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  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Dianarose my sissy said the same when she lost hers as well.  I never really had that issue.  Chemo dryed me up.  the only time I had an issue was when I got a head cold.  She also complained that when she went pee that it shot out cause nothing was there to stop it.  man she musta had some force, lol!

    Snakes don't bother me at all.  Its those 8 legged freaks that need to go for sure.  Gives me the heebe jeebes just thinking of them.  I found a snake in the yard the other night and hubby killed it.  That wasn't very nice.  Now on the other hand he can kill any 8 legged freak that comes along.

    Well my house was a wild one last night.  Got home and was outside and saw 2 black labs running loose.  That they were my friends so I called for them.  Well they come running up to me so I got them in the house and gave my friend a call.  Well they weren't his dogs.  I didn't know what we were gonna do because we can't have pets.  Well I broke down and let them stay in the basement because it just wasn't right letting them roam in this heat.  Plus they were panting hard and drenched in sweat.  They wre so dang cute.  Really lovey dogs and they were so good to.  Well I called the shelter and they took my info.  Got a call after lunch and they went home.  My son is bummed.  They became his buddies, slept in his room all night.  They sure were sweethearts for sure.

    Have a great night all and welcome to the new gals.  So sorry we have to meet like this but the gals here are the best.  If you have any questions, please ask!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    As usual, I'm posting answers as I read the post!

    Barbe, the swan is white, but I think the head/neck have a pinkish glow from the red schnoz! All best vibes and prayers for good CT result hon.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    nfranklin, about the no soy ... if you do a little more research, you might find that soy isn't the horrible monster for ER+ women as we first thought. There are differences - naturally occurring soy or manufactured - so you do need to read up a bit, but I was happy to learn that lots of research points to safe soy products - in moderation. As always, it's a personal choice at the end of the day. I craved chicken ceasar salads during chemo - in the last 7 yrs since I think I've had one!

    Dianarose - nose hair - yup! By the end of my a/c treatments, I had no hair anywhere, and I mean anywhere, on my body. Hated to see a lot of it come back to be honest!

    Sanibel - welcome :) Your signature doesn't give many details, so tell us as much as you're comfortable sharing about what brought you to this room. We're a whacky bunch, for sure, but usually try to give out a little bit of good info too :)

    Paula - yup..forgot about the pee shooting!!! Man, do we cover all bases on this thread or what? LOL

    Snakes - lived in a quadriplex and people one floor down across hall had a boa. I used to visit him (I was 14) and he was kind of cool. Till the night the wife, Iris, knocked on our door and asked "Have you seen Henry?" At first I just said no, but then I was like - wait a minute - Henry is missing??? Since I knew that like most creepy horrible things, snakes could get through a teensy opening, like under a door, I was up all night! They found him next day in the sofa, coiled up in the springs (dating myself from when sofas HAD springs!) Now I'm quite content to see them on TV only :)

    Janis, not sure I understand the eyebrow comment - I haven't done anything to mine!!

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Marlegal, I think Janis meant Eph. Joni got eyebroy tattoos for her birthday.

    Well everyone just stopping ny to say hi! I've been kinda distracted with this stupid cancer stuff lately but hav been lurking so see alll the good, bad, and ugky on here. Just praying mostly good for everyone here (I seem to have the bad covered enough for all of us right now).

    Thanks to those who have come searching for me. It's really good to feel so much love. I do try to keep my Facebook page and CarePage updated so if you want to be added to either (my Carepage is private for now due to work issues), just let me know.

    I'll be sure to post more good stuff now - I'm ready for things to go the right direction now and am really glad I have this thread for my "normal" not cancer stuff. Love you all!

  • LilSchatzie
    LilSchatzie Member Posts: 34

    Hey Marie,

    I'm one of those looking for you. Big hugs! You are going to kick those brain mets to the curb! I'd love to follow your caringbridge pages. If you message me the link. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Xoxo Karen

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Marie, thanks for pointing out it wasn't Marlegal's eyebrows...I've been looking, but that swan just doesn't have any!!! Where did we see a pic of Joni's eyebrows...that avatar of hers is old, just like mine.

