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  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121

    Woops, deleted because I still can't figure out how to post a pic!!!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Janis I'll be jumping in your pocket and hopefully my tummy will be better so I can eat the snacks that others are bringing

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Janis, I think you will need a bigger pocket - it looks like it is gonna get a little crowded in there.  I will bring the coffee.

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Janis, you're pocket sounds like the place to be. Chocolate, coffee and snacks. Right on! Not sure what to bring 'cause I'll be in a sugar coma after all that (but sooo worth it)! Best of luck and hoping for best of results as well.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    El.. I understand exactly what your saying. When I think back my BS is about my age and very bubbly and when she called to tell me she said " well looks like you got a little cancer"... all i could think a little as oppsed to alot.. what does that mean but after that i went into a kind of mode where I just made appts wentand thank God that she the onc and the PS all wrote down notes for my husband and I because I couldnt tell you what they said I just knew I had to get this done and I wanted it done now...  it all sinks in later.. i think th elast few months I started to remember some thigns and really think about the last year.

    Hope everyone is having a good sunday



  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Freya gets my vote. 

    Janis Im jumping in as well!  I well bring some yummy treats as well.  

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    The polls are now closed and the 2011 Pinktober POODLE PRINCESS is FREYA!  The other pink pooches all had supporters and deserve a round of applause for competing.  Let's see them once again with the final tally and their concession/victory comments.

            Fifi ... 3              Gigi ... 1

    Babette ... 1       Monique ... 2

       Cecile ... 1           Freya ... 8

    FIFI:  (Who also won the Canine Congeniality bestowed by the other contestants.)  "I'm sure that my softer, lamb-like shear this year really helped my popularity.  Last year, I had the "classic" bare-a$$ed look (excuse my French!) and didn't do nearly as well."

    GIGI:  (Disqualified.)  "O.K., my real name is Monsieur Henri.  I kept my shear long and my hiney down to conceal my boy parts.  So what?  I'd do it again.  I really want that fabulous tiara!"

    BABETTE:  "This was not my idea!  They dyed my fur, then posed me on a wobbly card table.  I don't know how many slippers I'll have to chew to get over this humiliation."

    MONIQUE:  "I knew I was a long shot.  I'm not Standard!  I'm just big-boned.  It's hard to compete with all that petite pinkness."

    CECILE:  "I won last year, but this year had a minor mange issue.  I knew it was not a good idea to use cotton candy as fur extensions.  I'm sure it cost me a few votes."

    FREYA:  "I didn't think I even had a chance since I am not even the right breed, but wow, what an honor!  I just wanted the day off from pulling the sled, and a chance to bark about world peace, but now I have the tiara and a new boyfriend named Pierre!"


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    "Yeah, sure those other bit@#es whined a lot when my girl Freya won, but like i always say..."


  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Congrats to Freya, and might I say that Pierre looks like a bag a skittles!

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    Too funny elimar!!!

    I'm jumping in your pocket too Janis if there's any room left. I hope it all goes well for you!

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121

    You're so funny Elimar.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Freya won!!! Yeahhhhh!!!! However, I am a little frightened of that boyfriend Pierre, he looks like one tough dude. Wouldn't want to meet him in some darkened alley!!

    Janis --I will be there with bells on bringing the brunch mimosas. you did say 10:30 right?

    To all the newbies-- i acutually had to take my MIL along  too because my DH was in almost as much shock as I was. He asked all the questions, she wrote everything down, and I just sat there with a dazed look on my face. The first few weeks I wrote EVERYTHING down in a notebook so I could remember to ask the MO when I saw her again. Do get a copy of all your path reports, blood work,ct scan results, etc. so you can refer back to them. Any questions, don't hesitate to ask, we'll try our best to help--but do look for more in depth answers on specific threads.

    Wonder if I can sneak one of Janis' mimosas early so I can fall asleep sooner. . . .its more fun than the ambien. . .  

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    lol thats great Elimar!

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Hey, ladies, I'm jumping into the fray. I smelled the Cheetos, and I brought my own drinks (I prefer microbrew IPA's with my Cheetos!)

    Newbie to this group, but not this site. 

    And I had my 50th birthday mid-chemo, so I certainly fit the 40-60 profile! Smile

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504
    Welcome marthah!! There's always plenty of cheetos around here...Smile
  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Thanks, Barb58!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Welcome, marthah!  We can see you had some chemo.  What surgery have you had and are you still having any treatment?
  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Congrats to Freya!  I knew she had it in her to be a princess.  When will Disney call???  Eli- I'm still tearing from laughing so much over the concession speeches.  Just too funny!!!

    Welcome marthah!  Weekend are always fun around here and lots of good support and advice anytime.

