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  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Sherryc, Thinking of you.  How are things with your Dad?  Hope he is doing better today.

    p.s.  You're welcome, VictoriaB, any time. 

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324
    Oh Claire thank you for the wonderful kitty pancakes!  I had a difficult night with pain at my surgery sight and broke down and took my vicodine.  So I have slept in this morning and now seem to be in a fog all day.  The coffee is wonderful too Kay.  It's so strange to have the pain after so long without any problems.  Could it be that I maybe did something to strain the muscles and aggravate the scar tissues??  Well, it's better this morning and hope there is no return tonight. UGH!  Kitty
  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474, sorry you are experiencing this pain.  I don't know what may have caused it but hope you don't have a repeat anytime soon.  Is it better now?

    Kay, LOL on learning to post pics!  Once I got the hang of it I had way too much fun.  Your breakfast choices look wonderful.  No eggs for me, but that bacon and those pancakes and everything else on that plate look heavenly! 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    janis,  How is your rads burn doing?  Any healing taking place yet?  How fatigued did you end up getting?
  • treeskier
    treeskier Member Posts: 21

    Okay, I've been WORKING and was pages behind but I actually read it all. That Pierre dog has some attitude, he made me laugh out loud. Thanks for that and all the virtual treats!

    The advice about avoiding LE and taking the risk very seriously is much appreciated and I will follow it. Getting needle sticks in my left hand for the rest of my life is a small price to pay for reducing the risk of lymphedema in my right arm.

    I saw my BS recently about the slow healing of my breast after brachytherapy (like yours, madpeacock) and she thought it was just fine. The incision and lumpectomy area is finally no longer red at all. Guess I just didn't realize 2 months was a reasonable time to wait for healing! She didn't seem to think I needed to see a PT, just advised me to massage the area "upward and downward" now that it's healed, to clear out the seroma that made it feel like I had half a brick stuck in that breast. That seemed vague and for some reason I didn't ask her to demonstrate but I've done my best and the lumpy-bumpy stuff is smaller as a result. Anyone know where I can see a diagram of how best to do post-lumpectomy-healing massage?

     My armpit is still numb and I think it will always be. I asked my sis (BMX 2008) and she said "numbness is the least of my worries."

    There's an awesome organization in my area called which sets up hikes for cancer survivors and caregivers. DH and I went on the most gorgeous 3 1/5 mile gentle hike with them this morning, up a little canyon in the foothills, filled with trees and shrubs in their fall colors. Two of the new friends I've made through those hikes, both 40-60 women like us, have become long-term-disabled because of their cancer experiences (one lymphoma, one ovarian). Don't you just hate that? But I love that they are out in the woods soaking up the beauty. Wish I could send you all a pic, but on my first post-surgery hike I fell down and broke my camera.

    My very best wishes to all of you!

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    Hello suzwez - LOVE the pic. And by the way, what messy kitchen?? I have been cooking up a storm the last couple of days and it shows...

    Thought my Mammosite site was healing well until last night. Felt swollen and puffy and just pushed "slightly" on the bulgy boob - GUSH!!!  Whoa!! Gushy - like - soaked the top of my jeans...Nothing today, thankfully, and swelling is down. Pretty scary, though. 

    Love the breakfast pics. My hubby was looking kind of pouty today and finally admitted he wanted pancakes, bacon, eggs, the works. Dropped him and DD off at IHOP and let them get their feed on while I finished up errands (since I can't eat that stuff..) Happy family. Made fajitas tonight with fresh margaritas, so I'm now good too.

    Hope everyone has a great week! 

  • treeskier
    treeskier Member Posts: 21

    So is your catheter out, Mad?

  • donnad333
    donnad333 Member Posts: 10

    Hello all ... I am new on this forum--and pretty much new on this Website. I am a single, middle-aged lady with cats (x3); otherwise no children.

    I look forward to joining in.

    (And I'm with cmblastic: I think we're looking at a wet telephone book!)

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195


    Welcome to the forum, and as we all say, sorry you joined the club no one wants to join!

    This is a great forum, and great website. I look forward to hearing your stories and getting to know you!

    Cheers! Martha

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Hi donna and welcome.  Im sorry we have to meet this way.  The gals are very helpful around here.  If you have any questions just post away.

    I have had a busy busy weekend and now its time for a busy week.  Will the madness ever end.  I have alot of testing to get ready for so I will get to study away.  Good thing I am the instructor and have the answers, lol.  No I will be a good girl and not use my book to study I will use the same one the guys have to study with.  Since there is some new welders I still after 10 years prove that I can weld circles around them.  Oh how I love to put them in their place, but it drives me nuts doing it after the millionth time.  Maybe if I get a strap on I wont have to do that anymore.  

    Have a great day all!


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    donna333, Weclome to our extremely varied group.  As you know, ILC is less common, but we have several active poster with that Dx.  (You can find lots more under the ILC forum too.)   There is about an even split here of Mx and Lx, so the topics run from recon/no recon to rads.  Most are on hormonals of some kind, what about you?  I have read of your Cancer Center background, so I will just say the women her are going to keep it real.  You will hear the good, the bad, and the ugly.  You may have a unique inside perspective to share with us and we look forward to it.  You may not need as much info. as the average woman who stops in here, but we are very good with empathizing, with support and with diverting you from thinking of B/C for small measures of time.  We hope you like Cheetos. 

