Lets Post our Daily Exercise
40 min on treadmill this evening...30 min of running and 10 min walking. Finished off with 30 min of post run yoga. Fely wonderful. Finished the 1st season of The Marvelous Mrs Maisel on Amazon Prime tonight on treadmill. Very good...it sounds like I will have to wait several months before season 2 airs. Any other good series recommendations? The extended forecast looks like I will be slugging away on treadmill for a while!
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30 minute Grit Strength tonight.
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Just checking in; I got in one more lovely Arizona walk & am now back in the Take-Your-Breath-Away Cold. I need to go back and read all the posts that I skimmed while on vacation!
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swam 1 mile today.
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Sunny wake up with cloudless, pale blue skies - nice. Amazing how a sunny day and not the usual rainy socked in gray can lift one's spirits in winter. BBC yesterday published: Is 10,000 steps a day really a goal worth striving for, asks Dr Michael Mosley: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-42864061
Pilates this afternoon and BodyBalance early evening
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Karen - thinking of you, so hard to lose a Mom. I waited quite some time before purging my Mom's things, after the initial doling out of memories and keepsakes to the family and extended family. It does get easier with time. And between you and me, there are still some boxes in the attic I haven't even touched yet!
Cheryl, awesome your resting heart rate has gone down so much, good for you.
Been a surprisingly busy week after a busy weekend, so not much to report in the way of exercise. My brother is coming today and we will explore our fathers ancestors together, that should be fun. I promised my son (who has been gently nagging me) that within the next week I will start going to the gym again, it has been way too long. So maybe by next week I can report some exercise progress.
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Karen, my heart is with you.
All day the stars watch from long ago
my mother said I am going now
when you are alone you will be all right
whether or not you know you will know
look at the old house in the dawn rain
all the flowers are forms of water
the sun reminds them through a white cloud
touches the patchwork spread on the hill
the washed colors of the afterlife
that lived there long before you were born
see how they wake without a question
even though the whole world is burning
— W.S. Merwin, from his Pulitzer-Prize winning book The Shadow of Sirius (Copper Canyon Press, 2009)
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runnermum yes I’m just learning to snowshoe and I like it
LilacBlue thank you for that interesting 10,000 steps link
My left shoulder just won’t quiet down. Husband suggested that’s because I went to Kinesis yesterday then TRX this morning ie. won’t let the poor thing rest. Not true! It can rest at night with the rest of my body while I’m sleeping Oh well. So this evening I skipped the bc support group workout class (which IS kind of rough on the shoulders) and just walked for an hour, then binge-watched Star Trek Discovery on Netflix while baking oatmeal-raisin cookies.
Wishing everybody here a good day
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Oh Falconer, thank you for the beautiful poem.
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1hr on treadmill 3.5 miles. Trying to stick to 1200 calories a day kind of hard.
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I was TIRED this morning & contemplated skipping exercise......until I stepped on the scale .....off to the gym! I did POUND, stayed for Bone Builders, went back to Yoga tonight AND took the grand-dogs for a very short walk (at their request, it is bitterly cold here!).
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Runner, congratulations on the end of rads! Is it the Fargo Marathon you are training for? (For non-North Dakotans, the Fargo Marathon, which is held in May, is a very big event around here.)
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Tessu, a physio checking your shoulder might help? Runner good for you and marathon training is fantastic. Ruth, your energy knows no bounds! Nice poem Falconer. Cheryl, good on the heart rate lowering. Meow13, it is hard to exist on 1200 and you are doing great on diet and exercise. Fitbit folks found the history of the 10,000 interesting yet keep at it - fitbit works and keeps everyone moving. DH and I are off end of next week for a short break to celebrate our 20th. So looking forward to time off and being in Venice, where we spent out honeymoon. Keeping it in the day and have a good start to the weekend everyone!
Pilates, Tai Chi this afternoon and BodyBalance this evening.
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I hate being away for awhile. There are so many conversations to catch up on. I hope everyone is well. Hugs to all who are dealing with loved ones who are no longer with us, or have medical issues.
I'm still reaching my 10000 step goal each day, and continue to use the elliptical on a daily basis (30-45 minutes a day). I'm now comfortable at level 2. I'm looking to increase that soon. I loved the article that LilacBlue posted. It confirmed that the steps we take should be brisk, and the activity should be spread out throughout the day. Whatever keeps us moving is a good thing.
I can also confirm that I'm getting good results from this routine. I've dropped about 7 pounds since starting in December. It's a slow weight loss but that's exactly what I wanted. I got fed up with the "yoyo" dieting. Adding exercise really helped, and just being more aware of my food intake made a difference as well.
I also want to thank all of you for motivating me.
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Yay Karen, wtg on the activity and the weight loss!!!
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Thanks Moth! It will happen. I have to admit I was frustrated at times. I'm just happy to finally see results. I think we lose inches first, as we build muscle mass. That may have been why it took me so long to lose actual weight. I didn't do much exercise this year while I was in treatment.
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Enjoy your 20th anniversary celebrations, Lilacblue! Venice, how romantic! Congrats on the fitness achievements, Cheryl and Bucsgirl.
Went on a short hike yesterday with a friend. Zumba today with YouTube videos.
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I did my active yin yoga class on Wednesday evening and just back from my mid-day pilates mat class...that makes 4 classes this week for me, yeah!
Think I overdid a bit in pilates as I am already sore! Will walk slowly for the next hour or so until my lower back moves back into place...
Have a bone density test today at 2:45...after two years on arimidex am a little anxious to see where I stand.
Happy groundhog day! TT
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Hedihill- I miss my Zumba classes so much! My favorite instructor and her husband moved to Mexico and I have been in over a year. Look up Boom Shakalaka by Flo Rida and Brianna. That's my favorite Zumba routine that. R Kelly's Ignition is my second.
