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  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Kittygiel, that second pic is so funny to me, because when we where there in November, we stayed right on the corner of that little park, about thirty meters from that bench.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Medical terminology can be a bugger to figure out, especially when the terminology itself is unclear.  Generally, a mass is a lump or collection of connected cells, often used synonymously with tumor.   A nodule is a solid lump of 1.0 cm or smaller in the skin or other soft tissue, or 30 millimeters (0.3 cm) or less if in the lung tissue.  So you can see where mass and nodule are interchangeable.  In usual practice once something is diagnosed as benign it is called a nodule to differentiate from something that is diagnosed as cancerous.  Said more simply, before something is biopsied and identified, it is called what ever we want, after biopsy and diagnosis it is more formally labelled (nodule for B9, mass for cancer). 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    marlegal, is your swan pink or do I have a brain tumour? (Cancer humour, I'm going for a brain CT this morning.)

    Native, best explanation I've heard! 

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Prayers for you today, Barbe.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Thanks Meece, I never thought of asking, but I do need them! MRI of spine was on Saturday, CT of brain today, ultrasound of abdomen already done and surgeon picked to remove mass (too big to be a nodule), and bone scan for the 27th.

  • Ossa
    Ossa Member Posts: 685

    Praying for you Barbe.. Wishing you all good news

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Barbe - prayers and thoughts are with you as you go through all of your scans/tests. Wishing you only good results.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Kittygirl, You really know how to celebrate a canserversary in style!!!  It's a true vacation when we get a break from thinking about B/C and appointments on the calendar.  Thanks for sharing those pictures. 

    Marlegal,  Don't know which I like better...Kitty's Tour Eiffel or your Tower of Cheetos cake.  Oh, who am I kidding?  That cake is FAB!

    Barbe,  I'm a little worried now...Mar's swan is as white as ever.  Good Luck with the CT today, and may all your results be normal.  Wouldn't it be great to fast-forward to Aug. about now?  Have you been having spine and head pain?  You are getting such a series of scans...what's up?  What is the mass in the abdomen?  When will you have surgery?

    NativeMainer,  Good definitions of nodule and mass.  The one that confuses me is lesion.  I used to think of it only as a cut or wound, like skin lesion; but it also seems to get used for unwanted cells in the body, usually when they are on something.  Lesions on the liver, lesions on the bones, etc.  One of those words is as bad as another.

    I used to have a nodule on my thyroid when I was in my 20's.  One doc was ready to remove it, but all I could think of was Bride-of-Frankenstein-neck, so I went to see the Chief of Surgery and he was o.k. with monitoring if it did not get bigger.  He put me on synthroid to see if that would cause it to shrink.  It didn't.  About a year later, when I got a different HMO plan, I was able to get a fine needle aspiration and it showed to be benign so I stopped worrying about it being there.  A few years later it had disappeared on its own.

    Looking back, I think mine grew from the estrogen in the b/c pills I was taking at the time, and the disappearance came after I stopped taking them.  I'm pretty sure the b/c pills also gave me a fibroadenoma in the breast at age 21 too.  The doctors never mentioned the possibilty of the estrogen being the cause, but these days I blame estrogen for everything.  I know now for a fact that my body can turn it into something evil.

    I relate to these naughty neck nodule stories.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    The pic at top has nothing to do with B/C or middle-aged women.  It's just a fish I like.  The parrot fish. 

    Squaaaawwwwk!    How 'bout get your own d*mn name!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Did someone say Pocket Party? 

    an Eli inspired cheetos fish!

    Barbe, will be thinking of you today. I'll be wishing for clear scans. You truly have been dealt a bigger hand than you deserve.

    KITTY--so glad you've "come home"! and I love the Paris photos--now I can live vicariously thru you since I can't see us getting to Paris anytime soon.

    My DH left early this am to go to Huntsville, AL to work on a proposal with the govt. He's up there on a "open ended" trip--so he could be gone weeks(at least 2) or months. So what do I do? Go and throw out my back last night. So much for driving him to the airport. Neither one of the muscle relaxants they gave me for my surgery last month have phased it. RRgghh.  

