
  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Good luck Suz.  Nice to have the drain out for sure.  Hope it's a 'good' call!!!!!!!!!!

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    thanks.....my husband was with me at the dr's and we were supposed to get it in person, which really calms me down. Dreading getting it on phone alone, trust face to face much more. Maybe not today though, and I am pretty sure no oncotype till next week.

  • queenlurker
    queenlurker Member Posts: 34

    Have to throw out one more comment on flu shots-already had the seasonal but since my risk was so low to get breast cancer (and we all know what happened) I am looking forward to the H1N1 shot.  I have spent too many days, one is too many though -not feeling well in the last couple of years and I do not want to spend another day in bed!  Used to have migraines, assume they were hormonal because none since chemo .  Tried many prescriptions and treatments which did not help much.  Excedrin worked the best for me, I take that back, chemo worked the best for me!

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Hugs for Suz while you wait00000000000000000000000

  • valeriekd
    valeriekd Member Posts: 79

    Hey gals, H/as, flu and cancer and you r still a pleasure to read! I love that! Went to work 2day on the 11th day post first chemo and lasted 5 hours. Granted it was non-stop but I am Soooo glad to be back snuggled at home. Could not wait to get out then I could not wait to get back.

    My MD said no to H1N1 but yay to reg flu shot? Anyone know why? I'm 53 w/ a 14 yo who IS supposed to get it (That I figured out on my own anyway. Just wondering. Love to you all, Valerie

    PS the homeopath said mold has been there since a kid -grew up in Manhattan - oh yeah its and island w/ lots of old buildings! Foot in mouth

  • jeanl151
    jeanl151 Member Posts: 36

    Hi girls,   Valerie glad to hear you made it to work for few hours, hopefully it will be smooth sailing until next tx. 

         I am having chemo Wed the  28th. I told my boss I would be at work Thurs and Friday that week.  Am I dreaming? Do you think I can go to work after chemo?  I was hoping I could because it is our Halloween sing along for parents  (I teach preschool).   My boss is great, flexible so if I don't make it, it will be okay.

      My onc told me to get the H1N1,  it might be because I work with little kids.  He called them little pitre dishes!!!

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Yikes, after chemo I'd be staying away from those little 'pitre dishes'.  Are you getting a neulasta shot post chemo? 

    I know squat about the H1N1 vaccine but can your immune system handle the shot at this point?

  • valeriekd
    valeriekd Member Posts: 79

    hey Jean - was looking for u on the other thread- I have got to be honest w/ u. Day 2-4 were not at all good for me and 5-6 a bit better w/ 7 being the turning point in the pm. If U can do it -WOW!!!!! Superwoman- but I think that is asking alot of yourself. I was VERY flushed, low grade fever, crampy, anxious and I was told hypertalkative due to decadron.If u can go in for an hour w/ a ride there and back that might work. I will pray to the mighty pumpkin for you!

    PS It did get alot better after the seventh day but we still HAVE to put ourselves first even if it doesn't feel psychologically comfortable. Those r my thoughts anyway. Love to you- Valerie

  •     I think we qualify by having cancer and both my onco and my GP said I should get the shot even though it does seem to target younger people.  I am one who believes the old adage about an ounce of prevention being worth a lb of cure. 

  • queenlurker
    queenlurker Member Posts: 34

    Got quite a bit of info from infectious disease docs. Please keep in mind that if someone gets the nasal H1N1 they are getting a live virus and it can be spread esp to immunocomprimised people (such as going thru chemo) for up to 1 week.  I think that this is the one most children will be getting.  If you are over 49 years, yes you probably have already been exposed, but unfortunetly the good old FDA has not tested the nasal spray on us-really does not make sense.  I am only guessing that maybe even the H1N1 shot has not been tested on people during chemo-that will be my next question to them.  By the way, all the doctors I know and their families are getting some type of protection when available.  Hoping we can all avoid the flu- 

  • valeriekd
    valeriekd Member Posts: 79

    Thanks for the good/clarifying info-V.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I had a good read while waiting in a doctors office yesterday...no surprise there. The H1N1 has NO live virus in it. That is a myth that is flying around. You cannot get sick from it. So, I would think that if someone's immune system is so compromised they're afraid to get the shot, they should be more afraid to not get it....

    In fact, one doctor is quoted as saying that it is more dangerous to not get the shot than to take it.

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    The SHOT version of the H1N1 flu vaccine has no live virus in it - but the "flumist" nasal version DOES have live virus in it. Here in TX, they are giving that one to mostly children, although as it was the only thing available early, I think a lot of health care providers took it as well. I am actually more worried for my daughters than I am for myself, as it seems to be hitting some perfectly healthy young teens VERY hard.

    We must continue to spread the good news: breast cancer might be a cure for migraines! Um, yay?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    If I'm not mistaken the H1N1 IS hitting the young the hardest. That's why those of us born in the 1950's are wondering if we've already built up an immunity as they imply that we're "safe". That tells me we've seen this flu before....

    We aren't even getting the regular flu shot here in Canada yet. It's just starting about now. Why do y'all take it so early?

