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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 863

    Thanks everyone, DH has turned to corner…I'm still going to sleep on the family room sofa bed. I'm actually starting to think his symptoms might be worse given the Covid he had in late Feb/early March…so only 6 weeks ago. He said he had brain fog, which could be grief, long-covid, or just his brain shaking around from the horrible coughs. But it is better.

    Ruth I know the Blockade Runner very well. We also liked staying at the Shell Island Resort at the very north end of Wrightsville. Both of DH's brothers had houses on Wrightsville while he was in high school and they were in their 20's…group houses with lots of surfboards, small sailboats, beer and girls…happy memories now.

    Went to PT today for my exercise. TT

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,875

    TT: So glad your dh is improving! Continual coughing is exhausting.

    Mowed 90 minutes today. Perfect weather for it!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    So glad DH is feeling better, TT! Smart to stay on the sofa bed for now.

    My year old microwave died at Christmas & now the dryer I bought at the same time quit drying and will need to $300 part. Argh!!

    I went to Zumba & Yoga.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,732

    Yikes Ruth!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Weird, when I posted a picture from my phone; it comes through all distorted. I don't have time to mess with it now; but will look at it later tonight.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,875

    Oh my goodness Ruth. That's crazy about your microwave and now your dryer! And $300 for a part is ridiculous. You could almost buy a new one for that amount.

    Walked this afternoon.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Here's the Walking Women.

    Wonderland, the labor is half of the $300. Believe me, we did think about just buying a new one! I walked this morning & went to Pound tonight.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    This is weird. The above picture looks fine on my computer and distorted on my phone. What do you send on your end?

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,875

    Ruth: I look at bco on my laptop. Earlier the picture was distorted but now it's fine. It's also fine on my phone. There's a bug somewhere!

    Exercise today has been several hours of yard work. Plus dh and I planting the garden. We buy plants so it's a matter of getting the soil ready and then transplanting. Didn't get it all done today so will finish tomorrow.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Ruth - the picture looks fine now - at first it was off - but now its perfect

    Wonder - it's too early to plant in Denver. We wait till Memorial Day week-end if we plant flower - we are leaning more and more to low maintenance plants

    Weather is turning rainy, cold and damp through Saturday

    Loving having GD and DD#1 here. I'm so exhausted from cooking more than usual due to the holiday and my body hurts. Don't really need bigger quantities. GD is standing on her own and can walk holding your hand, so I decided to order a Little Tykes riding toy or toy she can push. I will come tomorrow. We nice have a nice supply of new toys.

    Waiting for DH to go for a walk.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    We know why it's young people who should have babies. Loads of fun and lots of work both!

    We had a couple beautiful days & it is raining like crazy today (we need the rain).

    Yesterday I went to HIT, Dance2fit & Yoga. Later today we start our 10 days of Pet Sitting while DH & wife go on their Alaskan Honeymoon. Wish us luck!!

    Well, Bruno has something called OCD. In big dogs, sometimes they grow so fast that their cartilage can't keep up. That is was happened in his left knee. And his left hip has some arthritis in it because his limping causes him to not walk right. They can't 'fix' it but they can go in scope out the cartilage & other junk. Our vet is making a referral to a surgeon, so we will wait to hear back from him/her. He's on a joint supplement & is supposed to 'take it easy'….which is impossible because he is a DOG!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,875

    Karen: Low maintenance plants sound good to me. Enjoy every minute with your GD and DD#1. So cool that you can walk with your GD and hold her hand!

    Ruth: You will definitely have your hands full with all the dogs. How amazing that ds and dil get to go to Alaska for their honeymoon. Hugs to Bruno. He'll have a fun time with all the "relatives" visiting.

    Finished planting the garden. Thought I was buying zucchini plants. Instead it was more yellow squash. Planted 8 squash plants. I will be having squash every night this summer! Also accidentally bought a watermelon plant. Dh said I added it to the collection of plant we were buying and I blame him for buying it lol. Luckily we had an extra 4'x8' box to plant it bc it will need a lot of space.

    Also went for a short walk this evening.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    It's too early to plant anything here; but we can start thinking about it!

    I danced around the house yesterday before the the dogs came & sneaked off to Yoga this morning. We are going back & forth between our houses. Both to keep their schedule more normal, and so we don't go crazy!

    DS & wife are having a fun day in Seattle, and sail away tomorrow.

    TT, thinking of you & your family tomorrow. 💓

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Pound/Barre this afternoon between puppy sitting duties. It's been raining here, so I have been mopping muddy footprints from floors all day long.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Zumba this morning, & plan on HIT at 5:30.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,875

    Ruth: Hope you're getting lots of Alaska pictures. Such a fabulous trip for your dh and dil!

    Karen: Thinking of you. Have fun with your dd and GD!

