
  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    So, I am at the Dr's office waiting to meet my new Onco, they call my name I stand up take a step forward my heel is stuck on my bag and splat I am on the floor.  I am too fat to fall so henceforth I cracked tke head of my radius! Cast for 6 weeks, hard to type one handed so will mostly be reading, so don't forget to be funny!  I am beginning to think I am an accident looking for a place to happenUndecided

    Luv and Hugs to the Middles

  • valeriekd
    valeriekd Member Posts: 79
    Omaha Girl - u r too funny - but I am sure the pain doesn't help or does it get your mind off this other sh-t? I always think its a good idea to be memorable to your MDs and I don't think he will forget you!Laughing Valerie
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    OmahaGirl, I am cyber-signing your cast.  
  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Oh, Linda! Didn't you just feel like, "Oh, COME ON!!!" It's just wrong to have to deal with anything ELSE, painful and embarrassing or not, when you're already in an oncologist's office. Certainly, this supports the idea that perhaps one of our biggest risk factors might be "bad luck"! Did the new onc recommend that you start wearing protective equipment on a daily basis, like perhaps a bike helmet, wrist guards, knee pads? The next time you come to see the onc, the nurse won't call your name from a doorway: she'll approach you with a wheelchair for transport into the inner offices... I hope your arm isn't too uncomfortable. Being unable to type would be a HUGE thing for me, so hang in there!

    I can hear exactly half of one rendition of "Santa Baby" before I'm annoyed, and perhaps two measures of "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer."

    I am STILL being a weenie about the flu shots. We just haven't HAD the flu before, or the shots, except for that one time I had one and then got sick shortly afterward. I know that the flu shot didn't cause the illness that followed it, but they are linked in my sad little brain... My mom always gets her flu shot and has not gotten the flu in at least 50 years. If I decide that I should probably get it, I'll mention my waffling on the subject to her, whereupon she will use all of her motherly persuasiveness and I'll be injected within the hour.

  •   I got my regular flu shot yesterday.  My GP as well as my onco said I qualify for the H1N1, but they won't have the vaccine for a few more weeks. .  I think I might qualify even if I didn't have a chronic illness due to my job since it is classifed as healthcare.  I know how much I hate just having a cold so certainly do not want the flu. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    If you have ever truly had the flu where you pray to God to die, rather than live, you would always get a shot. I got a rare strain one year that almost killed me. In fact, I was actually sloughing off layers of my bowel lining and that's how they were able to classify it. I just lay in bed with a pitcher up to my mouth for 3 days. DH would empty the pitcher then carry me to the bathroom so I could empty the other end....sigh.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I had the flu twice.  The last time I was about 400 miles from home on Christmas holiday.  My ExDH blamed me for ruining the vacation.  So he made me drive the family home.  Once we got home, he took the kids to his family's celebration 100 miles away, and I laid in the floor by the fireplace for two days with a bottle of 7-up nearby.  I lost 16 pounds in just over a week.  I could use the loss of pounds, but I NEVER want to get it again.    I went to get my flu shot, as I have done every year since, and they told me they were out.  So I have an appointment with my GP on Monday, maybe she'll have one for me.

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    omaha girl so sorry that happened to you!!!!!

    I think those really bad stomach bugs are not what the shot protects against. Those sound more like norovirus or food poisioning.

    (Which I had and people were in shock because I did not eat for more than a week.)

    I could be wrong, I am not a doctor, but H1n1 is respiratory not stomach bug, I think. At least that's what we would say on the news.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Hey Middles. Middies. M-girls. Stuck in the middle.

    Oh dear. So very sorry to hear about the 'trip' to the onc's.

    Not fair. Not right.

    Sending healing vibes, OmahaGirlFriend.

    Had a great trip to Gatlinburg, TN.

    Crazy wet weather. Insane amount of traffic/people/tourists. Like gridlock traffic for hours on end. It took us nearly 2 hours to drive the last 12 miles (thru Pigeon Forge & Dollyland. LOL)

    But despite all of those traveling annoyances we have had a safe and otherwise uneventful trip. My presentations went well, all of the technology worked and people were delightfully responsive & supportive. WHOOOHOOOOT. Tennessee teachers.

    Sending happy weekend hugs to anyone in the middle, who might be in need.

