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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Zipmum
    Zipmum Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2010


     I would like to join this group.  How does it work.  I am getting ready for my last chemo treatment in two weeks and I really need to boost energy.  Grateful for any tips on how to schedule, how to get motivated etc.  Looking forward to your reply.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Hiya Zipmum - welcome to our group!  I didn't do chemo but being here for several months now my first inclination is to advise you to just start by walking initially.  You're still in tx and need to allow your body to start healing.  We all want to push ahead quickly but we have also learned that patience has become our middle name.

    Motivation - mine is health and with that thought I really am going down now to ge on the treadmill right now.

    Back to the threads later. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    40 mins - 1-3/4 miles on treadmill.  You ladies are keeping me motivated.   Keep up the good work.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,544
    edited January 2010

    Oh man, I would really like to join this group; and in honor of doing so, as soon as I sign off, I will go downstairs on the treadmill and walk for 45 minutes and then do 15 minutes of pushups, crunches etc. Zipmum, during and right after chemo, when I felt too crummy to do anything else, I would put on my tennis shoes and walk around the house for 15 minutes four times a day. Then I started going outside (it was summer) and walking, not fast but just for longer periods. I also got some Richard Simmons videos because they are easy and fun. Before BC, I had done THE FIRM exercises, which I see some of the ladies on this site, and which I LOVE. Eventually I started doing them again without weights, and then with light weights and now I am finally back to where I was when I started this detour! I better quit or I will run out of time to do the forementioned exercises. Patoo, I started the fish oil, those pills are BIG!!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2010

    Hi Everyone,

    Went to the gym after work and did one hour Body Combat class, Patoo our gym was packed as well the class was jammed and when the instructor asked who was new half the hands shot up and yes they were all the cute young ones whose waists are are about the size of my thigh!!!  but hey give it a couple of weeks and it'll be back to normal.


  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2010

    * 3 miles on treadmill (60min)

    * 45 minutes of ab works and stretching

    * 40 minutes of dog walking

    Still no weight loss but no gain either on Tamoxifen and Effexor XR! Forgot to add that I got the new Reebok Easytone (balance ball technology) shoes for X-mas. It might be in my head but my butt and thighs really felt todays workout.

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited January 2010

    Hi everyone!  Welcome to ruth and zip!  I am so impressed by how motivated we are!  It's funny but I guess we really should be the most motivated huh?!  Our health is at stake!  

    To me, the best feeling was when I was able to do my old workouts again.  I felt like I reclaimed part of myself!  

    After reading all of these posts (with my feet up on the chair), I'm going to change and go do 30 minutes on the treadmill.  Thanks for motivating me!

    See ya!


  • indomitable1
    indomitable1 Member Posts: 136
    edited January 2010

    15 mins on poor man's stairstepper (my staircase) in the mornings and 30 minute walks 2 days in a row!!!  Whoo-hoo! Small step towards fitness, Huge step for positive reinforcement!!!

    You all are serious athletes!

    Lorrie, Patoo-Thanks for reminding me why I'm doing this.

     Here's to 2 more days of movement.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,544
    edited January 2010

    30 minutes of THE FIRM  "Sculpted Buns, Hips and Thighs" (which I wish they were!) and 30 minutes of "Rock Solid Cardio" (although that is a new DVD so I had a hard time figuring out what I was suppose to be doing; I should get an 'A' for effort anyway). Now to try to stay away from the chips, crackers & cheese etc. etc. left over from the holidays!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2010

    Hi everyone,  Just back fom the gym where I did a one hour step class, but I'm about to blow it as I'm heading out to a movie and dinner as it's my friends birthday so I'm sure there will be cake.....


  • ggrose
    ggrose Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2010

    Happy New Year Everyone!  I'm 49, almost 2 years out from my DX and feel like I'm 80 due to Tamox.  I really need to get back in to shape!  I plan to exercise Monday - Friday, 2 days weight training and 3 days on the Wii for aerobics.  Can I join you?

