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  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Welcome duchess (should I courtesy? Lol)

    We have a great group here who can answer your questions or just listen to you vent, whatever you need.

    We know how to be serious when necessary but can have fun too (watch out for wayward water balloons).

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Welcome duchess (your grace?)!  This is a wonderful thread where you can scream, cry, vent or just have plain old fun.  So bring it all we will listen and share.  Kitty

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Hi duchess and welcome to the group.  You will find amazing information, support and comfort here.  This is a great bunch.

    Foxy!  So glad to hear you survived!  I can imagine all the mess you have to clean up.  Debris from the trees will be plentiful.  You have the most important thing, coffee.  Oops, no A/C, okay that is bad.  I sure hope they can restore power soon.  With all the damage I am sure you will be without if for a few days. 

    Reesie, sorry about your basement.  Hopefully damage is minimal and won't be too difficult to restore to normal.

    I know I am forgetting something......just happy to hear from everyone who posted that they are okay. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome,  scuba_duchess!  You are not alone here recovering from your Recon.  Kay1963 just had hers also (DIEP.)   I can't think of another that had LAT, but we will appreciate all the info. you will be able to give other women who come here and ask about that type of Recon.  Just remember, the recovery takes time and it always goes slower than you would like.

    Hurricane people, With 300,000 losing power, I am surprised and happy to see most, if not all, here this morning.  Hope they'll get yours back on soon, Kay.  Upon reflection, I noticed a parallel between the hurricane and a biopsy.  You wait.  You hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

    If we're gonna let a bit of weather talk in, you know I'm going to have to put an analogy on it.

    Haha, Reesie, yes, we must curtsey to our new thread royalty.  We used to have a "QueenLurker" but haven't seen her for a while.

    Barbe1958, I am kind of skeptical about the superior quality of organic foods, and even more so about the alleged cancer blocking qualities.  As Tink mentioned, there are women who followed a whole food natural path most of their lives and they still get B/C. 

    It's always wise to eat as healthy as you can, for overall well-being, but if you are an average person (and I am one) I don't think changing your diet in mid-life is going to offer much protection against the return of B/C.  I don't think I can reverse the effects of the first ~50 years by going 100% organic now.  If I set myself up for cancer in some way during my younger years, I don't know that I can undo what has already been done, whatever it was.  So, that's an opinion.  It's fine if anyone has and lives by another.  It can't hurt (except in the pocketbook.)  There are some good "natural" threads to be found on this board with a huge sharing of info. along those lines.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I won't make you wait any longer...the WINNER of WEEKEND MYSTERY PIC is Marlegal!!!

    I IS spun sugar.  If you held it, you would notice the brittleness.  I have only seen it on cooking shows and had one dessert in real life that had it (but it was more carmelized and not nearly as delicate and fine as shown.)   Look at some of the beautiful deliciousness it can make.


    From fancying up some plain old cupcakes, to making a wedding cake right out of a dream!


    So, Marlegal, your turn next Saturday.

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    El- I agree with you. My old onc who retired and became a dear friend of ours has said through his 50 yrs in practice, he has done an informal study of his own and has concluded that a vast majority of his cancer patients, not just BC have grown up or been exposed to for long periods of time to surface water wells/ shallow wells. He believes that chemicals once used for fertilization, lawn care, crop dusting and such are to blame for a lot of cancers. I suppose eating things that were sprayed with it didn't help either. They have changed a lot of that stuff now and of course you can't change the past. They used to crop dust around here but not anymore, don't know if they still do in other areas.

    I eat healthy but can't afford all organic and don't think it would make that much difference. I do try to eat stuff from USA, Canada. I think our regulations are better. Especially fish. No offense to other countries.


  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Darn it. I thought spun sugar as soon as I saw it but Marlegal just beat me by posting it first. Congrats Marlegal.

    I just woke up from a 3+ hour nap. Thanks Janis for keeping me company during the wee hours this mornig. 

    It looks like Irene decided not to pay a visit to visit me in Revere, MA. Other places in Mass have had heavy winds and flooding,. The cape had winds, flooding and  high surf. On the news, I just saw an idiot on the Vineyard swimming  in the raging surf.

    Welcome Duchess - this is a great group of gals, who can answer your questions, calm and comfort you when needed and know how to throw a hell of a party. 

    Speaking of parties - what would be an appropriate "Goodnight Irene" party? Ideas anyone?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Sorry, Hauntie, I forgot to give you an honorable mention. 
  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    EL.. GREAT pics of the spun sugar!

    Good Job Marlegal!

    Sorry Reesie I did get you and Foxy mixed up! Glad you are both ok though and hope there is not damage in your basement!

    Welcome Duchess!!!!  These really are a great group of ladies!

