Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Posts: 1,942
    edited August 2018

    This isn't exercise related at all but I have found this thread to be a world of information so question. ..has any one had cording in their abdomen? Running down from the surgery side I had/have cording. I have one I can't pop and it's driving me crazy. I see my PT next week but I had no clue the AWS would go that direction to! I expect it from incision to the end of my hands. I have asked on the LE thread and no one else has experienced this.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited August 2018

    Hopefully someone will have some insight, Varga.

    Cheryl, that looks like a picture of Jupiter, or hell! Your smoke has drifted up to Canada, joined with Canadian fires and is now hovering over us. The sky is all hazy, we have air quality alerts, very scary how far reaching the consequences of these fires are.

    DS has been traveling lots for work & took a day off to catch up at home. He came over to use our printer & we ended up having a fun mother/son/puppy morning. He brought the dogs with, we all took a nice walk, and after he was done with his work we all had a picnic in a park before parting ways.

    This afternoon I went over to a friends and relieved her of some of her garden produce (she has a huge garden, more than she can use) and then had coffee with another friend (I'm making up for working, working, working on the house all summer!).

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660
    edited August 2018

    My poor DH woke up in the middle of the night sick as a dog. He has been in bed most of the day which is not typical him. Hoping that since it hit him fast and hard it will end the same way quickly.

    Have a good week-end.

  • badger
    badger Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2018

    hi all and welcome Vermonster (I want to say Vermonter LOL).

    Great pix all and OMG Cheryl that is a crazy sky! I was living in Colorado when Mount St. Helens erupted in 1980 and we had ashy skies for weeks. Made for some spectacular sunsets, though.

    Been crazy busy at work but we hired someone who starts in a week (yay) and got several key projects done Friday so no work-at-home this weekend (double yay). Will give me time to read through the tour books and maps AAA sent me for Nashville vacay. Walking down to the farmer's market in a bit while still cool, and plan to stop at the gym on my way home from mom's this afternoon.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Posts: 2,793
    edited August 2018

    Reporting back on Thursday night's dinner. Had the most fabulous time with my friends, with the food I made, amazing wine, and great conversation. It was toasty out, but cooled down to the point where it was warm but just fine, even with no AC. We feasted and sipped wine until midnight.

    Here are the pictures. - Claire 

    Last minute shopping at the market. Note the flowers and just-picked raspberries.


    All ready to go in my place with proper napkins and silverware. 


    Amazing salad with flowers, beets, carrots, blue cheese, and dill. I added vinaigrette later.


    The main event. Chicken dish with ratatouille, mixed fresh beans from the market, and the Emmer faro with mushrooms I had made earlier in the week along with the chicken.


    The pièce de résistance - raspberry tarte. Had another helping for lunch today Happy


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited August 2018

    Beautiful, and YUM!

    I went to a hard (but fun) class called CORE this morning. Here's what the sky looked like. t's gray from the California and Canadian fires.


  • badger
    badger Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2018

    Beautiful food, Claire!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,958
    edited August 2018

    Cheryl: That sky is just crazy!

    Karen: Hope your dh is feeling better.

    Claire: Your meal looks delicious! Love the salad.

    Like Badger and Claire, I also went to the Farmers Market this morning. This afternoon I made tomato soup from all the tomatoes out of our garden. Walked/ran in the evening. Lots of sweat mainly from the humidity.

  • TwoHobbies
    TwoHobbies Posts: 1,532
    edited August 2018

    I have been doing some different at home workouts this week. I tried a toxin reducing, fat flushing workout from Goop with the rebounder and foam roller. As you probably can guess I sadly have no evidence of any fat flushing. Darn. Another day I did a resistance band set of exercises.

    Yesterday I went for my usual walk at the lake. It was so muggy I didnt do my full route but only 33minutes. Then I came home and did a couple of hours of salsa and zumba videos on youtube-not constant for two hours but trying different ones and looking for ones I like. This morning I had lost weight so i think I can recommend salsa dancing over rebounding and foam rolling as far as fat-flushing!

    Cheryl I hope the fires will start to calm down. Its just horrible for everyone involved. Last year when there were wildfires in Washington state and Canada (?) we got the smoke all the way to Chicago. I was walking and smelled smoke in the air and assumed it was someones fire pit. I even looked to see if there was a house fire. On the weather that night I heard we were getting smoke from wildfires that far away.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited August 2018

    Yoga today. My steps are down the last couple days because I had a couple of postponed projects that required me to sit down with a computer/note book/pen for long periods of time; so I HAD to get at them. I feel like I have them under control now so I can get back to 'normal' by tomorrow.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660
    edited August 2018

    Summer vacation is officially over. New school year tomorrow - kids start in a week. Not quite sure what my week looks like other than a couple meetings tomorrow and department meeting all day Tuesday.

