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  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Eph thanks for letting us know about Marie.  Prayers going out to her family. 

    Barb1958-- yes my onco was high for a stage 1 grade 1.  I believe the main reason it was so high is that I am barely ER+ but as the Docs say a little positive is still positive and will be treated that way.  So tamoxifen it is. But the first MO I went to said no chemo and did not explain anything to me.  I started rads right away and never felt good about this MO.  By the time I had finished rads I had found another MO and consulted with him.  He also did not feel that I needed to have it but explained that because my tumor was under 2cm and my KI67 was under 10% that was his reasoning.  He did say that if I could not sleep at night that he would give it to me but I was in such a gray area that they could not tell me if it would benefit me or not. He also was following a study on Zometa being used for reduction of early stage BC and thought that I fit the study perfectly and he thought so far the results were very promising.  So I decided to forgo chemo and try the zometa route.  At first we could not do Zometa so he put me on Fosomax until the study was completed. When it was completed he liked the results and contacted my insurance company to see if they would approve it and they did.  I do not have any bone loss.  So I will get a total of 6 infusions over three years.  I have had two so far. I have also had a BMX this last year after finding a lump in my other breast that had to be removed even though it was B9.  I decided I was not going to continue having surgery every year to remove lumps.  My breast were already super flat to begin with not much to keep removing.  Do not regret the decision and I have an awesome PS. so I hope my no chemo decision does not come back to haunt me.

  • Dakota212
    Dakota212 Member Posts: 104

    Rest peacefully Marie

    Prayers to her family.

  • Dakota212
    Dakota212 Member Posts: 104

    Does anyone know if it is routine for the oncotype to be done after mastectomy report comes back or should I be fighting for it during mastectomy ??? Thanks in advance ;)

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Dakota it sure would not hurt to ask your BS about doing it ahead of time.

  • Dakota212
    Dakota212 Member Posts: 104

    The bs nurse told me it would be ordered by the mo. I think I will give that office a call. I am sure to get a red mark on my chart, I don't think the bs nurse likes me already and I have yet to meet her!!! Oh well ....

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I am very saddened to hear the news of Marie's (reesie) passing.  I feel the heart attack was a blessing, only in the sense that she was spared much of the decline of brain mets, and the rigors of doing WBR.  So sorry for how the suddenness will affect the family, and her many friends.  Marie was just 49 years young.

    She didn't write much on this thread about discovering the brain mets (and that was only a month ago, besides.)   I happened to see posts on another thread about that.  I know she liked to come to this thread just to hang and get sillly, so I didn't bring up the seriousness of her condition here.  I am sure even some of the regular posters to this thread will be shocked to read this news. 

    Marie had posted here for a couple years, and I always appreciated what she brought to this thread.  She went through some troublesome times with spirits always high.  I remember her first avatar.  She looked liked a Q-tip wearing glasses.  I remember when she had the chance to meet up with some of the NJ & East Coast ladies, and the infamous foob-fight they had.  She was the only dragon boater I knew.   I miss her already.


    Eph, I had not gotten around to her care page.  Is that a place to put condolences to the family, or can you post here or PM me if there is some way I could do that?  

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Dakota212,  The Oncotype is done with tumor tissue from the surgery, and the sample is still getting sent to Genomics in CA, I believe; so, I imagine it could be sent out any time following surgery.  Remember, it is only a tool to help decide how much you could benefit from doing chemo.  If you have the surgery and B/C is found to be in your nodes, you may decide in favor of chemo even without the Onco test being done.  Talk it over with doc.
  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Eli I was thinking the same about Marie.  I know that her posts were always about life in general.  Even if she did post about her medical treatments, she was focused about them. I don't think I ever heard her complain not one single bit about what she was facing.  She went threw them and always was hopeful in her postings.  I will miss her for sure.  I didn't know her as long as some of you gals had, but I do know that she was a bright spot here for me.  Maria, you will be missed.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Love the bouquet for Reesie E!  She would love that, I'm sure.

