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  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    welcome mostlymom, glad to have you as a lerker or a poster! 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    mostlymom....lurk no more!  Just pull up a chair and stay awhile.  I am fairly new here, just diagnosed in July.  I have not seen anything but friendly faces here.

    Jo......I think it will all hit me one day and it may surprise me when it does.  I have yet to shed a tear, even well up over my cancer.  I have been nervous, but never really scared.  I have no idea why.  I think it is out there, in the perimeter somewhere, but it hasn't hit.  I suspect one of these days I may just have a total meltdown.  When that happens, I will be counting on my new friends here to hold my hand through it.  I beleive that is what everyone here does so well.  I get the fear, I really do.  I guess it just never hit me.  I think what you are experiencing now is so normal.  I believe it is okay to be ambivilent about these milestones.  Cancer changes each of us, profoundly.  We will all get through this, together.

    So this one is for you:

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Paula - I just read your post - really quicky and thought you wrote "leaker" not "lerker"Laughing This thought flashed through my head "leaker"? I know this is the 40-60 year old thread - but hopefully we're not old enough for that to be happening yet. Wink

    I think the "Good Night Irene Party" is a bust, - just lke the lady herself, for most of us. The last 11 days of sleep deprivation have finally caught up with me. I'm way too tired to party hardy tonight.

    If any of you watch "The Glades", a show I don't think I've ever seen. A childhood friend, who recently retired to Florida, is an extra in tonight's episode. This seems to be his new career. He'll be the guy sitting at a bar and in the parking lot of the bar. In the parking lot, he's right in front of Jim (the star's) car as he (Jim) rushes in. I'm DVRing (is that a word?) it in case I can't stay awake. Right now staying awake from 10:00-11:00 EDST doesn't look promising. Next month he appears on Charlie's Angels twice.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Janis - Sending you a PM

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Ok I now we are all big girls here, some say we are foggies, lol!  Well Tamo left me with the lack of desire.  Well it has came back, yahoo!!  Doing mental cart wheels here.  Im ready to get my freak on with my new girls.  I dont have nipples, so Im gonna have to get creative.  I can only come up with tassles or a dollup of whip cream.  Any comments on making it feel somewhat real would be welcome!  Thanks

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    Paula LMAO!!!!  you are too funny.. well i have foobs and fake nip but there are as numb as anything not sure what would make them "feel" real but we could get creative... maybe silly tatoos?????

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    ooo edible tatoos hmmmm Tink has her thinking cap on.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    ok Paula fuuny thing... I typed in edible tatoos and some srange pics came up.. hmmmm gonna have to think of something else i think lmao!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    is that why fresh whipping cream was part of the hurrican supplies!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    O yea nothing to freaky to start out.  I will have to work up to the freaky, lol!

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    absolutley!!!! haha

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
    Well juliet a little snuggle and huddle while your face the storm, lol
  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Paula - do an online search for "artificial nipples." You'll be AMAZED at what turns up - temporary tattoos, silicone nipples, custom made silicone nipples... - as well as some weird stuff you wouldn't believe. If you should decide you want nipples tattooed on, please take the advice of my BS and find a reputable tattoo artist. They have a much wider variety of ink colors and way more tattoo experience than a PS. My BS has one she's personally checked out, so if I ever decide I want them, I know exactly where I'm going. You can check those out on line as well - "tattooed nipples" or "nipple tattoos." It's absolutely amazing, especially the ones that have a 3D illusion.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    Funny thing is when my PS was talking about nipple tatooing i asked if they would tatoo Tinkerbell ( i was only kidding) and starting laghing. He was so funny he looked at me and said oh no sorry my assiasant has only been trained in nipples. lol.. but since he couldnt do it here is one for fun////////////

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Tink - that's one of the nicest Tinkerbell tattoos I've seen. If you're really thinking of it, take that picture to a tattoo artist.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Thanks gals for the ideas.  I will have to look into it all!  Hugs to you all and goodnight!

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    Goodnight Paula sweet dreams!

    Hauntie... I like it too. she looks cute some i have seen she looks like "evil Tink" . I tried to get a henna one at the  beach this summer but the ones they had actually scared me! 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    You ladies crack me up!!!!

    Tink, just curious if you had a mastectomy, why with no node involvement?  I am not sure what guidelines are used for a mast.  My surgeon never even mentioned it.  Wonder why?  I mean, do they sometimes do a lumpectomy then a mastectomy after biopsy results?

    Sorry to sound so lame, but still learning!

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    Janis I will pm you

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Paula you crack me up with getting your mojo back.  Oh and your ex sissy in law that just makes me sick.  I also have a family friend that I have known a long time and she had lung cancer again and is not doing so swell.  Anyway her family has been doing all kinds of fundraisers for them and claiming that not much is being covered yet they have medicare and a supplement.  My Dad has medicare and a supplement and has not had to pay one cent so far.  I on the other hand have insurance through my employer and will be making medical bill payments for quiet some time and happy to do it.

    Tink my GD thought getting a message form tinkerbell was way cool.

