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  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246

    Janis-I am thinking of you.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Welcome, Ceeztheday!  Have you finished with the rads yet?  How did your skin do?
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Happy Monday everyone!

    So glad my girl Freya won!  The speeches by the "runners-up" were hilarious!  The founder of our thread has a warped, wicked FUNNY mind!

    I can't keep track of everyone anymore-I think it's a chemo-brain thing more than anything!  Hope all have a good week.  those of you still getting ready start, or are in the middle of, or toward the tail end of treatment-remember-IT'S ALL DO-ABLE!  We are living proof! 

    Pass the cheetos & I'll take a vodka/soda with a splash of cranberry in 1.75 hours (when it hits noon here on the west coast).

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Oh & I must say, love the look of those carmel apples!

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    SAB that same thing happened to me. The radiologist called me and apologized. He couldn't reach my Dr so called me because he knew how important it was. He is the one who recomended my BS to me and I thank him for it. I did think it was a possibility for the length of time it took for my mammo and numerous pic they took (on a Friday) and having to wait over the weekend to get the needle biopsy done DH holding my hand. Said the results would take two to three day, he called the next day. Call BS to set up appointment, had my first MRI by Friday. Saw BS the following Wed. I felt like I didn't have time to breath. The best thing for any newbie (new sister) is take someone with you to all appts and/or record it. There are so many things that can be missed.

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome!

    elimar, you asked about my BCA history in a nutshell: 

    Dx'd 4/1 (yeah...April Fool's Day was my lucky day!); lumpectomy 4/25; chemo (TC regime, x6) 05 through 09 (last infusion 09/09); currently undergoing rads. I started the Oct 2011 Rads group...we have a good group of folks over there, with some overlap from the Sept 2011 group.  The rest of the details are in my signature line.

    An interesting thing about alcohol -- did anyone else get a lecture from their MO about the relatedness of alcohol consumption and BC incidence?  I did, and I have decreased my intake by quite a bit, but that's mostly b/c chemo spoiled my taste for it. I'm a wine and microbrew person, with an occasional mojito, mimosa, or margarita thrown in there. 

    And is anyone else getting sick of pink??? Every time I see pink October crap, or a pink ribbon, I have really mixed feelings. Sometimes I feel like it minimizes the issues around BC, and sometimes I want to break out into tears. 

    I have to agree tho -- Freya is cute! (I think that's the same look I get on my face about Pinktober...)

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    marthah - I was that way with pink last year (probably because I just finished chemo), this year I kinda went with the flow (did wear a boa at the race).  I do think it has gotten out of hand in some aspects and the slogans on the t shirts are really getting to me.  I do wear my "I fought like a girl and won" with pride (was a gift) but the "Squeeze a boob, save a life" or "Save the TaTa's" (saw a lot of that at the Race for the Cure this weekend) are starting to crossing the line.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474 are my kind of gal.  I don't drink much at all, can't afford it!  Your drinks ideas always look and sound fantastic!

    So, had a very long meeting with the surgeon, Dr. Ballentyne.  I really liked him and he was so easygoing and friendly.  He explained that these nodules on my right lobe cannot be properly biopisied until removed.  He thinks there is only about a 20% chance they are cancerous, but we have to know.  So, next Tuesday I am having outpatient surgery at the hospital.  A Right Thyroid Lobectomy.  He is taking out the entire right node and will leave the left, which only has miniscule nodules on it. 

    I have to go to the hospital friday to pre-register and get blood work done.  I don't know what time the surgery is scheduled, but his nurse said likely early morning.  It will be done under general anesthesia so that is good.  The insision will be about 4" long.  I really don't care to be awake for this one!

    Thanks all of you for the full pockets today.  Will really, really need you all in there for me next Tuesday.  This one makes me a bit nervous.  :)

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195


    Have they given you any indication that, if malignant, it's related to your BC? I wouldn't think it would be, and if it is thyroid CA, not to worry...that is very, very treatable/survivable. 