  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2010

    * 30 min StairMaster

    * 30 min lower body/weights

    * 30 min treadmill

    Have a great day! 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Oh man, you ladies rock!  It's working - we are motivating one another.

    Welcome ggrose and anyone else just joining in.  This is really great. 

    I will stop by the gym on the way from work and if it's full of 20-somethings will just go home and do treadmill and perhaps a DVD to boot.

    Love you all.

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited January 2010

    Hi everybody!  Welcome to ggrose!

    Wow, this is fantastic.  You've motivated me to get back to it!  I wound up doing 45 minutes last night on the treadmill and my favorite Firm tape this morning.  It feels so good!  

    Patoo you are awesome!  I know what you mean about the 20 somethings.  LOL.  

    hb--don't worry about the cake.  Enjoy yourself...that's all part of wellness too! 


  • lizzy68
    lizzy68 Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2010

    Hey everyone, I think I may join you all on this journey of getting back into shape welcome 2010. I'm on my 1 year out of DX, I must say I was doing well before DX then life went to hell and now I'm want my old body without the spare tire around it back.. I gave up during tx and the summer, now its time to shape up..

    You all sound so motivated.. I just started the WII fit and it's fun.. Will start a ZUMBA class in Feb. Thank you all for the modivation Smile

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited January 2010

    30 min treadmill

    20min eliptical

    10min st bike

    Doing this workout alternating with a low impact class and trying to do one bodyflowclass each week which combines yoga pilattes and taichi.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2010

    Hello everyone, just popped in while I'm sitting at my desk.  Patoo and Lorrie let me tell you about the 20 somethings at the gym - they don't matter, they know now what we didn't know then - we have to make exercise a part of our life.  When I started going to classes at my gym almost 2 years ago I was so self consious - I'm 59 and overweight but I thought I'd give it a go and found myself a spot in the back of the room and away from the mirrors and yes most of the classes were, and still are full of young pretty and in shape girls/women but I keep going as I have found my passion and now I'm up in the front row, still overweight but I try my best and that is all anyone can ask.  I truly admire all of you east coasters who are forced in by weather and work out at home, I'm hopeless at home I buy DVDs and have a stair stepper but they are gathering dust in the back of the closet.

    Mymayan I also do Bodyflow and found it was the best thing after my surgery for the stretching - I absolutely love the taichi part of the class and wish my gym would offer a full taichi class as the yoga sun salutations are a bit hard for me, all the up and down, by the time I'm getting down on the floor everyone is getting up  - ah well.

    Keep up the good work girls.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Okay, was trying to talk myself out of walking tonight but came here and am motivated so leaving now to go downstairs - back later - thanks.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,544
    edited January 2010

    We are AWESOME, and I think this thread will be so much fun (who'd ever think of a BC site being fun?!). ggrose, you will feel SO MUCH better when you start moving again, maybe not 100%, but at least 80% normal. (I'm making up that statistic, but it really helps with the side effects of the anti-hormones, and as well as being all around more healthy physically, emotionally, looking better etc. etc. etc.). Indomitable, I have your 'walk by faith' verse taped on my cupboard. Morgan, I love THE FIRM, what is your favorite tape?  Speaking of THE FIRM; I did 40 minutes of "Rock It Off" (aerobics and toning) and walked for 20 minutes on the treadmill. Then, unfortunately, I ate three big servings of beef stroganoff!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Did it - YAY!  Only 31 mins; 1.6 miles but better than nothing.  I also, and will try tonight, sometimes just walk, bounce, march, sidestep, in place in front of the TV while watching the news before bed.  Hey, it's aerobic so will help.

    Everyone enjoy the rest of your evening - or overseas, enjoy your day.

    HUGS to all.

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited January 2010

    Hi everyone!

