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  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Marple, Thanks, I've corrected that.  Wrote the other when tired last night.

    Leg?  Are you sure it's not the back of a fair-skinned man?

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    OMG !!!! Barbe and are soooooo bad!!! (lol)

    ....and are just NASTY!!!! LMAO!!!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704


  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Ok Eli why do all good looking young men have to go THAT way? Can't we just pretend that they look at our fluffy middle aged bodies and think "damn, I gotta get me some of that!!" A girl can still dream, can't she??

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    You ladies are so bad but I am laughing so hard right now.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    And Barbe, thanks for sharing. I told him to bring a friend. And Eli, please let me keep dreaming about this one. . . 


  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Barbe I am in your pocket as well.  Please let us know what the doc has to say!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    They are pretty sure the new bony overgrowths aren't mets...must be osteoarthritis. She does want to see me in 6 months intead of a year, though. My PCP did increase my morphine by another 50% on Monday, though..... She (my onc) offered to send me to an ortho, but I don't see the point unless he can do something, which I've already been told he can't. So onwards until I either break and collapse or my legs go numb and then they'll go in. The bony overgrowths are impinging the nerves coming out of my spine. I was very worried about the bone scan. She did say there was some uptake, but that would be expected with arthritis, too.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Barb so happy it is not mets. I hope you can find some relief.  Nothing worse than being in pain.

    I am getting ready and nervous for my exchange surgery on Tuesday. 

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Barbe, I know we share a lot of similar tastes, so here's my contribution toward helping you feel loved ... he was thinking about you when this pic was snapped!!!

     Sherry, he's hoping that your exchange is painless. Just think of his smile!!!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Actually he was thinking of me & my awesome eyebrows which I will try to get my daughter to take a picture now that they've had 6 weeks to get used to my face & vice versa!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Actually, he WAS thinking of me!!! See that glint in his eyes...he just knows how I'll make him feel....hehehehehehe I do love a white shirt with the cuffs shot under a black suit...sigh. Only problem I see here is that his tie is off!! NOT classy. Bay boy! Come to mama....

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Barbe ,maybe he's got the tie ready for 'other' uses--- you SO lucky!

  • lezza13
    lezza13 Member Posts: 579

    i want to be part of this thread too!  I am in the pocket party for anyone who needs it this week!

  • effcancer
    effcancer Member Posts: 26

    Well, ok, I've never posted here before, but I'm 44, stage IV and have my first PET scan tomorrow morning since leaving the hospital with a diagnosis all wrapped up with a bow.

    Fortunately, I don't have young children that I need to worry about. I have 2 beautiful stepdaughters, 20 and 15. I do have a job, and my FMLA is bursting the seams of THAT, but I actually wasn't given a specific date that I needed to return. STD ends Sept 3 but LTD kicks in right away. Not that I want it, my MO will let me go back to work if my scan shows improvement.

    I have physically improved over the last three months since diagnosis. I left the hospital using a walker, dh was dressing me, I was so anemic I was yellow and out of breath after walking 10 steps, I slept 13 hours a day, I was a wreck. Now my walker is in the closet (haven't used it in a month), I dress and bathe myself, I cook, I can walk a block without being short of breath, I am pink, and I get by on about 7 hours of sleep (but more is welcome!). I am so much stronger. Before my diagnosis I couldn't even pour myself a cup of coffee! Now I can lift my dutch oven to make my homemade vegetable soup! I have come a long way. Even so, I am very nervous and scared about my scan tomorrow. I know I'm going to cry once or twice because I am new at this, and because I am scared. What helps me is knowing whether I cry or not, whether I'm scared or not, my outcome doesn't change. What's there is what's there. Anyway. Any and all encouragement is needed and welcome!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Welcome Leeza13 and effcancer!! Love that name Tongue out

     Ready for pocket parties & Manday!!!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Welcome newbies!

    effcancer-(((hugs))), prayers & genuine thoughts of strength & comfort sent to you from the southern end of the state.     

