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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Aha, smart hubby there - listen to him.

    Edith is blessed to have you, first as a patient and now as a friend.

    Was a busy day for me but managed to get in 30 mins on treadmill; 1-1/2 miles.  Going upstairs now and will do some stretching as I need to introduce that into my workout.  Will wait until I have time on the weekend to go to the gym for other than the pool.  Will check out the bike and try the elliptical again.  Will also see what classes they have that I won't embarrass myself.  Bad hip leaves out yoga or pilates. 

    Tomorrow sisters.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,544
    edited January 2010

    Hi ladies, I just noticed on my ' January updates' that we are the 'Featured Discussion Board Thread' of the month; so we must inspiring, profound etc. etc.....I exercised with THE FIRM tonight; half hour 'Upper Body Tone', and half hour of 'Rock Solid Cardio'. Pattoo, of all the exercise videos I've tried (and I have tried tons), I like the Firm best (although the Wii sounds intriguing!). I bought their latest program "The Wave' (mostly because the infomercial had ladies exercising on a beach Cool )and it is really fun. You can check out their website if you want. Cheryl, my book club has 9 ladies and we've been meeting once a month for 11 years. We take turns hosting the discussion, the hostess is responsible for picking out the next book and serving refreshments (both of equal importance). It has been so fun to read and discuss a large variety of books with fellow 'bookies', and we have become great friends and gone through a lot of happy and sad life events together. Our new book is "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. Kris, rotten about your friend. You will be a great support for her, and as she sounds like an awesome person, she will use this experience to help others even more. The two good things that can come out of this whole deal for all of us are; the great friends we'd have never met (as Cheryl said), and the fact that we can help others who are going through the same experience. Anyway, enough heavy stuff; thinking of fun names for the group; here are some I've come up with while brainstorming with myself (so they may be/are lame); Shape Shifters, Body Builders, Extreme Makers, Strength In Numbers (S.I.N.-my favorite Smile ). Good night to you all! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2010

    Hi Everyone tonight did 10 minutes on recumbent bike as a warm up then 1 hour combat class.

    Ruth I love the name (S.I.N.) or we could add an S to the end and be the Strength in Numbers Sisters, the S.I.N.S..  The Help was the last book I read, I loved it and hope she writes a sequel 10 years on, and I agree refreshments are really important Wink

     Whew Kris your anger really fueled you tonight, you are a rock star.   

    Keep up the good work all.


  • ggrose
    ggrose Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2010

    Hi Everyone.  I missed exercising yesterday - work and driving my kids here and there monopolized my time.  I'm off to use Wii Fit before work.

    Keep up the good work everyone and thanks for the motiviation!


  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited January 2010

    I will drag my butt into the gym today.I just wish I would see results on the stupid scale.

  • septembersong
    septembersong Member Posts: 153
    edited January 2010

    No car today so didn't make it to the gym. Did 15 mins. of stretching exercises and will go to exercise class tomorrow to get started on strength training. 

    Kris, you're giving Edith exactly what she needs...loving support and practical help. She's lucky to have you as a friend.   

    I'm a little overwhelmed by just how fit some of you seem to be, but glad there's room for all kinds of exercisers here.

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited January 2010

    Hi girls!  Wow, I didn't know we were the thread of the month!  Cool!

    I did not get to workout yesterday, although I will say that I carried cases of food in to my house and down the stairs about 5 times.  Maybe that counts??  I won't mention the hershey's kisses I ate later on!

    Well, I tried one of my new DVDs this morning.  It was the Firm 500 calorie workout.  It was great.  It was doable (struggled with some moves) but I'm in a great place right now.

    I think we should call ourselves the Reclamation Crew!  I totally felt like I was reclaiming my body as I did different workouts.  I cried a few times when I did workouts that I did before treatment and was not sure I would be able to do again.  I felt like I will live and I will have a great life!

    Patoo-as always, you are the inspiration!