    Marlegal, sweetie, sofas STILL have springss, FYI....ehhehehehehe

    Paula, I think that's sweet that those labs came running to you anyway!! Did you find out their names? Were they close to the names you called? 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Marie, thanks for pointing out it wasn't Marlegal's eyebrows...I've been looking, but that swan just doesn't have any!!! Where did we see a pic of Joni's eyebrows...that avatar of hers is old, just like mine.

    Marlegal, sweetie, sofas STILL have springss, FYI....ehhehehehehe

    Paula, I think that's sweet that those labs came running to you anyway!! Did you find out their names? Were they close to the names you called? 

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Barbe - she posted a pic on July 7 (page 686 I think).

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    I was just going to post that info, so I will just say hi, and reiterate that Eph's brows are on page 686.Wink
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    GORGEOUS brows Joni!!! But, I don't get it. Where's your hair? Is this an old pic???? We need a NEW avatar of you! I've seen more recent pics of you....

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    reesie,  I went and read your latest on another thread you posted on.  Please allow me to fill in the others with your details...that you went on Friday the 13th for a brain MRI because you had felt some "brain rush" feelings (thought it could be the Faslodex acting up,) but nine lesions were found.  As far as "surprises" go, I am sure that was one you did not need.  In other words, that truly sucks, my friend.  The good news is you have had some pretty amazing responses to treatment in the past and so even tho' your cancer sure likes to travel, maybe these brain mets are weaklings that can be easily wiped out.  Let us know the treatment planned when you find out.

    I don't do Facebook, but some here do and I hope they will fill me in occasionally.  The objective of this thread has always been info., support & humor so, Reesie, come by as often as you want for any of those three.  Prayers, hugs, pocket parties, we can handle that too, just say the word.  

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Barbe,  Eph is hairless once again. (Except for those glam eyebrows!)  She shaved her head in solidarity with her mom, who had gotten WBR treatment for mets from L/C.  She also found out she kind of likes the lifestyle of needs-no-care hair. 
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I DID read that, phew!!!! My bowels turned to liquid when I saw the pic!! I hope my DD won't shave her head if I ever get chemo though....she has long, blond hair (high maintenance hair!). That would be cutting off a lot of $$$$$. Joni already had shortish hair, but I bet she's scared a couple of neighbours who think she's back getting chemo! 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Marlegal I do apologize!  I meant Joni.  If I could have any more brain damage I would have to be committed.  Sorry for the mix up.  What I meant not what I said, LOL!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Barbe-page 686; oh I was behind, you found it.

    Yes the head is getting the #3 razor every 3 or 4 weeks but, I'm thinking of letting it grow some-I just hate the grow-out stage!!!  

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    You DO suit the military buzz cut sweetie! I do too, funnily enough. It's all in the 'tude.... I had my DH cut the back of my head and I cut the sides and top to >1". That's in my avatar. Now it's down below my ears. I HATE hair, really. Hot, scratchy, in my eyes, messy, oily. 1" is just long enough to catch the sweat.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Barbe I had super short hair for a long time and loved it.  I was upset when I lost it at first, but then I really started to dig it.  Getting ready for work in the am was a breeze.  I'm not to crazy about the texture of my new hair, but I shouldn't complain.  Before mine would spike on its own because my hair was thick and course.  Now its really soft but not much life in it like it was before.  It also came back very very curly.  I've had a few cuts and the curls are gone.  I have a bit of a wave left. 

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Janis, no need to apologize at all hon...I had forgotten that it was Joni too! Just knew it wasn't me :)

    Reesie, glad to see you pop in here. Eph - whole head radiation this week for Reesie. Her daughter makes funny notes on the in-room chart / board each day that have FB followers laughing!

    Barbe, we've been looking for a new living room set for months now, and nothing has springs, they all have solid bases with foam only cushions. I don't like them!!! Thought maybe springs went out in the last 25 yrs since I've brought a sofa! Guess it's just a few places that still have them, or they're just not in PA :)

