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  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Joni I am sorry to hear you are down.  The loss of a mom is devastating.  I lost mine in 1999, she was just 65.  I am sending huge hugs your way.  Sometimes it takes awhile to remember we can laugh again one day.

    Barbe, I don't evny you that long appointment.  I'll hop in your pocket and keep you company.  I hope they can tell you what your event was all about.  I'm here hon.  :)

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Fortunately no new diaster has befallen me, other than my DD dropped the ball on her college stuff due to severe senioritis, so she is staying at home & attending the local university.  We both were looking forward to her going away & now she's staying here, at home.  I hope we won't kill each other.  She's really a good girl but very self-centered (only child, older parent & extended family-gave her everything! Hmm wonder why she's so self-absorbed?) in regards to me & the household duties, etc.  Give her a volunteer project & she's right there---ask her to pick up after herself, What?????????

    Miss my mom more than I can say.  We were best friends ever since I moved back to town in '86.  Very rough.  I'm tearing up as I type this.    

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    aww Joni - my heart goes out to you. I lost my mom 11 years ago and still miss her like crazy. The tears come less often but thank goodness the memories still flow freely. ((hugs))

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Joni, what a blessing you had in your life with your Mom!!! Your grief is truly a validation of your love. You were very lucky to have a Mom you could get close you. I hope each day the joyful memories will edge out the grief. Hugs to you, sweetie!

    My appointment only ended up being an hour. There was only one issue. My AVERAGE heart rate is 90. That includes sleeping!!! I had a very quiet week of lying around reading and napping and recovering and yet my heart was working very hard. They said the problem is that it might begin to enlarge if this keeps up. They looked up my files from 4 years ago and a monitor at that time showed the same thing but the doc didn't follow it up!! Idiot! So now we are worried about what will happen as I move around more. They said they could lower my heart rate now that I have a monitor in but then I will have more episodes of Long QT and trip off the pacemaker!! So I'm in a kind of Catch 22 position. They will be watching with interest to see how it evolves, but I don't have to go back for 3 months. Woo hoo!

    Then, our brake fluid low light came on. We knew we needed to get our front brakes done, but didn't have the money until this week. We had an appointment for Friday to get them done (estimate $400 - choke, choke!!). When we got to the car after the appt, there was brake fluid on the wheel and my DH could press the brakes to the floor!!! We coasted down the hill from the hospital and pulled into an independant mechanic shop and he could fix it right away. We were lucky!! BUT, there was damage to the calipers because of the delay in getting them fixed so the whole bill was $800!!!!!!!!!  A month ago we couldn't have done it, but the way the pay days fell and my LTD we had enough to cover it!!! We are upset at the double cost, but couldn't have paid even the $400 a week ago before the caliper got damaged. I feel the Universe timed it just right for us, even though it hurts so bad...sigh. 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Barbe, the brake fluid was on the wheel & DH could press brakes to floor AFTER an appointment to fix the brakes??????? I think I would take the bill from the 2nd place in to the 1st place & ask for an explanation & a refund.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I guess you were lucky, Barbe, in the dark, ironic way.  As in the,"If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all" way.


    Speaking of money now I have been to the accupuncturist (for neck) three times at about $100 a pop.  Didn't do me the least bit of good, so it was time to conclude the $300 experiment.  I guess my "spleen Qi" will have to fend for itself from here on out.

    I don't care who joins in this thread, conventional treatment seekers, alternatives, complementaries...I don't care.  There is one reason, and one reason only that we go to any of thepractitioners and that is to feel better, have better health.  It is only natural to try to improve upon one's health, and if one discipline fails a person, it is important not to quit but to keep seeking health.  As I said before, I don't think there is one thing that works for all people, therefore, I have no doubt that alternative truly helps people (as does conventional) and as does even placebo!  (Heck, if I could get a nice placebo effect going for my neck right now, I'd be all over it.)

    Here's what I would like everyone on this thread to know:  I went in to that accupuncturist as a skeptic, in other words, no different than I usually feel in going to a conventional M.D or D.O.  I don't have blanket trust for any of them.  [Note:  Don't think, "Poor elimar, she can't find a doc she trusts...they must be crappy," because they are probably as average or as good as the docs you see.]   Here's what I come out of the whole thing with:  I am pissed off.  Not because I was not helped.  I could forgive the accupuncturist for that, as I have forgiven everyone else who collected my money but did not help my neck pain.

    What pissed me off (and I have not written the words "pissed off" in this thread once in the last three years; check for yourself,) is that as a parting shot, when he pretty much knew I would not be returning and right before he left the room, he said, "I am worried that I see some of the precursors of ALS in you  Next time you go to your primary care doc you should mention thatm" and then he was out the door.  What a jerk! 

    Of course I had heard of ALS, but I really do not have familiarity, so it was only after I got home and did the usual Googling that I found out the accupuncturist made an offhand comment about me having (in his opinion) some signs of a disease that takes away your motor skills and ability to swallow until you finally die (and only 20% are lucky to still be alive after five years.)   Who, with any sense of ethics, makes this type of comment? 

    ALS is one of those disease for which there is no actiual diagnostic.  It's more, rule out all the other common stuff in a Dx differential.  That makes it all the more preposterous for the accupuncturist to make a comment like he did.  I'm just mad enough to make a call over there and vent some outrage.