    This is the link.  I don't know who is monitoring it, but I am assuming someone is.  Plus she is on FB-if people want that, please message me.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    ItsAGreatDayToBeAlive is the name her page is under

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    I did not know Marie, but it saddens me to see any BC sister pass. Prayers to her family.

    I haven't been here for a bit, but welcome to the newbie's and sorry to meet you here.  I have only been here for a short time and there are so many new comers. Saddens me.

    I have a new granddaughter, Lydia Grace. She was born last Saturday. Of course she is very beautiful with a headful of jet black hair like her mama.

    I am at the halfway point with my chemo as of todayCool, but I was distressed this morning when I realized I calculated wrong. I thought I was going to be done 10/17 and it is actually 11/5. What a bummer Cry. Ok, enough crying over that one.  I feel ok now that the ear and sinus infections have cleared up. Did have major issues with the anti-biotic. I told BF I need some Desitin now for my poor butt.

    Hope everyone is having a great day.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Thanks, Eph.  I tried to sign up to that care page but got the message that I needed to be invited by that member.  Too late for that.  I don't know what I would do without you and all the social media you are a member of.

    Ya know, I never did ask if Reesie even liked the peanut butter cups.  (But who doesn't, right?)  I don't even call them "Reesie's" (I say Reese's, as in pieces,) but have heard it said the other way also.  Now I wonder where she got that name from???

    p.s.  I found a dragonboat emblem and it is now up top next to Lisa's (PauldingMom's) flowers.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Yeah, I think that she "approved my message" & that's how I got on there 7 or 8 months ago. 

    I don't know about the nickname but I know several Maries that go by "Ree" so I'm wondering if it's that or the ultimately delicious, lipsmacking, tongue clicking, goodness of ET's favorite snack while phoning home!

    Life--how random once again.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    I am numb about Reesie :( Joni, correct about the nickname ... too many Marie's on the Boards and she wanted something unique, so went back to an old childhood nickname. She and I lived fairly close. Made several dates, but one of us always had to cancel and we never did meet in person. FB and email kept us up-to-date. She did have WBR by the way ... was having an MRI in 3 weeks to make sure it worked. Her daughter made funny notes on her hospital whiteboard every day and posted to FB for all to see. Megan was always stealing Marie's phone and pretending to be her mom on FB - the posts were obviously not Marie's if you knew here, and Megan did it just to get her riled up, but in a good, funny way. When I signed on today, I was a few pages back, so initially I just went to "last". When I saw people saying things about Marie, I hoped against hope that it was someone else. I have a hollow stomach right now, but have to agree that given what may have lied ahead if the WBR didn't work, a heart attack beats some other things.

    Eli, I'm just glad you found that old picture of us playing double-dutch to use as a page topper ... it lightened my spirits a little bit :)

    Love and hugs.

  • Dakota212
    Dakota212 Member Posts: 104


    Thanks so much for the info. I called the mo today and spoke with the nurse. She is going to ask him if the test 1. Will be preformed and 2. At what time. Thanks for all ur help.

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    So sorry to hear about Marie. I never got to know her but I can see from your postings that she was a very special lady and loved. I pray for her family and all of her friends as well. Blessings!

  • dgcote
    dgcote Member Posts: 17

    That was great, tracktor promanade.

  • dgcote
    dgcote Member Posts: 17

    That was great, tracktor promanade.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    marlegal,  I think you are right that reesie did complete the WBR.  I was not sure.

    dgcote,  You must be commenting about the video a few pages back.  Pretty crazy!  (Although I know there is a least *one* person here who would have liked to have seen chimpanzees drviing those tractors.)   Oh, and welcome to this thread.  How is your hair doing so far?

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    I am so sad to read about reesie. May she rest in peace and may our dear Lord comfort her family and friends...