    Yesterday dh, dd, sil, ds, his gf and I went to see the touring show of Moulin Rouge. It was fabulous! They have updated the songs since the 2001 movie and included more current songs. I would love to see it again.

    My belly was upset this morning so I have done nothing today. Literally nothing. Feeling fine now and finally got the clothes that were in the dryer since Saturday and folded/put them away lol.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Hope you are still feeling okay, Wonderland!

    Karen, are your DD & granddaughter still there?

    TT, hope Sunday went as well as possible.

    DS & DIL's ship was at sea all yesterday. They docs in Juneau pretty soon. I do hope I will get an update & some pictures then! Barre & Zumba tonight.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 863

    Hi all, back from Charlotte, it was exhausting physically and emotionally, but it went as well as possible.

    DH and I are the youngest in both families, so at 63 and 62 our brothers/sisters/cousins of our generation go from us up to 79, with most in their 70's. Which for my friends from the gym who are 60-90 this is an active group, but for some strains of our family the 75-79 group are getting quite slow, on canes/walkers…or couldn't travel due to the uncertainty of what accommodations would be…I hope the work we are doing forestalls those conditions for me!

    This is our last week of school before turning to finals so a busy time on campus.

    Today I wore my first "short" pants of the season — I spend half the year in capri pants it seems. We are in the 80's for several days now.

    Thanks for all the good wishes sent my way. Take care all, TT

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    TT, my DH is #10 of 11 children. 3 of his siblings have died (2 done in by their lifestyle choices) and most of the rest are not in very good shape either (due to overeating, no exercise and/or smoking). It definitely makes us want to try to stay in shape! I am glad I hang around active people where exercise is the norm!@

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    My DD#1 and GD leave early tomorrow morning. Tonight we will celebrate DD's birthday. DS is also coming for dinner and he will give GD her bday present early. May is a busy month with 4 birthdays and mother's day starting May 3rd and ending May 16th. In order, DD#1, me, DS, mother's day and then GD turns one. It's been great having DD and GD here. We will be with them in Toronto in 2 weeks for DG 1st birthday.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Yea, it's easier to say goodbye when you know you'll be seeing them again soon!

    Happy May Day! Here's the Wednesday Walking Women.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 863
    edited May 1

    Oh Karen, such wonderful times this month for you, now at home and soon in Toronto. Have fun.

    Ruth, I hear you on the active crowd vs the non-active crowd…DH and I met at a 1-mile open ocean swim (yes, that we were competing in the event). 33 years later can't say I still do THAT, but over the years we swim, sail, scuba dive, lift weights, bike, do yoga and walk, walk, walk. Living downtown with stuff to do in our small village makes that part of life good.

    Off to DC tomorrow for business. TT

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    TT, I got kind of frustrated when I was in Florida with my old girlfriends of almost 50 years. None of the other 3 have really stayed active & one of them kept saying what an exceptionally, unusually fit person I was (apparently because I walked on the beach every one morning for one hour…..hardly on the scale of an elite athlete!!!). I finally said that what I was the NORM for the people I hang out with…..all of them in their 50s, 60s, 70s and one of our most fit walkers is 81!

    I will go to Pound tonight before heading to DS's, as it's my turn to sleep overnight with the grandpets!

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 863
    edited May 2

    Oh Ruth, I hear you…at our family beach cottage, my rule is a one hour beach walk each morning…I walk in cold with layers, in warm sun with a sunshirt, in light rain, mist, fog…all but thunder. Until recently (age 85) my mom walked with ski poles. In my 40's I determined what was a three mile round trip…and that distance was the goal…now it is 1 hour.

    At the beach I know we especially make up for it with snacks and happy hour…but what can be more wonderful than a walk on the beach. I walk in my sneakers for a real walk in the morning and then piddle around in the afternoon. TT

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,875

    As my registered dietitian friend says "If you don't use it, it will turn into cement." So it really doesn't turn into that we all know what she means. My body aches and hurts if I don't stay somewhat active.

    Did some household chores and then walked late this afternoon.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    HIT & Dance2fit.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    DD#1's birthday - the start of our May birthdays.

    Medical Oncologist appointment is this morning. Anxiety has resurfaced mostly because of events of past year. He does labs right before the visit when vitals are taken. Monday I have labs for Hematologist for May 13 appointment.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Let us know how it goes, Karen.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    I did 45 minutes of dancing with Marshall Fitness on the computer.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,875

    Karen: Hope your oncology appointment was a good one. Please let us know how you are doing.

    Mowed today for 70 minutes. Temperature 86 degrees. Humid. Nothing like the previous mow days of the year. Turned on the ac in the house yesterday for the first time this year. Luckily we will be having rain over the weekend and will cool the air temperature down.

    Mowed then met a friend for a walk.