Lets Post our Daily Exercise
So sad about Stella. She was adorable. We have a grand puppy who lives with us and we are very attached to him, so I understand how difficult this is for you.0
My school district called a snow day again for tomorrow - due to road conditions and power outages across the city!! Time to do some more puttering in the house.....may venture out to the post office to mail cookies to my DD#1.
Tomorrow is my 6 month check up with oncologist. Have lots of questions for him.
Stay warm and stay safe
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karen-good luck with your 6 month checkup. Will you have labs only with your 6 month checkup? You keep racking up snow days and teacher strikes you're going to be in school until mid July.
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Oh Ruth, so sorry to read about sweet Stella.
Had to cancel teaching two classes last night in Folkestone as the M20, the main motorway to get the gym was closed with huge trucks parked in the lanes to cross the channel as the ferries were closed due to high winds. It's called operation stack and what will happen daily if the Thelma & Louise driving over the cliff no-deal Brexit happens. Let's keep at it everyone!
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Oh no! Sorry to hear about Stella. Love the photo of you with her, both off you ruddy-cheeked. Hope you, your family and all the Walking Women stay safe through the storm,
Good luck on your onc appointment, Karen!
Regarding LE, I do feel despite it being 11+ years since surgery, my arm and chest is still at risk. Wounds don't heal as they should, for example.
Amazing photo, Lilac.
Did my longest and hardest ever yoga session at the gym. It was taught by my former BodyJam instructor. He was great and the class was packed. Then I had to bike back home in the sleet and rain.
We are also getting a lot of snow in the mountains this weekend.
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jo - my oncologist does CBC, CMP, tumor markers, history update and physical at 6 month check up. He only does scans if the patient asks (which I have no desire for) or patient is symptomatic.
There is no talk about extending the school year - I think this might be our 3rd snow day and the strike was 3 days - but school was still in session. I've read in a couple School Psych groups I'm on FB that have had 15 - 20 snow days this school year!!!
Denver's storm was all over the national news this morning. DIA closed all 6 run ways yesterday - only 4th time airport was closed. I-25 and I-70 are closed going south and east of Denver. Most schools are closed again today. Its cold and windy today but no more snow. Tomorrow it starts to warm up.
Going to try to finish shoveling the driveway today for exercise! And get a couple walks in. Yesterday, DH and I managed to get 3 walks - we were the only people crazy enough to be outside walking - but last night we did see several people snow blowing or shoveling their driveways.
Well, I need to get busy if I want to get anything done in the house beside doing the driveway.
Stay warm and safe.
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CherylF, I am late in reading this and catching up but agree about the importance of a referral to a LE therapist for assessment and treatment. My breast surgeon gave me a referral as a matter of course with just one sentinel node removal and it was very helpful.
Ruth, I am so,so sorry to read about Stella.
Got an email this morning that there are six inches of snow on the driveway at work (which is a lot of snow for Santa Fe...) and that work is delaying opening for at least two hours. And hubby reports that most govt offices closed down yesterday: we caught the very southern tip of the storm that paralyzed Denver. The good news for me (sorry Karen) is that I am in Las Vegas (the one in Nevada, fortunately: Las Vegas, NM is pretty much shut down with snow too I hear...) for a Conference. It is 'cold' here for Vegas (highs in the low sixties and WINDY), which is a shame because the hotel pool is GORGEOUS (and it is heated so I will be checking it out, water creature that I am). In the meantime, I am getting plenty of steps in: the conference center is at the opposite end of the hotel from my hotel room (an intentional effort to force one to walk by many slot machines on the way to workshops...) and it is HUGE. We put on sweaters and braved our way through the cold to walk to a restaurant last night for dinner as well :-)
Seriously, stay warm and dry and safe all!
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forgot to put my fitbit on (it was charging) when shoveling the driveway, so missed logging steps - then went for a walk - it is icy in places in where shoveled and on the street too. Will walk this afternoon again, but not once it get darks. Main roads are supposed to be good, so I may venture out to post office before my 4 pm oncology appt.
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Thanks for your kind words about Stella. We were all in love with her so it will be pretty lonely. I'm sure DS will eventually get another dog & we will love him/her just as much.....but it won't be Stella.
We got 10 inches of snow & 56 mph winds, which are not supposed to diminish until this evening. I did an hour of toning with Denise Austin & spent an hour on the treadmill this morning. I know what my exercise will be tomorrow.....(view from the garage....the driveway is under there somewhere...)
