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  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    The whole experience was surreal, you know.  When the surgeon came in and told me, I really don't think I got it at first.  Like it was some sick joke.  When he explained it I was not pleased.  Is there only one person who has this machine?  I am so confused.

    I am sure there won't be any charges.  I would sure assume not.

    They did not give me near enough happy drugs before they yanked the IV, trust me! :)

  • donnad333
    donnad333 Member Posts: 10

    Dear Sherry,

    You and yours are in my prayers. Although you are hurting, you are so blessed to have a strong and loving family ... I know in my heart that Dad is still with you and watching over you, and that he will always be with you.

    All the best, Donna D.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    So my pathology came back - looks like I made a good decision - there were spots of cancer in my "good" breast. Oh and my her2 came back unequivocal this time so its being sent for FSH test -turns out I might be HER2+ after all. Waiting for those results now (bs thinks will be in this week since surgery was Tuesday).

    Good news - getting drains out tomorrow morning :)

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504
    Janis... what a major bummer! It stinks indeed. You better not get charged but you never know...
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    reesie,  Good boob not so good...good riddance!  Very good call on that one.  So, HER2+ is not really a bad thing for you is it?   I mean if it turns out that Herceptin can be used, there's a chance it can put the mets into remission, isn't there?  
  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    I'm debating that myself now. Will talk to surgeon more tomorrow. I figure if the treatment so far has been good gitting herceptin can only be a good thing now? Not sure though.

  • lhasamom
    lhasamom Member Posts: 13

    Yes, my screen name is for my furchild, BJ (Bob Barker Jr.)  He's our second Lhasa apso, my son named the original Lhasa, Bob Barker.  And wouldn't you know that the house next door was a rental property and of the 4 families that moved into it, 3 of them had a Bob as the father!!

  • lhasamom
    lhasamom Member Posts: 13

    Yes, my screen name is for my furchild, BJ (Bob Barker Jr.)  He's our second Lhasa apso, my son named the original Lhasa, Bob Barker.  And wouldn't you know that the house next door was a rental property and of the 4 families that moved into it, 3 of them had a Bob as the father!!

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Janis, that is just unbelievable!  I am sorry that they put you through that.  I hope nothing serious happened with the MIA guy, but at the same time, he better not just have overslept!  Will be with you on Thursday (either this or next).

    Sherry, my condolences on the loss of your father.  I know firsthand how hard that is.  You are in my thoughts.  Hope your appointment goes well tomorrow.

  • lhasamom
    lhasamom Member Posts: 13

    Hi All!

    Thanks for all the support!  When I went to see my PS, he took one look at faux boob, and told me he was admitting me to the hospital ASAP.  His office is in the same complex as the hospital.  So he gave me scripts telling the admission people exactly what he wanted, where he wanted me, etc.  By going to the emergency room it would save me money since we changed insurance providers on Sept. 1st.  We have to meet a 3000.00 dollar deductible before anything is covered.  On the script he told me to give to the doctor, he wanted me on the 6th floor, the surgical floor.  Well, I was put on the 3rd floor.  At around 11:00 pm I asked when I was going to be given the IV vacamyecin (sp?), and I was told since it was after 7:00 PM they couldn't get into the pharmacy, it was closed!  Just looked at this guy and said, "you've got to be kidding, this is a hospital!"  He just shrugged and said that what he was told.  Fast forward to the next morning, when my PS showed up and said I was supposed to be on the 6th floor.  He then asked how much of the IV drug had I been given and I told him what I was told.  He just stared at me with a dropped jaw.  He said he'd be right back.  He went to the nurses' station which was just outside my door.  He was tearing someone a new one!  He came back in a few minutes later and told me this was totally unacceptable and he was personally taking me up to the 6th floor and getting me started on the IV antibiotics ASAP.  Once settled he told he that after looking at my chart, I also had MRSA.  So, I was on mega mega doses of anitbiotics.  So, anybody that came into my room had to gowned and gloved, etc.  He also told me he might have to go in and remove the expander and wash the whole area and put in a new one.  He was going to give it 48 hours and if there was no improvement we'd go to the OR.  He had already reserved the time if we needed it.  I didn't have a temp. and the faux boob didn't hurt at all.  So everytime someone came in they'd ask on a scale of 1 to 10 what was my pain level.  I'd tell them -50!  Nothing hurt, except where the evil blood suckers tried to take blood.  The nurses kept telling me I was an ideal patient.  I didn't complain about anything (because nothing hurt) and the only time I called them was when the machine started to beep cause the IV bag was empty.  They kept asking if I needed anything, and I told them as long as they gave me a cup of crushed ice and a cup of ice water, I would be content!  So, every time one of the nurses came in they'd bring ice and water.  Ladies, I was in 7th heaven!!!!!!  My doctor was heading to my room and the nurses stopped him and told him he couldn't enter unless he had a cup of ice in his hands.  And he went and got it!!! LOL  I love my doc, he has a great sense of humor, totally irreverant!  So I got to spend six days watching TV, eating surprisingly decent hospital food, and not having to worry about cleaning, taking the dog for walks, etc.  So, I eventually got to go home and it felt soooo good to sleep in my own bed!!!  Although I DO miss my crushed ice and ice water!!!  :)  I was just glad faux boob didn't need to be replaced in the OR.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Sherry I have you and your family in my prayers.  How is you mom doing thru all this.  It has to be hard when the love of a lifetime passes.  Give her a great big hug from us.

