
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Meece-they made my husband go in for consult and then gave him all the scripts and directions and set up his date and time.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I guess that must be what they are doing with me.  Oh well.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704
    4AM-before caller ID was installed in 911 centers, summer '86-‘87(?) Keep in mind that some nights would be busy, but usually by 4AM things had been boring for quite a while.

    "9-1-1 Emergency, what is your address and emergency?"

    So, started a routine call. My partner, Lisa, and I were working graveyard & it had been slow. Back in the day, our center worked police, fire, medical calls for all of Jackson County, Oregon. When 2 of us were on shift, 1 person was primarily dispatching law enforcement, the other fire/medical. Whatever type of call came in, whoever was dispatching the needed crew would drop off the phone line after getting pertinent info & the other person would stay on the line to get additional facts, etc. This particular night, I was the police dispatcher so after I got the details and address, I got off the phone line.

    Caller: "My address is (whatever it was) & there is a cow in my yard eating my roses!"

    I began sending a patrol car that direction, more for traffic control than anything, while Lisa asked more questions; name, phone #, etc . While waiting for the units responding to reply to the call, I heard Lisa say, "Now, where's the cow, Patty?" As soon as the words were out of her mouth, we looked at each other and just busted up laughing. (it loses something if I have to translate, but for the uninformed a cow patty is a pile of cow poop!) Lisa put the gal on hold and we both just roared; I was barely able to be coherent responding to various police officers signing off & on the radio, etc.

    When Lisa was finally able to speak she got back on the line with the gal & while passing time asked the caller, "So Patty is the cow a Hereford?" (a particular breed of bovine, pronounced "her-ford). Miss Patty's response, "I don't know!!! I'm not close enough to see if it's a boy or a girl!"

    We were hysterical for a loooong time!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Eph....too funny...that deserves to be sent into Readers Digest!!

    I had colonoscopy 3 years ago....the prep is definitely the worse part....for me drinking anything that is flavored or carbonated it difficult....procedure is easy and I felt pretty good as soon as it was done....don't need one for several years...sure won't volunteer anytime sooner than I need to because of the drink stuff....

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    That was funny, Eph.  I knew immediately what had been said.  Country Girl here. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    LOL, Eph!  Who knows why the Reader's Digest snubbed you?  That seemed just like most of the material they do publish. Maybe everyone submitted cow stories that week?  Don't feel too bad...I once sent a video in to America's Funniest Home Video and never heard back on that either.  Well, no one was getting their crotch kicked or their noggin smashed in mine so I probably never even made it past the first cut.
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Aw shucks guys-thanks

  • phew
    phew Member Posts: 143

    re colostomy:  the drink was not bad.  the first time i had to do it they only had this gruesome carbonated stuff and many enimas and NO  i repeat NO painkillers or even locals!!!!!!   O W W W W

    so, by cvomparison 10 years later :  NO PROBLEM  technology has preogressed to any juice that  i ccould see thru  (sure it was every 20 min)  give huge meaning to the words everything is relative   well that and then the paralyzing stomach cramps and gas attack in the supermarket.  just super 

    and now, this boob things makes that be less.  not having fun!   so heres another slogan I HOLD ONTO DEARLY   this too shall pass    eventually this will just ne history 

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Cow Patty! Oh, yes, I've seen plenty of those out here in my country patch in MI.

    Very funny, Joni!!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    don't know how i missed it.. durn computers' been down welcome to the newbies!! glad your'e all staying warm and cosy, don't know how you're all doing it!!     its 54 hear, and we have the heat blasting away.. i know that's like summer to some of you. sorry.        3jays

         Elimar,, that might be the best header ever!!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Joni - Too funny - You should resubmit to Reader's Digest.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    Actually, Eph, the first thing I thought of was Jim Stafford's song "Yippee-i-ay - Cow Patti!"
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    It was good JO, I wonder at the length only. And you needed the length to tell the story. Shorten it (without explanations of duties) and re-submit. I sent one in and didn't get a response either. I submitted this under the Kids:

    Our Santa Claus parade in Aurora is at night and my two nieces had a front curb-row but we were trying to keep them interested as float after float went by. Finally I spotted Santa's float coming and it was flanked by RCMP officers in red dress uniforms. I told the girls to look, "Pops, used to wear a red uniform like that too!" I was surprised to hear the older niece turn to the younger niece and in a hushed voice say "Pops used to be Santa Claus!"

  • PatMom
    PatMom Member Posts: 322

    Barbe, something in your post just struck me, I know that kids have no concept of age, but... 

    How old was Pops that your niece thought he was older than Santa Claus?

    You've got to be pretty old to be retired from your job as Santa. 

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Joni and Barbe - great stories.  Thanks so much for making my morning brighter!  I can just hear your niece's santa conversation - how cute!  And this Michigan country girl knows about cow pattys also (I live a stones throw from Val) - also horse pattys and deer pattys, etc. 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Eph that was too funny.  I live in a rural town with lots of cows and chickens so can totally relate.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    In my attempt to be topical, the lovely photo at the top today is of the Ft. Worth Stockyards, where the streets are filled with STEER patties.  Same thing, but doesn't have the ring that "cow patties" does.  Yee-Haaa!
  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826

    Great stories, needed a laugh today.  Thank you


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    The sunrise/set in that photo is gorgeous.  I could have gone without knowing WHERE it is however!

    Great day everyone! Can you believe that it's almost mid-January already???????????????

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826

    Yes, mid Jan.  bring on spring.  I think this spring will be so special to me, I'll be done with chemo hopefully forever. Son will graduate from high school and I want hair.


  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Love the "cow patty' story. Can totally envision that it's in the wee hours of the morning and you get a bit tired and "punch-drunk" and can't stop laughing... 