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LAWD! That's alot of snow! I love my Denise Austin DVD'S. I did one this morning. Got 5 miles in grocery shopping. ..3 different stores and chasing Baby (now toddler) Charlee while pushing my girl! Waiting at OT now hope to get another 6,000 steps before bed!
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I found two quotes I want to share before I'm off the topic of beloved pets:
"Dogs die. But dogs live, too. Right up until they die, they live. They live brave, beautiful lives. They protect their families. And love us. And make our lives a little brighter. And they don't waste time being afraid of tomorrow." – Dan Gemeinhart
"If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans." – James Herriot0 -
cheryl, if you live in a state where you have "direct access" you can go to a PT without a referral. I'm not sure how that works for OT. I belong to the oncology section of the American PT Association, so if you need help.finding a lymphedema therapist I can look for you. Most cancer centers can refer you to people in your town.
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Ruth-thanks for sharing those beautiful quotes. Love the snow pic.
My insurance did not renew their contract with my cancer center. But after spending several days on the phone with Mount Sinai Medical Center and my health insurance provider ; they agreed I I can continue being seen at the Cancer Center only. Labs, MDs and scans will be covered if they're prescribed by my oncologist. I have to give up my PCP but that's okay. I did not want to give up my oncologist so I'm a happy camper. And it only took six hours on the phone. Now I'm going for a 5 mile run.
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Bummed after oncologist...though its nothing different than what I thought oncologist would suggest. ....For someone healthy, I sure have way too many "ologists". Due to the MGUS, my medical oncologist wants me to consult with one of his partners who does other types of cancer - my oncologist only does breast cancer/breast disease. MGUS can be nothing for years and years, but it could turn into multiple myeloma - low risk but need to be followed. And I need to see gyn regarding the fluid in the endometrial lining that showed up on the kidney ultrasound. It's all probably nothing, but still need to be monitored. Zometa is off the table due to kidneys (even though my function is good, kidney problems is a side effect of Zometa). If I want a bisphosponate, then look at Prolia. I will wait till my next DEXA scan in September. I will have it the same day as my 6 month check up with oncologist. I just want someone to say don't worry about any of it!!! Oncologist says none of this is due to chemo or related to BC. Just what I want is more tests and more doctor appointments.....I've not told my kids about any of this - until there is something to worry about, I'm not saying anything to them - just DH and me - oh and the doctors.....Now just waiting on labs from visit today.
Quite a bit of the snow has melted on the side streets - and its warming up - so most of the snow should be gone in a couple days.
Ruth - hope you are done with the blizzard in ND - stay safe and warm.
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Blah, Karen, I hate body things!! Start eating a serving of dried plums (prunes) a day. They actually BUILD bones (that might help with the DEXA scan anyway).
We snowblowed and shoveled out our driveway, sidewalk, and deck. We still can't go anywhere until the snowplow comes through because there are 4 foot drifts on the road. If I were a kid, I would love this snow because it's heavy & wet. Perfect for building snow forts, snowmen, and making snowballs. Not so much fun to shovel!
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I celebrated much too soon regarding my ability to remain at my cancer center with my oncologist. My insurance company notified me today I can remain at the hospital with my physician until May 1st. On May 1st they are terminating their contract with the Mount Sinai Medical Center Physicians. So I'm in the same boat. I have started checking providers in my area that specializes in oncology. Not one single reputable Cancer Center is on the list of providers. So I have my work cut out for me but just one more step in this journey. I ran 5 miles last night. Tonight I think I'm going to walk 2 to 3 miles. Have a fabulous weekend.
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Called my PCP to make my physical today and found out that the doctor who replaced my doctor who retired last spring left the practice - I liked her but no desire to try to follow her. Made my physical with the PA who I like and has been with the practice for years.
Scheduled appointment with gyn - its someone I used to see but since its been a few years, I'm considered a new patient - first appointment is May 3rd. I asked the person doing the schedule if she knew why I was making the appt and she said she put annual exam - so I told her why and she was to note that. It is the week before my physical - pushed annual physical out to May so maybe I'll have some answers regarding everything.
The medical oncologist (my MO's partner) scheduler called me today - I talked to her yesterday before I left - I went for blood draws (5 different vials) and I have a new patient appointment/consult on Wednesday. Aren't I lucky, now I get 2 medical oncologists!! The guy who drew my blood said to me, weren't you just here yesterday afternoon? Hope I get some answers instead of more "I don't know what this means" = but probably won't have all the answers till I see the gyn in May.
What a tragedy in NZ today with the murder of 49 people in a Mosque.
Time finish up cooking Shabbat dinner. Hope to be back tomorrow night.
