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  • Sandlake
    Sandlake Member Posts: 108
    hahaha!! Laughter is the best medicine!  I was wondering what the votes were about, I can do this Smile
  • Sandlake
    Sandlake Member Posts: 108

    My vote goes to .....Monique! I love the way her legs are shaved!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    FREYA, FREYA, FREYA!!!!!!  Just the look on her face. . . she's probably thinking, who put this da*n tutu on me??? : )

  • stage1
    stage1 Member Posts: 285

    Dear Newbies, Just wanted to chime in to say that, in the begining, I seemed to be in shock.  I was glad that I had read somewhere that I should record my doctors appointments.  I did, on my cell phone, in my purse.  I was glad I did, because when I played it back to myself when I got home, I heard a lot of conversation, that just did not sink in.  Thinking of all of you and hope that all goes well.  This is a great site for getting and giving information that we don't always get from our doctors.  I have found that if a person has not gone thru this, they cannot understand fully, even tho they try.

  • Just found this thread-I've been focused on "high risk" , followed by "before and after surgery" followed by "reconstrucition" and most recently "exchange" surgery.  It's all a bit of a blur.  I had my BMX in June, had a relatively easy recovery (it's all relative), no need for chemo or radiation because of the BMX-even though they found more cancer-dense breasts.  Have been undergoing reconstruction and have my exchange surgery scheduled for 10/28.  Meanwhile, I'm in the place many of you are.  My oldest graduated from college right before my BMX (I scheduled it around her graduation).  My son is in college in Florida-I'm in CT.  and I live alone-divorced.

      What does that leave?  My 81 yo mother came to take care of me post BMX-I couldn't have done it without her and am so thankful that she was well enough to be with me-though I think it totally exhausted her.  I'm by myself with most of my worries about what my future is-and what the implications are for my daughter (I was suppossed to have BRAC testing done after the BMX-but have put it off-let's not go there).  And I need to talk with other women in the same age range dealing with the same issues.

      I had no idea how this would affect my life.  I do believe getting perspective-and laughing whenever you can is the way to go.  So I'm here, and ready to join in the conversation and the laughter.


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Welcome to all the Newbies - others have said that the waiting is the hardest part and it sure is.  Be sure to get a copy of that path report - it has all kinds of important information on it.  It will help in guiding you to the next step.  We have all been there and can help you with all the questions you may have.  As you can see, we also like to have fun so chime in anytime and we will focus on your issues.

    Sherry - Can't believe with all you have been through that you are sick.  Not what you needed.  Don't make me come back up there and take care of you.  You know I would.  Hugs to you. 

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    welcome newbies. my only tip that I use is a journal. I write down all my questions and when I meet w/dr. I go down the list and write down the answer. so far so good.

    elimar, I have often thought about how we must come across to the new ones. we are all over the place, and sometimes it's nice to talk about something that is not bc

    sandlake and yorkie, I will be sending postive thoughts for great reports and minimal (if any) tx. sending you both virtual hugs

    getting ready to take bandage off port site and shower. I'm about ready to mix my med cocktail and go to bed. hoping I can sleep on my side tonight

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    rehm046,  You are not so "new" then, but started out on the more specific threads.  That's what I also did.  Well, here, we have a wide variety of Dx's and treatments and you will find some similar to your own.

    It's not that we are attention deficit around here, we just switch gears from humor to serious and back, as needed.  That's 'cause, as women, we are so good at multi-tasking.  If we forget things from time to time, that's 'cause we are middle-aged (and possibly chemo-brained too.)   My own brain is like a home on "Hoarders," it's jam-packed with stuff but I can't always get to it. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    There have been so many Newbies stopping by tonight.  I would not be a good thread hostess, if I did not set out a big bowl of Cheetos in hospitality, just in case anyone wants to do some late night snacking. 


  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    I don't know the newbies well enough yet to decide what they might like to drink with those Cheetos so I'm offering choices :) And don't worry about leftovers, I'll drink them all. Cheers my buddies,

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    welcome newbies!.. I would agree shock is very normal you kinda get into this "mode" where you feel like you shut down emotion and just move on to what you have to do, at least thats what I did. I wish you both the best and we are here for anything you might need! hugs to you

    Jo.. absolutley!!!

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    Welcome to all of the Newbies....there do seem to be more than usual tonight. Everybody has given you such great advice already but I repeat the "take someone with you to the doctor" if you can. I was amazed at how much I missed at those first few appointments and how much my husband remembered.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Welcome newbies. Definitely take someone with you. I can't remember much of anything (of course I was on pain pills at the time ...). It is really helpful. And the docs all expect you to ask for reports so don't be afraid to ask.

    Thank you everyone for your great comments on the clip. I think Lu Ann did a pretty good job. I don't mind the pink because it serves it's purpose (when it's not commercial). But I think everyone is aware now. It's time for a cure.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Oh almost forgot - I vote for Monique.

