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  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

     Regina I think 8 days is too long too, I would image 4 days tops.  After my last surgery the surgeon gave me drain pads to put on without tape since I was bound up in a velcro like tub top.

    Kay - we have been renting from the school and was going to buy this year but DS told he wasn't going to play in college so no bought one.  But I do have to ask if you sold it how much would ask for it?  Random thought going through my mind.

    E love the cat.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Joni- "I HATE TO THROW UP!" OMG, is that the understatement for me.  I am so glad the anti-nausea meds really did their job when I was on AC. 

    I have been prone to migraines since puberty (related to hormones and some food triggers).  I always know when I get "spots" in my vision I have until they disappear and then it hits.  Now, I know that if I let myself give in to the nausea, the headache will become TONS BETTER and be manageable to the point that I can sleep it off over a couple of hours.  However, I still always find myself fighting as long as possible against the inevitable  - it will happen whether I fight it or not - you'd think I would learn. 

    My main SE on AC was low hemoglobin (needed transfusion after every treatment), low wbc (until Neulasta kicked in) and FATIGUE (oh and hair loss of course).  I'm on abraxane now and my hair is growing in (except for eyebrows/eyelashes), very little fatigue, no nausea, and only my platelets seem to be hit on this one (yay).  Hope it stays that way until I'm done (just started my 3rd of 4 cycles today).

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Flying through to check something else, but wanted to give a SHOUT-OUT to Gina for the happy news of negative nodes!


    Hi back-at-ya, Jo !

  • neecee
    neecee Member Posts: 125

    Eph3_12:  Love that verse!  I hate to throw up too!  I went to work yesterday afternoon after getting my Neulasta shot.  Started feeling very hot and nauseous about 2 hours into the shift.  Had to take two doses of nausea med to make it through the shift.  I just kept thinking, "don't throw up, don't throw up"!  LOL.  This morning, I feel like I have the flu.  Headache, nausea, low grade fever. I am supposed to work tonight, debating if that is a good idea.  We have a plan B in place at work in case I can't.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I look back on 2009 as the year I missed summer, although I really like being able to look back, and hopefully there will be many more summers to come.

  • neecee
    neecee Member Posts: 125

    elimar - well said.  I am adopting the motto:  The objective is not to survive, it is to live!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    neecee hope your neausea goes away and you are able to make it to work.  Sounds like that will keep your mind off of this awfull BC stuff.

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Hi Girls, have had to catch up quite a bit here as you all have been busy. I am doing the dreaded packing and moving activities. I have my 6 month visit with my BS next Tuesday and need to have 2 seroma's drained, hope it doesn't hurt :)  She and I also have to discuss what to do with these Ta Ta's to keep or not to keep since my MRI's always show Birads 4 for some reason. However, no matter what I am going to enjoy the heck out of this summer, just wish I had dropped this extra 30 pounds that always bothers me when the weather starts to warm up LOL! Tomorrow is my last day on the job!! Yeah! Hope you all are having a good week.

  • neecee
    neecee Member Posts: 125

    Feeling better.  Going to try going in to work.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    neecee - yes, the Neulasta shot always got to me the next day. It does feel like the flu! I ached all over, and had sudden jolts of pain in my bones. But, the pain pills helped with that! The oncs know just what you need for the pain from the chemo and Neulasta, and the nausea from the chemo. I'll never forget, they would always say, "Do you need more pain pills?". It was almost funny, I would imagine them like drug pushers or something.

    Try not to push yourself too hard at work. My onc definitely wanted me to take it easy during chemo - she thought work was okay as long as it wasn't too physical. I'm a realtor, so there wasn't too much to do at the time (still isn't...) but I would go in and dabble. It was better than laying around feeling miserable, but please try to take frequent breaks to help keep your strength up and make it through the day!

    You are such a trooper for going in, and as long as you feel up to it, I think it's good for the psyche. Smile 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    OG56, didn't you have problems with seromas dating all the way back to surgery?  Can't they do something to lessen the chance of them coming back?  Hope the procedure doesn't hurt, but it has got to feel better to get the excess fluid out of there.

    I wondered if you had made the move already.  I think you will have a challenge on your hands, to get rid of that 30 lbs.  After all, unless you make a point to, there is no way you are going to be walking in Omaha as much as you did in NYC.  And, Husker girl, don't give in to the temptation of all the lovely corn vittles!  Wink  Seriously, go visit Meece on the E-Lab (Eat Like A Bird) thread.  A lot of your buddies are there already motivating each other to shed the lbs.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Eph, reesie and neecee - have to LOL about not throwing up. I will go to extremes to NOT throw up! It's ridiculous! I know I'll feel better if I just go ahead and do it, but I'll lay down and moan for hours. I never threw up during chemo - as long as I took those pills like clockwork and BEFORE any nausea hit me, it never happened.

