Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • tessu
    tessu Posts: 1,294
    edited March 2018

    Oh ruth your photos are gorgeous! We're still getting tons of snow. But at least today is SUNNY yay!

    Did half an hour of snow shoveling after Pilates yesterday evening, and woke up 5AM with back pain in a new location :(

    Wishing everybody here a fun weekend :)

  • heidihill
    heidihill Posts: 1,858
    edited March 2018

    Love the pics, Ruth and Cheryl! I would love to visit that mission, too! Also time for a zoo trip as I still have a subscription and this is a good way to be moving without flying to Arizona. Awesome abs and JAM balloons, Cheryl.

    Twohobbies, thanks for the link/reminder of the full body Norwegian workout plan. I will re-start it today. I think the pushups were the main stumbling block for me if I recall correctly. But it is worth folllowing the plan even without proper pushups.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Posts: 908
    edited March 2018

    Got to body balance yesterday and just back from Pilates...so much sickness in my classes with kids coughing and sneezing, couldn't believe when someone at body balance yesterday was doing the same thing, ugh! Trying to stay healthy in this up/down weather that just won't permanently turn toward spring. Happy weekend all, TT.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited March 2018

    Took a nice walk around the neighborhood here. Sounds like we are missing another foot of snow back in North Dakota. Yikes! Here's another mission picture, just because....


  • runnermum
    runnermum Posts: 346
    edited March 2018

    2fun...I have no doubt that he is one of very, very few bad apples in the PT world. In fact both my husband and I have had other excellent therapists at the same clinic. It still makes me angry when I think about what he said that day and mainly that he wasn't willing to work with me to figure out what was wrong so I could try to continue to do something I lenjoy. Not only did he tell me that it was time to retire from running (I was probably 39 yrs old at the time) he also mentioned that I shouldn' t be like Brett Farve and keep trying to run when it was time to be done. I am also a Green Bay Packer, so none of it say well! 😂

    Ruth great pictures!

    Hoping the expected snow holds off until I can get a run in after work. Our treadmill is still broke and the arena track is closed this weekend due to an event. Will do some yoga strength and strength work if I can't run. I

    Great workouts ladies!


  • Falconer
    Falconer Posts: 801
    edited March 2018

    thank you for the recommendations everyone. Runnermum, I have been to acupuncture and she does cupping too, but I didn't notice any real changes. I admire how much you run; I'm having a hard time keeping up regular weekly runs. Last one this week was Sunday for me.

    2Fun, I've been to lots of therapies, but no one mentioned a laser. I hope my insurance covers the trigger point injections. I've seen other folks post about dry needling but haven't been offered that yet by my PT

    Great photos Ruth. My DH is also a teacher, and he was the varsity baseball coach for fifteen years. So, you've given him something to look forward to for retirement as well. You know he's a Cubs fan, right?

    Well, like you Karen, today starts spring break for me! I teach in a different school district from my DS. He has to make up two snow days- Mon and Tues next week. So we are laying low having a staycation. I will exercise every day! But tonight meeting my BFF of 30 years for dinner and drinks. Have a great weekend.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Posts: 2,793
    edited March 2018

    Love the pictures, Ruth. Interesting how the Mission Style and decoration follows what was happening in Europe at the time. Ceiling is very Rococo. Just gorgeous! I am on hold as I write this trying to get my air miles accounts sorted out so I can travel more for less.

    Then off for a run while the sun is out. It was snowing this morning. - Claire 

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660
    edited March 2018

    Ruth - gorgeous pictures.

    Warm weather but vey windy - wind gusts up to 40+mph.

    Have a good week-end everyone.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,958
    edited March 2018

    Beautiful mission pictures, Ruth! Looks like you're not even thinking about the foot of snow you are missing.

    Hi All! Walked/ran today under a beautiful sky. Afterwards dh and I picked up trash for an event that's happening tomorrow in my county but we did our project today bc the weather tomorrow is rain, maybe some snow, and cold. Litter makes me sick and there's a really bad area that I have been wanting to clean up. We worked for an hour and 15 minutes and collected 5 trash bags full of trash. Unfortunely, there will always be more to pick up. Sad


  • runnermum
    runnermum Posts: 346
    edited March 2018

    Falconer I get crabby when I don't run! 😊 But I hear ya...there are days and weeks it is hard to get those runs in. Busy lives, work, kids, etc. I feel better when I run (mentally and physically). I try to make it a priority and my "me" time! Our youngest is now 14 and the only one left at home so over the years it has gotten easier to take thAt time for myself. There was a period about 5 yrs ago I wasn't running as much due to our middle son playing varsity sports and busy schedules. I know we are approaching those days with our youngest soon!I

    Wonderland...nice job! I see so much garbage on my runs. I always think I should carry a bag and collect it along the way!

