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  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246

    Jo-I would love to meet you! I will be at a convention in Vegas for the next week. When I get back, I will send you a private message. Have you been over to the island lately?

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    I certainly am no where near Hauntie's 17 year cancerversary, BUT:

    On this day, Nov 5, three years ago, I was freed of the cancer growing in my breast. The entire time is still so surreal ~ but it is only a small moment in time.

    The only good thing to have come from that experience has been the beautiful friendships I have made with some of the most wonderful women in the world. I am proud to be among you. I love you all so much, I would do anything for any of you. And, I must also say that I do appreciate my family so very much more .........

    So, Hauntie, celebrate your beautiful day. You are an inspiration to me. Hugs!

    madpeacock ~ That is wonderful news on your low Oncotype score! No chemo, yay!

    Sherry ~ I hope you have a restful night.  

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    How about a field of cotton after harvesting....

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Valjean.....Big, big congratulations to you for hitting that three year mark!  I am so happy you made it, and I'll be even happier to share many more such victories with you!

    Ceezetheday.....I can so relate to your post!  My husband can't keep track of all my new friends either as I relate progress and milestones to him.  You are all real to me! Laughing

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    My family calles y'all my 'pretend friends'!!! Then I started meeting up with some sisters and those ones became real to my family. I remember when Toyful passed and I woke my DH up crying and he couldn't quite understand what I was saying, gave him quite a jolt!!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Ceezetheday - I don't get to the island much.   Guess I live so close and we don't have company come to see us.  We did have lunch with friends in Port Isabel about a month ago.  With the Winter Texan season getting under way, I could find a Saturday to come over.  Have fun in Vegas and will chat when you get back.  Just remember "What Happens in Vegas - Stays in Vegas"  - LOL

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    E- thanks but it's certainly something I'm not celebrating yet - maybe in a couple of years :)

    Congratulations Valjean. I would definetely be celebrating NED.

    My DH got to meet a lot of my virtual friends with me at the MBCN conference. It's been great meeting so many of you in person with chrissy's trip and the conference!

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    LOL on pretend and imaginary friends!  I got to meet Hauntie, Reesie, ChrissyB, DorK, sohardbnme and Silia, all from the boards.  So I guess I have actual realm live friends.  If anyone ever comes up around Philly, let me know.  As you can see, I love to meet you and I love tom go out for meals.  That is a good thing that has come from breast cancer for me.  I would have never been so outgoing to meet new pwople before. 

    Congrats  Valjean on 3 years!

  • Congratulations valjean on 3 years...that's awesome!! I pray you have many more!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    madpeacock,  Eight is nice and grey area about that score.

    Valjean,  Three years...keep 'em coming.


  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    As for chemo what I know from my experince is the adriamycin (the red punch color) causes hair loss. I had 4 rounds of the adriamycin/cytoxan and then 4 round of taxol every two weeks it can also cause hair loss. Then gave me the neulasta shot the day after. The day before the taxol infusion I took a steroid to decrease allergic reaction to it.

    Welcome newbies this a great bunch of gals.

    Sherri been praying for you hope for B9 results. Get your rest.

    Still not for sure if I should get the gene test done.

    Well finally the last of band festivals today. State bound tomorrow big day Tuesday at 9:30am since there are some parents unable to go (like me) they will be streaming it live.

    I think the pic is of wood chips but some already said that.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Good luck at the band festival all those with kids participating.  My oldest played baritone horn in the band from 4th grade through 12th.  I always enjoyed the football games, concerts and festivals.  Miss those, although I always did enjoy the end of the marching season.  LOL

    I might as well chime in that I think the pic is a bird's nest, but that has already beeb guessed.

  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246

    LOL Jo. Too bad this Vegas trip is mostly work and very little play. We did add on two nights at the end for just DH and I. Hope to see the Terry Fador ventriloquist show. I saw him on America's Got Talent a couple of years ago and he is really talented.

  • darlam
    darlam Member Posts: 24

    Hi, all. New here, and learning so much from all of you. I'm 48. and just had rt. mastectomy and will be starting TCH in December. Planning delayed reconstruction with lat flap after chemo. Feeling pretty overwhelmed and just soaking up the wisdom here on how to get through this. Hard to get rid of the surreal feeling. Helps also to hear about how you are are dealing with others' reactions and stupid comments.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    darlam, hello and welcome!   For women on the path you are on, it is best not to get anxious about the passage of time, because with treatments and recon you are giving B/C a year of your life.  Just be realistic about S/E's and recovery and try to plan so you have some time to rest if the fatigue hits you hard.  Lots of women work through the chemo, at least some of the first rounds, but some plan for shorter days or take one day off once they find out the pattern when chemo hits the hardest.

