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  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Thanks all for the congrats on my latest milestone.  I hope to reach many more of them.

    Welcome, kkhalle!

    That reminds me...someone asked what DH stood for and someone else answered, but don't forget I made that Abbreviations For Newbies link (up at the top) so check that out if you get perplexed by the new lingo.

    Quick question?  Does anyone have ins. coverage for accupuncture?  

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    No coverage for accupuncture, but do for massage, though never use it as I have to pay first and then mail in the receipts. I'm too lazy. What an idiot I am! You might get it covered under therapy....??

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Eli in Texas there is not coverage but my DIL lives in Seattle and they have coverage.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    I haven't posted in awhile but wanted to say hi to everyone and welcome to all the newbies.

    Eph, love the new brows!  I never had chemo but my brows have been thinning for years.  I have dark hair and almost no brows.  When I win the lottery.....hehe.

    Eli, HUGE congratulations on your three year milestone.  Love it.  I am really curious how well the acupuncture works!  Keep me posted.  I think that is exciting.  I am going to see my orthopedic surgeon in less than an hour.  The last procedure produced no pain for two days and increased mobility.  They injected numbing med directly into the nerves that supply that C-4 C-5 vertebrae.  He said if I got relief they would know for certain that the bad disc is what is causing all my pain.  Probably surgery is next.  I will find out today.  I am really nervous!

    Today is one year since I had my surgery.  I was diagnosed July 1st and had my surgery July 11th.  I am happy to be here and happy in general! 

    Love and hugs to all!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Welcome back Janis!! and happy one year anniversary of being cancer free!! WOOT--WOOOOOT!!!!!


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    happy cancervesary Janis!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    cmbear and Sherry, thanks so much!   It means a lot to me!  :)

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Janis - Happy Cancerversary - year one is done! Here's to many many many more celebrations!

  • Butterflylady2012
    Butterflylady2012 Member Posts: 14

    Elimar, sorry for the delay....HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, 3 years out and doing great!  I am so happy for you!  And Janis, we have not been introduced...but HUGE congrats on 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY.  Wonderful for both of you!

    I finished my first rad treatment yesterday!  And get this, the radiation tech, 20 year veteran in the role has music piped into the treatment room if you wish.  He asked what I like...I said James Taylor, he had him!  SO, JT serenaded me during my session.  Made it much easier. Smile  It feels so good to just get through the little milestones, like walking down a path and knowing each step I grow closer towards a 1 year or a 3 year anniversary.  I was diagnosed with ILC 3 months today and I am mentally and emotionally stronger then I was initially.  That first month was very hard.  But now I am adjusting to my "new norm" and doing okay.  I have  some tough days, but for the most part I am adjusting and living!  One step at a time, right ladies?  

    Cheers for the Annivesary Ladies...HIP, HIP, HOORAY!!!   

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Happy be-lated anniversaries to both Janis and Elimar Cool.

    I thought I would give you all a giggle with my chemo brain story. I got a script from my PS for some numbing cream to use on my arm prior to infusions. I went to CVS and handed the guy the script. He looked at me like I had 3 heads and about 10-15 minutes later he said he couldn't find it in the computer so he went and asked the head pharmacist. He came back and said he couldn't fill it and that I needed to go to a medical supply store. I said, just for some numbing cream. He said, that's not what is written on the script. He handed it back to me and I put my glasses on to read it. I gave him the wrong one. I gave him an old script for 2 mastectomy bra's that I never had filled. I felt so embarrassed then I just had to laugh.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great night.

  • Gitane
    Gitane Member Posts: 58


    I was looking for a way to say to Dianarose that I was sorry we didn't respond to her on the "What's your ILC story?" thread.  I followed her here.  I know having ILC makes us feel different (at least it seems to for some of us).  Well, Dianarose, I'm sure sorry to hear that your tumor was overlooked like that.  Mine was too.  It happens with ILC.  It's too bad they couldn't have been following you more closely given your diagnosis in 2004.  My oncotype score was a lot higher than yours and I'm still O.K. if that's any encouragement.  Your story about the mastectomy bra script was a kick.  Feels good to laugh about stuff like that.  Hope you are going well now.

