
  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Yay Elimar!!!! Crack open the barrel of cheez balls from Sam's Club! Open up a box of pink wine! Fry up the butter and peaches and cream! Your time in the mad scientist's laboratory is DONE! That's so awesome that your skin did so well. Perhaps our sarcasm and cynicism has a protective effect on some of our dermal layers...

    Okay - I do have my Pinktober issues (and someone here is using the word Pinktober in their ADS!!!!) but I would TOTALLY buy pink puffed cheese products.

  • indomitable1
    indomitable1 Member Posts: 136

    Happy Thanksgiving, Canadians!

    Congratulations, Elimar!!!

    There is a lot of partying, here!

  • indomitable1
    indomitable1 Member Posts: 136

    Faithandfifty: Beautiful wedding and beautiful family!

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Thanks for all the Thanksgiving wishes.  No fireworks here ............. just lots of food.  Pumpkin pie is cooling on the counter.......smells yummer!!

    Gosh I don't think I could eat 'pink'..........

  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137

    Elimar !!

    Party, party, party, girl !, I had three Chocolate Martini's tonight to celebrate !! I knew you could do it ! You are amazing my friend !!

    Blessings to  all the Middles...............

  • joanneasiata
    joanneasiata Member Posts: 305

    hi there im 45 yrs  living in australia  not noing abou your thanks giving over there hope it was a blast ill be starting chemo in the next week or two give me surgery any day petriffied of chemo befor bc i was semi retired  with 2 grand daughters and a great life couldnt be better then hello bc came a knocking and well the new chapter has just begun

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    As much as I love cheese puffs, I wonder how much artificial colr is added to the orange ones, let alone if they dyed them pink.  I'll stick with the tried and true fourescent orange ones and take my chances.  That's not to say that if someone had an open bag of pink-eetos that I could stay out of them.  Now, which wine did you recommend with a 2009 Cheeto?

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    mumyan  wow that's great

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Welcome Joanne.  Your fear is understandable........and believe me, we all know how you feel.  There is so much information and support on these boards.  You've come to a great place considering the circumstances.  Just remember to take a deep breath and take it one step at a time.  Chemo is often more doable than we fear at the start.  The fear of the unknown is scarey for sure.

    Gentle hugs.

    Edit to add, although you may not think it now, you WILL get your life back.  It all takes time.

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    Congrats Elimar!  Terrific news! 

    I was in Boston this weekend.  Can I count the cookies that I ate from Mike's Pastry as my "celebration?"  Maybe that way all those calories won't matter...

  • jeanl151
    jeanl151 Member Posts: 36

    Carolinachick, hope you enjoyed your visit to my area of the world. You're post made my mouth water.

       The son of the owner of Mike's Pastry used to be my son's baseball coach. Every team/family party had a table full of those delightful pastries for dessert!!!   such good memories.

       this is no time ot worry about caloriesLaughing.  take care, Jean

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    How do I not know about Mike's Pastry??

    I adore ANYONE'S pastry.

    Who is Mike??

    How has he not made it to the midwest???

    Where must I go???

    Inquisitive minds want to know.


    Hugs to all.

    edit because I can't type while thinking about pastry, and cheetos and wine

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441

     Turkey Wave ♥Thank you to all that wished me a Happy Birthday♥

    I hope all you Canadian Families had a Happy Thanksgiving.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Topic:  FLU SHOTS

    O.K., I'm interested in what the doctors are telling you other Middies regarding the regular FLU SHOT and the H1N1?  I have been advised by my Gyn and my Med-Onc to get both, but my common sense was steering me away from H1N1. 

    [Side Story:  A doctor friend, who is employed within our health care system, told us that all doctors are required to push the H1N1 and if they don't they will face a suspension without pay.]

    The H1N1 hits harder when you are young.  On this thread, we are not THAT young, so again we are somewhat in a gray area.   Are most of you getting the same recommendation to get both vaccines?   What are your thoughts?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    They are just trying to stop a potential pandemic. I would be awfully upset to catch it from someone who didn't want to take the shot. I work with the public and want to protect myself as well as those I come in contact with!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Just one reply?  Hope to get some more comments.  I was also checking out an article that came out today on Yahoo News which has some recent data:


  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    elimar...Was at my PD last week. He didn't mention anything about H1N1. I wasn't getting it anyway, for some reason that shot scares me more than catching it.

    Regular flu shot which they were injecting me since my DX, in NY there is a shortage and he said I'm really holding on to it for my high risk patients. Heey thats a good thing right!!

    I see him every 3 months which will be mid January I guess I can ask him again or when i see my onco in 3 weeks can mention it to him. I don't know if this info was helpful.

    Congratulations on your graduation from radiation. We graduate years pass we become normal again whatever that is.


    Smile Sheila

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    I am not getting any flu shots at all after hearing all the news lately about them.Each country seems to have a different form of the vaccine.They are saying that the one that will be available here in Can this Nov is different from the one used in England and U.S.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    I had my 'regular' flu shot about a month ago now. She said that it would take two weeks to have it's full effective-ness. So I guess I'm up to 'full coverage' that it provides.

    I asked about getting the H1N1 and she said that I wouldn't 'qualify' to receive it -- as in her opinion I was not in any of the risk factors. (Keep in mind that I'm 2.5 years out from dx, and was DCIS back in the day.) I pushed her a little bit further, by reminding her that I have young grandchildren & that I work with very young children from building to building. She still felt that I didn't meet the current criteria.

    She said if I was adament about pursuing it that I could check at the various grocery store/pharmacy minute clinics -- if they have it available, they'd innoculate ya...... quite possibly.

