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  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    since all i do is oggle anymore, i don't care if he's gay....    lolololololol

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    Ogling is still free, right?? Boo yah... 

    Hope everyone had a peaceful and relaxing holiday. Off to the Onc for me tomorow a.m. 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    ppp with madpeacock!  will bring shortbread

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Best wishes for your Oncology OV, madpeacock.  I'm off the super rich treats today, so I brought some cucumber finger sandwiches to have with my tea.  Oh, don't worry, I still have lots of sweets left around the house, but I'm going for a few days of low-cal eating before the New Year's Eve weekend.


    I didn't have much time to get on here yesterday, what with the usual returning of gifts.  Last year, remember I got a horrifying "Snuggli."  This year, I got a $16 dollar calendar (that didn't look any better than the free ones from the bank) and was too wide for the wall where I hang the calendar.  Well, at least it wasn't a "Lazy."  (If you don't know what a "Lazy" is, let's just say that Kathy Griffin devoted five minutes of her latest comedy routine to them.)  On the up side, I did get a cookbook which was the same one my mom had when I was growing up.  Don't know what became of her actual cookbook, but Ebay is so helpful in these situations.  Oh, the nostalgia!  Very good for making things from scratch, also if you like beef tongue a great deal or need to butcher a hog.  The mention of any brand name, packaged products is very sparse, unlike the more modern ones.  I remember the color plate picture of petits fours in the book that I drooled over as a child.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Hope everyone had a great Holiday - whichever one you celebrate - or just a great weekend if you don't celebrate any. We gave the men in our family nerf guns for christmas - A very successful BAD idea lol. My son taught his one year old nephew how to load and shoot it. Since I got a great new digital slr camera I took lots of pics. He already changed his FB profile pic to the one of him teaching JJ to shoot.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Madpeacock - Jumping in your pocket for the party.  Good luck with your MO visit.

  • Jumping in your pocket Madpeacock...hope your appointment goes well!

  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246

    Make room for me in madpeacock's pocket!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Barbe, that was too sweeping a statement to apply to ALL man flesh, but definitely to SOME.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    That's better!!! The chest has to have at least a little BIT of hair!!!

    I'm in your pocket madpeacock!!!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Good luck tomorrow madpeacock!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Madpeacock jumping in your pocket.

    Been having bad neck pain that has progressively gotten worse over the last three weeks.  Went to see the PCP today and he is putting me on a medal pac. Seems to think it is inflammation/arthritic from when I broke my neck in 1995.  Hopefully this will take care of it.  He said if it is not better in a week to 10 days to let him know so he can talk to my MO about possibly doing an MRI. But seems pretty confidant that this will take care of it.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Madpeacock, I'm in there too.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Mad peacock, i will be in your pocket tomorrow. Eli, I am with you on the healthier eating. I took all the cookies that were left in the house into the office today. Even threw away some leftover brownies. Just can't trust myself. Some coffee and cucumber sandwiches sound good for the party.

    Sherry, really hope the PAC works for you. Pain is no fun at all.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Eli, I happen to love cucumber sandwiches ... need to plan a tea party so I can make some! I still have the cookbook given to me as a wedding shower gift 36 yrs ago and it's the one I turn to to convert measurements, to see what the internal temp of cooked meats should be, how long to roast various cuts per pound, etc. And of course for actual recipes! You're right about the lack of mentioning brand names - never thought of it in that way before. Glad you got one :)

    Reesie, that's too funny! Good thing the nephew can't talk yet and tell everyone how his great aunt gave him a gun!!

    Madpeacock, hope the visit went well for you.

    I still have another page to read, so may post again. Feels like the old days now, only two pages for me to read instead of 10!!!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Jumping in Mad peacock!  I will not pass on the sweets, I repeat I will not be passing on the sweets. 

    Eli I loved my moms cookbook from back in the day.  I loved looking over the recipes as the pics made my mouth water.  She gave it to me years back and I still use it today.  All the food is made from scratch.  She got it as a wedding present.  Its falling apart but I still use it cause the recipes are still yummy!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Love the top of page picture :)   (It's puppies on a couch right now in case it changes soon!!)

    Paula, lots of pages falling out of this cookbook too, and no real pictures, only sketches and representations. Best cream puff recipe though, and actually easy. This topic is dangerous for me!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I figured some would have their mom's cookbooks.  Mine is called The American Woman's Cook Book.  It was published for a least a decade (30's & 40's) without too many revisions.  The one I got was possibly in better shape than the one  my mom had.  Found a picture that looks like mine.

