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  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Happy Birthday Kitty!  Hope you have a great day and year!

    Is tomorrow the day for surgeries for Janis and Sherry?  Will be thinking of you and praying for you and hanging out in the pockets where all the good snacks will be.

    I have so much left over Halloween candy.  Uggghhhh....I had 3 fun size bars yesterday and one so far today.  As long as I can keep it reasonably well controlled, I'll be okay........ I think.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611


  • Happy, happy birthday Kitty!!!

    I know Sherry's surgery is Janis's tomorrow also? I hope they both have big pockets for all of us!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Raise your hand (onto the keyboard keys) if you are having a surgery tomorrow.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Kitty Happy Birthday

    And yes tomorrow I am having surgeryFrown I will have big pockets for everyone

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Nix the surgery for me.  I had to postpone, damn cold!  I knew it yesterday but waited til lthis morning after two hours of trying to cough up a lung or two.  I have almost no voice left.  I called the surgeon's office and as soon as the nurse heard my voice she started saying NO NO NO surgery for Janis.  So, she said they coukd do it next Thursday, the 10th.  I had two appointments with my oncologists that I had to reschedule to that date for the planned surgery last Tuesday that they cancelled.  So, had to reschedule those AGAIN.  Are you all as confused as I am?  Anyway I will definitely be in your pocket tomorrow SHERRY.  I'll be the one in the mask sucking down Dayquil with some Oreo's.  Thinking of you always and healing hugs ahead of time.

    Welcome back Claire, I have not been here much but sounds like you were off having fun without me. 

    Oh and sweet, HAPPY BIRTHDAY woman.  Here is one for you my friend:

    Cat Birthday Cake Picture

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Kitty-Happy 29th anniverary of your 30th birthday!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Happy Birthday Kitty!!!


  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368

    I don't have a fancy cake, just wishes for a happy birthday for you, Kitty!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    I am alittle cheesed about the whole drinking and BC stuff.  This same thing was out a few years back.  I am so tired of hearing how this that and the other thing is suspect.  Its time to own up to the facts that they are clueless.  Time for a cure! I havent drank in over 8 yrs.  Have had mamms since I was 38 (yearly mind you) and I still had it not once but twice.  They need to spend some time talking with the women who face this on a daily basis instead of a bunch of rats.  Ok already!

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Happy Birthday Kitty!

    Sherry, I'll be thinking of you tomorrow  - Good Luck. 

    Had to catch up again.  Just when I think work is slowing down, I get bombarded again!!  No complaining from me though, they were so good when I had surgery and went through chemo that I'll work extra hours for a year solid to make it up to them!

    Just an FYI to avoid lymphedema - I had two immunizations in my left arm (right mastectomy) - because I have Lupus, it flared with the two shots, especially the pneumovax.  (this was very unusual and I still would have both flu and pneumovax again because of my chronic disease).  I ended up with a horrid cellulitus on my left arm and was put on antibiotics and steroids.  Anyway, I just want to remind my BC sisters, make sure, especially if you've had a mastectomy, that all needle pokes are in the opposite arm or if you've had a bilateral mastectomy they can give the pokes in your hip or legs. If I had had the immunization in my right arm and reacted like that, my lymphedema would have gotten so much worse.  Be your own advocate.  (Sorry for the rant Eli, just want to reiterate how important it is to avoid the side of surgery for needle pokes, blood pressure, etc)

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Happy Birthday, Kitty. You and my oldest nephew share a birthday. He turned 40 today. His wife is having a 70's themed bday party on Saturday. I stopped by the local Halloween store yesterday and bought a peace sign necklace, pink granny glasses, love beads, embroidered patches for my jeans - all for 1/2 price. I already have the tie dyed shirt.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I got an after Halloween special today.  I found Glow-in-the-Dark SoftSoap for fifty cents.  Can't wait to try that out.  I bought a few of them.  I'll be glowing straight thru' Xmas.

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    I'm waiting until they're marked down 75% before I pick up a carving kit for next year and some battery powered pumkin carving tools -  yup, power tools for pumpkin carving.  I brought a couple to my SIL's annual pumpkin carving party this year and the kids loved them. My avitar is one of 2 pumpkins I carved this year. I was very good about the 1/2 priced candy. I resisted the temptation and didn't buy any. And, they still had one of my favorites - "Take 5."

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Glow in the dark soft soap sounds like a fun item.  Did you get that at the grocery store E?  I agree Hauntie, I like 75% off.  I love sales!  Especially after holiday sales!

  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246

    Sherry-Thinking of you tomorrow. Hugs.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Thanks gals I am getting reading for bed and sure I won't be on the boards for a couple of days.  Had a first night.  The anesthesiologist called and spent 30 minutes on the phone going over all my history and explaining what he will be doing tomorrow and what drugs he might use for me.  At least he won't seem like a stranger tomorrow.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Sherryc,  Will be mentally doing the B9 chant for you tomorrow.  Good Luck!!!

    suzwes,   Yep.  They were in the grocery cart of 1/2 price non-candy items.

    Hauntie,   Your carving looks like professional work...very nice.

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    WOW!  Thanks everyone for the Birthday wishes!  I just got home from work and saw all the wonderful posts. 

    Sherry - I'll be in your pocket tomorrow so don't mind the kitty tracks on your surgery gown. 

    Oh boy, do I have candy leftover.  Not many tricksters this year, maybe because it was a school night and cold out.  I'll have to hide it so I don't get possessed by the sugar the minute I see it.  My grandson is a sugar addict too.