    Tomorrow is my first check up since end of rads.  Not sure what to expect but I got lots of questions so I'll be bringing my notebook.  See you in the AM Janis!  Hugs all around, Kitty

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    E ~ Thanks for the laughs. They were needed..... The concession speeches were hilarious. Oh my, you mean they were serious?!?! Oops! Loved 'em!!

    Claire ~ I was thinking the same thing you said about the mimosas. I wonder if anyone will miss two of them.

    Janis, I will also be with you. Keeping good thoughts goin' for ya!!

    When my surgeon came in the room to say to me, "I have bad news." he brought with him three gals & they all stood by the door. (Katie, bar the door!! ) One was his main surgical nurse, one was Who?? & one was the gal that made the appointments for surgery/etc from up front. Scared the living sh*t right out of me!! I knew right then before he said a word that it was bad news.... maybe he thought I would pass out or try to escape-the latter being not a bad idea at the time.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Welcome Marthah!! I'm with you on that micro-brew! After all I do have two hands!! Where in Iowa are you from--I lived there a lifetime ago--literally--1960's! And Happy Belated 50!! We have that in common too!!

    Janis, Its getting crowded in here!  I figured I would bring some fruit,



  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    OOps hope I brought enough!!

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Welcome newbies, this a great please to be.  Wish I had found this place aftet dx and treatments.  They did help me through rads and my last surgery.  Everyone is very helpful.

    Barb, I got the 65,000 wrong it was 6,500 mamo's paid for and 96 dx. 

    The race went well and I finished 5m under last year even using my walking cane.  Granted I had just finished cemo last year.  I am finally recovered today.

    Saw MO Friday and we went over the results of my bone scan and CT scan.  Bone scan shows that I have arthritis in my knees and feet, ok now I know all my pains and discomfort is not in my head.  CT scan shows scaring in the right anterior right middle lobe, hmmm, that is where they did my rads.  MO says that would not happen and thinks it is due to infection.  Wants to do another scan to see if it is still there.  Hmm, I think not seeing how expensive it was, just see if something is still there.  I will need to do another bone densisty scan since it has been a year for that to check and see if the Femara is affecting my bones.

    I have changed my name and pic as you see.  Like the race number, DH says I am just 2222 good.


  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Welcome Marthah, my October rad buddy!  Good to see you here.

    Janis, I'm settled in the pocket for as long as it takes, sending good thoughts and vibes for good results.  I have a very good feeling about it. 

    I'll check back in later today.  Have a great day everyone.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121

    Gee whiz,I would have been happy to have a fake smile at my dx, or even a team of linebackers barring the door.  I got a cold phone call from the radiologist who did the biopsy.  "It's cancer."  I was standing in a bank line, stepped out to take the call and then had to go back in because I was making a deposit for my husband's business.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    SAB, mine was exactly the same way.  But I was already prepared for it because at the ultrasound they were positive it was cancer and even told me to make an appointment with a BS now, not to wait until biopsy.  That comment made me weak in the knees.  They also bipsied two lymph nodes and I found out they had cancer too.  Even know ahead of time, it was like a blow to the stomach.  I guess in the office, face to face, it would have been different, but I was a little glad that it was over the phone and I could go be by myself and take some deep breaths.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    w-2222,  I see you accessorized with a feather boa for your walk, dahling.  Gonna take a while for the new name to sink in.  If you do get another CT, please let us know if the right lobe resovles or if it is still showing something.  I have a hunch rads can do something like that.  Although I am hoping you do not have an infection, I do hope it is something that can be taken care of.  Compromised lobe or not, you did good walking a new "pink" personal best even with a cane.

    SAB,  That is COLD!  Is it too much trouble to sit in a consultation room with a woman for five minutes, explain the biopsy results and what happens next? 

    My nurse went over the size, grade and hormone status.  The basic info. was like mumbo-jumbo back then, but I got the gist that it was "favorable" for treatment.  They gave me a big, scary 3-ring binder called "The Notebook" which had definitions and further info.  I think it was written by Stephen King. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Elimar....LOL your commentaries by the "runner ups" (hey, losers is so demeaning) was hysterical.  I love a good morning laugh!

    marthah..a big warm welcome to you.  Bring a lounge chair, you'll want to stick around so might as well be comfortable.

    Thanks everyone for the yummy food, Mimosas, and Jo for the coffee.  Sounds like a great way to hang out in the pocket.  I leave in just over an hour.  Bring your appetities!

    Sherry...hope you are feeling much better and can enjoy the snacks!

    I hope everyone is doing better today than yesterday!!  Hugs my friends.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    I've got the carmel apples for the ride girls!!!!  Can we say YUMMMY!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Good Luck today, janis!  I think you have the whole (sticky) thread in the pocket today.

    cmb, See if you can come up with some scones one morning this week.  Love those with my tea!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    with clotted cream and strawberry jam