    Butterflylady,  I'm glad to read that you are feeling better lately and that the rads are finished.  Those early times are really tough for most of us, lots of emotional times.  The treatment wears us down, too.  You seem to be doing well for someone diagnosed only 3 months ago.  All the best to you.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Congrats Janis on your cancerversary!!!  Heres to many many more.

    Well I went to my 3 month Onc visit last week with some concerns I was having.  I get so confused anymore on what to bring up to what doctor so I waited until I saw her.  Well anyways I started to have a funny filling in my neck that felt like someone was chocking me.  It didn't take my breath away, but it is rather annoying.  Well long story short he felt a lump and I went for an sonogram Monday and it does show a mass.  So I'm off to have a biopsy the 25.  I can't stand having to wait that long, but I have been reading up on things and its not a terrifing anymore, so thats a plus.  I have calmmed down a bit since they called me yeaterday and told me about the mass.  I then talked with my oldest sissy and she's had a few nodules biopsied and so she was a big help on easing the nerves.  The start of the week was a nail bitter for me, but I've calmed down as I get more info under my belt.

  • Bev_22
    Bev_22 Member Posts: 4


    I do not post often on these boards but I love allthe support and information.  I wanted to tell you my sister had someone notice a lump in her throat that she had not noticed.  We have a lot of cancer in our family so we went into panic mode.  After several test we found that the mass was nothing to be concerned about.  So get your test and follow up with any concerns you have but at the same time try to have some peace that this mass could be several different things besides cancer.

    I will be saying a prayer for you that all is well.


  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Thanks Bev.  Oh yes I'm for sure staying on top of it.  I told myself yesterday that I wasn't going in panic mood, but I did for awhile.  I then looked at some information out there and the numbers for it being cancer are very low, so that calmed me a lot.  It just the wait that gets to me is all.  If they had me in as fast as they did with the BC then I would have more answers by now for sure.  Thanks again for the prayers Bev!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Paula66, By nodule, do you mean this is something near or on the thyroid gland?  If not, where is the lump?   There are a lot of B9 conditions, as you know, and I hope your is one of those.  I see Barbe has rejoined us, and I know she had surgery on her thyroid, so she might have more info. for you if she check in again.  Or you may want to PM her.  She had the surgery earlier this year, remember?

    Welcome Bev_22 & Gitane, whether you post a little or a lot.  

    Dianarose, All you can do is laugh at stuff like that.  Smile 

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Eli the Onc PA says its on my thyroid.  They are calling it a mass.  Whenever I do a www search using the word mass, the info I have read calls them masses but puts nodules in parenthesis.  So that why I said that.  Now my sissy says hers are called nodules, but she has had them taken care of.  I'm really positive about this not being cancer.  All that I have read that the chances it being cancer are very low.  Its about 5-10% of them being cancer.  So I've dedided that I don't need to be in that catagory so thats what I'm sticking to for now.  yes my mind does wonder a bit, but I choose not to go there right now because there is no benifet in me thinking this way.  I'm starting to get back into the things I did before BC hit, and I'm not going to let anything take that away from me.  Thanks for the reminder of Barbie.  I thought it was her, but couldn't remember for sure. 

  • Butterflylady2012
    Butterflylady2012 Member Posts: 14

    Gitane, thanks for the support!  Just a quick clarification though, I am not done with rads yet.  Wish I was!  I have done 3 so far, 22 more to go.  One step at a time.  I feel like I am making a lot of progress.  For the most part, I do feel like I am doing pretty darn well.  I still havent felt affects from rads as of yet, heard that takes a week or two to kick in.  Enjoying it while it lasts! I'm adjusting to my "new norm"...some days are better then others, but I keep on keepin on!  Smile

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Paula, I'm here!!! I had my first nodule biopsied 19 years ago. Inconclusive. I HATE that word...sigh. But iodine uptakes and tests like that weren't ringing any bells so we all let it go. They tried me on Thyroxin at the time, but I grew 2 more nodules for a total of 3. So they took out half my thyroid (nodules were benign) and I continued on without meds until last August. I noticed a swelling above my clavicular bone on the right side of my neck last summer and had an ultrasound. Immediately the radiologist came in and said "we have to biopsy this NOW". Scared the hell out of me listening to her and the tech talking about "these two mashed together" and "this one wrapped around the jugular", etc. The radiologist even said that if the test came back inconclusive, to come back again in 3 months.