    DH is still sick. He thought he was getting better, but not! Today the big D and cramping. He was miserable all night long. I got up at 5:30 to go get him saltines, and imodium D. Also running a fever. He needs to call his doctor in the AM. Not up to going to the ER!! At first he thought it was the flu, but now not sure. Hope he starts feeling better quickly as today is day 3.

    Need to get a few things done tonight.

    Sweet dreams.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited August 2018

    Yikes, hope DH feels better in the morning (and you don't get whatever he has!). Good luck on the new school year. It's always an exciting, and rather overwhelming, time for all involved.

  • patoo
    patoo Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2018

    HI all. Welcome newbies! hbcheryl, that is a beautiful shot but scary as well. Didn't know Canada was also having wildfires. Unbelievable. Been crazy busy. Who retires and then gets involved in at least three volunteer groups? Me!!! 2 political groups (just data entry and manning local offices), one singles group (co-founder and communications activities lead), one community emergency rescue team - "CERT" (if we had those wildfires I would be "on-call" duty, not to go into danger but to assist in the aftermath where needed, i.e., first aid and shelters). Still doing pickleball, water volleyball, Walk Away the Pounds and spent last week at Myrtle Beach SC so did water aerobics every morning and also lots of jumping waves. Trying very hard to get in shape for ruthbru's Nashville boot camp.

    Night sculpted friends.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited August 2018

    Patoo, don't you wonder how you ever had time to work?!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited August 2018

    One of my friends hurt her back, so I went over and picked vegetables for her (she has an enormous garden so I got a great payment of several bags of goodies to take home with me). It was so hot and humid that I felt kind of queasy by the time I went to Zumba, and I did a half-baked job there. I feel fine now that I've sat around in my air-conditioned house doing nothing for awhile. The weather forecast is for cooler weather to roll in tomorrow and I hope that is true!

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Posts: 789
    edited August 2018

    did hour long aqua ex today, then to 2 of my 3 schools to see what my room looked like. We label everything then they move it out to clean the floors. I am not looking forward to school b/c I will not be able to make it to aquatics classes....boo hoo!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660
    edited August 2018

    First day of the school year - 16K steps.

    Spent the morning in the ER with DH. He saw his pcp early in the morning and sent him next door to the ER for IV hydration, labs and CT scan. All labs were normal. CT scan showed inflamed colon. Waiting on stool sample to know if it is bacterial or viral. It is going on 5 days now. He's barely eating - saltine crackers, rice, bananas and drinking diluted gatorade. Sure hope they figure this out quickly and he starts to feel better. Our girls arrive on Thursday evening.

    Sweet dreams

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Posts: 789
    edited August 2018

    Praying for a quick recovery for your DH!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited August 2018

    Glad he got into the doctor, Karen. Hopefully they'll have some answers by tomorrow!

  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited August 2018

    Hope DH feels better very soon and I am also glad he went to the doctor!

    I've been packing for my upcoming move, doing some walking, and swimming every afternoon: nothing feels better after a day of packing than doing laps!

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Posts: 1,427
    edited August 2018

    Karen, hope all finds resolution quick for DH and terrific that the girls are arriving. Octo, may the packing go smoothly. Sorry not to keep posting, yet doing lots of home practice yoga (OMstar) and more cover work this week then on Saturday, 1 week of yoga teacher training immersion. Feeling out of my comfort zone but what the heck - doing it anyway. Ruth, like the new photo!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited August 2018

    Zumba this morning & then came home & did a toning DVD (we are out of town Thursday/Friday so am 'exercising ahead'). This afternoon I am giving a talk about Presidential Trivia to a Red Hats Ladies group, then I'll go to Pound & then Book Club. (Patoo, I haven't been able to schedule time to sit around eating Bon Bons since I retired either!)

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2018

    Karen glad your DH went to the doctor and hope he starts feeling better so he can enjoy his girls visit. LB I can remember when you were nervous about Flow training you are an amazing instructor and I know even if you're feeling out of your comfort zone you'll have a great time. Finally yesterday had an evening where I could sleep without a fan whirring on me unfortunately they say the heat is coming back ughhh. Spent the weekend in Northern California I had the funniest time in my rental car after 10 minutes I had to go and ask them how to start it (keyless), I kept hitting the button but it wouldn't start, who knew you had to put your foot on the brake and then I couldn't find a brake lever (cause there wasn't one) the brake just comes on automatically and my goodness how did we ever get around without GPS on our phones, that girl got me from door to door to door without any problems.