    *****As I was getting into my car to depart the 3 day conference, I was stopped by a gal to give me a hearty hug. Keep in mind this was basically a stranger. She just melted me into her very being, with her hug. That's the kind I'm sending out. A memorable, deep hug.


  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Those are the best kind of hugs........truly from the heart.

  • KAK
    KAK Member Posts: 297

    Hi, Middle Gals.  Here's a video someone just sent me that I think this crowd with appreciate:

    Cougar Barbie

    I'm proud to say that, in spite of being post-menopausal, my remaining boob is still perky.

    Hope you are all having a great weekend.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    KAK, No wonder you specified that you still have a perky boob!  I laughed out loud when Cougar Barbies bra snapped!  Thanks for a smile. 

    Ditto on having a great weekend!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    H1N1 may be respiratory but not all flus are....

    I lived where we had SARS and when I had to have a surgery (totally non-related of course), my husband wasn't even allowed in the hospital to visit me! I had to go through a tent that screened us all with people wearing HazMat gear! It felt kind of like "ET call home".

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Hello All,

    No flu shot here, have never had one and until someone reccomends I won't!  Had a great trip to Albuquerque and some really good enchiladas!! The balloon festival was fantastic, I really enjoyed a walk on the Messa too where I could see all the ballooons launching on the horizon.  My son is good, struggling with life issues but who is not.  Las Vegas was nice, we went down to Arizona and visited Lake Havesu and took a ride on old Route 66, what awesome views!  My son has a condo just off the strip, he loves the Vegas lifestyle, me give me the mountains and wide open spaces but I love to go visit, next year will do some shows and do a bit more of the strip.Trip tired me out more than I expected but it was worth it and am rested.  Having problems getting photos to post will try another day.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    OMG KAK, that is hilarious!!!!!!

  • Somuch
    Somuch Member Posts: 21

    OmahaGirl - I feel your pain!! This past summer DH and I went on a cruise to Alaska - fantastic - anyway, our secon to last day out we are walking down the gangway and I slip of the edge, onto the cement dock. I landed on the side of my rt. foot and broke the fifth metacarpal right in the center! Spent the rest of the summer in a cast - no walking for 6 weeks! Oh, that is also when I got my dx of BC.Surprised

    Hope you feel better soon.Smile

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    that is so exciting about carolynn's trip. Last year we were at the balloon festival...it was so much fun.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I caught up reading about your getaway vacations -- what fun; now trying to fight back the envy.  Love to travel, but as a caregiver for my mom, I don't have plans to be away for more than an overnight soccer tournament.   I've heard about and have seen photos of that Balloon Festival, so maybe one of these years...

    Wanted to ask if anyone on this thread suffers from migraines?  I've been bothered a few times in the last ten years, but not too often.  Now I have had about six rounds of them in the last two months.  The first round came on my first day of radiation, and they have been intermittant throughout and  now beyond the treatments.  Not sure if they are related.  Did anyone on here have a migraine problem at the time of radiation?  I've asked on the Rads thread too.  The OTC meds I've been taking don't do much.  Any suggestions for relief besides a prescription medication?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Please don't take this as a joke, but get your eyes checked. I'm not kidding!

    I suffered from migraines so bad I used to burst blood vessels in my eyes while I was having them. Then I got one last year out of the blue and couldn't shake it. I happened to have an eye doctor appointment booked and believe it or not, I now have to wear glasses full time. I had no idea my eyes had deteriorated so much. My headache went away!

    Edited to fix typo...had to clean off glasses to see it. hehehehe

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Hi, Elimar -

    I've had migraines on and off throughout my life, both the kind that come with an aura (the "squiggles" in my optic nerve) and also the kind that skips that and just is a pain like an axe at the back of one eye or the other. They often showed up the week I got my period.

    Interestingly, since I stopped BCPs, which were supposed to be helping with migraines in addition to clearing my skin, helping me skip menopause symptoms, and preventing the creation of new people, I have had exactly ONE migraine. A possible good side effect of Tamoxifen? I seriously think I have had ONE migraine since I stopped taking BCP's last year and then started taking Tamoxifen last December 1st. I used to believe that the drop in estrogen gave me the migraines, and now I'm pretty sure estrogen is involved in some way because I'm not having them. Did you stop taking BCP's upon your diagnosis? That could be contributing to your problem.