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Marlegal, I always knew when Megan had the phone for the FB status'.  My DD & I went to dinner tonight & she knew last night that I was upset about news about a BCO gal, so she asked me about Reesie & I told her about the hospital room whiteboard messages, etc.  but mostly about the dragon boats & the dragon boat team taking on husband/daughter as dead weight since Reesie couldn't row & they WON!  That speaks volumes on the spirit of our dear sister and yes, may she rest in peace, no more pain, no more sorrow.  

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324
    Here is our new grandson, Carlyle Michael Bernard. Born 7/30/12. He is number 4 grandchild and we are very excited to welcome him home.  He's already showing his personality and looks alot like his Dad did when he was born.  Grandparenting is so much fun!  Kitty 
  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Member Posts: 517

    Sorry all for the loss ... I realized this board "fell off" my favorites; so it's been a long time.

    I had my UMX w/TE. FULLY EXPANDED. crappy Oncotype of 22 left me in limbo emotionally. Started chemo (A/C) last Friday. 4x3 so I'm 1/4 of the way there.

    Then 6 weeks to exchange, some hair extensions and I'm sorta looking like a more haggard version of me by my 45th birthday in FEBRURAY (I hope and pray). This disease sucks!!! I am grateful to be a survivor today. Today I will try to keep a better perspective. Although we never met RIP Marie...

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    dgcote - welcome to the zany world of the middies, although a bit morose right now due to the loss of a wonderful sister. You will find that we are funloving, caring and very supportive.

    Welcome back juneaubug - glad you found us again!

    Kitty - beautiful picture of your new grandson - what a head of hair! Thanks for sharing!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Reese's posting of the dragon boat story had given me goosebumps and now her death does, too. How strange to be "involved" in the life of a person we have never met! It does not lessen the pain at death....

    Kitty, thank you for posting a picture of birth. The circle of life grinds on. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    When I came on board Marie greeted and cheered me on.  She left such an imprint on so many.  I will never forget her.

    Kitty, your grandson is perfect!  What a beautiful baby.  Much love to you and yours.....:)

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Diana rose and Kitty congrats on the new grandbabies.

    My heart is heavy over Marie's passing.  I never heard her complain here on the boards, I wish that I could have as much grace as she did.  All the words you have spoken about her are so beautiful.

    Eli what is WBR?

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Member Posts: 517

    Sherryc: I have Crohns disease and have been getting colonoscopies for many years. The prep is worse then the procedure. It's no big deal; just uncomfortable. After BC now I can tell you it ain't shit! (pun totally intended. You take a nap and wake up filled with air and starving. :-)

    Jealous on the exchange. I have a long way to go to wait for mine post chemo and it really is causing pain lately due to cording and other crappy reasons. No pain, no big boobs though right?! Im upgrading at the end of this nightmare. From a B to a C. I'll be 45, no kids, married and perky. Now about that hair problem.... ;-)

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Juneaubugg-My DH also has to have colonoscopies every 5 years.  Family history colon cancer and he always has polps.  So I have seen what he has to do for prep and not looking forward to that part.  The worst part about this is I am not scheduled until 3pm so I will be starving when I can finally eat. I am also upgrading the boobs.  I was a AA before and now I am between a full C.  Will be intersting to see what I am after the exchange.  I know things will be different than the TE's.  I love not having to wear a bra. I did have nipple sparing so I do have to use silicone nipple shields otherwise the headlights show.

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Member Posts: 517

    Me too on the nipple sparing, only I kept my left breast which will be augmented so for the first time ever I do need to wear a bra always! Driving me nutty. My headlights aren't cooperating either so I suppose I'll be wearing nippets forever perhaps. A small price to pay to see what resembles my original breast. I should grab some company stock though. ;-)

    Ps. Your husband is lucky- I go every year. :-| all I can say us sleep as late as possible, get there early and maybe they'll get you in earlier. Good luck! 😣