Lets Post our Daily Exercise
I have been taking it easy on the exercise front, doing lots of walking but still doing some classes that don't trigger it like Body Combat and the bike, I've figured out it's dancing that messes with my sciatica or back or whatever hurts on my right side, thankfully I have my doctors appointment next week and to top it off I had a pedicure and they cut my nail so short that I've ended up with an ingrown toenail and it hurts like heck when I have closed toe shoes on, luckily it's still nice enough that I'm in flip flops during the day - I am really going to make use of my 15 minutes next week my poor doctor isn't going to know what hit him.
LB I am going to make you jealous, very jealous (but not really) next thursday I am going to take a class with Diana but she's not coming for Flow she's coming for Pump, it's only one day one class plus Combat with Reagan, they have announced the next big event is in Anaheim next June so they are probably coming for a planning meeting.
I am loving the diversity of women going to the House next week, hopefully things can get done, I too voted early and the one thing I would love to happen is that Propositions be written in plain English, I spent so much time doing research but I know a lot of people don't and just vote No if they don't understand and some No's really meant Yes and Yes meant No, so darned confusing.
Last night did a Body Combat class.
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Oh Cheryl, you are so lucky!! Photos - pretty please and you are right about plain English propositions. Glad that you know what sets off your lower back and hopefully from toes to back, you'll get answers.
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lilac and cheryl- in Miami we had so many propositions which were deliberately written to confuse individuals. And what really ticked off a lot of Voters some of these propositions had three or four issues combined into 1 proposition that one had nothing to do with the other. So if you wanted to vote no on two of them and yes on the other two you couldn't you had to either choose a no or yes on each proposition. They will never write the propositions in plain English. Sucks
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jo6359, they write the amendments to get the results they want because they know it's confusing and voters have the patience of a flea!
Spend most of morning for service to my car. It needs $1800. repair. Don't know whether to fix or replace. It's only 10 years old with 125,000 miles but I see the writing on the wall for repairs beginning to start. Most would say repairing is cheaper but its also a soft-top convertible, not the best car to drive June/July/August in the lightning capital of America.
Have new 'job' for about 4 weeks while a friend recovers from knee surgery she had today - walking her dog every afternoon (my sister walks him mornings) so that was my exercise for today.
Night sculpted friends.
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Oh, ruthbru, got the pictures - thanks!
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patoo- you are so right. Most voters have the patience of a flea.
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Patoo it is so nice to hear that positive note from someone on annastrozole. Thank you! Do you take your pill in the morning or night. I find myself struggling with pain at night and there for keeping me awake. I was just curious if I switched it in the morning if I wouldn't have that happen at night when I'm trying to sleep. I've been taking it at night since July and other than the first couple of months the only side effect I have are joint pain and insomnia at night. I forgot to take it the other night and woke up in a complete panic. The pharmacist told me not to worry about it it stays in your system for a couple days. Suggested I take a half a pill and then to take a whole one the next night. I did notice however I had more energy that day and I did sleep with less pain the night I forgot the pill.
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Wonderland: I love my job. Water treatment work is incredibly gratifying. I thank God every day that I have gotten to get back to it. My crew has been incredibly supportive and have welcomed me back after 5 months off.
I did one hour of cardio at the gym today. Even though the weather has been incredible, Sacramento is so dang flat the only way to get any incline is in a gym. I'm going to the mountains tomorrow and will get a proper hike in.
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Aqua Zumba this morning & subbing this afternoon.
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Finally, coming up for air after a week of work and running around. To answer a couple of questions, I took anastrazole in the morning along with my vitamins to get it over for the day. I was glad when the five years were done though fared just fine.
On the teapot front, I only have 2 at the moment. My family's silver one which I like to get out every now and then and have a proper tea, often with homemade scones, and the Alessi that I just got. It's super-modern and very functional. No burned fingers, and it does a good job of keeping the tea from getting cold too quickly.
I have been enjoying the bread from my bread machine immensely. Need to make another loaf, but that will be after the Rillettes de Tours which I want to make today. Have been promising my Wine Bar friend, so hopefully will have some to take in tomorrow. I got the belly of pork during my trip into Seattle on Wednesday.
I am loving my new hairstyle which is a slightly longer version of what I have been wearing since my hair grew back post chemo. I was wearing one of my hats yesterday which looks much better with a bit more hair peeking out underneath. So does my new ski hat which came yesterday, replacing the useless replacement for the one that was lifted in the ski heist last winter. Just goggles, and I shall be done. (Still need to replace my hiking boots with separated soles.)
My plan for today is to do a run in the sunshine, and then I'm cycling with a friend tomorrow. I think it will warm up and not be icy which is always a worry when the temps are around freezing. Hopefully, the water will have receded so we can do the entire route with no cycling through water-covered roadways. It's so glorious here now in the sunshine as the mountains now have snow-covered peaks.