    The winter storm warning was cancelled and we only received a inch or 2 of snow. Waiting for warm up some (slippery on roads and sidewalks right now) and then will go run my 8 again today!

    Happy Saturday!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited March 2018

    Happy Birthday, Cheryl!!Heart

  • heidihill
    heidihill Posts: 1,858
    edited March 2018

    Happy Birthday, Cheryl!! Hug

    I did the core strength program from the NTNU site:

    1. 10 push-ups, either with bent knees, or kneeling with handholds.
    2. 15 squats.
       10 squats with jumps.
    3.  15 squats
    4.  10 squats with jumps
    5.  10 push-ups
    6.  15 squats
    7.  10 squats with jumps
    8.  10 push-ups
  • TwoHobbies
    TwoHobbies Posts: 1,532
    edited March 2018

    Is it Cheryl's Birthday? Happy, Happy!

    Beautiful photos, Ruth. What a treat to see.

    Good work, Wonderland. Post-winter, there is so much garbage around.

    Heidi, I am on the "Friday" portion of week one from the NTNU site, since I started on Wednesday rather than Monday. Today I did my two four minute HIIT periods and I also added some more push-ups since I couldn't achieve 10 earlier this week. I managed to do 10 bent-knee push-ups just going down about halfway. 7 years of being afraid to do much upper body work (post-mastectomy) has shown its toll! It turns out doing planks and light dumbells are way different than push-ups. Good reminder I need to mix it up.

    I also have a measly 17 minute walk yesterday to add since my last check-in.

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Posts: 789
    edited March 2018

    Looks like fun Ruth...Ive been to that desert museum!

    I was thinking about all of you, especially you Zumba fans as I struggled thru a Zumba class today. A woman I know was teaching the class. It takes a lot to get the choreography. There was a 80 gentleman there in front of me. I felt like I looked Like him! LOL It was good to move in different ways.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,891
    edited March 2018

    Got a workout today while helping a friend ou

  • badger
    badger Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2018

    Hi all and Happy Birthday, Cheryl!

    Swamped at work this week due to boss (finally) clearing her desk before she leave on vacay. Got it done but missed lunchtime yoga on Weds grrrr. Today did errands early then headed up to see mom and bring her some groceries. She's doing really well but not up yet to the weekly shopping trip (her apartment complex takes residents on the little bus, a nice service). Was going to stop for a workout on the way home but forgot gymbag and once home did not want to go back out. Doing laundry instead so will enjoy clean sheets 2nite. Gym 2moro!

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Posts: 1,427
    edited March 2018

    Hey Cheryl, *&lt:-P party happy belated birthday you are a LM legend! *:O) clown


  • Falconer
    Falconer Posts: 801
    edited March 2018

    Happy Birthday, Cheryl!

    Yoga class yesterday was great! Today planning a run. It's snowing again, though, so waiting until later when it is supposed to stop.

    Runnermum, I read this book, Poverty Creek Journal, after seeing it recommended to runners. It is s lovely little read that kind of answers what do we think about when we run

  • heidihill
    heidihill Posts: 1,858
    edited March 2018

    Love that birthday card, LB! Wonderland, I wanted to thank you for doing that work. I feel like getting on a boat sometimes to pick up trash on the lake. Such an eyesore! 2FUn it's great you can do the class. It took me a good long while to get my knees ready to do Zumba. Twohobbies, after 7 years I hope you are taking it slowly. Because I am a chaotic person, I took the workout from around week 5. And my pushups are assisted, ie, I cheat with a push up helper called Wonder Core Smart. Yes, I fall for these TV commercials even though I don't watch TV. The catalog says, "as seen on TV"

    Took a hike with a nephew visiting from Scotland where he is studying. 

  • TwoHobbies
    TwoHobbies Posts: 1,532
    edited March 2018

    Cold again today but sunny. ENE brisk wind brings Canada air over Lake Michigan = too cold for late March. Went for a walk around the lake today but only lasted 26 minutes because my face was too cold! Supposed to be warmer tomorrow.