    Paula66,  ROFLOLCODB (That's Rolling...choking on dust bunnies.)  Make sure to get a big one so you can win that contest too.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    hehehehehe, and here I was proud of myself that I got that one, Paula...of COURSE elimar would get it too!!!

    Treeskier (?) I think it was you who asked about LE massage. Here's the thinking. Your scar line is where the lymph have been interrupted, moved, taken out. If you massage, you have to massage up and away from the scar line. So if you're on top of the scar, massage up, if you're under the scar, massage down. On your back, or wherever your scar ends, massage up and OVER and down past the scar line to dump the lymph to your lower torso. Right now, your lower torso hasn't been disrupted, so you need to massage the fluid to there when you can. But, if you're on top of your scar, you can't just push it down as then it will all pile up at the scar! Does that make sense?

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Eli...I am healing!  Thanks for asking.  I got the ointment last week.  Vasonex....worked wonders.  The last of the burns are closed and dry.  What a relief!  I am still peeling and itching, but the pain and swelling are so much better.  I went from a C cup pre surgery, and I decided after surgery I was a B-.  At the worst of the swelling, my radiated breast was a solid D+!  LOL.  Back to normal finally!

    Donna...welcome to the club. so glad you found us!  You will really love this place. 

    Surgery tomorrow.....a bit nervous but doing well.  I had a wonderful day yesterday.  Just had lots of energy and did some good cleaning and even a bit of yard work.  It felt so good to feel so good!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    janis,  Hope your thyroid doesn't put up a fight and gives up the nodule easily.  I know it will be tempting to ask the doc for some extra large external stitches on the neck, so you can have the most realistic Bride Of Frankenstein look for Halloween this year, but try to resist the impulse.  As good as that look is for one day of the year, you will appreciate the tiny, invisible stitches more.  Whatever you do, do not let them graft an evil twin head onto your neck.  That is never a good look.  (Sorry, I've been watching fright movies all weekend.)
  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Janis- I'll be in you pocket for tomorrow and don't forget to wrap me up in your surgery gown before you jump up on the table.  I'll be holding your hand throughout the procedure.  I promise to keep my hairballs to myself! LOL

    My pain did subside but it sure was a surprise.  Guess I'll have to take it easier still when moving heavy pots in the greenhouse.

    Madpeacock-Hope you don't have an infection!  When mine came out it never did what you had happen. YIKES!

    treeskier-I don't remember, but did you have Mammosite rads too?

    donnad- Welcome to the club, but sorry it has to be because of BC.

    Take care everyone. Kitty

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Eli.....LOL!  You have such a great imagination!  I did find out they will close the incision with "wound glue" and steri-strips.  Wound glue LOL.....  Now we really better hope that holds.  Hey, thyroid does not have to give up the nodules.  They are removing the entire right lobe.  The nurse explained it all to me Friday.  I will be on the table with my throat slit while they send the thing off to pathology.  Takes about 20 minutes, and then the pathologist will come into the OR and tell the doctor good or bad news.  Good cells, get out the Super Glue and toss me to recovery and kick my butt to the curb in a couple hours.  Bad cells...they remove the left lobe and then get out the glue, then admit me overnight.  I am really leaning toward Plan A...........

     Kitty thanks for jumping in the pocket tomorrow.  I knew you would be there!  Thanks!!!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Janis - I had the "wound glue" after my lumpectomy and it is still holding.  Great stuff - kinda weird when it starts to peel and come off.  Don't help it though if you can help it.  My vote is for Plan A.  Keeping fingers crossed.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Will be there with you tomorrow as well Janis!  I am opting for plan a as well.   (((((hugs)))))

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Wound glue, eh?  Ask for Super-Strength then.  Can't have you coming here and laughing your incision into a open wound.  Don't need that kind of guilt.   Hope they leave you with some lobe -- Plan A all the way!!!

  • DJL
    DJL Member Posts: 8

    New to the site. Was diagnosed last year and had mastectomy in December, 2010. I think I fit in here. I am 46 - two grow children and a ten year old! It has been a long ten months but I think I am finally coming out on the other side!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Welcome DJL!  You will find that we are not at all strict about the age limits. This is a long journey, but the other side DOES come, and glad to hear you are getting there!

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    Janis - I also had wound glue after the lumpectomy and had no problems with healing. 

    Went back to the RO office today because of the leakage and they re-bandaged the hole. Actually said it was ALMOST closed, so hopefully the worst is over.  No signs of infection - I finished my antibiotics yesterday so should still be working. 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    i vote for plan a too!  will be in the pocket tomorrow but will be quiet i promise

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    Praying for plan A to happen Janis!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    I vote for plan A Janis.  I will make for sure to have plenty of snacks while we all are waiting for plan A!!!!  Just to make for sure thats what you want to see, I will be the one holding up this for ya!

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    A is for....the results we want for Janis!

    Welcome newbies. This is a great place to get answers, vent, or just unwind.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Did someone say...


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Would this chololate martini help?


  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Eli...that sure would help me!  Okay hope I don't have to stay off this forum to keep from laughing too hard.  Eli, will be sure to remind them to use SUPER SUPER glue!

    Paula thank you for the beautiful A.  Love it!  We'll stick to plan A for sure, especially since you made it so special!

    I am counting on all of you to have a great party while I snooze!

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    janis, i'm going for plan A too, and i will definitely be in your pocket!  happy snoozing, but i hope you get kicked to the curb after about two hours.  that would be awesome!