    Haintie. glad you were able to nap! A goodnight irene part sounds like fun!

    maybe lots of food and drinks since we all probably stocked up and have lots of extra!!! hehe

    a slumber party???  just throwing out some ideas, i am game for anything!!! :)

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    OK - I'll start. Welcome to the official "Goodnight (good riddance) Irene Party."

    I'll start with stockpiled snacks that didn't get eaten. Had to take make a quick trip to Dad's, since I left everything there.

    These snacks are already making me thirsty, Anyone have anything good to drink?

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
       Lots of this too!!!!!!
  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Well girls I am going to and my 2 cents about the whole organic stuff.  I grew up on the same things you gals did, so I dont think that Im gonna be able to wipe out the last 40 yrs of crap I did to myself.  I also tested BRCA + so I dont think eating lettece grown with cow manure instead of the chemical is really gonna make much of a difference.  I even quit smoking and 2 years later had cancer in my other breast.  I have decieded Im just gonna live life how I want and eat what I want.  I do make better food choices now adays but Im not gonna let it rule my life either.   So slice me off a piece of yummy cake or better yet, pass me some cheetos please!

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

       Here you go Paula how does that look? Ill join you for a piece too!!!! :)  Maybe a little ice cream on the side!! yum :)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    P-66, Yes, I thought about BRCA+ gals and how they would feel.  You can drink "green smoothies" every day of the week, still have a high risk to get B/C, and then be pretty ticked off that you passed on the chocolate/marshmallow milkshake.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Oh yummy Tink!!!!!

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    its so wierd how some things will copy and paste and some will not!!!!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Ok I just have to get this off my chest!  I told my sissy I wouldnt say a word but I am ticked off, so I have to get it out and I know that it wont be let out in our town, even though it should because of the lying and the deceit of others, but I and not the one who is going to judge this person one day.  Ok here goes.  I have an ex sissy inlaw who always looked down her nose at me and my family.  I never cared what her thought on me was and never will.  Well in December she found out she had Stage 1 rectal cancer.  She received treatment and is in remission.  Well when she found out I had BC she was all buddy buddy.  Trust me I am the last chic to play games, so I blew it off.  Well I know she had no means to pay for her treatment. She has no health insurance. She had to take a leave of absence from work while she was in treatment.  Well while I was going threw treatment her daughter had the nerve to send me an invite to a fundraiser for her treatment costs.  I was a bit torqued about that.  I have treatment bills of my own.  Well the other day I was at a local resturant and they have cans out for her so peeps can make a donation, no biggy to me.  But here is where Im got pissed.  She is now lying and telling people that she is Stage 4.  Also found out that she got a grant for all of her medical expenses, o and her boss paid her salary  while she was off work.  I was floored when my sissy told me all of this. The ex was even pisssed at the peeps who were doing the fundraiser because it wasnt coming together fast enough.  I was floored by all of what my sissy was telling me.  This is a huge deceiteful way to get money and I just want to go around town and put a letter in all the cans to let them know how crooked this is.  Ok I have to get off my soapbox, thanks for listening.  Sorry its so long, but I just couldnt help it!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Paula I am sorry to hear your ex SIL uses her cancer for financial gain.  It would make me crazy if someone I knew was doing it too.  It is just wrong.  I understand why you are upset by this deception.  Sometimes people really totally confound me.  Her true colors will likey be exposed some day. 

    Tinker I know what you mean, I have problems too sometimes.  Going to go fix some snacks for the party........

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    I whipped this up for the going away party.  Hope everyone enjoys!


  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    ooo yummy thanks janis!!!!!!

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    I am BORED! I have done nothing but lay in bed for 2 days. I can't wait for surgery lol.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    reesie good luck with your surgery.  Im sure the waiting has got to suck.  I was so tired of the couch that I just wanted to put a match to it, so I understand the bored. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Reesie I hope everything turns out wonderful with your surgery.  I read your are one brave lady, and you make some awesome lemonade!  Much luck to you.

  • Scuba_duchess
    Scuba_duchess Member Posts: 435

    FYI, the duchess tag is nothing like me. My DH's nickname is Duke, so I inherited the duchess tag. Am much more of a commoner than landed gentry. Happy to have found a new outlet.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Welcome duchess.  I am happy you found us.  I know this thread has been a lifesaver for me.  The girls are so great around here.  If you have questions do be afraid to ask.  Thats what we are here for.  We can be a crazy bunch, but we all have one thing in common, breast cancer. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Ahhhh Scuba D......(LOL) we are most happy to have to here.  Just sorry for the reason!   This is a terrific place and you will find many answers here, much solice, and big dose of fun!  Welcome!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    janis I am thirsty after the cake and the meats and cheese, so I figured we need to knock back a few, lol!


  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Janis I don't think I'm brave. I just talk a lot (read write a lot). I'm sure I made it sound much worse than it's been lol.

    I promised eveyone I would do as little walking as possible until surgery. I think I regret thaat promise now.