    As for reactions and comments...unless a person had B/C, B/C in the family, or another kind of cancer themselves, you just never know what kind of stuff will come out of people's mouths.   Some old friends might keep you at a distance, some new friends might step up.  It is pretty unpredictable and comes with the territory.  If you feel like they are making you crazy, and that includes your breast care team too, all you have to do is come to your B/C sisters here for understanding.  We are hardly surprised by anything after all the things we have been through and heard.  It's a calming experience to know so many share this ordeal with you.

  • Just stopped by to see the mystery pic.....I know someone already guessed it, but I also think it looks like a bird's nest. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    If it's not some kind of nest, a lot of us will be in for a surprise.  (See pg. 549, if you haven't guessed on the Mystery Pic yet.)

  • walley
    walley Member Posts: 195



    This a wonderful group of ladies.They have helped me lot just reading there messages everyday.Just ask any question....someone will have the answer ....or find it:)Hang in there :)

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Welcome darlam. Great bunch of gals here to help you through all this.

    MP - Halloween scarecrow.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    darlam sorry you have to join us here but it is a great place to come for support. 

    I changed my bandage today and boy am I bruised.  But Dr did say it was in a hard spot.  I was able to switch to tylenol today.  Still pretty sore but not horrible pain.  Took a shower which made me feel better.  DH took me to Walmart to get some bandages and then went to the nursery to get a couple of plants.  Came home and went to bed, got up when a friend brought by some food and flowers ate a bite then went back to bed for a couple more hours.  Guess my body needs the rest to heal.  Then one of my childhood best friends called me and she wonders why I don't like telling her things.  She crys and carries on like I am dying.  She is one of those that her whole life is full of drama.

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    sherry, you are one strong woman.  walmart and the nursery so soon after surgery??  i'm glad you're feeling better and able to do some thing you need/want to do.  take care of yourself!
  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    darlam welcome to the group.  So sorry we have to meet this way.  If you have any questions, just ask.  We all know what its like when you have tons of them, so dont be afraid to post away.

    Sherry still praying for B9 results.  Take care!!!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Oh and BTW congrats Valgean!!!!!

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Darlam - so sorry you've joined our little "club." But this is a place where you'll find answers to your questions, support, and a shoulder to cry on when you need it.

    Sherry - Take it easy, please. Rest up. Keeping fingers and toes crossed for B9 results.

    Valjean - Congrats on 3 years. I don't know whether I mentioned DISH status on this thread or another BCO thread. DISH stands for - Damn I'm Still Here! That's damn in a good waySmile It was started by Musa Mayer from the BC listserve. She's also the author of "Examining Myself, One Woman's Story of Breast Cancer Treatment and Recovery" - one of the first and most helpful books I read after being diagnosed. She also wrote. "Advanced Breast Cancer: A Guide to Living with Metastatic Disease."

    Anyway, back to DISH status. Originally, you earned DISH status when you reached 5 years since diagnosis. She also came up with very tongue-in-cheek rights, privileges and rewards for women who have reached this status. Women, less than 5 years from diagnosis, clamored for recognition as well, so Musa came up with a DISH level for everyone. At 3 years post diagnosis, you've reached the DISH HAHA level ("Hot as hell always.") New HAHA's will receive a year's membership at Jenny Craig, a 35,000 BTU through-the-wall air conditioner, and a walk-in freezer. You'll have the opportunity to shop for a new wardrobe from Tropical Designs, Antigua."

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Hauntie, I LOVE it:


    roflmao !!!

    Thank you all for your kind words. This year seems to have gone by so quickly, but I feel like I was stuck in the mud, unable to move ahead when I wanted to. I have come to realize that I can not keep thinking about what could happen. I need to do as my little saying below says and just embrace life and not just walk through it. I need to be in the here-and-now or I just might lose myself altogether.... Right?

    So, hugs to everyone and thank you all for being here for me.



  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110
    E ~~ With that Hippo being 'above the fold', I feel that it is looking right at me while I am at the top clicking on my Favorites tab!
  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Valjea--congrats on the 3 years of NED. Feels good doesn't it??

    Darlam--welcome to our little sorority, although none of us voluntarily pledged this group--we are a tight group of sisters!! Don't hesitate to vent, scream, cry here, we all understand.

    Sherry--can't beleive you are up and wondering the aisles of Walmart!!! Get your rest and I will be thinking of you tomorrow when you get your path results. B-9!!!!

    Mystery pic-- looks like a Halloween prank gone wrong--I see a Jack o Lantern behind all the wood chips.

    E- glad you didn't show us the backside of that hippo!!!!! If you did, I would have asked where you got a picture of my butt!!! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    MP looks like the wood-chipped floor of a rodents cage.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    cm , might disagree with you on the hippo butt because i would be sure its mine , i wont wear a black swimsuit in the sea incase there's any whaling ships nearbyLaughing
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    That hippo is The Mona Lisa of all the other hippos.  Look at the eyes.