  • jeanl151
    jeanl151 Member Posts: 36

    I saw NP today.  I told her my onc wants me to have H1N1 because I work with young children. I start chemo Oct 28th.  We don't know when anyone will have the vaccine ready before then. She said they will give it to me at the hospital on my 2nd chemo day (Nov).  By doing it on chemo day, they will be able to check my white blood cell level first and make sure my body can handle it.

    -   Val-  thanks for you day to day se.     I have been thinking about the reality of working day 2 and 3.  My boss is going to get coverage for my class and if I am up to it, I can come in for the hour sing-a-long with parents.

    take care, Jean

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    "My onc told me to get the H1N1,  it might be because I work with little kids.  He called them little pitre dishes!!!"

    jeanl151, Oh so accurate!  The year I spent working with the "little petri dishes" I got about seven colds, the flu (despite shot,) strep throat, and fifth disease (common to kids, not so much adults, and yes, I got the bright red cheeks like a 10-year-old.)  I've heard that teacher's acquire a built up immunity, but I think they have to get through the first couple years where they come down with everything first. Have fun with the kids and keep that hand sanitizer flowing.

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    H1N1 never "left" over the summer, per the news the other day. The numbers of people with it already and the associated deaths are what we might see with the normal flu - in FEBRUARY. You are right, Barbe - we're really not even very far into actual flu season yet. No telling if it's going to taper off a bit and then pick back up early in the year, or if it's going to keep on going strong. The main portion of the vaccine won't be available here in Texas until perhaps January - should be interesting with the issues we're having already. In addition to the fact that the flu stayed around over the summer, no one has immunity to it...

    Creepy stuff...

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    ohhhh, enough pig talk! Where's the good stuff? (:    No funny green or pink who who's?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I read once that viruses die at higher temperatures, so it seems we do our bodies an injustice when we try to reduce a fever....

    So when the weather cools off, the virusus die off. If the summer is cool, then they continue.

  • PattiB
    PattiB Member Posts: 107

    Jean - I had my TC treatments on Wednesdays and took off Thursday & Friday.  Definitely think allowing that time helped to minimize SE's and I could work through the fatigue when I was back to work.  I also work at a school (in the office) and after 2nd round had another full week for Spring break last year, that was great and I was able to have better energy because I planned it that way.  Well wishes to you as you go through your chemo treatments.

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    So maybe the hot flashes are helpful in cooking away virus particles?

    I'm with OmahaGirl - bring on the pink who who's! Speaking of pinkness, I have really been much less hostile this Pinktober! I'm not getting the big eye twitch when seeing things like box of breast cancer themed cheesy hamburger helper as much as last year. Perhaps my anger over getting breast cancer is not directed randomly at everything around me any more. It's also easier to deal with what my mom calls "Breast Awareness Month" when I'm not undergoing radiation at the same time...

    Good luck to those enduring treatment this time of year!

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    Jean - I had TC chemo on Wednesday and was able to work Thursday and Friday.  Saturday and Sunday were the worst days, then I was somewhat better on Monday.  I was able to return to work on Tuesday.  I used hand sanitizer like crazy to keep myself from catching anything. 

    The latest pink ribbon item to drive me crazy was on a case of alcohol - Mike's hard lemonade, I think.  Are you kidding?  Have they read the studies about alcohol and breast cancer?  Seriously...

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645

    i still don't understand the "pink" toilet paper- There are a lot of products that are a joke to pink month but I have been able to laugh about it this year anyway-

    To TOTALLY change the subjest- I don't remember who it was that mentioned honey crisp apples- I was curious and googled them and when i couldn't find any here I ordered some online!! YEAH!!!!!!!! Thank you for the heads up the apples are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Have a great day

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    For wiping off the cancer s#$*t

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    There is good pink and bad pink but the worst pink is the ugly pink Walgreen's caps. Icky medical sick people pink.

    They better be giving a whole lot to the cause for making me look at that ugly thing. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I, too, first heard about the Honey Crisp apples on this thread.   Tried them two weeks ago (yummy) and then saw Honey Crisp Cider (liquid yummy.)   Has anyone else tried the Apple-Pear?  I don't know if it really is a hybrid of the two, but it's crisp and tasty.   More fruit servings, good for cancer fighting. 

    seyla888, someone's gotta keep it real.  Haaaaaa-haaaaaaa-haaaaa!  Wink

    [Edited to add:  Suz42, have you gotten your pathology news?]

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    nope.....at this point, I am almost hoping for Monday, because then I can get it in person from the dr. instead of over the phone.  Ummy apples!


  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Awww, there's my kind of topic, pink toilet paper 

    Reasons for its use:

    a. wipe out cancer

    b. wipe cancers sh-- (selya)

    c. (now you all add one)

    Bonus points if you can combine it with Apples

    can you tell I've been in the house for a week?

  • PattiB
    PattiB Member Posts: 107

    My favorite apple is Macintosh because I like tart apples more than sweet, but maybe if I see honeycrisp I'll give it a try.  I liked the pluots (plum/apricot) I tried this summer.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Pink Toilet Paper uses:

    a. wipe out cancer

    b. wipe cancers sh-- (selya)

    c. wipe apple cider runs

    Bonus points if you can combine it with Apples