    Anyway, the upshot of all that was while they were checking my neck, they found more tumours on what was left of my thyroid. Everything I read said that thyroid cancer is VERY slow growing and VERY contained and once the thyroid is out the cancer does not spread. So I was very cool with the whole surgery. Again nodules were benign, BUT they've had to increase my Synthroid every 6 weeks ever since!! I feel so much more 'alive' than I have for the past number of years and wonder how many women are suffering from low thyroid that get mis-diagnosed as "hysterics" or whatever. You know what I mean.

    So, anyway, you are now firmly planted in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted and know that this is not a panic situation even if it is cancer, as it would be so slow to grow. My sister has had surgery as well, and her nodules were Hurthles cells once, and benign again the next time.

    Now I have to get my neck nodes checked again, but first my onc (saw last Wednesday) wants an brain CT which I get this Monday. I hope my cancer isn't on the move, as that was a gap of a year!! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    Meant to say that my surgery was finally done in February of this year! That's how little of a panic it is. Seriously. Even though at the time they didn't know if the nodules on my thyroid were cancerous or not, there was just no rush. It was a tiny bit stressful wondering, but their calm approach made me feel better. Thyroid cancer is one of the curable cancers.
  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Praying for you, Paula......B9, B9, B9!!!!

  • Butterflylady2012
    Butterflylady2012 Member Posts: 14
    Paula, I had a partial thyroidectomy in 1995 due to "nodules" which is the only term I've heard for them, but I'm sure there are others.  My remaining side has several more nodules, but they are all benign.  Yes, a majority of the  time these are b9....I'm praying for you too, B9, B9!!
  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Thanks Barb.  I did read up even though they haven't confirmed anything yet.  Just the wait is what gets me.  Just when they called it a mass that threw me for a loop.  I told myself I wasn't gonna do a search on the www but I ended up doing just that.  Thats when I found a lot more positive then negative so thats a relief. I figured that since they had the biopsy scheduled for the 25 it wasn't a huge concern.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Praying for B9, Paula.  God for you for being able to calm yourself.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Paula I too feel all will be well.  I went through all this in November.  The needle biopsy was inconclusive, so they ended up taking the right lobe out completely.  The nodules were all benign.  The recovery from that surgery was really easy and not very painful at all.  Please keep us posted!  I will be waiting right along with you to see the outcome! 

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Paula, I hope you follow in Janis' footsteps---B9-B9--B9!!!!!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Hey buddies. My job has been draining the life out of me recently - big project that I'm managing for the next 3 months. Not much energy left after I finish dinner, so not much "fun" computer time! I do stop and read though, just don't post much. Think of and pray for you all daily, especially anyone having tests or undergoing treatments.

    Eli - love the confetti blower page topper :)

    Happy Anniversary wishes to all for whom that applies - love celebrating those milestones with everyone. And if we're going to have a proper celebration, we need a cake. Yes, I'm busy, but cooking up a little something for my friends is never too much trouble :)  (Looks like we can do shots after our cake ... just noticed that!!!

  • Butterflylady2012
    Butterflylady2012 Member Posts: 14

    Wow, Marlegal, what a cake!  That is a Cheeto's Cake Supreme!!! Here's to all the anniversaries and to all of us who look towards those days with hope in our hearts.  Love to all!!

    Butterflylady (Sharon) 

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045

    Just popped in to say hi to everyone!!  Wishing Good News to all having tests or concerns!!  Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers, even if I don't post often!

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324
    Hi to All,  Took a long break from BC and a real vacation to Paris with my BFF.  This was our 8th trip and we would do it again!  I'll try to load some pics if I can figure out Photobucket.  Got past my one year cancer anniversary without any problems so I hope it stays that way.  I will see the Onc after August 1 when my new insurance kicks in.  So, I'm still around and just need this darn summer heat to ease up on me!  Just way too hot!  Kitty
  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Ok, here are two pics, first one is of me at Chateau de Pierrefonds. Love this place outside of Paris because it is the set for a TV show I like (Merlin). Other one is of the Tour Eiffel just a short walk from our hotel.  I can hardly wait to return maybe next spring. Kitty