  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2010

    I like the Reclamation Crew, even though I am hoping to end off looking BETTER that I ever was (I have always been overweight).  I find that what I am doing now with excercising and eating less is quite doable and feel that I will eventually make it!!  And if I want Hershey Kisses, I will have 1 (or 2) and not feel guilty about it as this Lifestyle I am struggling to get to will have to have SOME perks!! 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    I like 'Reclamation Crew' as well. 

    Going to stop at the library after work to see what they have then will go to the gym and do the bike at least.  Plan to do the treadmill also at home so thanks for giving me the motivation to keep it up.  Feeling bloated and heavy right now for some reason so have to work it off.

    We CAN do this!

  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2010

    Good Evening my fellow invincible, enduring, brilliant, beautiful super heros!

    * 3 mile walk outside! (balmy 52 degees in Atlanta today)

    Got to gym 1hr before closing tonight...

    * 20 min stairmaster

    * 20 min bike

    * 20 min treadmill

    All cardio but something is better than nothing! Have a restful night Smile 

  • kirstensmum
    kirstensmum Member Posts: 76
    edited January 2010

    Hi everyone.  I missed out on posting yesterday as the internet was playing up where I am staying.  Today I have been to Curves and done a 30 minute workout.  Still only morning here so hoping to do some riding later today along the beach(on holidays).  Keep up the good work everyone, bye for now.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,544
    edited January 2010

    Good evening ladies, I did a 40 minute "Rock It Off" DVD (aerobics & toning), and 30 minutes on the treadmill. Jennie, if you are at the beach, you are probably getting wonderful, natural exercise by walking on the beach, splashing in the waves etc. (I am so jealous!). And I am also envying the 52 degrees of Atlanta. It's suppose to be in the 30's here Saturday, and if it's sunny and not windy, I may bundle up and try the great outdoors, just to get some fresh air. Here are some other possible group names: Awesome Women Excercising (A.W.E). or, stealing from the greeting on Kris's post, BABES (Brillant, Awesome, Beautiful, Exercising  Superheros); 'cause that's what we are!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2010

    Good Evening all you "Wonder Women".  Kris and I kind of did the same thing today, I did 30 minutes on the treadmill and 20 minutes on the bike.  Jennie you are such a good girl on holiday and working out.  Ruth I sure hope it warms up for you soon, if I could bottle up some sunshine I would send it to you...

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2010

    Hi Ladies -

    I am new on this thread but saw it featured on the monthly newsletter.  It's been great reading through everyone's different routines.  I was a runner(9 marathons) before BC and after double MX found spinning at the local Y.  It has been a godsend for me to be able to continue working out all through treatment.  My spinning friends have been so supportive.  So now I continue to spin about 4 times a week, do a boot camp and just started running again with my old training partner.  Meeting her in 30 minutes for a 6 mile run along the river.  We are having a break from the cold here in PA so will take advantage of it!!  You are all so remarkable but isn't great how much better you feel when you get the blood flowing??  And - no more sports brasKiss  Take care everyone and have a great day.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Been very lazy but no more goofing off.  Going down now to walk the treadmill.  Will take it easy tonight because tomorrow I'm going to hit the gym and try different things for a change.

    Did stop by the library but all they had was a Leslie Sansone walking DVD which I have here at home.  Will run by Blockbuster t'm because I think they may have them.  If not, I'll splurge and buy one or two just so I have some variety.

    Let's rev it up my sisters.  We want to weigh in here, less and less as much as possible (does any of that make sense?)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,544
    edited January 2010

    40 minutes of 'Super Body Scuplt" an 20 minutes on the treadmill just to round out the hour. patoo, you make perfect sense, less is more! Bobbi, hello, you are doing AWESOME! and Cheryl, we have plenty of sunshine (I think we have like the most sunny days of any state), but not much 'warm'- so feel free to send some heat this way Cool. It has actually been pretty nice this week, so tomorrow I am going to get OUTSIDE for a walk for sure!!! Great jobs everyone!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2010

    15 minutes treadmill then 1 hour Body Pump (weightliting class), the treadmill was just cause I got to the gym a little early and was filling in time.  Welcome Bobbi, I tried the spin but  I couldn't reach down to buckle/unbuckle the clips had to have someone help me - I have really short arms, I can't do quad stretches either as I can't grab hold of my foot behind me :)  Ruth enjoy your walk tomorrow.  Patoo you're allowed to be lazy just don't go 30 days as then you'll have started a new habit!!!!