    Regarding the hot flashes: I'm lucky in that mine don't generally involve my HEAD or too much sweating during the day. I do wake up periodically mummy-wrapped in my sheet and sweaty. Ick. Humidity is a MAJOR trigger, whether it's hot OR cold. Certainly heat isn't great, but if it's dry, I don't do too badly. Other triggers for me are having the heater running on me. It got cold here over the weekend, and our programmable thermostat was unfortunately set to "recover." This meant that it believed I wanted the temp in the house to be 68 at the stroke of 6 am, rather than wanting the heat to COME ON at 6 am. So it was kicking on at 3:30 and 4:30 am and kicking my butt - the heat blowing on me would trigger my own internal heater kicking on. We re-programmed it, so it goes no higher than the selected night time temperature until 6 am. So if you're waking up at 5:30 - perhaps you should check your home's heater...

    Other triggers for me are stress, sometimes, and people being on me. It's such a bummer: my girls are 14 and 15 3/4, and they will still come to snuggle with me on the couch if we're bonding during a movie. After about ten minutes of this close contact, I practically have to JUMP off the couch, tossing everyone aside. Then I cool down for a while and can go back for a bit more, but it sure ruins the fun. Let's not even talk about my poor husband trying to sit with his arm around me or on my leg or anything...

    One last "hot flash/flush" ramble - has anyone else noticed that it's more about the trunk of your body and your system's concept of your "core" temperature? In the olden days, if I was hot at night, I could stick a foot out of the covers and that would adjust me. These days, I have to stick out my bahookey, because it seems that even when my body thinks it's hot, my hands and feet know it's actually 56 in my bedroom, and they can feel that as cold.

    Sometimes it's hard to be a woman, huh? 

    Wow, Elimar, SO great to see that you're not freaking out about the "alien anal probe" nightmares you have regarding colonoscopy. Oh, wait... 

    Yeah, when Elimar and I pitched our concept for the hilarious new sitcom, "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Radiation," apparently the target audience was too small and some of them actually found the story line offensive. So we'll just hang out here, where we can find women who appreciate a good Tamoxifen joke. :) 

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310
    Ooooooh, Elimar. LOVE the picture! Hmmmmmm - why does it seem so FAMILIAR? Sealed
  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362


    I'm not sure, but I've seen it too - somewhere......Surprised

    I would love to share tamoxifen stories with you, I had 3 years of the drug and now on Arimidex because of surgical hyster & ooph (thank you tamox!)  I honestly don't think that the drug caused my issues but merely gave my issues a major kick start into overdrive .  Nice to see your picture, maybe I'll see you at Dr. K's (if you still go to her).


  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Eph - that one ups cow tipping.

    Stockyards, great place to eat steak.

    Kleenex - I hear you about the core issue, take covers off ok, now put covers on ok, now take covers off etc.

  • gillyone
    gillyone Member Posts: 495

    My colonoscopy story. Had my first one last year. I drank (most) of the stuff and waited for it to kick in. It did and I rushed to the bathroom. I'd only just got out of the bathroom and had to return. So, deciding I needed to stay close to the bathroom, I went back downstairs to tell DH I was staying upstairs near the bathroom etc. I got part way down, did an about-turn and rushed back to the bathroom. Did NOT make it in time and had to change not only underwear but jeans too!Embarassed

    My CT story. On my way home from my CT scan I had an accident! Yes a bathroom accident. Noone at the hospital told me that the giantic cup of contrast stuff they make you drink can affect your bowels. Fortunately I am only 5 minutes from the hospital. But how awful for anyone with a long journey not knowing this!!!!!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    I finally have both my sidekicks gone.  I am so glad.  I only had two of the, but for a week I was down to one..  Its a hassle as you all know. It was so worth getting out into the bitter cold for, yahoo!!!!!! Now its on to the Onc tomorrow for a discission on further treatments.   My sissy doesnt think I will to rad because it didnt go into the lymph nodes at all.  Atleast that was her experence.  So if thats the case then I can start the filling up.   

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Phew....I had a pair of earrings made when I was in Israel in October...they are in hebrew, but the translation in English on earring is 'this too shall pass' and the other earring is "this too for the best"....I love wearring them...they are long strips of silver, but people can't really see the writing..but I know what they say.....

    The Western Stock Show started last Saturday in Denver...in the 25 years that I have lived in Colorado, I've never been!!! not sure that that will change this year....

    Paula...good luck at the onc tomorrow...

    Love the sunrise (or is that a sunset?)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Good Luck tomorrow, Paula66.  I know it is a good feeling when you get to skip something and move on to the next step.  Let us know what is next for you.

    Never realized there were that many Texans on here!  Get to talking about cattle and post a nice Texas sunset and suddenly they all show up.  I finally got to check that state off on my quest to visit all 50 States.  The only ones left now are Georgia, S. Carolina and Alaska, so maybe the next one will include a special delivery of Cheetos to our gal P-Mom.  Thinking of PauldingMom.  Hope you are feeling o.k. and reading along with us now and then.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    Little update on PM (Already posted on the "Garden Thread").  I spoke with PM today.  She seemed in pretty good spirits, still able to get her to laugh.  She isn't coming on line as much as there is so much negative info about those with the same dx. (Did I make that understandable?) Got to keep her spirits up.  She is awaiting chemo to begin again next Monday, and hopefully she will be accepted into the trial drug program.  Working to keep her healthy enough to get her in.  Reading is stressful and frustration to her right now, and typing takes so much time, she'd rather not.  She says "Hi" to all her friends here at BC.org.  Thank you for caring about her.
  • JeanH
    JeanH Member Posts: 132

    Love the stories... and the sunset.  Very topical of you to connect everything.

    Paula good luck with ONC tomorrow - my visit is Monday.
