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  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    That marzipan looks like a lot of work...awesome!

    Thinking and praying for you Dianarose and hoping that all went well..

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    I am in your pocket Dianarose.  It is so crowded in here.

    Eli I love Marzipan but I make mine the way See's candy does, which is what I grew up on.  Just plain old Marzipan dipped in dark chocolate.  Boring shape, just round, but they are divine!  Did you make those ones in the fruit shapes?  They are gorgeous!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    E-you've done it again!

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    E- that marzipan baby just freaked me out!! lol And yes, I thought about marzipan foobs.. I guess if you can make  baby, why not a foob!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Eph, I hope you were not sipping a beverage at the time.  I know what happens.

    Lory48,  A foob would not even be the worst of it.  I spared you all by NOT posting the internal organs made out of marzipan.  You'll just have to Google that yourself.  Or not.  They look very gross.  That is not to say that I would refuse a marzipan spleen.


  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Dianarose, hope you are resting well. Thinking of you.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    I came home today. I hurt like hell. The surgery was 3 and a half hours. The muscle on the radiated side was badly damaged from radiation so it took some work. It really hurts on that side. It feels like I broke my ribs. Yes, the drain tubes are a pain in the ass too. It can only improve from here. I have not had any pain meds at all since the surgery, but BF just went to the drug store to pick up some the bs called in. I need to sleep. I wasn't crazy about the shots in the stomach as I hate needles. The hospital I was at treat you like royalty. They have 24 hour room service. I can call down for a lobster roll at 2 in the morning. I did eat good. I think I will go rest and I hope everyone is doing well. Thanks for being in my pocket.

  • Ossa
    Ossa Member Posts: 685
    Dianarose welcome home, time to rest and heal
  • sissyvonvon
    sissyvonvon Member Posts: 22

    Glad you are home Dianarose, it will get better as each day goes by.

  • sissyvonvon
    sissyvonvon Member Posts: 22

    Ladies, I have a new problem.  I have had good reports since my treatments and surgery in Jan. 2009, got to feeling really good and have done lots of things, including travel. Last month, I went for my regular 6 mo. checkup and my tumor marker number was elevated.  So I did a CT Scan and it was really good except for a small 1.3 centermeter lesion on the backside of my liver, so I did the PET Scan, and it was good overall except for the same lesion and the PET showed another small lesion on the right side, which the radiologist said was worrisome.  Also, there is a worrisome spot in my right pelvic bone.  I am so nervous and worried, I can't help it.  I was so happy and doing great until all this has come up.  I am suppose to have biopsy of the lesion and a colonoscopy on Apr. 30.  Can anyone give some encouragement, it would be greatly appreciated.  I pray for all my BC sisters that you live long and do well. 

  • sissyvonvon
    sissyvonvon Member Posts: 22

    I would like to correct somethng.  I said 'spot' on my pelvic bone.  That was not correct.  The report said 'there was 'uptake' there that was worrisome.  Just wanted to correct that.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    sissyvonvon hate to hear that there are spot's that are worrisome.  This is a great place to hang and everyone is so supportive. Keep us updated and we'll have pocket parties if we need to.

    rebarbmd-fat grafting on radiated breast has shown to really help soften the radiated tissue.  I had radiation and 2 weeks ago had a BMX with TE placement.  My PS plans on doing the fat grafting at time of implant exchange but if I have a hard time during the expansion I may have to have it sooner.  Here is a link for a thread you can read up on it.

    Dianarose so glad you are home.  Can't believe you have not had any pain meds since surgery.  I had a morphine pump and used it as often as I could.  They sent me home with Norco and I took it regularly for about a week before I could slow down on it.  Hope your healing goes well.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    BF just picked uo my script and it is for Oxycodone. I have never used it and am afraid it will make me sick. My chest couldn't take that. i just had to cough and that was painful.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Dianarose, most people do not get sick with oxycodone or any of the narcotics.  You CAN get nausea and vomiting  from uncontrolled pain.  Take the oxycodone with a little food (crackers, toast, that kind of thing) and you will be fine, tummy wise.  The drains are a pain in the anatomy, but the rest of the pain will begin easing up almost immediately.  Welcome home!  Now take your pills and take a nap.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Welcome home Dianarose.

    Sounds like you got some great advice from NativeMainer. Take the meds with food and curl up to enjoy a movie or a nap...I hated the stupid drains too but at least they are serving a purpose (besides annoying     Be good to yourself sweetie and get lots of rest.  

    sissyvonvon - I am praying for you... Hopefully these are the crappy false positives we have all heard about and will be nothing more than a bad memory..... HUGS!!! 