  • ggrose
    ggrose Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2010

    Hi ladies!  I'm making progress.  Next week I'm graduating up to 4 lb weights for strength training exercises and more Wii Fit.  Wii Fit has been a livesaver for me -- winter is in full swing here so walking outside doesn't work and I'm too cheap to join a gym (LOL).  Keep up the good work everyone!

  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2010

    Didn't make it to gym yesterday but walked 1 mile. Surprised Edith at infusion with my fav India Arie CD with the song "I AM NOT MY HAIR"! Actually had a great time visiting. Of course knew everyone when I walked in after a year of was like old home week. I proclaimed...see it grows back when I walked into the bay! We laughed and time flew by...the patient next to Edith finished and came to me saying we had met before. I remembered...he has leukemia. His first day was my last chemo and he was naturally scared to death. We visited and I told him the first is the worst and he'd do great. I've thought about him from time to time as I do with everyone I have met but didn't think we'd cross paths again. He gave me a huge hug and said thank you...apparently I made his journey easier. WOW...what a feeling!!!! Maybe this is why I had cancer...

    Off to gym...have a great energetic day! 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Mom_of_2, there is a reason for everything and if we can make someone's journey a little easier we at least know that our own journey has not been in vain.  It makes you feel so good just to put a smile on someone else's face and that's good medicine.

    hbcheryl, I don't plan to ever let more than 2 days go by because I know how hard it is to start up again.  This whole past week I really only put half an effort in but I think I'm back now.  Hope so anyway. 

    Went to the gym today and did 30 mins/5 miles on the bike; 3 mins on elliptical (yeah, right only 3 minutes!) then an hour in the pool running and water resistant exercises.  Pretty good.  May do treadmill here at home later.  Plan to go tomorrow again after church and we'll see if I can get up to 4 mins on the elliptical!

    Hello ruthbru, ggrose, everyone!  Went by Blockbuster and they don't rent exercise dvd's either so I'll see what's on ebay or run by Walmart just so I have some variety.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2010

    Just back from the gym where I did 1 hour cardio dance class.

    Kris your post brought tears to my eyes, you just never know how many people you touch with just a kind word, how uplifting your visit must have been, and what a nice surprise for Edith.  Good girl Patoo back at that dreaded eliptical, remember "a journey of a million miles begins with a single step".  I'm now off to clean house and do laundry, whopeeeee......

  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2010

    Hi Super Chicks...

    Had a great workout today. As my 18 yr old daughter would say:

    "Mom you beasted that workout"!

    * 30 min stair master

    * 60 min lower body workout

    * 15 min step mill (midevil torture device that I haven't attempted since before BC)

    * 15 min stretching

    * 30 min bike

    I so agree with Cheryl and Patoo...2 days skipping gym turns into 2 weeks, turns into 2 months and the excuses get easier and easier! 

    Ggrose...tell us more about Wii Fit...I keep seeing commercials and am very tempted to go get one. 


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Okay was feeling just a wee bit motivated so did a 1 mile Leslie Sansone workout.  If you want low-impact, easy, get hers.  Get the dvd with 1, 2 and 3 mile walks.  That way if you only have 15 mins you can do the 1 mile but if you have 30-45 minutes you can do the others. 

    Yes, Ggrose, let us know details about the Wii Fit.  I haven't really watched the infomercials but have seen bits and wondered if I wouldn't break my neck or if my bad hip would make it relatively worthless for me.  I need to see which of my friends may have one and go try theirs out.

    Mom - I love this thread also because I know you all are going to get me back into shape.  Looking to drop 20-30 lbs; 2 dress sizes by end of 2010.  And, keep it there!