    Janis - Sorry your not feeling good.  Sending wellness ((((hugs)))) your way.  Kitty

  • Helena-DONT GO!!! LOL  I am forty three this year, I have two older kids: almost 24 & 23 THEN I went and got silly and now have my two little men ages 11 & 9 but they are my strength and driving well as my biggest concern after being diagnosed.

    Excited to be part of this thread, don't have alot of info rite now, just a family history on my mom's side(double mastectomy last year) positive tumors and lots of clcifications on my right side. Treatment plan is chemo first then double mastectomy and reconstruction. WOW!! Found out this week.  If that's not enough, surgeon doesn't like the looks of a lymph node in my arm pit, so another biopsy of that tomorrow at 11:00. 

    Does anyone know what's next if the lymph node is positive as well?

    Take care,


  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    I hope your birthday was Happy, Kitty!

    E ~ Wasn't there something about a past Halloween you said you might relate to us if you were reminded?? Consider yourself reminded! I also really like that Meecie has over at E-Lab "Light as a feather" for Lisa. I saw that the first day she put that there & I just sat at my computer & teared up .........

    Suzwes ~ It's never a bad thing to be reminded about LE. Thanks!

    I had three bags of 50% off Halloween candy in my cart Tuesday & went up to the Self Scan lane in Wal-Mart (really do hate that store, but some prices are less than my normal grocery store!). Anyway, the gal that watches the registers told the guy ahead of me that he needed to go to a cashier lane to scan the candy he had, that he couldn't do it at a self-scan register. How stupid!! SO, I took the candy out of my cart & put it on some display near me after I looked at the long lines in the cashier human lanes - pooh on them, that's one way to get me to not buy candy! I only had some Starburst & Smarties to hold for the grandchildren's Christmas stockings. Ridiculous!!

    Welcome Home, Claire

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Good luck today Sherry. Count me in as a pocket pal. Janis, I know how disappointing it is to have surgery delayed. Hang in there and get better. I high hosie a  primo space in your pocket next Thursday.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Good Luck today Sherry.  I praying B9 results for you.  Will be in those pockets for ya!

    For any of you gals who are BRCA positive and like Force on facebook, beware!.  There is a guy who is sending out friend requests who is a scam artist.  I checked out his bio and the only thing we had in common was the FORCE page.  He is a salesman who is preying on cancer patients.  I do believe a healthier diet does help but its not a cure and that is what he is trying to sell is a cure.  Just wanted to let you all know.  PM me if you want his name.  I dont want to post it because I dont need a slander suit slapped on me.  

    Have a great day my sisters!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Kitty, HAPPY DAY AFTER YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! I figured since I missed it yesterday that I owed you a two-fer


    I think they are all dressed up to come to your own private birthday party!

    Sherry, I'm bringing the scones with clotted cream and the lattes for the pocket party. Nothing but positive and B9 thoughts for you today.

    Janis- get better!! Drink your orange juice and eat your chicken soup!!

    Halloween candy? What Halloween candy??  Somehow there isn't any chocolate left! 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Sherry thinking of you today and yes, benign is the prevailing wind as always!  I am in your pocket wearing my mask, but will slide it off for snacks of course! the new picture because kitty looks exactly like my cat Pistol.  Quite a force that boy!

    Hauntie love your pumpkin!  When my kids were young we always bought the kits and carved some amazing ones.  Sure took me back.  You did a great job!  I know how much work they are.

    Paula thanks for the heads up on the FB troll.  People really tick me off...but I am very careful who I friend anymore because people would friend me just to send game requests.  Not much fun!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome, tiedyemom!   Well, sorry you have your own B/C worries now, right after your mom had to go through it.  Did you feel a lump, or did you just get checked that young because of your mom's B/C?  I would think that the node biopsy might  be the doctor's way to decide whether to plan on removing a number of those, or maybe to decide if you should have the chemo treatment before surgery.   Not too sure because none of my images showed node involvement.  Then, I just had the sentinel node biopsy (to check out a couple of them) during the lumpectomy surgery.  Someone here who had node involvement can probably answer that better.  

    Hope all goes well for you tomorrow, but prepare yourself.  When a node looks suspicious in this type circumstance, there is a possibility some B/C cells have travelled there.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    As for the alcohol info...BLEH! The only two large studies ever done are the "1,000 nurses" and the "Asian" one.The Asian one doesn't apply to us as they grew up eating soy. The nurses one is used because shift work, alcohol, weight, etc can be measured. They just keep regurgitating the two studies over and over. I'm sick of them! Give me new news!!!!!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    Belated Birthday wishes KittyGirl hope you had a great day. Hauntie you are very good with a carving knifeSmileSuzette thanks for the vaccination reminder.((hugs)) hope you are feelling better now. Goodluck to any of us going through scans or tests this week.Here are some fall flowers for all of us to enjoy.

  • lwarstler
    lwarstler Member Posts: 123

    Hi, been out of commission for a couple weeks and missed everyone. Last chemo was a doosy and then my son fell apart at school. 

    Sherry: I'm jumping in the pocket party and will be enjoying Claire's snacks while praying for b9 news for you.

    Kitty: Happy fashionably late Birthday!

    Tiedyemom: First off, so sorry you are here and dealing with BC in your life again, this time in your own body. Hopefully, your experience with your mom has given you some insite on what to expect. My SE's have been very similar to those my mother had, although every woman is still made them less shocking. Since they already have a plan for neoadjuvent chemo, the node biopsy probably won't change anything for that part. If it is positive, they will probably just watch it during chemo to see if it also shrinks. It might mean the removal of a few nodes during your dbl mx though and most likely radiation of the nodes if it is positive.