    Wishing everyone a great Friday the 13th tomorrow. Tongue out

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Dianarose,  Now if you came on here and said NICE things about the drains, we'd know you were heavily medicated already.  Nobody has ever liked the drains.  The Oxy should give you the kind of relief that you will no longer feel like you have broken ribs and hopefully will get you through a first couple days.  It should begin to ease off after that.

    sissyvonvon,  I know it is scary to find areas of suspician on those scans, but no one can ever say 100% cancer.  If the docs could, they would not have to biopsy it.  So, lets keep the hope going that whatever might be there, it is benign.  I can give you encouragement on the colonoscopy.  I had one a year ago.  The prep. the day before (with the nasty drink) is really the worst part.  You sleep thru' the colonoscopy, and when you wake up, the drowsiness does not linger very long, and your butt doesn't even hurt!  Isn't that a shocker?  It is a good idea to treat yourself to a nice lunch afterward, because you will be starving after your fast the day before.

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    Dianarose - so glad you're home! I don't do well with narcotics at all, but don't let yourself be miserable either. 

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Welcome home Dianarose!  Yes in deed, take the drugs, get comfy and eat some good foods (NOT cheetos! Sorry Eli)  Here's a picture of what you should be doing.  I practice this daily! LOL  sissy, you echo my own fears.  I have had so much go right and no complications that I'm wondering when the bomb is coming in the future.  Hang in there girl and my thoughts and hopes go out to you for good results to prevail.  Kitty

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Morning-I slept sitting up with pillows for about 7 hours. The side she took the nodes is much better, it's the right side that really hurts. Almost like a burning sensation in my ribs. Hurts to cough or sneeze. I got my period this morning too to add to things. I am going to try to move my arms a little more today so I don't get too stiff.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Welcome home Dianarose.  Just as the other have said, try and take the meds on schedule.  They do help.  Are you able to shower?  My PS told me I could and that helped the rest of my body feel good.  I didn't stand face first in it, but just having it run down me felt good.  It was weird showering with my panties on, but by then I did'nt care.  Plus I saftey pined my drains to them so it was easier to shower that way.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Dianarose - glad that you are home and resting. 7 hrs sleep is a great start to recovery. 

    Sissyvonvon - Sorry that you have had some worrisome scans. Hoping that they are not cancer related. If they are, there is certainly tx that can knock them back. My liver mets have continued to shrink since I started tx. 

    Hang in there - waiting is the hard part. Come back here often for encouragement and support.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Diana rose I agree with Paula I felt much better once I could shower.  I pinned my drains to a shoe string around my neck and it worked well. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Looks like it's going to be "Free Colonoscopy Screening Day" throughout the Midwest. 

    Please report to a screening center (a.k.a. storm shelter) nearest you.

    This is a PSA for colon health, NOT a weather report.  (The pic was too good to pass up.)

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    What a gorgeous day here! Went to the Farmer's Market for the first time this season, came home and ate some of my fresh goodies, then worked in the yard. Sixteen bales of pine straw and weed pulling later, my yard is looking better. 

    OUt to dinner with friends tonight. Doesn't get much better than today! Smile 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Eli that picture is creepy.  Last month my best friend, who lives in North platte, NE, lost her car.  She was lucky as her husband borrowed it to go to his job at the RR.  Nobody was injured at the yard, but the cars took the opportunity to rearrange themselves.  Bev had a Toyota Camry and a Suburban landed on it.  The Suburban won......

    Dianarose I hope you are feeling better with each passing day!

    madpeacock it does sound like a perfect day!  It is far too early for Farmer's Markets here, but they are a lot of fun when they finally arrive.  So glad you had such a great day!

    Can I request a pocket party for this Thursday, the 19th?  I have to go see a gynecologist about my lovely Pelvic Organ Prolapse problem.  POPP, ha!  I expect he will want to do surgery and hoping it will be my last one for a very long time.

    I hope everyone is well and enjoying this weekend.  All in the path of tornadoes, I hope you are safe.  I am thinking of you all.



  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    As it so happens, Janis, I am free this Thursday, sooo, I will be joining the pocket party for you. Let me see, I will bring good news, sunshine as you walk out of the gyno office & I will have a cool drink in a cooler for you to drink on the way home. (Water okay? That is my beverage of choice after a Dr. visit as I don't drink more than a swallow usually before an exam.)

    Love the abrev: POPP  Laughing

  • Ossa
    Ossa Member Posts: 685

    I will be there justmejanis... I'll bring some carrot cake (must be good for you as there is carrots in it)...

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    im off janis and I too will be right in your pocket .. wooo hooo :)  :) 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Thank you ladies!  I knew I could count on you, I always can!

    Water is perfect Valjean...I have a huge "Bubba" mug that goes everywhere with me.  Laughing

    At least I got an early appointment.  She offered up 8:30 or 2:30.  I dread this visit and want it over with ASAP!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Janis - will also be jumping in on Thursday. I'll bring along an I-pod - let me know what type of music you like and I'll get it loaded on.....