thing but bearable.  Guess everyone should have one at least once.  They used  Versad and that is a real good drug.  Did not even know what was going on.  Woke up in recovery starving and wanted to eat right away. 

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Well, Eli~ you encouraged me and i called to set up my appt, and they said I have to come in for a new patient consultation first.  So that's what I am doing on the 18th.  Stupid if you ask me.  But maybe this is protocol.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Elimar-you should write a comedy column for syndication!  Between you & kleenex I can laugh often & out loud!  The alien analogy has me totally crackin' up!  And if having a "roofie" gets you through the procedure, I'm all for it!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Meece, I only got read the whole list of instructions over the phone, but then she said not to worry about remembering any of it, that I would get it all again in a packet they are mailing me along with the script for the laxative and other stuff for the day before.

    Let me know if you have to watch a video presentation.  I had to sit thru' a 20 min. one of those before getting rads.  I don't mind when they sit you down for a video, really, but do think providing popcorn should be a part of it too.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Eph, Kleenex and I are at home moms that say and do anything for attention, but too shy to embark on actual comedy circuit careers.  I think her term "humorist at large" sums it up pretty well. 

    Remember that column in the old Reader's Digest magazines called "Laughter Is The Best Medicine?"  That was one of my favorites as a kid.  The other column I liked was called "Toward More Picturesque Speech."  Oh, those were the days, my B-sizzle!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Yes, I submitted a story to Readers Digest funny stories from work column, but never got published.  It was from my 911 dispatching days.  If enough of you clamor for it, I'll write it out again!

  • susantm
    susantm Member Posts: 71

    Eph3_12: clamor, clamor!

    Elimar, thanks for the encouragement to stay when I turn 60. I could be "ISH" for a very long time--but apparently I will have company, so we can all ish together.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704
    Oh stop--all of you! Embarassed I'll write it out tonight when I'm at home & can do it justice!
  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Can't wait to read your funny story Eph!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Eph3_12 - Bring it on.  We all could use a good laugh. Can't wait for it.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    oh no-what if it doesn't live up to my hype? Maybe that's why it didn't get published!  Oh no!!!!

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    I don't know about anybody else but I'm easily entertained so I wouldn't worry about it Joni.  I'll appreciate whatever you feed me!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Yes Joni....We are all waiting.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I'm clamoring,too, Eph.

     Most of my funny stories are "You had to be there" moments.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    I too call them power surges on the good days and global warming when they happen and I cannot strip things off...a friend's husband calls them PSM..personal summer moments....Cool..so much more empowering than hot flashes...or flushes, hmm?
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Joni - Still waiting.

  • JeanH
    JeanH Member Posts: 132

    Hey Everyone,

    I am perimenopausal but thought I was getting over the hot flash era.  BS has warned me not to get too comfortable with that thought as they are often a SE with Chemo and I am probably heading right back to night tropics....sounds like it from all the posts.

    Had my colonoscopy 2 years ago- that 50th appointment gives you a long list of to do's. I found drinking the liquid the worst, and agree with starting early, my body did not cooperate and I had to start a second container.  Procedure itself no problem, you are totally out and they will not start unless you have a driver to take you home there with you. I was tired after but not bad.

    Finally dug out from all the snow yet again...3 major storms and it is only mid January. 