    I'm glad to see so much enthusiasm.  You've really got me energized to keep it up!  My favorite Firm tape is an older one called Cardio Step Mix.  I got a couple of new ones for Christmas too.  I think I might try one tomorrow morning.

    Time for bed for me.  I haven't been sleeping very well lately so I'm trying to get to bed earlier so I can catch up.

    I'll check in tomorrow!  Sweet dreams everyone!


  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2010

    Hi all, did a "Sweatin'" dvd again tonight, drank my water and watched what I ate today.  I also have a FIRM tape that I love, but am not ready for it yet.  Arms are aching as it is with the unusual movements!! lol 

    A little motivation goes a long, long way!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2010

    I'm back from the gym where I did a one hour combat class and ten minutes of tai chi and ohhhh my legs are really feeling it.

    Hugs to all.


  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2010

    How many excuses can I have this morning to not go to the gym: I'm tired...didn't sleep well, very sore from yesterday's workout, it's freezing and we're not use to this kinda cold in Atlanta, I have laundry and my floors need to be cleaned etc etc etc. Off I go out into the cold thanks to your support and this thread! I feel the accountability through the screen...THANK YOU for the motivation! Have a great day!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2010
    You can actually get a good workout washing floors and other housework!! Wink  But don't let that stop you from going to the gym!
  • lizzy68
    lizzy68 Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2010

    wow again your all doing so good congrats to you all... Keep it up. I got 1hr in on the Wii today and only ate some cheerios for breakfast so that is good.

    I may get outside today as its above freezing! ha only by a point or 2 though.. LOL Then we have some snow on the way in the a.m so today is my only chance.

     Keep up the good work and burn those calories girls and any gents out there with us.....Wink

  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2010

    * 3.25 miles elliptical

    * 45 min ab workout

    * 15 min stretching

    Thanks for all encouragement...ya'll ROCK! 

  • septembersong
    septembersong Member Posts: 153
    edited January 2010

    Hi everyone, I'm finally back at the gym after taking a break for the holidays and a week of head-cold misery. I'm feeling unworthy (again) beside all these amazing exercisers.

    I finally saw an orthopedist this week and was not surprised to hear that I'm a candidate for knee replacement. He feels that I could do it immediately; I feel that after a year of cancer treatment (and six months of working to get back to normal) that I'd like to put major surgery (3-day hospital stay, rehab, 4-6 weeks before you can drive, a year for full recovery) off for as long as I can. Arthroscopy is a possibility, but that's a stopgap measure, although he said it could help with the occasional knee-buckling. The plan is to get back to regular exercise and see how long I can go like this. Then I'll make a decision.

    I'm meeting with an exercise therapist tomorrow at Dana-Farber as part of the Lance Armstrong Survivorship Clinic there. I'm hoping to get a plan for additional cardio work and strength training exercises. There are trainers at my gym, but I'm not sure how much they know about post-BC concerns related to exercise. I'll be glad to share anything I learn if anyone's interested. 

    Anyway, today I did 20 minutes on the stationary bike. Baby steps. 

    Welcome to all the new names and faces, and happy new year to all. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Okay, leaving work and will go to the gym.  They have an aquacise class tonight so it won't impact the crowdiness of the gym itself.  Even though the instructor is usually 20-something the women (and occasional man) are usually older.  I do tend to get cramps though when I do the class which is why I had stopped the classes.  We'll see.  If i start cramping I will "pretend" until class is over and then do my thing afterwards.

    Will look in later to see how you all are.

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited January 2010

    Hey Patoo--it sounds like you belong to a nice gym.  So, why do you get cramps doing aquacise?  Is it really strenuous?  

    I have to say that I had a really good night's sleep last night.  That's the one really nice benefit of exercising, SLEEP!

    That's weird.  I just noticed that a post I wrote earlier never posted??  Anyway, I did the Kathy Smith step workout tape today.  I've been eating better too.  I feel very happy about getting back to regular workouts.

    September, I'd love here about the Suvivorship clinic.  Please share what you learn!