    Hang in there,'ll be fine. 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    ok count me in janis, will bring the chocolate-belgian!  fri and tuesday about some clotted cream toffee

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    juliet62...oh my yes!  That sounds like heaven.  Better stuff my face while I can still eat, LOL!  Might have to have a little pre surgery party over the weekend.  YUM.

    martha....I don't think the doctor really wants to even consider the correlation unlesss this turns out to be cancer.  He is thinking not, basically said he feels there is about a 20% chance it is cancer. The way I see it, that means there is an 80% chance that it is not.  I like those odds! Thanks for the well wishes.  I am not worried...yet!  :)

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121

    Janis-Sorry for ongoing problems...I hope it at least feels better to know you have a plan of action now.  I hope it will be easy as it can be. 

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Janis, I highly doubt there is a correlation...that's why I was asking.

    Here's to the 80%!!! Yeehaww!!!

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Hubby's out of town, again, but I have an Elders meeting tonight. I'm the chair, so I guess I have to be there. Boo. Yell No rest for the wicked, even when it comes to church meetings (or especially, even!).

    Don't have too much fun without me tonight! 

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Welcome Marthah! Janis I'll be home bored so I"l jump in your pockets for surgery next week if you come with fo mine tomorrow. Finally getting that bmx and ooph tomorrow.

    Just hope I don't go backwards with my leg and arm pt (I'm sure I won't do the exercises like I'm supposed to).

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    I think Monique was robbed.

  • lwarstler
    lwarstler Member Posts: 123

    Hi everyone, been off the boards for 4 days and there's no way I can catch up. Did a bunch of running around (riding really) Friday and Saturday for my step-daughter and daughter and then had to recooperate for 2 days. Tomorrow's round 2 of chemo and I am dredding it. Have also had a sore spot on my back (left side-same as chemo) that has a slight discoloration to it, so I am going to ask my onc about it tomorrow. I don't know if it is a skin issue due to chemo or if it is something else. Hopefullly it is nothing but anything near the site of the cancer is scaring me. Not looking forward to the SE's either. Anyone else have sore spotsjust under their skin when they had chemo?

  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246

    elimar-Thanks for the welcome! I have only 3 boosts to go! Except for a burned armpit and some peeling underneath my breast, my skin is quite good. Thanks for asking. I plan to leave Saturday to go to San Diego and go on a blues cruise for a week. We went last year and it was so much fun. It is a Holland America ship that is chartered for all blues music. Last year there was 107 shows in one week! Should be a good way to relax and recover, don't you think?

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Hey Janis, you can count me in for next Tuesday. I still have a positive vibe for you with this.  Party hardy this weekend and I'm sure everyone here will help Wink!!  Here's a preview I'm sure.

    He can serve drinks and cater to our needs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Reesie....Will be in your pocket tomorrow.  I hope it all goes well for you and that you have an easy recovery.  You have been through so much already.  That is a lot of surgery tomorrow.  Big hugs, cheers, and much luck.  You'll have a crowd in that pocket I am sure. 

    lwarstler.....I am so sorry about the chemo tomorrow and how much you dread it.  I'll be thinking of you and hoping it goes smoothly and the SE's are kept to a minimum.  Thinking the sore is nothing but of course we always worry with these new things.  Hoping your doctor can ease your mind about that.

    ceezethe day....I am so happy for you with just 3 boosts to go.  You must be elated to see the finish line.  What a fantastic thing you are able to go on this cruise.  Have a wonderful time, and put cancer on a different vacation....separate from yours!  You deserve this healing time.

    Kitty...thanks hon, I knew you would be there and get the party started.  Already looks promising! :)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    reesie,  It's finally here, tomorrow is...


    May all go smoothly just as planned, with surgeon skill and steady hand.  Sleep well tonight!