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    reesie, i forgot to mention that i loved the piece you were in.  it was especially fun to see you in real life ... well, almost!  you did a great job.
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Freya!!! HE looks like a Hell's Angel dog barely, just barely tolerating his "look". I fear for the first person who laughs in his face!!!!

    Someone a couple of pages back asked how to let go spiritually. Someone gave me wise words years ago by saying: Let God take the helm. 

    Just let go. Truly let it all go, knowing that people are working on your behalf while you wait for the answers. You WILL get an answer, don't be in a hurry to get it. Enjoy these days of ignorance.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Newbies (and tink):  Right when I got my biopsy news, after the nurse said "some cancer cells were found," I went deaf for the next couple of seconds.  Or, like someone had posted, it felt like the air got sucked out of the room and I could hear nothing in that vacuum.  I had to say, "Uh, what was that?"   It was something about referal to a BS.  The nurse was smiling when she told me, "This is good that we caught it early."  ("We?"  I found my own lump, mammo never found it.)  At the time, even in my shocked mind, I was thinking she was a little weird to seem "happy."  Now, I realize that if she delivered it with a very somber face, I would have had a different reaction.  Rather than being irritated at her happy delivery, I would have been in a panic...maybe a shrieking, run from the room panic.  I think they are trained to give you their best confident, controlling smiles.  Boy, she was good!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885


  •    I think I will cast my vote for GiGi.....she looks like a perky little dog.  If you notice some of those dogs have their tails tucked down....they are probably really embarrassed going around with colored fur. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Freya!  I don't like coloring dogs!  Think her accessories are all that is needed.

    Welcome to all the NEWBIES.  Gosh there are so many it is hard to keep up.  You found the best place to come without a doubt.  Great people here. kind of buddy!  You brought just the right things to a welcoming party.  YUM.  Good choices.  I'll have one of each.

    Sherry, I am so sorry you are sick.  I'll hitch a ride with Jo and come help out.  Feel better soon hon!

    Everyone has different coping skills, and I hope everyone new here will find some peace with all of this.  It is a journey of course, and there is much to learn along the way.  Find support and comfort where you can.  Stay as positive as possible, it sure helps.

    I have a new concern but trying not to worry.  I have to see a surgeon tomorrow about my thyroid.  BC is interesting.  During rads I had to go the the ER for severe chest pain.  It turned out to be pleurisy, but they did a CT scan in case it was a blood clot.  The CT revealed nodules on my thyroid.  A needle biopsy was inconclusive, but did list cancer as a possibility.  So now a consult with a surgeon who will likely do an excision biopsy to completey remove the nodules.  So, another surgery likely pending.  It is kind of frustrating!  Hoping the biopsy results are not cancer of course.

    Eli, thanks for the cupcakes.  Delicious!

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121

    Janis, I have every finger and toe crossed for b9 results.

    Newbies, great advice from all above, I would just add that I kept a folder with all my reports and a notebook with me at all times (reading the threads here, doing research, talking to others) to write down questions as they came up...otherwise I might forget to ask them.  Once my MO sat down with me and my notebook and went through every question.  If he couldn't answer it he would help me note which doctor would have the best information. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    SAB....thanks so much!  Funny I never really felt threatened by BC at all.  Isn't that strange?  However this upcoming thyroid thing has me just a little nervous.  I need everyone to jump into my pocket tomorrow for my consult.  There is so much comfort knowing my friends are with me!  HUGS!

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    I vote for Freya!

    I hope everyone has a blessed Sunday and that all who aren't feeling well feel better soon and that all who are awaiting test results get good news.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Welcome to all the newbies!  I can't add anything to what everyone else has said, but ask away if there are any questions and jump in and just enjoy the conversation when you don't.  It's a fun place to be.

    Janis, sorry to hear about another biopsy.  Anyone would be nervous.  Jumping in your pocket with the cheetos, so it would be smart to get an organe apron! 

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    Freya gets my vote!

    Janis - I'll be in your pocket tomorrow too - I'll bring chocolate....

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    ok i'll bring the chips

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    This one is simple but has plenty of pocket space.  Climb on in.  My appointment is tomorrow morning at 10:30 Mountain Time.

    Vintage Romantic One of a Kind Love, A Single Rose aprons

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    janis, i'll jump in your pocket as well.  i'll bring peanut M&M's!!
  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Welcome newbies!  You already heard from many of the best here about getting yourself on track with being an advocate for yourself.  I did the notebook with my questions and the file book with all my test results and pathology.  By time I saw my MO he was very impressed with my knowledge and organization.  He talked more "with" me rather than "at" me.  It made my decisons much more easy and I felt very confident.

    Janis-I'm ready to jump in your apron pockets!  I'm really feeling positive for you and B9 results.  Here's what I will bring to the pocket party!  YUM!  Pink mice!

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    Well I guess someone has to bring the health food.  (It will probably be pretty lonely in my corner of the pocket...)