    Please tell me there is karmic law and that this a-hole will get ALS himself.   It would be fitting.  

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    What an asshole!! Yep, karma is a bitch!! He'll get his own back, don't worry, sweetie!! And there is NO way he could know you have a precursor to ALS without bloodwork or testing. He's just jerking your chain. You wouldn't go to him for ALS anyway!! You should have told him that you sensed he had a brain tumour due to some of the dyslexic words he was mistakenly saying. Make him sweat.....

    Joni, NO!! We had an appointment for today anyway, but had to have an emergency fix on the brakes yesterday while we were out of town!! Only ONE brake job done. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Sorry to have gone on about something that is not even B/C related.  (At least it was doctor, treatment, professionalism related.)  Good thing I let some of it out because I just tried calling over to that office and he (and wife assistant) are out of town until next week.  I really like to direct this kind of stuff right back to the source, but maybe I should just let it go.  Carrying the burden of irateness around over the weekend will not be very beneficial for me.  Glad I had a place to vent. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    It's nice to hear something non-b/c related. Is there a council or board that you can contact? It would be a he said/she said issue, but at least it would embarrass him!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    And, yes, Barbe, that is the way I came to take it...that the doc was hoping to mess with my mind.  B--tard!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    I guess I should not worry about going off B/C topic (said the Cheetos munching, Cheetos writing OP.)  Innocent
  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    What a jerk!!! Venting is good Eli, cuz now you don't have to carry that around with you. You might consider writing a letter about his unprofessional and callous behavior, send it to him with a copy to the professional association he is affiliated with. Perhaps that would give him pause before pulling that crap on another client.

    A non-cancer topic....,WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!! As expected, all the others that we "lost out on" were not in Gods plan.......and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to get this one......good area, only four minutes from my mom's house, and very pretty with NO work tone done before moving in! Yeah!!!

    My DIEP surgery is being delayed due to surgeons' schedules.....I won't have a date set now until October at the earliest and possibly not until the new year. At first I was very upset....but now I am convinced that too is in His plan. My DH and I will be able to return to our home in San Felipe in October and get that home ready to put up for sale. I miss our home and friends there....but I am confident there will be new adventures in our new home and we'll have better medical access which has been my DH's main concern.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Eli-- how about on any internet "rate this doc, service, store, etc" site? You do have such a way with words. . . Barbe sorry about your car, but you should be relieved to be driving now in a much SAFER car. Wouldn't want to lose you to bad brakes!! And I feel bad for contributing to your racing heart so I promise no more sexy, hot men for awhile.


    Well, ok, if I do post another hottie, you have to promise to look away! 

    Janis, hope your mole is nothing but a beauty mark! Let us know everything is Ok. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Aha-ha-ha-ha!!!!!!!  cmb, LOLPIP (LOL-peeing in pants) at your G-rated, heart-safe pic!  Aha-ha-ha-ha!!!!
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    OK-good Barbe; I was getting ready to be really PO'd on your behalf.  It's too bad tho'.

    E- I agree with Chachamom.  I think re-print what you posted here, minus the thread references, etc.  mail it to the SOB & then find out what associations he's affliated with & send copies to them.  Also cmbear's suggestion re: finding an internet rating place & rate him a big FAT zero.

    Finally, the rainbowy picture may help with Barbe's heart rate but I think it has given me a cavity!    

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Vent away Eli!  I find that those types of people to really rub me the wrong way.  On the plus side your not seeing him anymore and who knows what he woulda put in your mind to get you to freak out and continue seeing him.

     On a non bc note  My thyroid results are B9, yahoo.  The onc asked me if I want to pursue this more and go see someone or just have them keep an eye on it.  I'm still going every 3 months so I'll just stick with the onc for the time being!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Paula, that's WONDERFUL!!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Paula66, Those are some fabulous findings.  And now, happy dance for you...

    This is as close to a Happy Dance Welder as I could find...   He works weekends.  Time and a half, baby!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Glad all our girls are on the mend.

    Uh...we seem to have missed a b-day celebration. Won't mention any names, but someone (me) had a bday on 7/31 (me) and while I'm signing off the for the night, someone (me) wouldn't mind a note or two when I log in tomorrow or Sunday :)  Have I ever mentioned my selfish/ego side before?????  lol

    Hugs and love buds.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Woot-woot Paula!! I  think E's hot welder is the best we can do for eye candy. AW HECK BARBE CLOSE YOU EYES!!!!!

    its Friday night, gotta spice it up somehow! 

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    HappyBirthday Marlegal!!! Celebrate!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Marlegal, Happy Birthday, lol.

  • mstrouble16
    mstrouble16 Member Posts: 177

    Elimar-can you file a complaint with your state medical board?

  • lostinmo
    lostinmo Member Posts: 332

    Happy Birthday Marlegal!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Happy Birthday Marlegal!!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Happy belated birthday, Marlegal!

    Those with faint hearts look away now...

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    marlegal, Happy Belated B-Day!  Hope it was a good one.  Since it it still birthday week, you still qualify for some candles.

  • lostinmo
    lostinmo Member Posts: 332

    Now I want donuts!