Can't wait for ski season! - Claire
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LIFE1963, I take it in the morning. If you have trouble sleeping that is a problem in itself as it can then make your whole day miserable. Try it in the morning, as you take that little sucker and go on with your day. No time to think about aches if you are on the go and if you can't sleep, great, you then can drive! (don't mind me, I also have trouble being serious).
Doggie walk today, though cut short because or rain. Got called back for tomorrow to help supervisor of elections staff, and other volunteers, sort thousands of ballots in preparation for the recount in my county. What a messup our voting system is countrywide. So will try and pop in a DVD tomorrow evening if not too wiped out. Otherwise, hours of Netflix, Madame Secretary catchup, in my immediate future.
ruthbru, you got me putting commas everywhere now.
Night sculpted friends.
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Good morning and happy Saturday. It's so sunny outside right now BUT it's only 22 degrees (F). We have an expected high of 31 today. Yesterday we got about an inch of snow but most of it melted already. I didn't go to exercise yesterday because hubby took the day off and we did projects around the house. I like the idea of walking and getting vitamin D that Wonderland mentioned above, so my plan is to bundle up and get out there. We still need to put our patio furniture away and cover up our A/C units (we put tarps on them every winter). Have a great weekend everyone.
Also, has anyone here tried dry brushing your skin? I've been reading alot about it and am going to watch some youtube videos on how exactly to do it. You take a natural bristle brush and very gently brush over your skin (brush and skin are dry). It's supposed to help rid dead skin cells but also help your lymphatic system eliminate toxins. You brush toward your heart. Then you're supposed to shower and lotion up. I tried it a few times and my skin does feel nice, but it's probably just because of the lotion. I need to read more on it but some of the articles are from many years ago. Not sure if this was a fad or if it actually works. Just wondering if you've tried it. I searched this site and didn't see anything. But if you google "dry brush skin" there's lots.
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ellyn- ran a 5k this morning. I decided to take today off from work. I'm going out for lunch with some friends and catch a matinee. I have another 5K schedule tomorrow morning. Enjoy your cold but sunny weather. I have some great news. My nephew and his beautiful wife had an 8 pound to 2 Oz baby girl yesterday. Her name is Serenity Jade. I am so excited for both of them.
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I think the Clarisonic brush works on that principal. They were all the rage a few years ago. I have a grit exfoliator, and I use a daily scrub. Because who wants to walk around with a dead top layer? There is a reason that the facial parlors stay in business. Because you really do look better afterwards.
Which reminds me that I could do with a bit of pampering at home.
Off in a bit to meet a friend for cycling. It's only a few degrees above freezing this morning, so I will need to dig out my ski gloves and wear a parka today. Too chilly for my cycling jacket.
Getting out in the elements and exercising also gives the skin a major boost, so really important. This is on top of the other benefits.
Nice to have a total day off….. - Claire
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Congratulations on the new baby in the family, Jo! And what a pretty name.
I have heard of brushing but have never done it. My advice is that if it feels good, do it!
It was 9 degrees this morning with a brisk wind sending the windchill below zero (which negates any vitamin D benefit of being outside......to me anyway!). And we are supposed to get 3 inches of snow tonight. ARGH! I am inside for at least awhile.,,,,or all winter, depending on what the weather decides to do.
I went to an Early Bird Yoga class this morning and stayed for a class called Strength. Interval Training. Very hard, but good too. We are going to a concert tonight, so that should be fun.
Happy Saturday!
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I could smell the smoke inside my gym today but still put in an hour of cardio.
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Hello all: I admit to have fallen off the exercise wagon this week, mostly because of cold weather (though I guess Ruth and Ellyn would laugh at the idea that highs in the mid-forties and sun is considered cold...but hey! I am a recent California transplant...). I've also been very busy at work. We are expecting snow this afternoon here in Northern New Mexico so I am going to head out for a long walk soon to try and get back in the groove.
Rachel, sorry about the bad air out in California. It is one thing I admit I don't miss. The air quality here in New Mexico is great. So, I have no excuses for not walking, right?
Congratulations 'Auntie' Jo! I am expecting a new baby grand-nephew any day myself! Really looking forward to welcoming the new family edition.
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Jo, congrats on the new baby! Photos of babies are welcome here!
Ran 2.5 yesterday. Yoga this morning.
My daughter's XC team won Nationals in their division on Friday in Virginia Beach.She came in 20th out of around 150 runners. 💪🏻
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Good job, Falconer's daughter & team!
I walked around the track at the fitness center and went to yoga. The teacher will be gone for two weeks; she'll be in INDIA with the club she's certified through getting more training. I am excited for her (and us when she comes back!). I am contemplating cleaning the house. Yuck!
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Falconer congrats to your daughter and her entire team! That is awesome! I love XC!!
Congrats Jo!! I just found out I am going to be great aunt as my nephew and wife are expecting. This will be my 1st great niece or nephew. Pretty excited, although I dont feel old enough to be a great aunt yet! 😄
Enjoying a nice long, fun & relaxing weekend. Ran 4 miles in the snow today and 30 min of core yoga after. Its cold here for Nov...my run was in 22* that felt like 12*. Yuck! I am not ready for those temps yet. Had craft & game night last night with 2 other couple friends last night..guys watched football and gals did a christmas craft and then we all played Tripoly for a few hrs. I love getting together with friends and family this time of year.
