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  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951
    JustmeJanis- I have had this small blanket that my daughter gave me about 20 yrs ago and I sleep with it every night. I am going to pack that. Thanks, that blanket always makes me feel better. I guess toothpaste would be a good idea.Laughing. I will be in the hospital 24-48 hours. Extra undies will be good. I am due for my period any minute now. That figures. The surgeon is going to use the same lx incisions on both sides so the scars will be the same other than no nipples. I am looking for to when I can have them tattooed on. Bring snacks. I was starving after my lx. I am glad I have met all of you, wish it was under different conditions, but love you all.
  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Dianarose, I am in your pocket whenever you  need me   , I dont know what to tell you to pack as I will need to get that done soon enough myself and may need u lol... but I do know whatever it is u need as far as support and hugs I am here . I luv ya friend ...xoxoxoxoxox

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Oh, pack tops that close in front. You won't be able to put on and take off regular Ts and things.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Dianarose the blanket sounds perfect!  I am glad you have somethng to take that will be so comforting.  I think that is the best thing you can pack.  Momine and I are on the same page with the button down shirts.  Never forget, you won't ever be alone throught this!! 

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    Dianarose..Saying a prayer for you that all goes well tomorrow and for peace through it all. We'll all be in your pockets!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Dianarose,  You won't be alone tomorrow, and I found you a couple cute dresses to accomodate 18-20 of your dearest Middies, at least!   Wearing the hairstyle shown is optional. 


    janis,   Did I miss the results of what is going on in your neck.  Mine is still hurting, actually feeling like every tendon has been cranked tighter.  (They probably want their estrogen too, like every other part of my body!)

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Dianarose - justmejanis gave a great packing list. The blanket is a wonderful addition. You might want to wear a shirt/pants with HUGE pockets as I think you will have plenty of company tomorrow. I'm going to bake some cookies today and will bring some along.

    Sending prayers, happy thoughts and ((hugs)) for you.

  • rubarbmd
    rubarbmd Member Posts: 1

    Hi Ladies - I am new to the forum but am seeking advice on how to help previously radiated skin stretch. I went through a lumpectomy, radiation, and chemotherapy 10 years ago. I was recently diagnosed with a new primary cancer in the other breast. This time I opted for a double mastectomy with reconstruction. The problem is that the previously radiated breast tissue is not "stretching" very well. I've tried lotions, vitamin E, collagen cremes, a heating pad etc. all to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions on how they successfully got previously radiated skin to stretch for reconstruction expanders? I would appreciate ANY ideas.

  • Plils
    Plils Member Posts: 35

    Hello beautiful ladies,

    I have not been on here much lately but it is time for my check with my breast surgent.  It has been a long year.  Anyway when I found out I had BC my breast was very itchy which was how I found out, anyway they said it could have had nothing to do with it that I was just very luck they itch, anyway I am getting ready for my appointment on the 16th and about 1 1/2 weeks ago my non BC breast started itching just like before I found out the 1st time, I can not lie I am a little scared it could be in my other breast considering both of my breast showed  scattered fibroglandular densities focal asymmatry  which on the non BC  they said it turned out to be overlapping breast tissue. Any words of encourgment, help.  I really do not want to go through this again and now maybe I should have had a bmx?

    Hope everyone has a great week.

    XOXOXO to all 

  • Ossa
    Ossa Member Posts: 685

    Dianarose.. How about bringing a cellphone so you can keep in touch with family and friends.

    I'll bring some veggies and dip for the pocketparty

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Jumping in for Diana's pocket party as well. I would pack a pair of sweats and slip on shoes for the trip home. The button front shirts are a must.

  • sissyvonvon
    sissyvonvon Member Posts: 22

    Yes, you will want something loose and floppy. The surgery does not take long. With me, the masectomy did not hurt in itself, it was down my arm but that goes away with time, prepare to feel numbness in your upper under arm because they take out the nodes, that too will go away with time.  I will be praying for you tonight and tomorrow, Phil. 4:13.

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    I'll be in pocket #16 on those cute dolls! My favorite/lucky number as a kid...

    Don't forget the cell phone CHARGER! 

    Will be thinking of you all day tomorrow.  

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome, rhubardmd!  I don't know if your radiation side can ever get as "stretchy" as the other side, but it's probably not just the skin but all the tissue underneath like the scar tissue (even tho' it is supposed to soften over time.)  Even tho' your treatment was years ago, you might be helped by PT massage to the area.  A few massages might loosen whatever scar tissue remains.  I still do a stretch almost daily, where I hang onto a door frams with my arms in the 12:00 position and let my body weight hang downward.  Then, I do the same with my hand in the 10:00 & 2:00 position.  That one really opens up the chest.  As far as lotions, what about trying olive oil or coconut oil? 

    Plils,  I never mind hearing that women were off doing something other than BCO.  Right on!  It's still here when you need it.  Itching?  First, I do not think it is automatically a sign of cancer, but in my experience, I do think tissue growth and nerve growth and/or irritation do cause itching.  I have noticed itching during healing, and maybe you did too on your treatment side. Since this is the other side, I think you are wise to pay attention to it.  Just remember, even something like the formation of a cyst or benign tissue changes in the breast could have the same symptom.  Definitely worth mentioning to the BS.  Also, if you have sense breasts, when it is time for the mammo and if nothing stands out perhaps they will ultrasound the area of your itch.

    Hello to sissyvonvon also!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Elimar- I love the dolls. That is my hair in the morning anyhow without even trying.

    Ossa- the cell phone is a good idea. My BF can make the calls to my family.