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Dibs on the tail!  Cool

    p.s.  cmb, ice your back for 20 min. at a time, to reduce the inflamation, for the next day or two.  Don't sit at the computer too much.  Rest it laying down.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    Hai, Elimar and ladies! cmb, wouldn't it be great if we were all like Samantha and all those delicious pictures you post appeared in front of us?
    Barbe - So many tests! I know you must have found your inner peace to go through all this at once. Prayers for you for good results on everything! 
    Paula - Sounds like you've found your inner peace, too. Google is such a double-edged sword - on the one hand it gives you lots of good information and brings up questions for the doctor, on the other hand it has to include the scary, infrequent stuff too. It's like doing good cop, bad cop to yourself!
    Well, either my eyes are getting bad or I've got a baby alligator in my yard... haha, okay it's a fallen limb with moss on it! We actually had a baby alligator when I was a kid. Ended up letting it go in a neighborhood lake. Then we started hearing rumors of a 6-foot alligator in that lake - I wonder.... Remember all those poor animals they sold as pets back then? Baby chicks (all colors), ducks, bunnies, owls, our pet shop even had raccoons and monkeys! 
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Hmm, went back and still see a pink swan. Saw green license plates (instead of the white) a couple years ago and had a brain MRI then. I wonder which is more effective? MRI or CT?? But I've fallen a couple of times lately and my DH noticed it was always to the left so my onc wants peace of mind for me. Thanks for all the good wishes. I forgot about pocket parties!!

    A couple of months ago there were 3 HUGE snakes "missing" from a city about 20 minutes away from here. Was relieved until they found one in my city!!!! 6-8' boa constrictors!! I MEAN come ON!! Don't you have enough to worry about in life without bringing it on????

    I am almost bedridden and am downstairs only a couple of times a day, and am glad to see y'all here. Thanks for being there, my friends! 

  • nfranklin
    nfranklin Member Posts: 51

    I have been on the site looking at a lot of info but not writing a lot. I started FAC a week ago and have no appetite, I am very tired and weak, can't have any soy products, and nothing sounds good. What to do,what to do? Any suggestions?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    In the medical world we use the term "lesion" to identify anything abnormal that we don't know what it is.  Often "lesion" is used when a scan or test doesn't give enough info to determine if something is a solid mass or nodule, or hollow like a cyst.  You can pretty much substitute "abnormality" for "lesion" and be correct and perhap more understandable. 

    For instance, a liver lesion, often found initially on an x-ray, can turn out to be a cyst, a tumor, scar tissue, an abcess, cirrhosis, or an anatomical variation identified by an imaging test like a CT or MRI or by biopsy.    Once the lesion has been identified it is referred to as what it is.  In oncology, "lesion" often means an area of metastatic cancer.  A person with cancer may have a report that mentions lesions on the liver with an unspoken understanding that the area(s) are presumed to be mets, especially if doing a biopsy is not possible or recommended.  

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Well Barbe, to me the swan looks like it has a pink neck and a white body. My eyes may be blurry, but I can still see pink, I think! I always remember the wise words I saw on a get well card 20 years ago: Hey you in the beddie, get better already! I hope you start feeling better soon!

    My friend lived with a guy who had over 20 snakes in those big aquariums in their living room. It was like walking around a pet store, except for the time I went over and my friend said, "One of the snakes got out, but don't worry, it's not poisonous." I said, "I would NEVER live here."  

    nfranklin - sorry you are having trouble with your appetite. When I didn't want anything, I would fix an ice-cold smoothie with vanilla protein powder, any kind of fruit and a little honey. Sometimes I would add ice cream. Mmmm....I wish I had one of those now!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    nfranklin, I sorta 2nd heartnsoul's receipe, altho I vote for just a plain old THICK vanilla milkshake.  Back in the days of lots of hang0vers for this girl, vanilla shakes were a cure!!!  They worked wonders during chemo in '09 also!  Good luck with your treatment & I hope something sounds good soon. 

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Franklin, pancakes got me through a couple of rough patches. I make the batter with buckwheat, oats and buttermilk, no sugar or very little, you can throw some chopped walnuts in there too and blueberries, if that seems appealing.

    The other thing I could eat, when all else failed, was gross tex-mex food from TGIF. Do not ask me why, but I would go there and get a plate of fajitas or a burrito.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    My DSIL has a couple of huge snakes in aquariums in their lower basement (backsplit). One got out and he found it wrapped around the hot water pipe!!! He had a very hard time getting it off the pipe......ewwwwwwwww!!!! One he'd had for 12 years died and I felt pretty bad for it and him. But they breeded mice to feed the snakes!! In a tupperware container!! My DD used to think mice were cute, now she's breeding them in the dark for snakes!! Love IS blind!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Eeeeeww!  All this talk makes me want to get the garden hoe.  I know most snakes are harmless, but I cannot muster any affection for them.  (Save your comments, my Freudian Analyst sisters.)

  • nfranklin
    nfranklin Member Posts: 51

    Thanks everyone loved all the suggestions, going to try the smoothie this morning.