    Ceeztheday,  Woo-Hoo!  That Blues Cruise sound great!  I'm going to check that out.  Take your rads moisturizer with you and use plenty will you heal.

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Reesie and Janis, I'll be in both of your pockets on the days you need me. I think I'll snag some of those carmel apples to bring with!

    My BS told me as soon as he looked at the tissue from the biopsy. Of course he said it had to be sent to path and he's not always right. But I needed to bring my DH w/me to follow up appt. and be prepared for the worst. I told him he sucked 'cause that follow up appt. was on my birthday. He did spend 45 min. w/us that evening explaining everything and answering questions. I don't think he's quite sure how to take me. I kinda dig that. Always keep 'em on their toes!

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324
    ressie-May your day tomorrow go smooth as silk!  You have been throught alot and deserve an easy go of it.  Keep in mind that we are all there for you and the team spirit will pull you through.  Kitty
  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246

    ressie-I will be thinking of you tomorrow and sending good vibes your way. I hope that your surgery is totally successful and that your recovery is super quick!

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Geez - this thread moves fast. I go away for a weekend and I'm pages and pages behind. I'm trying to catch up, but it could take a while. I guess I missed out on the cupcakes and the vote for Miss Pink, October 2011.

    Welcome to all the newcomers. I'm sorry you had to join our group, but as you can see, we welcome you with open arms. This is a great place for info and even more important - support.

    Reesie - something happened to my flash player, so I just caught a glimpse of the MBC video. You look great. love the hair. How are you feeling?

    I've caught my first cold of the school year. I lasted until noon at work, then came home and went to bed. I have lots of new little kids on my caseload this year, with new big germies. I'm going to have to build up some immunity to them quickly or it's going to be a very long school year. I'm about ready to head back to bed. Have a good evening everyone.

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Marie - Just saw that your BMX and ooph is tomorrow. You know, I'm in your pocket. I'll wear a mask and bring the hand sanitizer. Good luck. I know you've been waiting for this for a long time.


  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Hello to all the new girls on this thread I have been reading for over an hour now!

    Reesie, hope everything goes well tomorrow and don't forget to remind them that you are a celebrity now! Loved the news story.

    E, I love the puppy in pink! I don't know even BC can't stop me from loving the color pink LOL

    Since moving back to Omaha I have to find a new onc and that sucks, I will still travel back to NY to see my BS at Sloan for my yearly MRI's.

    Just took a new seasonal job working for Omaha Steaks, gosh I wish it didn't take so long to reinstate my nurses license I have a job with a hospice organization as soon as I get through. I passed my math test with a 92% and I celebrated with a glass of wine! I am so bad with numbers :)

    Okay, back a few pages somebody posted a picture of Johnny Depp and it made me think of a thread I just read about a new sexual aide called "Scream Cream" for all of us who are in menopause. Can't you just laugh thinking about asking your Dr. for this new med?

    Hugs and love to all,


  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504
    Praying for your surgery tomorrow reesie! I hope it all goes well and that you recover quickly...
  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Reesie, prayers and good thoughts for your surgeries tomorrow.  Will be in your pocket through the whole thing.  Ditching the cheetos and bringing tgif burgers with jack daniels sauce for you.  Wishing you smooth sailing through the surgery and easy recovery.

    Janis, the same for you next Tuesday.  I would like those percentages if I were you too.  How are you otherwise?  Is the worst rad burn ever healing yet?

    marthah, my MO questioned me about drinking too.  I hardly drank at all.  Maybe a drink or two on the weekends, sometimes not even that.  It was like the MO didn't believe me.  I told her I hardly drank, she said, "Define hardly."  Sheesh!  I'm Irish and have red cheeks with my fair complexion.  My DH said he thinks it was the red cheeks that made the MO think I drank more than I was admitting to.  It ticked me off a bit.

    E, I enjoyed the concession speeches too, but I think the fix was in!  I demand a recount. LOL

    Have a good night everyone.