    Her two cents was that we 'middles' are less likely to suffer this strain.

    There was no question in her mind that I should have the regular flu shot. (Which I've gotten every year for quite a while.)

    My little experience.

    edited, because I didn't really get a "fly shot" at all, just can't type at night. LOL

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Still haven't had either flu shot. The last time I had a flu shot was about seven years ago. About five days later, I developed a respiratory THING of some kind that was awful. It lasted forever and then I developed pleurisy, which I'd never even heard of before (super-painful inflammation of the lining of the lung). I am generally quite healthy (except for deadly breast cells, apparently!), and I've never actually gotten a recognizable case of flu that I can remember. I've had retail jobs and travel jobs and I have been the Chaperone Queen for several years now. I don't think I qualify as high risk, either, although it occured to me that it's likely that a portion of my left lung was broiled during radiation last year - is that a risk factor? Lots of kids seem to be getting flu in general in this neck of the woods, but I've hardly heard of an adult getting it. There's an adult friend 10 hours away in Nebraska who apparently has swine, and a friend here apparently needed to be hospitalized for mono, which is scary but there's no vaccine to help there.

    So I'm not sure what to do. I am likely to take myself to the fine medical personnel at Walgreens for a regular shot. I have never gotten flu shots for my children before - 12 3/4 and 14 1/2 at the moment... At the moment, I think only the flu-mist version of the H1N1 vaccine is starting to appear in the DFW area...

  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137

    I always get the seasonal flu shot, I'm a nurse and our clinic supplies them for employees. We have received e-mails in re to: the H1N1, that we would be required to get H1 N1. I have a very good friend that works at Children's Hospital and they were told if they didn't get the H1N1 they would have to wear a mask while working from the time it was available until May. Don't know that I will be getting it, haven't decided yet.

    I have a daughter that is 32 and handicapped, I took her for a physical a week ago to her PCP. He had the nurse give her the seasonal flu shot, and I asked him his opinion about the H1N1 for her and he said yes she should have it.

    I heard Dr. Oz on TV the other day talking about it. He said he would recommend that kids be vacinated, however his kids were not getting the vacine because his Wife veto'd it.

    Blessings to All..............

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    The "regular" flu shot was offered at work last week, but I declined it since I was heading out of town and didn't want to take the chance of not feeling well.  I guess I'll also have to go to one of the local pharmacies to get it now.  I don't think I'm at a high risk of swine flu, so I'm not considering that vaccine.  I work at a school district but am in the district office most of the time.

    Back to the food topic:

    jeanl151 - We had a great time in Boston.  We headed down to New London, CT, on Saturday to watch a Coast Guard Academy football game (my son is on the team).  We LOVE Mike's Pastries - what a treat to get those for baseball parties! 

    faithandfifty - I, too, adore any pastry.  You have to travel to Boston to go to Mike's.  The line on Sunday was HUGE, but we stood in line to get our goodies and ate them on the plane back to Charlotte.  I could feel my thighs growing as I gorged myself.  So worth it...

  • valeriekd
    valeriekd Member Posts: 79
    Nothing like the North end Pastries thats for sure - I avoid it except for special treats! I got the flu shot at the behest of the onc but then got strep throat due to decrease in immunity secondary to flu shot. But its all behind me now and chemo is six days ago and less awful than strep but still....that psychological piece of chemo is a doozy - Bald,when? Feel better when? or worse, when? Gotta stop thinking and enjoy the fall - love to you all -Valerie ps he said no H1N1 for me but for my daughter (14yrs).Laughing
  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446

    In the Middle. I've always been somewhere in the middle...at the end of the baby boomer generation,  Not quite a hippie, I was 16 when Woodstock happened. In school, last name started with a nice middle of the line, M. I'm 56. A Middle child of 3. Made my son a middle child of 3.

    Sing lyrics;  "Back in the MIddle with you!".

    This is the best 'middle' I've ever been in.  And I'm in the middle A LOT.


  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    I too work in a hospital with kids, but I have never had a flu shot due to allergies. I have had the flu once. Hope that I never do again. I

    Connie, it is fun here in the middle, sorry that you have had BC, but it is a prerequisite to join our group (:

    Why am I humming Christmas tunes already???

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    OmahaGirl.... Not Christmas yet!  I thought I was on top of things a couple of months ago and started buying some Christmas gifts.  I stopped just as abruptly, so now those carols are only going to remind me how I dropped the ball.  If I don't hear it...it doesn't exist.  Ignorance is bliss.

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377
    Ha Meece, I just saw a piece of flair on face book that said Halloween is before Christmas. I will try to hum the Monster Mash instead of Rudolph LOL.
  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    I wrote a cute little dittie called "Monster Spray".............

    It's an enormous hit with the PreK crowd this time of year.

    I'll hum a few bars for ya.



  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Last month, early September,  Home Depot and Walmart already had Christmas stuff for sale!  I wait until the last minute to shop most years anyway.  They could start Christmas sales with the Macy's Parade and it would inspire me to shop in the same time frame as the Back to School/Christmas sales do September.  I have actually changed my radio staion listening habits when my former favorite station started playing carols two weeks before Thanksgiving.  Just how many renditiond of "Santa Baby" can one listen two without going mad?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Well, today was flu shot day for me, but I changed my mind and did not get it. Getting a shot made me feel like I was having to make yet another concession to having cancer/treatment, since I ordinarily have never gotten them.  I have only gotten a flu shot once in my life (and, ironically, got a different strain of flu anyway, working in a school that year.)