    Hope all the people with damamge will be able to get it cleaned up quickly and those without power will get it back on soon.  NOthing more miserable than no power and it being hot.

    My family has been here for days and I have gained weight.  Guess if I had my kids around all the time the weight I need to gain for surgery would be no problem.  Who knows maybe now I'll gain more than I need to.  What a scary thought.

    Welcome to all the newbies cannot remember you by name but this is a great group of women.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    justme janis my BS never mentioned a MX for me either and I did not find out until I was almost finished with rads that if I had had one I could have skipped rads altogether.  I was not happy about not being informed.  It was my choice to make not my BS.  Anyway after permanant nerve damamge and some other things I will be moving forwared with BMX in the spring.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    Janis.. I also forgot to mention she did give me the option of  a lumpectomy but left the choice up to me. She gave me all options available

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    Sherry i agree with you completly it was your choice not your BS I am grateful mine gave me all the options and i decided on a bilat . It was a good thing too because when pathology came back there were 2 kinds of cancer found one was hiding and a micro met in the node. She said later she thought i was being aggressive but it was my choice and then said when the reposrts came back it was a good call... we should always be informed of all of our options

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    paula, we missed your posts!!!  congrats on getting desire back ... mentally I'm there, but physically, not so much.  I love the tassles idea - you go girl :)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hauntie,  LOL.  Yes, we have lurkers; no one has mentioned being a "leaker" so far.  The day might come, but it ain't here yet.

    Paula66,  I though of a few insane things that might make good if they had mini Ring-Pops...but seriously, I don't know how you could keep anything (besides tattoo) in place.  That would be pretty disconcerting if your nipple started changing positions.

    Sherryc,  Sounds like you are having a great time with family.  It may not be as exciting as Paula getting her mojo back, but still...

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    A day without internet and I fall so far behind. (never trust DH again with a shovel!!) Trying to read 2 days of posts on my  I-phone reminded me of how old I am!  So glad to be at my keyboard again with my nice 20 inch monitor. 

    Welcome Duchess! You are no better hands than our lovely group of middies!! Hope you are healing well. Any questions  feel free to ask away!!

    Reesie--Thinking of you on your upcoming surgery. Am sending all the positive energy I can muster.

    Paula--your ex-SIL is just not right in the head. To take advantage of her DX and profit.. . there is a place in you know where for people like that.

    JO. (((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))) I'm sorry you're sad. I know this is incredibly shallow. . .

    but I hope this makes you feel better. Wink 


  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Sherry I was never offered up a mastectomy.  My BS actually just told me he was doing a "partial mastectomy".  I was fine with that, really did not want my breast cut off.  Still I wonder why treatments are so different?  I really was not given choices, but if I recall BS indicated that a mastectomy was not necessary. 

    Tink you had lots more going on than me.  He did tell me my tumor was larger than he thought from the tests, but said it was slow growing and not aggressive.  So guessing that is why it was never even offered for me as an option.  I don't know...maybe they assume women would not choose a mast if the outcome were the same on a cancer like mine.

    It is all interesting.  Thanks for sharing your stories!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    And I am very glad that all the East Coast gals survived Irene relatively unscathed. Hopefully, y'all are done with your natural disaster for the week!!

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    I sure missed alot here, sorry I've not been able to keep up.  Damn work always seems to get in the way of all the fun.  Jo- your sure feeling the "normal" thing when it comes to those life changing events.  We all know your pain, confusion, and out right frustration with this micro-monster we are all dealing with.  So feel good about yourself and who you are now and pitch the cancerversary into the bonfire.  I'll help if you need it.  Now doesn't that feel better?  Reesie - all my best to you for your surgery.  You are one of our superwoman.  Eli - I may be on the high side of this age thread but I can party with the kids anytime!  Got your water balloons ready?  Tink - I think silly tatoos would be great!  Janis - your grieving will find its own way out so you really don't need to look for it or wonder where it went.  I have a co-worker who is 2 years out now and still has not cried.  She says she's a professional optimist.  Paula - how about glow in the dark star stickons!  Welcome mostlymom!  Marlegal - did you make the dress? Loved it!  Sorry if I missed the rest of you posters but lots of ((((HUGS))))) to everyone.  Whew, now I'm pooped!  Take care everyone!!  Kitty

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    My thoughts on the eating organic.  All of my Dr's basically told me to eat more veges and fruits and cut down on red meat.  But that exercise was the most important thing.  So I took that to heart and really started exercising and even though I did not eat horribly tried to clean it up even more.  I think Kay said it trying to go organic with the dirty 12 but my local grocery store is pretty limited so unless I am going to Dr visits and can go to a larger store I just don't get the stuff.  I have enlarged my garden and I really like that because I am eating fresh which taste better and I do feel is better for you.  I also can and put things in the freezer and should start paying less for groceries because of that.  I have pretty much cut sweets out until my kids showed up.  That will be hard to break again, but at least I have gained some much needed weight. I did turn down the trip to DQ for blizzards tonight.  Just could not eat anything else.

    Kay glad your surgery went well and Reesie hope everything will go good with your upcoming surgery