    Rads did not bring on migraines in me...

    I always find Aleve to be great for my migraines - I take two or three when I feel them coming on. My sister has taken a festival of meds for migraines, from Imitrex to Amerge and for the last six years, Topamax. She LOVES Topamax, mostly because she lost 25% of her body weight and became a size 2 for the first time since perhaps 7th grade. (She also bought herself breast implants for her 35th birthday, so the end effect is very Barbie.) I don't know how it does with her migraines, though... The side effects sound creepy to me (someone at work called her "hostile," which is actually a side effect)...

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Dang! I just googled Topamax for the weight loss, but I certainly can't become hostile or have memory loss...I guess I'll just be fat and smart...sigh.

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Thanks for the love and laughs! I am reading just can't post much (:

  • valeriekd
    valeriekd Member Posts: 79

    Hi Omaha- I have had migraines since age 12 and a I feel like a finally found the perfect med but also went to a homeopath (in LA-Very good not hokey with a medical degree). She did a nniety day regimen and got rid of the mold in my sinuses which cut migraines in 1/2. I get a different kind still which is the axe to the eye ones aforementioned (dxed as cluster) but I just take ONE tramadol (Tiny, tiny bit of morphine - not a real addiction risk at all) it doesn't make me sleepy or "high" and voila -h/a gone. They also told me to take it for bone pain during CA tx and it has also worked great. Can't take nsaids so it has been all very helpful. Also, ever consider acupuncture? Did it for insomnia and was also VERY effective, Be well- Valerie

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    OOooh, you're lucky to get relief Valerie! I'm taking so much pain meds every day that when I get a headache I'm gobsmacked as to what to take to rid myself of the headache....

    I take Tridural 300, which is like Tramadol x 10 and Celebrex every day. I take 3-6 Tylenol 1's so I can shower and/or get in/out of the car. I have Toredol and Demerol for break-through pain.....sigh. When I had my headache I wondered if it was because of too much meds....Surprised

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I couldn't check back until now.  A virus was being removed off this computer (I hope!)

    Thanks for posting your comments on migraines.  If I could tell what they are triggered by, I could avoid something or change a habit but it must be a host of things.  I try to avoid MSG and aspartame because those do give me troulble.  I've even gone to sleep at night and had a decent rest only to wake with a splitting head.  Why?  What no-no did I commit in my sleep to trigger it?  I do susect hormones in some way.  The "sinus mold' theory is interesting.  We do have a basement that I find mildewy, but I'm not down in "Man World" too often.  If I take OTC pain meds for a couple days, I tend to get rebound headaches.  That goes for Tramadol too.  So yesterday I suffered for about 6 hours just lying on the couch with my eyes closed but not even sleeping.  The so-called "incapcitating headache."  Then, I took three Advil so I could go out and pose in a senior pic with my son (and not have squinty pain eyes) and the headache has not been back.  I will definitely report back on what happens when I start on the Tamoxifen in another three weeks.  It would be great to have a good s/e (headache cure) from some of this B/C treatment!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    The mold is everywhere in your home if it is in the basement....

  • dswope
    dswope Member Posts: 10

    Hi all,

    Did anyone see 60 Minutes last night?  They did a piece on the H1N1 virus.  I guess if you were born before 1950 they think you may have some resistance to this particular flu.  I was born in 1954 so I think I'm gonna go for the shot!  I work in the Seattle School Dist., and am in contact with 90 different people every day that drive school buses.....needless to say, we have all sorts of germs everywhere!  I don't want to take a chance of getting flu also.  The shot has never made me sick though. 

    It's fun reading this thread...you girls are quite humorous!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I was born in 1958 (obviously - I'm not the 1,958th Barbe in this forum), but thought the H1N1 was hitting younger people....I wasn't going to get it. I thought the regular flu shot would be enough. I work with the public and think it actually builds a pretty good immune system. I've stopped shaking some people's hands tho....

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Checkout this article about the spread of cancer:


    My tumor was not growing very much and my nodes were (allegedly) clear, was my cancer busy sending out single cells to multiply and subdue my body?  Hmmm?  I really want that Tamox. now.

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    happy day!


    itchy post surg bra from hell

    bye bye

    walked!!!! from doc's to bra shop to home


    Path report call today...gulp!