    But when I'm sick with a stomach bug or something, I would rather lay around and be miserable for hours than just get it over with. Sometimes, when I can't out-will it, and I do throw up, I go, "Well, I feel fine now!" DUUUUHHHHH.....I still fight it!

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    heading to work, but wanted to check in

    neecee - welcome & I worked all the way through everything full time. Only took time off for surgeries.

    mjb - sorry @ your dad, hope it gets better

    3jays - feel better

    kay1963 - you may even see what you can get out of it at a pawn shop

    gina - good news @ the nodes

    Hope everyone has a good day

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    way behind so posting as I read!

    Naty - glad surgery went well ... most of us find that it's not as bad as we had feared, and I'm happy you fit that group too :)

    Blondie - I'm at Hideaway Beach - first time this year - wooo hooo!!!  We'll have to compare calendars for me, you and I'm sorry but I forget the name right now of the third woman from DelCo who has a place near the villas - to get together for dinner one night this summer.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    neecee- I had nausea so bad I just wanted to crawl up in a ball.  I miss understood the telenurse and suffered.  The very next time I saw the ONC I got straightened out.  I took 4 different pills on a schedule he wrote up for me.  I know 4 pills, but it did the trick.  That was with the AC treatment.  But I dont see why it wont work for Taxol. I hope ya feel better soon. Take care.  BTW chicken noodle soup was my very best friend.  I had it alot.  Also something about fresh fruits and veggies didnt upset it either.  Take care!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Eli, thanks for the reminder ... I went to onc in April and asked that lab results be mailed.  Not getting anything I called last week and asked again .. still nothing!  I like to track a few things like my sugar and liver numbers. Will have to call again next week

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    neecee, nice to meet you too. you found a good room to help you along this journey. we'll give info if asked, but basically we're trying to find the good things in our life at this point and share that ... sometimes parties, sometimes just silly talk ... you can bring up anything at anytime just so you know (I'm answering your first post so possibly or more than likely others already told you the same thing..just know that I hadn't read their posts yet when I sent this one!!)

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    3jays, I really really need you to start feeling better...they need to get that med combo down and your body has to say - oh - okay, now I get it!!!!  Hugs for feeling better buddy.

    Neecee - I worked almost all through chemo. I did my tx from oct to late jan and somewhere in december it seemed like everyone on the train I took daily was coughing and sneezing right in my face, so I took short term disability and worked from home for the rest of my tx (including rads). It's great to want to work full time, but this is the one time in your life when you need all your energy to fight the cancer and if that means missing a little bit of work time, in the end that's the better choice. Hugs to you during this time hon.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Our newbies are reesie and neecee.  Uh-oh, I am spoiled now and want more newbies with rhyming names (or, if any oldbies would like to change theirs to, say, Kelimar or Belimar, that could work too.  Snicker, snicker!)
  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    eli, you and i already have lots of letters in common in our names, I'm not trying to come up with a new name for myself :)

    sherry, I hope these txs don't take too  big of a toll on Dad. prayers going up for him hon.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    How about Reesee, Neecee and Meece?  Something like Winkin, Blinkin and Nod.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    And no, the e on the end of Meece is silent, although DH does call me Meecee.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Did you know ALL my letters are silent except the "e?"  (Sorry, I was overcome my an absurdly competitive impulse.)  Tongue out
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Women who got rads, this one is for you...Do you notice that your BACK muscles are much tighter on your treatment side?  Mine are, only my treatment side is my dominant hand side, so that could be it too.  They told me that rads didn't penetrate thru' to the back, but then every rads s/e I have ask about was denied, so I can't automatically go by that, can I?  Anyway, I got a massage yesterday and feel so much better. them!!!  Don't treat myself often enough. In my town a one-hour massage costs from $65-$85, with a half hour being $35-$45.  When I was out of town, I found a coupon special for a $15 half hour, and it was good too.  So, who has the least expensive massage prices in the nation?  Ladies, this is a POLL (so I can know who to be jealous of.)  ??????????

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    $75/hour for full body massage. I used to get a massage EVERY week for 5 1/2 years!! When I couldn't afford it any longer I was on a cane!!!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    65/hour for a full body massage here. I bought a Groupon for 35/hour, Should have bought bunches. Just bought another Groupon for a micro dermabrasion tx for 49.00. I'll let you know if I look younger.

  • neecee
    neecee Member Posts: 125

    I am so glad I found this forum!  You all make me laugh out loud - for real!

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    I need a massage now. Spending 16 hours in the last 48 in the car.

    Sorry elimar I only had rads to humorous and tibia for bone mets so far so I can't help you there.

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    My rads went from the front and also from the back. So, yes very tight and also am right handed, which sucks. I still have pain they can't figure out where or what's causing it. But it is exactly where the rads was shot into me from the back.

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    Going camping this weekend so hope you all guess the mystery pic if one gets posted.