    Saturday and Sunday did Body Combat with the Program Director who is visiting the US from New Zealand and leading classes, she also did Sh'bam which I just love cause I love to dance then yesterday went to Cardio Dance Party.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660
    edited August 2018

    DH started feeling better this morning and is back to a regular diet. 4 1/2 days of colitis. Still don't have culture results back, but his pcp said since he is feeling better even if it came back bacterial they wouldn't do anything. DH has lost 5# that he needs to put back on. I don't remember him being this sick for this long and we've been together 42 years (41st anniversary in a few weeks). So glad he is feeling better. We even went for a walk before and after dinner.

    Wednesday is DD#2 last day of national service - and flies back early Thursday am. Its 6:15 am in Israel so she is getting ready for the last day of work. She finally finished unpacking all her stuff in her new apt, but its not all organized. Now she can use her luggage to pack for Denver. It will only be 2 weeks since I've seen her, but I'm so excited. also to see DD#1. DD#1 will also be her with her husband for a week the latter part of September. I feel like I never talk about my son, but I guess its cuz he lives here, so I get to see him everyday. I'm lucky to have 3 amazing children.

    Today was an all day training for SP/SW. Long day, but the location was 1/2 mile from my house, so I got a couple extra short walks in as I went home for lunch. Such a treat. Tomorrow I'm going to meet the team at one of the schools that I'm covering for maternity leave till November - a small high school. On Thursday I need to meet the staff at a k-5 charter school that is a vacancy. Charter schools are not my favorite so I'm hoping it will be a short assignment. Both are 1 day/week. Still trying to figure out my other 2 days. Lots of playing around with the openings and who is covering where!!

    I hope those back east are not having damage from the rain and those in CA are out of harms way with the fires.

    Sweet dreams.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited August 2018

    Glad your DH is feeling better, Karen. Mine has come down with a rotten cold ( I wouldn't make a very good nurse because I am not very sympathetic. I banished him to the spare bedroom with the advice to drink lots of water and then left for the evening Loopy).

  • jaboo
    jaboo Posts: 368
    edited August 2018

    I went for a short walk with DH and then watered the garden for 2 hours straight. I consider this enough exercise for day 1 after my 3rd AC infusion 🙂. Our small kids went to their granny for a week (it's still vacation here) so I could have a rest and even a nap during the day. And then enough energy for a walk.

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Posts: 789
    edited August 2018

    karen, I'm glad your DH is feeling better, and ruth, I hope yours is on the mend soon.

    Jaboo, glad you got out. Those short walks are great!

    We had very heavy localized rain and flash flooding yesterday. We got 5 inches of rain in 3 hours, and I couldn't get to the y, as they had 8 inches in the same time period and most the roads were flooded. DS is working at a music camp, and I ressited calling him because they are on a hill top, not in a valley.

    I've stopped my arimidex for a few days due to SEs, and I feel more dehydrated and my hands hurt more today than ever. Hope I feel better by the time school starts in 3 weeks.

    I'm meeting for lunch with one of my teachers and support staff. This teacher really knows the importance of team building. The other 3 teachers I support are very young and I thing are needing to be pretty focused on what they are doing, they forget about the rest of the team. I will have a very busy school year, but thankfully I know the schools and teachers I support, and about half the kids.

    Sorry to babble on. I need to plan for some exercise today!

  • pat01
    pat01 Posts: 913
    edited August 2018

    Exercise yesterday was mowing the lawn and then DH and I went to have dinner on the beach and a nice walk. Tonight is blues on the beach, the last one of the season :(. Leaving Friday for a visit with my grandson! So excited. Plus my son who lives in London will be there so I get to have all my kids together. Here is a photo of sunset last night. image

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited August 2018

    Beautiful picture, Pat!

    Here's the Walking Women at breakfast (one of the reasons we need to walk), I'm babysitting puppies today so will get in more walks with them. Dance2Fit tonight.


  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Posts: 2,793
    edited August 2018

    Exercise and work day. Did a 5k run in the early-ish AM so got that in. Then many hours of work. That is, until it got hot and stuffy in my home office. Onto the swimming hole and did about a half hour of swimming in the Snoqualmie River. Dove off some rocks on the far side, something I haven't done for a number of years until recently. Came home chilled. Making dinner now....fish and fresh local veggies.

    On top of this, I did my early AM crunches and weights as I was preparing dinner. 6 miles of walking and running. Feeling just great though swimming is sneaky. You don't realize that you were getting real exercise until you get out of the water. Then you wonder why your legs are protesting.

    Life is great. Not to mention that I can smell dinner as it cooks. More to come. - Claire