    Janis I still have the A and will jump in when you go back

  • lhasamom
    lhasamom Member Posts: 13

    Is there room in the pocket for me?  I'll bring the hot tea!  Or cups of ice, and ice water.  I love this place!!!  I've gotten so much more information from you gals!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    lhasamom,  What a close call with that infection.  How fortunate you did not have to get your reconstruction reconstructed, but you did not luck out completely, getting MRSA on top of it.  I can't even bring myself to comment on the hospital experience.  Stories like that just scare me.

    p.s.  Well, I can guess why the turnover was high on that rental...the Dads couldn't wait to move.

  • donnad333
    donnad333 Member Posts: 10

    reesie, you will feel like a new woman with those drains out!

    All the best, Donna

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    thank you all for your love and support.  Bad enough to deal with losing my Dad but to have to worry about another tumor has had me way stressed. I went to see my MO today and he called my BS and after lunch went in and she did a fine needle aspiration biopsy in her office.  And OMG did it hurt.  Last two biopsies I had lidocaine numbing, but with a FNA they cannot do that as it messes up the path report. I should get the results on Friday.  Both MO and BS said it probably was not cancer since I have been on Tamoxifen but you never know and the fact that it is solid that it has to be biopsied to know for sure.  And both said even if it is B9 I have to have surgery to remove it.  BS asked me if it was cancer would I want a lump and radiation again and I said absolutly not.  She knew I had a hard time and figured I would go for MX.  At least I got it all done today and will find something out Friday. BS was reading the MO report and she looked at me and said as bad a SE's as you had I'm supprised you hung in there and kept taking the tamox. I said yes my body has finally adjusted but it was a rough start. 

    My Dad's funeral will be Thursday morning. Mom is holding up well.  I'm sure it helps that she has all of us around.  Here is the link to my Dad's obit in the local newspaper

    Janis what a bummer on the surgery.  Hope the drugs were free.

    Reecie good call on the good boob I am right there with you.  So tired of these biopsies either way they are coming off.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Reesie, don't doubt your intuition!! And yeah, drain-free today!!! May you heal quickly!!!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Heading off to the dentist. Now I have been thru a year of BC treatment and I still hate the dentist. Don't get me wrong, my dentist is a nice guy, but do believe I will be taking my ativan this morning.


  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368

    I had my dental cleaning yesterday, what a coincidence. Last time I had been there was in April, pre-surgery. I'm really hating the routine question from other doctors these days: "so is anything new with your health lately?"

    I'm putting off my revision surgery for a couple more months, at the advice of the second opinion PS who I saw the other day. So now I can run my January marathon in Disney World free and clear! I had wanted to get all this surgery/recovery stuff out of the way already, so I can finally get on with my life, but his other guy said I had nothing to lose and everything to gain by waiting. So I'll wait!

    Hugs to all.

  • JeanH
    JeanH Member Posts: 132

    Hi my middie friends,

    I wanted to pop I an say hello, it is my first cancerversary. Thing are pretty closeto normal, some twitches from nueropathy and of course tamox hot flashes:).

    Sherry so sorry to hear about you dad, I am so glad it was peaceful and you have the loveand support of your family. Peace to all of you. I lot my dad several years ago and knowing he was finally out of pain and at peace was comforting. Good luck with the test results.

    My "baby" turns 16 today! Amazing how fast time flies by.

    Love to all.


  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

     I am also terrified of dentists.I avoid cleanings and will only go in when I have to.Last sat I went in to repair an old broken filling I think she was drilling away for what felt like an hour.I just close my eyes and sing in my head.They booked me in for a cleaning and want to replace some more old fillings.UndecidedI don't think so.I take good care of my teeth so never have much trouble with them.My husband can't understand how I can go into surgery more calmly than a dentists office.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Sherry, what a beautiful tribute to your Dad!!! He was a very busy man!