                                       What old one did your moms use most?

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    mine is upstairs because of renovations going on downstairs ... will check it out and report back!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    but ... my mom hardly ever used a cookbook!  I'm one of 6 so she cooked for 8 on a regular basis, occasionally more. She had thousands of good qualities but being a good cook wasn't necessarily one of them :) I was never hungry, but it was basic inexpensive "feed a crowd on a shoestring budget" stuff. Even so, mealtimes were when the 8 of us would gather round the table - every single day - which led me to do the same with our kids. Dinner was based around games or practices. 29 days out of 30, the four of us ate dinner together.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Ny mom used the Good Housekeeping cookbook. I got one for Christmas one year (had my hubby give it to me but I bought it lol).

    Ugh, I need to get this right - he's not my grand anything - he's my nephew and my kids' COUSIN (I keep making that mistake). That's what happens when my brother has has a 20 year old daughter, a 16 month old son and a 6 month old grandson.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    When I married 24 years ago my new MIL gave me "The Joy of Cooking." I had mixed feelings at the time Undecided but it still sits on my cookbook shelf, worn and splattered with lots of bent pages and bookmarks.
  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    I'll be married 27 years in March.  For a wedding shower, one of my cousins gave me Better Homes and Gardens cook book, which someone had given to her when she was married 16 years before me.  And we also bought ourselves The Joy of Cooking shortly after when we joined a book club and got something like 12 books for $5 and had to commit to buying a few more.  We also did the same thing with a music club.  Anyone else do that?  Now I like my Barefoot Contessa cook books, and have probably a dozen total cook books.  My mother never owned a cook book.  I think we did grow up the same Marlegal, she cooked plain, but it was good, just not fancy.  My son cooks a lot and I know he has been given a few cook books, but he mostly uses the internet for recipes.  How times change.

    I am up early for the pocket party, I'm bringing the coffee.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Sherry, so very scary!!! What is a medal pac? Is it helping??? It's scary when pain doesn't get relief from medication because then you wonder how really bad it could get!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Barbe1958 a medral pac is a steroid.  Similar to prednisone but is not suppose to have as many SE's.  You start out day one with 6 pills and graduate down to 1 pill on the last day.  You are on it for 6 days total.

    As for the cookbooks.  I have one that was given to me at one of my wedding showers (been married 24 1/2 years).  It was put out by the local Methodist Church women and it is the best cookbook I have ever had and I own plenty.  Over the Holidays I realized the back cover is coming off and I am about to loose some pages from it and was trying to figure out how to salvage it.  I may just call the local church and see if they still have any for sale.  It is one of those that has been such a success that they have reprinted several times. 

  • My mother had a Betty Crocker cookbook from the early 50's and I received a Better Homes and Gardens cookbook for a shower gift back in 1978. I have at least 50 cookbooks that I have bought and that my husband has given me because he knows I love them. He goes to a used bookstore downtown and buys old ones for me. I've also bought many church cookbooks at our library's used book sales. I'm looking forward to when I'm finished homeschooling and have more time to cook.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    My most used cookbook is an old paperback Joy of Cooking.  I have a newer, hard back, but the recipes in that one have been updated with a lot of brandname foods and depends a lot more on a microwave.  I've also got a bunch of cookbooks put out by local churches and groups as found raisers.  My Mom's tuna casserole recipe is in one of them! 

    Sherryc--if the church doesn't have any copies left, check at the local library for someone who re-covers books.  There are lots of folks out there that will do that, but you don't hear about them much.  Most of their work is done for libraries.  

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    reesie,  I bought the Good Housekeeping Cookbook for myself over 25 years.  Well used now.

    p.s. 3jays,  I forgot to say that I liked your sweater.  I'm all about donning the gay aparrel.  HoHoHo.  Your tree and that one "J" look good also.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Sherry one word, two syllables...ducttape!!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    My favorite cookbook was given to me by my MIL years ago. It is a collection of recipes from Legions across Canada. Very simple, easy to make recipes and most call for ingredients that one would have on hand. The best part is the inscription, "To my favourite daughter in law," which is an ongoing joke. It was given to me when I was her ONLY dil. (she now has 3) but I do still tease the others about it.