LB- loved the article. I'm living proof of it! I get 18,000-25,000 steps a day which are just me living my crazy life. No exercise in to long! Before BC I would average 31,000+ 3 to 4 days a week. This extra steps kept me in shape because they were real exercise!
Karen- congrats on the weight loss and keeping at it.
Ruth- loved all the pictures!
Have a great weekend...did the groundhog see his shadow??? I have heard
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Thanks Everyone! I'm determined to get back to my pre-BC self. Even if it kills me.
Vargadoll - According to the news, we're in for 6 more weeks of winter because Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow. They also said that Miltown Mel predicted an early spring. So, which ground hog is right? LOL!
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You Betcha Ruth!! 😊 Do you ever come to town for the races? Such a great event!
I am running the half again this year. Missed out last year as found my lump the beginning of April. Missed too many training runs and actually couldn't run the weekend of the race. I developed a gigantic hematoma from my MRI biopsy and couldn't run for about 3 wks in May. Love Love Love Fargo Marathon weekend, the training, the races, the accomplishment of finishing. So looking forward to training again and having a goal to accomplish. My base is not where it should and it will be a little slower this year but that's ok. Just excited to be doing something I love and that feels NORMAL to me! 15 wks of training starts Monday...I am like a kid at Christmas today...so excited!!
Awesome job on the weight loss Bucs girl!
Heidi& Vagradoll ...have never tried Zumba! Have friends that love it but I have no rhythm and am too self conscious to try. Looks fun!
Good luck on bone density test Trmtab!
LB...Venice sounds wonderful!!
Ruth sorry you had to come home to such cold but I am sure you had a wonderful trip!
Took a rest day yesterday and will run on treadmill tonight after work. Hopefully get some strength work done too.
Wishing everyone a good Friday and awesome workouts!
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Karen, great job on your fitness and weight goals.
A bit more shovel and sculpt this morning, and got classical stretch done.
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Runnermom - I had to YouTube booty circles before I got it right! I have no rhythm either! I went with a couple of my close friends 3 times a week. The gymn closed after my favorite instructor left. She had a Latino husband and they both were certified instructors. I tried a few other Zumba classes but nothing compared to her class!
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Still working on getting back to my old 15K schedule....hovering around 11K for the past few weeks.
Tomorrow is 12 years since diagnosis. Hard to believe its been that long.
Need to go clean up the kitchen. Shabbat dinner is cooked. Have a good week-end.
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Congratulations on your anniversary, Lilac, and your 12 years out, Karen!
Runner, we get the Fargo TV stations so I can enjoy all the marathon activities from afar.
I subbed today, gave the grandpuppies a little walk & went to Zumba.....I am contemplating a little ab workout but we shall see if I can hoist myself out of the recliner again.
A couple exercise thoughts:
*if you want to try Zumba (which I LOVE); it is different because while the instructors give signals, they don't bark out directions so that takes awhile to get used to. Find a spot where you can see the instructors feet (don't worry, nobody is looking at you, they are watching the instructor too). Just watch her feet and learn the footwork before you even think about the arms.
*they say Yoga builds long, lean muscles and that it TRUE. Since I started, I've had a number of people whom I don't see very often ask me if I've lost weight or upped my exercise program. The answer to both questions is NO. The only thing I've done differently is I've added yoga to the mix.So if you are looking for that more defined shape, it is definitely something to consider.
*Some one asked for good shows to watch while on the treadmill. I loved both seasons of The Crown, and am into Season 4 of Frankie and Grace (both on Netflix).
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Swam 1 mile today, pool was crowded. I ate more than 1200 calories today, more like 1700.
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hi all and welcome Honey & Mimi. Happy 20th anniversary, LB!
((hugs)) to BucsGirl/Karen on the loss of your SIL and Karen1956 for the loss of your mom.
Update on my mom: apparently she had a stroke sometime after Christmas. She's signed up now for AL and doing better: getting the right meds at the right time and can call a caregiver anytime with her pendant. Her doc signed a script for PT so ins will pay. Hoping that brings back some strength and mobility. I was there on Weds and will go back today. Nice to have the help and to be able to go home after work and not worry so much.
Great pix everyone and thanks for your continued prayers and support. ♥
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Meow, since you are exercising off calories, I would say eating 1,400 calories would be a more reasonable (and obtainable) goal.
Badger, glad things are going better with your mom!
I plan to go to Pound & yoga this morning. It snowed last night so I better check and see if the driveway is clear so I don't get stuck backing the car out.....like I did last time it snowed!
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30 min of Jillians Yoga Inferno and 20 min of restorative yoga from YouTube this morning. It's cold and blustery today. My Saturday agenda is cleaning, cooking and a night on my couch with a movie, a new book, a glass of wine and comfy warm clothes!
Ruth thanks for the tv series recommendations! Did you guys get much snow?
Happy Saturday!
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It's still snowing and blowing........a very NOT nice day! I bet we have about 4 inches, how about you? I ended up shoveling for about 45 minutes, which I am definitely counting as part of my cardio workout!!!
There was a cool article in the Parade magazine about Scott Hamilton and a young skater & what the Olympics mean to them. Scott talked about how having an athlete's attitude helped him as he has dealt with various health challenges (and he has had more than his share). I want to quote him on how, in 1997, he coped with a diagnosis of testicular cancer that had spread to his abdomen, (getting up every time he fell) "made me understand at the process of facing a challenge", (when he received the cancer diagnosis), "that didn't make me happy. So I learned the process of getting better. Chemo, break, surgery, break, back to life. I can do that."