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  • Katharine2411
    Katharine2411 Member Posts: 25

    I've been sitting here for a few hours reading your thread, and you courageous wonderful women have made me feel better.

    I'm 51 and just had a double masectomy. Tumor was large. Cancer was fast growing and aggressive .... But they got it all and it didn't spread! Had my first chemo last thursday. 4 rounds of some double cocktail of crap then toxal, Herceptin, radiation ... Yadda yadda yadda. I was sitting here looking at the healthy people on TV and wondering what I'll look like bald when I found you guys. So negativity and fear has been tossed. I'll get through this. Plus I'll have a nice new pair of perky boobs when I'm done! LOL.

    So thank you for making me feel better.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Katharine24, Happy you found us.  We pride ourselves on being well-adjusted, happy go lucky, foot-loose, raging lunatics who have love affairs with cheetos, fru-fru drinks, chocolate, parties & male hunks! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Katherine, some women look absolutely beautiful bald!!! The shape of their head, the way it makes their eyes pop, that kind of thing. Don't think of it as a negative until you've checked out your new look. A lot of women also keep their hair short afterwards as it looks good, too!

    I see Joni didn't recognize me....sigh. Help me!!! I need an avatar!! 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I did to recognize you.  I don't know how to go from FB to BCO with pictures but it's supposed to be easy.  Anyone????? 

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Welcome Katherine - glad you found us here. Lots of great friends to laugh with, cry with and of course eat cyber treats with!

    Cindyl - wishing you 6 mos of boredom regarding dr. appts etc

    Has anyone seen barbe1958? lol

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    hahahaha barsco!

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Why is there always the good news, bad news scenario just when you think you're in the clear?? I had my MO appointment an got the all clear and don't have to go back for one year.  Happy as could be with that, then my GP's nurse called with the bad news. I tested positive for a rheumatoid factor! So now it's off to the rheumatology doctors. Does it just never end! I don't know much more yet but it sure is frustrating!  Anybody know if BC and it's treatments has any relation to bringing on a rheumatoid disease?  I'm soooooooo frustrated now. Kitty

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Katherine welcome to the group but sorry you are joining us here.

    I was behind like 4 or 5 pages now can't remember what I read.  I have been very busy at work, last weekend took my annual girls weekend with my childhood girlfriends.  Had a blast as usual.  Monday went to the PS for my pre-op exchange surgery on the 21st (looking forward to getting my squishies) and today went to the gastro dr to get scheduled for the dreaded colonoscopy now that I am 50. Will also be getting that scope thingy down my throat as I have lot's of neasea from gastritis off and on. So will have that the day before my surgery on the 20th.  If any other Dr wants something they better speak up and get it done this year cause after that I'm going on strike.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Okay Barbe, I just changed my avi back to my original and wrote down the steps! At the top of the screen, click on My Profile. The click Settings over toward the right of the next screen. Then scroll down the left side several items down till you get to Avatar. Then I just browsed to my Pictures on the computer, double-clicked the one I wanted, then Save. Hope it works for you so everyone else can see the new you!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome, Katharine2411!  I think the negativity and fear are a normal phase to go thru', but because the stage is not fun at all, I think most of us in Stages 1-3 eventually force ourselves out of it the best we can.  (I can't speak for Stage IV women.  They have a different process going on, and their own ways of sorting thru' it.)  Hope the bald looks good on you.  Now, lookie, looiek at marlegal...she looks adorable with her short do'.  We might never see what kind of hair Barbe is sporting these days, but she also looked cute in her short hair.

    Cindyl, I'm not sure if you have posted on this thread before or not. but welcome if you're new here.  It does get better, as you finish up with some treatments/docs and get onto your minimum maintenance schedule

    KitttyGirl, I hate tio say it but, boy, do you sound middle-aged.  It's the time of life when two more problems pop up, before you can even fix the one you are working on.  It so very hard to "get ahead."  Why do I get the feeling that the senior years might be five things going wrong at once?  Spare-a-me-a!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Hi everyone- Haven't been here for awhile. The chemo gave me a bad sinus and ear infection. I have been totally miserable. Really missing the nose hairs with the whole sinus crap. Doc said I wouldn't lose my hair on cmf. First the hair went, then the eye brows, then the nose hair and yesterday all my eye lashes fell out. Looked like an albino baby seal. Had a major melt down and was at walmart a 9 pm buying fake lashes. Very hard to do when you can't see without your glasses. The first ones I tried made me look like cat woman, so those had to go. Back to the store. I was determined to get it right. Took me 45 min. to put them on this morning but I did it dam it. I asked the doc when I had my infusion today what else is going to fall off that he didn't tell me about and he said even after I stop chemo I could lose my finger and toe nails. Perfect. WTH. On a more positive note I am half way done with infusions.Cool I did some major retail therapy and feel much better now and when I got home I had a check in the mail for the cost of the wig. The social worker at the hospital got it from somewhere. God I love her. I feel like I hit the lottery.

    I will have to take a few days when I feel better and catch up with everyone.

    Katherine- sorry you are joining us, but these great ladies have been my Angels through this.

    I hope everyone is doing ok.

  • Dakota212
    Dakota212 Member Posts: 104


    Why did u need the pacemaker??? Did u have a rhythm problem. I do cardiac ultrasounds just curios.of ur willing to tell. ;)

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Diana, good to hear your update. I was just thinkingof you yesterday and wondering how you were coming along.

    Sorry about the hair loss. This too shall pass.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Marlegal, I tried all that but all that gets entered is the number of the picture!!! 16.jpeg    Weird, eh? What to do? What to do?