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378
    Barbe - thanks for putting a smile back on my face tonight - I was behind on reading & just caught your post on snakes....  Very graphic visual!!!!  Surprised
  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    I'm with you on the hair thing Barbe. I had been letting mine go, hadn't cut it since December. Had some crazy notion that I would look good in longer hair, I could pull it back, pin it up. Had flashbacks to my 20's when I had awesome long hair( even if it was crazy 80's permed--right out of a music video). So when we went to St Augustine a few weeks ago,I realized I look like crap with straggly long hair. Plus its miserable hot. And who wants to spend a half hour styling it in the am? So I go get it cut short last week--and not one person has noticed or said a thing. More than 5-6 inches taken off--this wasn't just a trim. Not even "SO, you got your hair cut?" Which we all know means, " you cut your hair and it looks like crap, but as a friend I have to ooh and ahh, but not tell you how bad you look. I'm not that good of a friend!" So my guess is the cut wasn't flattering at all so I am going to head back to my stylist and tell her to buzz it and see if I get a response then. heheheh. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Good call Claire...that'll teach them for not noticing! And if it does look like crap, blame it on them. Frankly, I don't think I've ever seen a bad pic of a woman with short hair! It's the long, witchy, over-dyed hag look that ages women trying to look younger. Like, hey lady, my hair wasn't that dark even when I was first getting pubes!! AND your hair lightens naturally to soften your face as you age, so reach a couple of rows up for a box on a higher shelf, will ya?? I read a LONGE time ago that our hair shouldn't go past the hairline at the nape of your neck! Now that's MY kind of hair!!

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Saw my MO last Friday and he said I could graduate to the next phase, every 6 months.  The infusion went fine after the 2nd try.  Had to use a heating pad to dilate the veins.  I still go in every month to get my Zoladex shot but no blood work, my estrogen levels are now low enough.  I will be getting a annual CT scan on the 2nd, wants to check my fatty liver and scarning in my lungs from last time. 

    About hair,  ever since my hair started growing out I have kept i short kinda like a Jamie Lee Curtis look but this last time I think she went to short.  I have been getting it cut every 4 week, I think I want to grow it out and try a different style.  But I may get frustrated with it growing out.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Walker, keep tucking it behind your ears as you are growing out your hair. Then one day, pull it forward and voila!! You have longish hair!!!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    cmbear - I love your quote! I've said it, and I've had it said to me, and we all know what it means :) I'm another one who kept the hair short after it came back in, 'cause I had so many compliments on it when I stopped wearing my wig after I had about half an inch of growth. Once a year or so I'll tell the hairdresser that I want to let it grow for a while, and within 3 months I'm telling her to chop it off 'cause I can't stand it! I'll probably keep doing that now and then, but it's okay because then I appreciate the look and ease of the short hair all over again!

    walker - congrats on moving to the every 6 mos phase :) I love celebrating those milestones with all of us, since we can all relate so well.

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Hi ladies! Just checking in....sending prayers for all waiting for results and strength for everyone struggling with choices and decisions.

    My DH and I went to the Orange Co fair yesterday and saw Scottie McCreery in concert....a great show! Before the show, the DJ/MC gave aknowledgements to birthdays being celebrated. But then he gave an acknowledgement to a BC survivor who's friend gave her tickets as her Victory Celebration having just completed her final chemo treatment one week prior. The whole amphitheater got up on their feet and cheered her! brought tears to my eyes. Sooooooo inspiring!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Wow, VERY moving chachamom!!! 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I was walking the dog this evening at dusk, on a route we do almost every night. We got to almost the exact area where I fell 2 years ago & broke my shoulder. A dragonfly zipped right in front of me, right to left. I followed it with my eyes as it traveled up & directly overhead there were probably 20 dragonflies darting, flying & twirling. It was AMAZING!!! I have walked that route for 5 yrs now & have NEVER seen this. Mom passed away just a month ago; dragonflies were one of her favorite things. A neighbor woman walked by & wondered what I was looking at-she looked up saw them-I was crying by now & told her about mom. This lady said, "I've never seen that either. Maybe your mom came to say HI." It was absolutely incredible. Called my sister & we both just cried our eyes out, but it was really sort of a joyful experience! Life is so random!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Eph - what a beautiful story! Perhaps it was your mom stopping by to say hi and to let you know that she is alright.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    It WAS your Mom, Joni!!! My Mom comes by as a Monarch butterfly. We'd talked about this years before she died so it freaked me out the first time one came by. The night my Mom died, we went back to her condo and when out on her balcony, we happened to look down and saw a racoon (her favourite animal!!) and we threw it some ju jubes (my Moms favourite candy). Her husband said he'd NEVER seen or even heard of racoons in his area!!

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Beautiful story, Joni! A gift from God to give encouragement! Isn't He awesome!?!