    Bring on the snacks !!!

    I went to the LE therapist yesterday and she is wonderful She rubbed and stretched my arm for 45 min. My skin on my arm still feels like a bad sunburn though. I have great range of motion now. The surgeon is going to try to get the other nodes through the breast incision so she won't have to cut under my arm again. I liked that idea.

    I am going to go to Marshalls later today. I don't own any sweat pants. I will figure something out.

    You are all so great!!! I am due for my dam period any minute so my emotions are on that dam hormonal roller coaster. I am actually late for me. Usually every 23 days. Maybe it's all the crap they injected in me for all the scans and of course a little stress.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Jumping in your pockets Diana!!  Yes the shirts need to be a button down or zipper because you wont want to lift your arms up very high for a few days.  Good luck.  Oh also bring chewing gum.  I didn't haave much of an appetite, so my mouth was always dry, so the chewing gum helpped. 

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951
    Paula- I need to get something for my throat as well. That hurt the most after my lx from the tube that they said they were not going to use.Frown I know better this time.
  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    My new MO suggested Metformin. My old MO thought I was crazy when I mentioned this to her. Read down to see what Michael Pollak-Professor of oncology at McGill University In Montreal has to say about it.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474 neck MRI showed only a small herniation between two discs.  Nothing that impressive apparently.  Wish something would explain all the pain!  So now he is sending me elsewhere for pain management.  I have to go to a place called "The Spine Institute".  I am not sure when, they are supposed to call me to schedule my first appointment.  I did get a referral to a gynecologist for my other problem.  He is a surgeon and can hopefully fix it.  SOON!!!!!  I go see him on the 19th.

    Hello to all the newbies.  I wish I could help with the skin stretching problem.  Does your surgeon or any of his staff have any suggestions?

  • nfranklin
    nfranklin Member Posts: 51

    Started my Taxol treatments last night, feeling fine so far.

    Saw my radiologist today she told me I would not be taking my radiation until I am done with chemotherapy. I think there was a mix when my MO told me I had a choice of whether or not to take chemotherapy and I had pretty much decided not to, so he sit up radiology appointment, but when I saw my surgeon she said to have the chemotherapy no choice given, I trust her so am doing chemo. Told my MO, but the radiology appointment was not cancelled. Appointment was helpful for knowing what to expect in the future.

    Took first Taxol treatment last night feeling good just a little tired, want to take a nap, but know I will not be able to sleep tonight if I nap now.

    Hope everyone is having a good day with very few SE's. Hang in there they keep telling me that this will eventually end, I have such a long ways to go. Six months chemotherapy and six weeks of radiation.

    Praying for everyone.

  • Plils
    Plils Member Posts: 35

    Hi Elimar,  I will have a mammo right before my appointment.  As far as the itching goes, it all started with the itching and that is how I found out that I had BC.  I think it will be just fine, I am a positive person and that is what is getting me through all of this. Hope everything is going good with you and thank you.

    Lots of hugs 

  • dobie
    dobie Member Posts: 279


    I chose not to take any adjuvant therapy at the time of my original dx. I had early disease, was not particularly concerned about reoccurrence and Did not want to deal with side effects. Your drug is one of 3 types of aromatase inhibitors. They work a little different than Tamoxifen but evidence suggests they generally work better for most post menopausal women. For more info check out this link:

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Wanted to stop in to tell Dianarose - I am praying for you & will be in your pocket if you need me. Looks like everyone has given you great suggestions on what to take so I really can't add to it but wanted to tell you to be good to yourself. I know you may be restless tonight but I wish you sweet dreams and a speedy recovery. Please check back when you can to let us know how you are doing as worrying also seems to be a SE...  Hugs!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    If you jumped into one of the pockets that had a number, now you know which treat you will get:


    Did someone say, "We don't want your old black and white treats?"  O.K. then, how's this?


    Good Luck today, Dianarose!   May they take away all the evil bits so you will never be bothered by them again.  Hope to hear from you after a few days of rest and healing.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Oh, by the way, you new Middies:  In case you were shocked that we aren't serving plates of cruciferous veggies around here...that kind of eating is for your REAL LIFE.  Around here in the virtual world, we serve any kind of treat we want to.  No calories, no consequences, so enjoy!

  • Ossa
    Ossa Member Posts: 685

    Did not know the calories disappeared when we went to a pocket party. In that case I will bring a Norwegian cake with berries covered in whipping cream with a layer of marzipan. mmmm

    Thinking of you today Dianarose

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Can we do a pocket hop?? So many goodies to choose from - thanks eli. Ossa - I may just hop around until I find you and that cake too.

    Will be thinking of you all day Dianarose - sending positive, healing vibes and gentle ((hugs)).

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Mmmm!  Marzipan!

    About a month ago, I got very nostalgic for the fruit shaped marzipan treats, so I made some.  I shaped strawberries, pears, lemons and oranges AND glazed them with a touch of food coloring.  They looked good and tasted even better.


    They look like healthy fruits and veggies, but they pack a wallop of delicious calories.  Darn!

    For those with even more artistic sculpting skills, look what else you can make from marzipan, tho' I'm pretty sure you violate at least one cultural taboo if you actually eat it.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    YES!  This is the only BCO thread to feature a marzipan baby.  Aren't you glad you found your way here?  You can't get this kind of stuff on just any thread!

    Who else is thinking marzipan foob right now?

  • sissyvonvon
    sissyvonvon Member Posts: 22

    Thinking of you today should be over by now...may it all be taken away from you. nfranklin, it goes by really fast.