    Dakota, I have a Long QT AND Prolonged QT Syndrome and had started to black out. I had 2 falls, one really, really bad off a ladder. So they said that's it! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    hehehehehe, I did it again just to prove myself wrong!! This time I had more patience and saw the little hour glass....

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Welcome Katherine - sorry that you are here but you have come to a great place! Lots of wonderful women here to support and encourage, to laugh with and cry with.

    Dianarose - hope you are feeling a bit better everyday and can come back to join us soon.

    Eli - What a tasty treat to celebrate the Olympics with! Yummy!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    LOVE your new avatar, Barbe!!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Figured the last pic was 1 1/2 years old! Time for a new one. Can't believe how long my hair has grown in that time. In my old avatar, my hair was an inch. All over!!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    KittyGirl I am so sorry.  I have no idea what may be in store but wishing you all the best.  I know how frustrated you are.  I am dealing with upcoming neck surgery, plus I saw my PCP and he referred me to a dermatologist for a dark spot on my nose.  I am not worried as much as I am just annoyed.  I have to go to this guy now on Monday.  Just more, and more you know?

    Katherine sorry you had to join us but welcome! 

    barbe I will jsut pack a bag and plan on being in your pocket all week.  I hope I can keep up with your busy schedule!

    Greetings to everyone else...I can't seem to keep up lately with this thread but I never forget all of the comfort I found here.  :)

  • sissyvonvon
    sissyvonvon Member Posts: 22

    Hello Ladies:  I have a question for Barsco1963.  I have been diagnosed with two small bone mets on my right pubic bone, so the doctor is giving me Navelbine and Herceptin.  I have the Navelbine one day a week, two weeks on and one week off, which is nearly two weeks, and I have the Herceptin every three weeks.  Are you familiar with Navelbine?  I have heard good results from it.  I have just one side effect and it is gone in a few hours.  No hair loss.  I go to work the next day, so far so good.  The doctor seemed pretty positive about it.  Hope you all are doing well...

  • sissyvonvon
    sissyvonvon Member Posts: 22

    I forgot to add, I am also receiving an Xgeva shot once a month to strengthen the bones.  Can't tell I have taken that one.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Dianarose, just in case you stop in...I would highly recommend against the false eyelashes. The last thing you need right now is inflammation of the eyelid or worse yet, an infection of some kind. Store kits are not professional at all and I know more women who had trouble than those who were succesful. I too hated it when I lost my lashes, but no way did I want to risk any more going on that I already had, ya know? A little eyeliner carefully applied can help with the bald eye look. Hugs hon.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Glad to see you post Diana.  I've thought about you often and wonder how you are.

    Ok I'm probably going to regret this, but I have been pain free for more then 3 weeks in a row since chemo and the Tammo!!  Finally am so glad to start feeling like me again.  I was not liking the new not really improved Paula.  Was down a bit thinking this can't be how the rest of my life was gonna be like.  Gee whiz I'm only in my early 40's!!  May just go do a real cart wheel instead of a mental one!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Barbe - good to see you again!

    Hooray Paula! So glad to hear that you are feeling well. Be careful about that cartwheel though - maybe start off with a heel click! Here's hoping that you continue to be pain free.

    Sissy - Sorry but I think that you may have confused me with someone else. I do not have bone mets and do not have experience with Navelbine or Herceptin. Maybe someone else will be able to help you out with your question.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Diana, I agree with Marlegal.  I tried the little separate lashes glued to my remaining lashes as they were falling out, but as soon as I had non, I just used liner and got by just fine.  I was adamant about not causing any unnecessary  trauma to my skin during chemo.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I USED to use an eyelash curler...notice the word "used"?? One time I twitched, and yep, pulled out every single lash!!! I rushed out to buy falsies and used them once. I found that liner did just as good a job as long as you didn't look at me sideways. And heck, who would look at me sideways anyway?? They grew in fairly fast, the only problem being is that they were now on the same "die" schedule, so sometimes my lashes were pretty thin as they fell out and grew back in.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Paula so happy you are pain free.  Be careful with those cartwheels.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    ladies I have had one heck of a week. Monday I had my pre-op appt for my exchange on 8/21.  Tuesday I ended up in the ER with my FIL all afternoon.  They did breathing treatments and sent him home, he is fine now.  Wed I went to gastro Dr to set up the dreaded first colonoscopy for 8/20. Yes day before my surgery, I am getting it all over with.  Thursday had a funeral to go to.  One of my BF's grandmothers died and she was going to speak at the funeral.  I knew I could not miss it because when we have difficult things to do we are always there for each other.  She was so sweet she said when she got up there and looked up I was the first person she saw.  I know that that was God giving her the strength she needed.  Because normally she is a huge cry baby. So off to the movies and dinner tonight to relax and have fun.

  • sissyvonvon
    sissyvonvon Member Posts: 22

    Thank you Barsco....and welcome to Katherine...these ladies are fun...and it lets you know you are not alone and you have support.  On the former post about 60 min. saying sugar feeds cancer.  I had always believed when I went to M.D. Anderson in Houston, I asked the nurse practitioner about it and she said it was bogus...they have a nutritional guide to go by, and I would certainly do all things in balance, but if I want something in the future, I will not feel guilty about eating it.  I love cheetos too, and if I want a chocolate brownie, I get one....and to all the ladies who are taking the treatments right now, this too shall pass and your hair will be back and it will be a memory...

  • Katharine2411
    Katharine2411 Member Posts: 25

    Remember the 1970 and early 80's when we all wore those silk scarves? Well, apparently I never threw mine out. Found them the other day! Dozens of the darn things and damn some of them are ugly! LOL! Where on earth was my taste? Going to wash them and wrap them around turbins. If I have to be bald then I'm going to rock it!