  • kirstensmum
    kirstensmum Member Posts: 76
    edited January 2010

    Hello everyone.  Came back home to forcasted 41 celsius (about 106 fahrenheit) today,should of stayed away.  I have been for a 30 minute bike ride this morning and will try and do extra on the stationary bike.  Good luck with everyone's workout and hope you are enjoying your weekend.

    Take care


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,544
    edited January 2010

    Hello All, It was a balmy 43 degrees here in North Dakota (and yes, I can hear the laughter from you who live in warmer climes), so I had the pleasure of walking outside; since the snow was melting like crazy, I should get some extra circuit training points for zig zagging around slush and leaping over puddles of water. I also did 15 minutes of abs, trying to counteract the half a carton of Dairy Queen ice cream I ate (It had been sitting in the freezer tempting me since Christmas)!  Rose, share with the group what Wii Fit is! patoo, way to go after your little break! Jennie, dont' work too hard if it is 106 degrees! Kris, holy cow, what a workout you do!!! Were you a serious athlete before BC? 'cause you sure are now!!! And I don't think we got cancer so we could help people; but it is our choice to make something good come out if it, by helping people through their experience we can make a positive out of a negative. I LOVE this thread too; in fact look below for cool quote I found, it fits in so many ways......

  • septembersong
    septembersong Member Posts: 153
    edited January 2010

    On Friday I went to a small exercise class (2 people) offered at Dana Farber. It was a GREAT workout (for me, who's done nothing but the treadmill and stationary bike since treatment). The very easy strength training and stretching exercises left me feeling muscles I didn't know I had. My hip flexors are still complaining. My goal is to lose 20 more pounds and increase my overall fitness before having knee replacement surgery.

    Went to the gym today and did 15 minutes on the treadmill and 30 on the stationary bike.

    ruthbru, love the quote. So true!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2010

    Good morning all, just back from one hour step class, sweaty, sweaty, sweaty!!!  I won't be around this week as I am leaving tonight for Florida to visit my friend who is snowbirding there and she doesn't have internet access at the house her family is renting I am taking my walking shoes so I'll at least walk everyday.  Keep up the good work everyone, will be back next week.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2010
    Looks like everyone is getting in good workouts this weekend.  I did a double spin class yesterday and one spin class this morning.  I noticed that my Y is offering Zumba in the pool - has anyone tried this either in the water or on land??  Sounds interesting and I am thinking in the pool people can't really see you :o)  It is raining and cold here in PA so I am in for the day.  Does watching an old movie count???Kiss
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Hi all.  Just back from the gym.  Did 30 mins on stationary bike, 5 mins on elliptical (going up!) and one hour in pool running and resistance with noodles.  It was a good workout and I feel really good although like septembersong I have some muscles trying to rebel.

    Hbcheryl, have fun in FL. 

    Bobcat, there was a sister here on one of the threads who taught zumba classes (on land I think) and some others were going to try it.  I looked at one online and it seems to be the same as dancing, sort of like 'sweating to the oldies' or something.  I'm not really sure of the difference; maybe someone here will know.  I have trouble with land based stuff like that but would really love to try a class held in the pool.  Sounds like it would be fun but then wouldn't there be tons of splashing?  Maybe it wasn't zumba that I saw online after all?

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2010

    I'm backkkkk, just a quick pop in as I have just come back from a 1-1/2 hour walk in the Bolsa Chica wetlands with friends, so talked and walked, kept the pace at about a 3.0 so burned some extra calories for the day, then a quick walk on the bluff overlooking the ocean - weather is changing here big black clouds blowing in and the sea was pounding.   I have done Zumba and quite enoyed it, I'd love to try it in the water, patoo you are right there would be tons of splashing - have you ever done a water class where you run in a circle, it's crazy but fun , you run one way then reverse, congrats on getting up to 5 minutes on the torture machine.

    See you all next week, I hope I have pages and pages to catch up on when I get back.