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  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    my rads really messed with my pectoral muscle and the RO said it would take 2-3 years for my muscle to settle back down.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Well if my anxiety level isnt high enough with breast cancer.  Now I have to go have a biopsy for my cervix. I had an abnormal pap smear so they want me to see a gyno.   I know this is a site that is suppose to be about breast cancer, but Im upset.  I just get done dealing with the fact I have no boobs and having gone  thru chemo.  Wham now this.  OMG!  I know God doesnt give me more then I can handle, but this has really put me to the test.  When I found out I had breast cancer that was a shock.  Well 2 days later a very close person reveals a secert and moves to Alaska  Then a week later my husband was laid off.  This is really putting me to a point of madness.  I know that it can be nothing, but now I have to start the waiting all over again and its just not fair. Thanks for letting me whine.  Have a blessed night all! 

  • neecee
    neecee Member Posts: 125


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,898

    Paula--whine all you want/need to, that's what we're here for.  It's not fair.  It's absolutely not fair.  Praying for a B9 result!

     elimar--my pect muscle got so much damage from rads that, if I don't do the stretches every day, it tightens up so much it pulls the back muscles and causes back, neck and leg pain as well as headaches.  Massages help immensly!  I get a 1 hr massage every other week, $75.  There are places where I can get the same about $10 less, but my massage therapist has an office within 10 miles of my house, better than a half hour drive to the nearest "big town"!  

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    (((PAULA))) Hugs gal pal.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    (((Paula))) -- We are here for you, whine/vent all you want.  Hoping for B9 results

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Paula66, clearly you are still on overload from all those events comin' at ya.  As far as the PAP, try not to worry too much.  As you already know, it could be a number of things having nothing to do with cancer, but the main thing is that cervical cancer takes a while to develop and goes through other "pre-cancerous" changes first.  If you have been going for regular PAP tests, then you have the best opportunity to catch it in the pre-cancerous, and highly treatable, phase if it actually is something developing. Hope the holiday weekend will take your mind off it a little.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Thanks for the comments about rads to the front managing to effect the back as well.  I thought as much.

    Those massage prices seem about the same as mine, so maybe I won't have to move after all.  I like how chiropractors sometimes have a massage therapist right on their staff now in recent years. It is only like that in some places of the nation so far.  My area is not quick to be that progressive unfortunately.

  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388

    Sorry, I checked out for a while.  I've been a little under the weather. This chemo combo (Gemzar/Carbo) is knocking my blood counts down and giving me the blah feelings.  


    I love massages, but my nerves have been so sensitive that I'm afraid to get one.  I had a massage in 09 at a beautiful hotel that my sister and I were in for a mini vacation.  I lucked out and had a massage therapist that had experience with cancer patients - to this day it was the best massage I've ever had.

    Love the double rainbow picture!!!!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Rad issues - seems to me that I hear so many stories of things resulting from rads that our docs didn't tell us about - or maybe, being kind, they don't even now. I have no trouble believing that rads given to the front can affect the back. My radiated breast shrunk by at least 1/4 if not more. It was my surgeon who finally told me what I had thought - that rad changes can take up to 5 yrs to finish. She gave me the name of a company that takes a form of each breast and then builds a bra based on those forms so that you'll look even. I haven't made my appt yet but will very soon.

    Massages - I can't lie on my stomach so unfortunately can't enjoy that type massage, but love facials where they do the upper chest, arms, neck and head. Some places even do hands and/or feet with a facial. I go twice a year with my daughters - my Christmas gift to them and their Mother's Day gift to me, and anytime I travel I seek out a spa near or in my hotel. I just love that pampering.

    Leisa, we're at our trailer at the jersey shore this weekend - came yesterday actually for a longgg weekend :) My first time here this year (hub once on his own) and it's just that aaaahhhh feeling when I come in the door. I am very, very lucky to have this little oasis and I don't take it for granted for a minute.

    Hugs buddies.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Here are some more rad issues we probably weren't told about.  I have had a burning/stabbing pain for the past 5 months.  Went to a pain doctor yesterday and found out that it is nerve damage from rads - was told whenever a body part is radiated it can damage nerves.  So now I am taking Elavil and already am feeling a difference and getting good sleep - the last part is a bonus that I will take.  If I knew then what I know now, I would have made some different decisions from the start.  Gotta love hindsight.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Thanks everyone!  I'm still stressed and to add this on top of it is just abit much.  I keep telling myself that I dont know anything yet.  Your right Elimar, I just need to calm down and look at the big picture.  It can be a billion other things.  I am still reeling from all that has went on.  Im dont drink, so I made me some comfort food and that made me feel so much better along with you gals.  Thanks so much!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Paula, the most important thing Eli said is how cervical cancer is a slow grower so most things which cause abnormal paps can be dealt with easily in the grand scheme of things. I've had several gyn issues and the most "serious" treatment I needed was a D&C which wasn't bad in the overall scheme of things. I hope that's the worst thing you'll ever need too hon :)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Did someone say comfort food?