    Janis, that SUCKS on the canceled surgery, but I do believe everything happens for a reason and if you had pushed it, something worse might have happened! The Universe knows how to take care of it's peeps.

    The odds for LE are only 30%, not 40%. I think it's still ridiculously high, but even if they just rearrange your lymph path, without removing a node, they can still piss it off. Digging for the blue sentinel is as bad as if they just took everything in their path! You may have LE and not even know it, that's how subtle it can be. Just be aware and don't carry heavy items on your bad side, don't get sticks or blood pressure cuffs there either. It's pretty simple, really.

    Ihasamom, what a trip! Boy, any hospital experience after that will be a good one!!

  • lhasamom
    lhasamom Member Posts: 13

    I hated those drains!  That was right up there with the most annoying aspect of BC!  I could never get comfortable.  And they always managed to get caught on something, the worst was the seat belt!!!

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032

    ihasamom, I have soooo much to learn! I am becoming inccreasingly horrified about every aspect of bc surgery and rehab. UGH! Only thing I can say is it's better than the alternative!  I still don't know if I will have a lumpectomy or mastectomy, maybe a double one. All this is contingent on genetic testing results. One way or the other my surgery will be 11/10. 

  • lhasamom
    lhasamom Member Posts: 13

    Had my appointment with my surgeon yesterday.  When I told him the fiasco with the MRI that my Onco. scheduled he was not happy.  I was ready to go  into the machine, and tech. was asking questions when she got to the port for the expander.  She said it couldn't be done because there was metal it it.  At the end of the appointment after getting dressed, he told me that he is now part of Coventry (we had to switch from CareFirst/Blue Choice) right smack in the middle of everything.  He told me he wanted me to consider returning to him and the original hospital since they both took Coventry.  I don't know if I could name the hospitals involved, so I won't.  And the Onco. at the first hosptial was very nice, and I just felt like I had better care there.

  • lhasamom
    lhasamom Member Posts: 13

    Yorkiemom, I can empathize!  I felt like my head was going to explode!  You are suddenly thrust into a whole new universe!!  Having BC you have to learn a whole new language too.  I wish I had known about this site when I was 1st diagnosed.  I had people  telling me that so and so had BC and I could call them anytime, but I find it better to log on here and get different perspectives on everything,  Things you would never have thought of to ask the docs, are right here.  And you can go at your own pace, even 3:00 am when your mind is racing and you can't sleep. Hang in there Yorkiemom, and ask questions here.  Someone will have an answer!!!!  :)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    That is the great thing about, you can usually read your way to finding a specific answer on most anything B/C related, at any time of day.  Plus, if you don't really have much experience with B/C  (thru' friends or family) here there are bunches of women all going through it along with you.  While it takes a top spot in your mind, even people close to you don't want to constantly hear about it.  Here, it's good to get it all out, especially if "talking" it through helps with your decision making process.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    All you dental-phobes, I feel your pain!  I have been cursed with bad teeth my entire life.

    I do like my dentist and we've been together for along time. Soon we will be celebrating our 20th anniversary.  I bet he gets me a bridge or crown this year, or maybe the 20th year is a partial, I forget.  I always just give him some cash.

    Woe is me.  It's middle-age, things start falling apart 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Barnabas is MUCH scarier than Casper!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    I know whoever the guy with the tool is, he put me off dentists for years to come.  Claire, you better be prepared to share that Ativan. 

    Welcome to all the newbies!  I am sorry not to greet you all one by one.  I am just tired now but had to pop in and say hi to everyone.

    Sherry, I read the obit.  He sounded like such a warm and loving family man.  You have no clue how lucky you were to have him.  My dad is 80 and family means nothing to him at all.  So sad.  You were truly blessed to have him in your life for so long!  It is never enough of course when we lose someone we cherish.

    I finally talked to my surgeon's nurse today.  I am scheduled for next Thursday, the 3rd.  She said that they finally reached the guy with the machine.  He is not a doc, just operates this thing.  Apparently there was a "failure to communicate" LOL.  This guy who was supposed to be there yesterday was out if town, and thought he had passed this off to his associate.  Associate apparently never got the message or something.  I told the nurse I have a large nasty bruise on the back of my hand to show for my part.  We better be good for next Thursday!

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Jean, Happy Cancerversary sister/friend! Yes, one year does go by fast. With getting settled into Tx, getting to know doctors and, it seems, rearranging our lives, things move so quickly, the seasons seem to be upon us before we know it. I hope your 16 year old enjoyed their "special" day.

    elimar~ You do know that Traditionally the "20th" is China, so I hope whatever your "gift" is, it doesn't break!! But, maybe you'll receive Modern Platinum. (though I'd prefer that for a ring instead of teeth!)