  • effcancer
    effcancer Member Posts: 26

    Thanks, new friends! I was actually dx'd stage IV out of the gate, so, ick. I don't know if I would have felt different if dx'd stage I, II or III, given promising tx options these days for stage IV. I had mets to bones, mostly ribs, hips, arm. Had total 6 weeks daily rads, after which I felt so much better. Last rads was 5 weeks ago, but I still keep feeling better every few days. I have read that rads keeps killing cancer cells even months later. Dang, I feel like a soldier!

    I am usually very optimistic, very positive. Today I am just a little wonky because of my scan tomorrow and because I can't have any donuts, bread, pasta, ice cream today.

    So, say it with me:

    EFF CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    effcancer, welcome!  It's good news that you have had physical improvement and don't have to rely on that walker anymore.  I am going to guess that you had some other scans done already...after all, you were yellow, so they must have investigated your liver.  They must have biopsied the B/C too, right?  What type of pathology information have they given you?  Did you get on some kind of chemo right away?   You have many new buddies here who are available for hand-holding during the PET tomorow.  Best of luck to you.  You are right, it is what it is, so however you want to handle the emotions is up to you.  (They should be used to seeing ALL the reaction by now.)  Going to be hoping the scan doesn't "light up" much at all and will be waiting to hear how you did.

    Lezza13, hello to you too.  How is the one month of Tamoxification treating you?  Now tell the truth, was it Clooney that lured you in here?

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Welcome Leeza and effcancer!! We are middies and proud, we have fun, but we can be serious too. Most of all, we all support each other no matter what! So Eff, tomorrow, we are are all hopping in your pockets to tag along so you're not alone!! We'll try not to be too noisy or spill our mai-tai's. And if you feel like its all too much c'mon in and join us for a group hug and possibly a conga-line. I always try to bring an old friend just to keep us company and keep us middies smiling. When this guy heard it was your party, he said he would be there no matter what.

    mmm-mmm-mm. Now who is bringing the dark chocolate? 

  • effcancer
    effcancer Member Posts: 26

    Oh dear! If he's going to be there, then I guess I will have to take a shower...

    Elimar: While in the hospital, I had PET scan, MRI, CT, ultrasound, and biopsy. All of which determined where my cancer was - bones but nowhere else. Shit and awesome at the same time. I was yellow because of anemia. ER/PR +. 6 weeks rads followed by daily Tamoxifen, monthly Zometa, no surgery, no chemo. MO wanted to do rads, Tamoxifen and Zometa to see how I respond to only these first.

    Thank you everyone for your kind support!


  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    welcome effcancer and leeza!!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Who's that dude? Why don't I recognize him?? I'll do him next, I'm pretty much finished with George.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Welcome Lezza and effcancer this is a great place to have fun and talk about anything you want except weather.

  • effcancer
    effcancer Member Posts: 26


    That's Johnny Depp, AKA Captain Jack Sparrow! Money mouth for the tabledance he's giving me later


  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    I didn't recognize Johnny. I am slipping, dam chemo brain. I want a table dance too.

    Welcome Effcancer and Lezza.

    Found a new drink by Barcardi called Jamican me Happy. I work with a lot of Jamicans and we are all having one tonight. (no chemo this week so doc said I could) Cool I will bring some to the pocket party. We need something to wash the snacks down with.

  • effcancer
    effcancer Member Posts: 26

    Crap! I am still on Oxy so can't drink! Bah! It's been months! Bah!

    Effcancer for that, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Eff-I'll save you one.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Welcome effcancer (perhaps best name ever) and lezza. Hugs and all my best positive vibes to you both.

    Eff, our pocket parties are famous, so when you feel your sides jiggling with our laughter, don't be alarmed. We have to have a way to pass the time other than chowing down on cheetos and swilling booze :) Once you're on an even keel, you'll join us in the pockets and see what I mean. Till then, here's a sneak peak......


  • Teacup2012
    Teacup2012 Member Posts: 11

    Ok I admit it....i've been lurking. Can I join the middies? It just looks like too much fun to pass up. Especially with George hanging around! I am almost finished with active treatment. I have 5 (of 33) RADS to finish this week and then.....well then the tamoxifin.

    effcancer - I will be thinking of you tomorrow for your scan....keep soldiering on, it's the only thing we can do! I have to work, so I can't make the pocket party, but will be there in spirit and will look forward to hearing positive results!