    Picked up my weekend snacks at the store today.  I had to put aside my first love, Cheetos, in favor of a slightly lower calorie third cousin of the Cheetos:  Puffcorn.  But you can see it is sanctioned by our favorite Cheetah, so I haven't gone maverick or anything.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Oh wow, that looks good!!!  I didn't go down that aisle today with my eyes open - went right to the sourdough pretzels (the big ones) and the reduced fat kettle potato chips. I admit to being hooked on them on the weekends. Will have to compare them to that popcorn if I find that in a store near me, I'd love that!! Aaahhh, weekends :)  Love love love that mine started last night. Getting an extra couple days now and then just lifts the soul and spirit. That nasty side comes out too, saying "I'm not working and lots of others are"!!!!  Sorry, but that just feels good sometimes! Hope lots of you get a jump on the weekend too, I'm willing to share :)

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    I know what you mean elimar. I think I need to start looking for the low cal options for everything I eat now. I seem to gain weight every week now. I lost alot of weight in the beginning of my diagnosis but believe me I had it to lose. My onc said it's a good sign to him that my appetite is good and I'm gaining weight. Then he proceded to tell me he had to adjust my dose of abraxane - "more weight equals more chemo" I quote. When I went in the infusion room the nurse asked if he gave me my orders - I told her no he said he had to adjust my dose cause I'm fat. Her mouth dropped and she said did he really say that? I laughed and said not in those exact words.

    Then to add insult to injury when she took my bp it was higher then when I first got there (it usually goes down - white coat syndrome) she said really? Let me try the other cuff. I said see - she told me I'm fat too. Ugh I've graduated to the bigger bp cuff. Time to start exercising!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Reesie, unless that's a really old picture of you, it doesn't look like you are anywhere near overweight. Please don't stress a pound here or there - if you feel you're eating well and making good food choices, relax and work back to exercise gradually. I know excess weight is bad for us on many levels, but stress over the inability to lose weight can be just as bad, or worse, as a health risk. Overdoing things on either end of that spectrum can lead to trouble.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    The pic is from January and I've gained 25 lbs since then. I'm also a good Italian and carry my weight low lol. But don't worry I won't be stressing too much about the weight. Just trying to control my eating - I think it's a chemo SE (told the onc that). I feel like I'm on steroids (and I'm not) - hungry all the time.

  • sunangel27
    sunangel27 Member Posts: 234

    neecee.... welcome

    (((((((((((Sherry))))))))))) And hugs to your mom and dad too! I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers!!! 

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    (((Paula))) I also has abnormal paps after my tx.  I had a couple of cervical bx's and was watched with paps every 3 months until I got clear paps 3 times in a row.  I wasn't put on any meds, just watched carefully.  It took about 2 years, but finally I am back to annual check ups.

    I like the puff corn, but I think I could even eat more of that than the real thing.

  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388

    Paula - I remember during my first round with chemo in 09 having some issues and the GYN said that our immune system is knocked back and it happens.  It wasn't anything major, but did give me worries during all of the testing.  (((hugs)))) Jenn

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hey, for those of you who haven't made big plans for the weekend, I invite you to stop by the "Middle Aged Memories" thread, and post a memory from your long lost childhood.

    That sister-thread came from the many reminiscences of people on this thread, but then it spun off to become its own topic. It used to move right along, but has been slower lately.  People losing their memories?  Maybe it just needs some new people to give it a kick-start.  So stop by with a memory if you get a chance (and if you have chemo brain, stop by to see what you might have forgotten!  Ha!)

                                                              Middle Aged Memories

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Paula66 ((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) and praying for B9

    Everyone have a great weekend

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Sunangel, thank you for sharing your story and for the sorry about your sister....I have no words except thanks for your having shared your story with us.

    We women can be so stubborn when it comes to our own health...later on in the week I ended up back in the hospital because I had taken a new pill and my throat had not taken kindly to it...felt like the pill was part way down....spent four hours in the hospital, had an xray of my throat to be sure...but you know, I felt better having gone. I would not have slept a wink for worrying and, as the dr. said, trust your instincts....again today, I had to go to the dr.'s clinic next door to the school because I had knicked my knuckle a few days ago and now it is all red and inflamed...felt kind of dumb going to get an antibiotic for a 'scraped knuckle' but as soon as she saw it she said ; you need an antibiotic now!'...and since it too is on the left side of my body ....not to be messed with... a little infection like this can turn into something horrible if you ignore it....all of this crap can be scary so breathing through it is so important!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,273

    Elimar:  I'm usually just a lurker since I'm in the "ish" part of 60, but had to ask about the cliff/ocean picture.  It's wonderful.  Where was it taken?

    RE: Puff Corn - a bunch of my running buddys started buying the regular Butter Puff Corn when it first came out.  Of course we were also trying not to eat a bag of Cheetos at one sitting.  Sadly the Butter Puff Corn was only on the shelves in Houston for a month & now it's disappeared.  Is it still available at any of your locations?  The cheese is OK - but Cheetos are so much better.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Sandee,  in an effort to be like my "old normal," I have a bad habit of ignoring cuts and scrapes on my treatment side, but you give a good example of why we really should not do that now.

    MinusTwo, I did not take that pic, but you are in luck because I do know where that is...It is the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore in the upper penninsula of Michigan, and the "ocean" is Lake Superior.  Someone would have been in a boat to get that shot.

    You can munch those Cheetos without guilt if you and the buddies are running them off.  I'm not sure if I saw the Butter Puffs.  I have a tunnel vision for the orange-colored snacks!!!!!!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Elimar- yeah...normally I would just keep peroxiding it and slathering it with antibiotic cream but I figure my body has had the crap kicked out of it enough already....I don't need it trying to fight something else off as least I did not have to have a tetanus shot today! thank goodness I have had a booster in the last 10 years...

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Bet you thought I'd ignore keeping up with my Tetanus boosters...but, no, I have stayed current all these years.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781 too but only because I have travelled in recent years and did not want to risk stepping on a nail or anything!

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Sherry thinking of your dad, mine is still in the hospital and will be until his w counts come back up.

    I lost 3 pounds this week, on a weight loss challenge at work. Total is 3.5, gained a pound last week.

    I found the worst part of chemo was the week between A/C and taxol. Once I started throwing up I couldn't stop.

    I hope and pray that everyone has a great weekend.