    2Fun I love Zumba, but I always seems to be going right when they are going left!.

    Heidi, I just looked at week 2 and I'm supposed to do 3 rounds of push-ups. ugh!!

    I have to finish my taxes today. I'm making myself do federal at least Worse than push-ups.

  • Falconer
    Falconer Posts: 801
    edited March 2018

    Ran 3.8 miles today; no ice or snow on the trail. Decided to run in the woods bc it was so windy on the road. Then, my DH took my little DS to a birthday party and I took a long soak in the tub. That was a spring break treat to myself!

  • runnermum
    runnermum Posts: 346
    edited March 2018

    Did my long run yesterday but was planning on running again today...it's cold and windy here so I skipped morning run and did 30min of yoga strength with weights and 30 mins of restorative yoga this morning before church. May sneak over to arena this evening and see if the track is open. Schedule has it closed all day today but event was over at 5 so may be able to sneak a few miles in. It feels spring will never be here. Easter Sundays forecast is a high of 27*. That sounds heavenly in December, in April not so much.

    Happy Birthday Cheryl! Hope you had a wonderful day!

    Falconer.. Thanks for the book recommendation. I put it on my Amazon wishlist. It looks good. Enjoy reading running books. I am currently reading Mindful Running. So far I am liking it.Enjoy your spring break!!

    2hobbies..Finished mine up today too...self employed so always such a pain!

    Attended a benefit last night for a 10 yr old boy from our town who has an aggressive brain tumor. He finished radiation and will be starting chemo soon. Ended up winning a yoga basket in the silent auction, that was donated by a local chiro office that has yoga classes 2x a week. I have been meaning to check it out. The basket Included a yoga mat, yoga top and a 60 min PRIVATE yoga session. I was pretty excited but cancer sucks!

    Have my survivorship appt tomorrow afternoon. Excited but nervous! Will run after that appt. Got to continue to show cancer who is the boss!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,958
    edited March 2018

    Runner: The yoga basket sounds wonderful. Prayers for the boy who is sick.

    Cheryl: Happy Birthday yesterday!

    Heidi: Litter anywhere is an eyesore, but especially in water!

    Hello to All! Today I spent 1 hour and 20 minutes picking up stick and limbs in the yard because it's time to mow! Some of my neighbors mowed last week but I've been putting it off. Hard to think that we need to mow when just last night we had a little snow and sleet. Walked/ran after the yard work.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660
    edited March 2018

    Only 46 hours till I get to hug Miriam...not that I'm counting...it really hasn't been all that long since I saw her, (almost 3 months) but it feels like forever!! Cleaned my ovens, cook top and cabinets today. Tomorrow I need to clean the frig.

    It has been really windy in Denver....a little snow in the forecast, I'd be happy with rain. We are so dry in Colorado.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Posts: 2,793
    edited March 2018

    Butt is "reacting" to the fact that I skied about 10 miles today and walked another 1.5-2 miles. I am calling it good on the exercise front. Had an amazing final ski which featured the best snow of the season. I finally got to enjoy all the fine engineering of my new skis as opposed to being thrilled to make it down OK.

    Since this is a thread about exercise, I also "noticed" that it's only 3 weeks to the first cycling event. YIKES!!! So time to get out my bicycle and get it all in shape for a couple of moderate 40-mile rides.

    My boast is that I had a FIRE ENGINE stop to let me cross the street when I was doing my run on Friday. Now it may have been altruism, but then again, the driver could have enjoyed the "view". I am claiming the second Winking

    Frogs are singing here as I write this, so spring is really on its way. - Claire 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited March 2018

    We went into Phoenix and explored the Arizona Scince Center....which had so many cool hands-on activities that I also wished that I would have brought some kids with me! Here I am next to a giant model of the layers of the skin.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited March 2018

    The main reason we wanted to go to the Science Center was to go through their Pompeii Exhibition. It was spectacular. Once you walked through the doors, you were transported back to Pompeii on August 24th, 79 AD. They had over 200 actual artifacts on loan from a museum in Italy.....I could post about 200 pictures!!!! Here's a statue of Apollo that would have been in the open air atrium of a home.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited March 2018

    Some of the containers from the market, in them were found charred raisins, pears and barley.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited March 2018

    Okay......I'll stop with the pictures. But you can see that it was a pretty interesting way to get my steps in!image

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Posts: 1,942
    edited March 2018

    Ruth- keep 'em coming! I feel like I'm on vacation!