My Xmas craft
My snowy run today
Enjoy your Sunday evening everyone!
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runnermum- congrats on the future Great nephew. I cannot imagine running in snow. Whenever I try to visualize it I just think how in the world can a person do that?
Falconer- congrats to you and your daughter on the cross country Nationals. Well done. Since you insisted on seeing a picture of my new great-niece. LOL
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falconer- here's the pic I forgot to send. Serenity Jade 1 hour old.
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Jo - what a precious little girl! Patio - Florida elections always seem to be a mess.
Runner up- love your craft pix! I never minded running in a bit of snow, but oh those hidden patches of ice!
Got hit with a bug last week so spent most of the week snuggled in bed or on the sofa, but feeling better today so I’m off to the gym in a few minutes. A bear visited overnight and pulled down a large decorative flag I had on a wrought iron pole. Why??? There’s no food on the pole at all - just the flag. I suspect it was one of the cubs just playing - we’ve seen them bat my hanging plants around before. At least we now know why Mikey (our min pin)was looking out the window and growling in the middle of the night.
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Nats fan...hubby and I were shopping at Hobby Lobby this morning and came across a sign that said this. We both had a laugh. Then I came home and read your post and had to share! I have seen bears only 2x in my life..both times in Yellowstone. I can't imagine having them in my yard! My dog barks at squirrels!! 😂
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Hi ladies,
I had lumpectomy with 8 sentinel nodes removed on Oct 26th, and my boob is still pretty swollen. On follow-up doc said it is seroma and they drained some fluid last week but still pretty swollen. Thing is I am itching to go back to my Orange Theory classes and I feel like the more I move the more it will help with fluid reabsorption into the body. I am thinking of going today for first time, 17 days after surgery.
Do you have any experience going back to somewhat vigorous exercise with a swollen breast?
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Fun Christmas crafts, Runner!
What a sweet baby, Jo. I hope they live nearby so that you can soon get your hands on her!
Glad you are feeling better, Nats. Better wear your 'bear bells' when you go out!
Hi Nomaddd. I'd get a clearance from the doctor before going back to 'vigorous exercise'. As much as it drives one crazy to be sidelined, if you go back before your body is ready you might end up slowing down healing even more (I know that is not what you want to here!).
Well, DH who has a bad knee that should have already been replaced, started to feel pain and hardness behind it. He went in and found out that he has a blood clot (which freaked us out since that is what his sister just died from). So now he is on blood thinner, elevating & icing his leg, and banned from exercise except just walking around for now. As he exercises like a bat out of hell, he is not at all happy with the forced inactivity (I just gave him the speech I just gave Nomaddd ). Yikes!
I'm going to Zumba tonight & will probably do a little ab work.
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Welcome Nomaddd! I would definitely talk to your surgeon before returning to exercise. I developed a pretty bad hematoma following a MRI biopsy. I didn't run or exercise for about 2-3 wks following the biopsy but was pretty cautious as we needed to reduce the swelling and have it to heal quickly so we could move forward with my lumpectomy. Following my lumpectomy & SN biopsy I didnt run for 2 wks but was good to go after that! Both times I saw my surgeon before restarting running and workingout.
Ran 3miles outside and rejoined my old gym today to mix things up this winter. Heading out to meet a friend for Abs, Back & Booty class in a bit.
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Babies ... My friends are starting to have grandkids and I'm jealous!! But, I'm not about to rush anything, especially since my boys aren't even married yet haha. I do have a great niece and love her to pieces. Christmas crafts, how fun!! I'm not good at that kind of stuff. Some people just have the knack, but not me
I went to my aerobics class today and then came home and cleaned out the shelves in my closet. Taking bags tomorrow to donate them. I can see my closet floor now!! I still want to go thru the clothes on hangers and just rearrange everything. Move summer into the spare closet and winter clothes back. Always a project.
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Unfortunately I won't be able to see the new baby until November 24th. They live approximately 3 1/2 hours from my home. I have a very large Irish American family. If I make the trip now I will have to share little Serenity with numerous aunts and uncles and cousins and second cousins, etc. I'm waiting for the hoopla to diminish somewhat whereas I will have more quality time with my darling great-niece. I still have a drippy nose from the herceptin. I don't want to make the new parents anxious thinking I might be passing on cold germs. Better to be safe than sorry.
With my surgeons permission, I started walking 2 miles within 8 days of my BMX. This was not vigorous exercise but a very slow walk. With my surgeon and MO permission, I started running within 3 weeks post-op. My running was very slow. Think tortoise and the hare and I was the tortoise I steadily increased the tempo and the distance each day. It was tough running during chemo but once I started moving I always felt better. The first couple weeks after surgery no vigorous exercise was allowed. Both my surgeon and mo strongly encouraged me to exercises 45 minutes to an hour daily. It's very important to listen to your body.