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There are just no words to describe the hatred and evil that seems spreading around the world today.
3/4 of our state was totally shut down because of the blizzard. The Interstate going through my town was shut down all yesterday & just reopened this afternoon (for 200 plus miles). The city just started plowing the main streets this morning, so all the side roads are still socked it. Unless you had a truck or high profile vehicle, you weren't going anywhere as the drifts are about 4 feet high. DH went up on the roof & shoveled it off because a lot of roofs around the area are collapsing. Yikes, he is pooped out!! Since my fitness center is still closed, I did a Cardio Dance DVD this morning, cleaned & still need to do some toning tonight.
Here's a picture from the Interstate last night!
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Holy Crow!
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karen- sometimes it's just a crazy dealing with all these different doctors and tests ; always having to explain everything. You guys have been getting some nasty weather. Hopefully the weather will improve and you will have a beautiful weekend. Shabbat shalom
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A quick check-in: I just got done doing a pilates DVD with Denise Austin. After lunch we drive 100 miles, jump on an airplane & fly back down for 10 days in Mesa. We are renting the same place we rented last March. The only glitch is that the owners, who are acquaintances, had their flight back home cancelled Friday & couldn't get another one until Monday, so we will be roommates for two nights. I'm looking forward to not shoveling or driving on ice slicked roads. MAYBE when we return it will be spring??
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I have great news. Heard the frogs singing during a late walk last night and awoke to bird song. So spring is really on its way.
Heading up for one final ski later today. A brutal week, so sleeping in.
FWIW, I lost weight about 20 years ago during one very snowy winter in NY. From all the shoveling and skiing. So a bit of consolation. I was super-fit by spring.
Bicycle comes out tomorrow as it should be near 60. - Claire
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Tonight I'm doing prep work for a big Saint Patrick's Day celebration tomorrow. l peeled 10 lb of potatoes, cut 6 onions, chopped 2 lbs of carrots and leeks. Tomorrow I will cook 15 lb of corned beef brisket, 10 lbs of cabbage, colcannon mashed potatos and Shepherd's pie. For myself, I will make a large Mediterranean salad with grilled asparagus on the side. Tomorrow evening I will not exercise I will be too tired from wine and good company. Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all
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Ruth I am so sorry about Stella. It leaves a hole in our lives when we lose a pet.
Claire I am seeing signs of spring too, although faint. I hear the birds singing, irises are poking up, and the grass is slightly green.
We had a pretty good thaw this week. Being an outdoors lover, I got my exercise up to 302 minutes this week. At work we are walking at lunch, met my 2X/week strength training goal,and DH and I walked around the lake yesterday.
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Ruth, that is a lot of snow! Hope you have made it safe and sound to the Valley of the Sun!
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Hi Everyone,
Yay for spring! I saw a robin today. That counts here in the NE.
I started teaching yoga last week to teachers at my school as a fundraiser for student government. It was a truly mixed level class so I was hopping. I’ll be better prepared for everyone’s needs next class!
I’m still practing myself and trying to run, but feeling slow slow slow. Runners, how does hormone therapy affect your musculature?
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Missed out on my ride because they were optimistic about the "one hour" that it takes to assemble my cabinet. Anyway, the deed is done and the mess cleaned up. One of the several mishaps was the drawer slide coming off, scattering ball bearings thither and yon. T'was quite the feat putting that back together!
Hoping this counts as stretching. Off for a run while my dinner cooks. - Claire
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Jo: Hope you are okay. You have deleted quite a few posts and just want to make sure that nothing is wrong.
Been busy since the last time I posted. Walking/running when I can. Yesterday I co-hosted a bridal luncheon for my "daughter." She's one of my dd's best friends and I feel like she's my dd also. Her wedding is in May in Vargadoll's Asheville.
Ds is visiting. Last night he and I went to see the performance of Vagina Monologues. Holy crap! It was fabulous! Proceeds went to our local Family Services. We even had vagina cupcakes at the intermission.
Today dh, dd, ds, and I went to see Gone With the Wind at the movies. It's the 80th anniversary of the classic. For years I've been telling my children I want them to see the movie on the big screen. Vivien Leigh is such a knockout and perfect for Scarlett.
Have a great week, Everyone!
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Hi All, we made it to sunny Arizona (5 hours late due to mechanical issues, not the weather). We spent most of today outside, which was wonderful. Here's the Riperian Preserve where we walked.
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Ruth - enjoy your trip - pretty picture - gorgeous sunny weather - 40s yesterdays and again today - supposed to be nice all week!! Busy week, this last week before spring break - off to shower and start my week!!