    Have a blessed day with few SE's, love all of you.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Snakes give me the heebie jeebies when they move. I held my DSIL's big snake by the neck (do snakes have necks?) or where the neck would be if the snake was human and it felt like a pulstating penis!!!! DSIL had a pretty firm grip on the rest of the snake in case I freaked out. But the snake wasn't moving. I just don't like the way they move.....that slidey, slinky, slithery, sneaky crawl...........eeeeewwwww!!

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Snakes an vanilla milkshakes....interesting conversation combo :-)

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Paula and BArbe hope all turns out B9.  Keep us posted.

    nfranklin hope your appetite gets better.

  • Sanibelblueyezz
    Sanibelblueyezz Member Posts: 1

    Hello, I just turned 59 so I fit in also with BC. How do I post to fit in. Is there a way to get newest posts first? Please tell me if I'm posting in the correct area. Thanks, Marilyn in Florida

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Welcome Sanibel!! You're in the right place. Right below the bottom post you can click on "Add to my Favorite Topics" and this will show up in your favs and everytime you open it, it will go to last place you were at so you don't miss any posts. We are a wacky bunch of ladies, most topics are fair game (as you see--snakes--ewwww) except weather. Eli has strictly forbidden any meteorlogical discussion. hehehehe. We offer great advice you can either listen to or not. And we are awesome at throwing cyber parties for support (pocket parties when you are going to the docs for and exam or test) or just for fun (birthdays, cancerversaries, divorce anniversaries--whatever!!!) I'm up in Orlando, so a fellow Floridian, welcome!!!

    Nfranklin--protein shakes/fruit smoothies are awesome for the benefit of protein and vitamins. After my last surgery, the staff recommended Boost or Ensure. Good to keep a pack of those in the frig. (they also make a good base for the smoothies!)

    And don't get me started on snakes. We live in front of a greenspace which basically means ollie,ollie oxen free all wild animals come to my back yard. Years ago, I had a rat make a nest in my gas grill over the winter when I wasn't using it. Needless to say, once he reared his ugly head, that grill was on the curb that next morning. The week after came home from my Diep surgery, the dog was going CRAZY at the screen door of our patio. My DH and DS go out to see, and then I hear load yells from them. Turns out to be 6"+ snake by our back door. My dog wanted it for a snack, but kindly my husband dumped it out in the back 40, hopefully to get one of those rats. . .

    Barbe and Paula hope all those tests are B9. Let us know! 

  • lhasamom
    lhasamom Member Posts: 13

    I was just scrolling and realized I never answered you question.  My avatar is of me and my grand-squirrel, Rocky!  No grand babies yet, just grand animals!  Sigh!  My son found Rocky when he was only a teen tiny baby who fell out of the nest.  My son had to feed him every 4 hours.  Rocky would run around outside and when he (son) was ready to go indoors, he'd call him and Rocky would come running!  He'd sit on your shoulder and eat veggies.  Squirrels love strawberries, apples, melons, watermelon, along with green beans, carrots, zucchini, etc.  As long as you adopt them when they are tiny babies, they don't carry disease.  They don't bite.  They are actually really smart!!  My son has "fostered" other squirels and then released them into the woods by his house.  But Rocky was special, he chose NOT to leave.  The other fostered squirrels still come back every now and again, they'll sit on the railing waiting for him to go to work.  They'll run next to him till he get to his car.  They watch him open the door, get in, and watch him drive away.  Lol.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Sanibelblue, welcome!  I better PM you in case you haven't found a way to get to the latest page.
  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    There are things you don't miss until you don't have them. As weird as it sounds, not only did I lose the hair on my head, but now the nose hairs. It sucks. My nose drips all day long. I guess I never realized how important the little buggers were.

    Welcome to all the newbies. These ladies are a great bunch and very helpful.

    For all those who are waiting for test results I will be praying for B-9 for all.

    They are predicting bad storms and tornado's this evening here in Maine. Weird weather this summer.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Miss Kitty, I wondered where you had run off to....France of all places!  WOW.  Glad you were able to have such an amazing getaway.

    Snakes totally creep me out.  I mean.....all that slitering.  They just seem so damn sneaky.

    Barbe........I am with you in spirit.  You have been through so much Little One!  I just want it all to get better for you.  Now. 

    Eli......I can't remember if i told you I am having neck surgery.  Since none of the steroid injections helped for more than a day,  this is my only option he said.  That or keep living with the pain.  I am not a big fan of Plan B so I gave up and agreed to the fusion.  I am not sure when, they are waiting on insurance approval and then I have to attend a 3.5 hours class on the surgery and recovery.  You can't fix the shattered disc.  He will remove the bone spurs as well.  I'll keep you posted.

    Marlegal I think your new brows are wonderful.  It must feel so good to finally have some, and they look so natural!

    Thinking of all of you sweet ladies.  Peace and joy to all!