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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 863

    Back from DC and watching the Kentucky Derby…lots of walking in DC and in the return with the Saturday grocery shopping and doing chores. Looking forward to going to Yoga tomorrow…I haven't been to the gym in over a week…ugh. Happy Saturday, TT

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    I went to Yoga this morning. Two more days of babysitting all the grandpets!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Pound/Barre this afternoon, after which I did a little cleaning at DS's house (primarily the floors that were tracked with mud from all the rain we had last week). The Happy Couple should be back in town about 5pm, and this happy couple will be glad to relinquish our pet setting duties (DH more than me; as a teacher, a disrupted schedule is the norm!).

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,875

    TT: The Kentucky Derby was amazing! That ending!

    Ruth: Seems like they just left yesterday for their trip. I know you can't wait to hear all about it.

    Walked this afternoon.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Well, the trip is extended a little. They were supposed to fly from Seattle, through Denver & arrive at our little regional airport at 4:30. I am mad at your weather, Karen, because it is so bad that they would have missed their connect if they flew through there. So, now they are flying to Chicago & back to an airport 100 miles away. DH will pick them up at 10:30 tonight. Argh, traveling now days!

    I went to Zumba this morning & with the new schedule, I'll go to HIT tonight. I will hopefully sleep in tomorrow morning!!!!!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,875

    I bet everyone will be tired, Ruth!

    Karen: Hope all is well with you.

    No formal exercise for me today. I volunteered at the free clothes closet this afternoon. It's been rainy here and lots of people who live in tents came in to get more clothes while their wet ones dried out. Finally the man in charge said we would only accept children's clothes for now to give us time to go through and sort all the bags that came in last week. Always a work in progress.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 863
    edited May 7

    Went to the gym Sunday and Monday, today is PT for me and then a walk to our downtown at dinner time to meet up with my college roommate and her husband who are in town on business…what fun. I missed our every 5 year reunion last year (remember that ridiculous smoke event in June in the Northeast) so it has been 6 years since we have seem each other. We were random assigned freshman roommates…now nearly 45 years later still on good terms, I guess it wasn't that bad of a random assignment 😀

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    I don't think it was random, TT. It was a 'meant to be' thing! I have several friends like that & they are priceless!

    The kids got home at 1:00am. They had a wonderful trip & I was so tired that I slept until 10:06! Something I haven't done since college! I went to Barre & Zumba tonight.

    My phone is not letting me in to BCO. I shut it off & on again & changed the password to all no avail. I guess I will have to see if my IT son can figure it out. I think it will be another early night!

    Karen, hope your appointment went okay.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 863
    edited May 8

    Oh Ruth, you are so true on these life-long friends…for example, haven't had someone ask about my grandfather in I don't know how long…he died in 1985 but was quite viable during our college years of 79-83, at our college graduation, etc. Her asking about him and my mother (and I her parents and 6 brothers and sisters) was priceless. Met at 18, now 62!

    Glad your DS and DIL got home safe, albeit late! TT

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Happy Birthday to Karen!!

    Here's the Wednesday Walkers.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Ruth - thanks for the birthday greeting.

    My medical oncology visit was good. HE was incredulous all the things that have transpired in the past 6 months. Labs are stable and so do labs for Hematologist seem stable. I see him on Monday. I have my annual physical on Friday.

    4 weeks left to the school year and they will be busy!!! Still lots of evaluations to finish and hold meetings.

    Next Tuesday night we leave to see GD for her 1st birthday on Thursday!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Stable is great, Karen! You are a busy lady!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    I should clarify when I said incredulous - it was all the medical things in the past 6 months -

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 863

    Happy B'day Karen

    You have had a whirlwind of activity these past 6 months…I'm sure your Dr was overwhelmed.

    Safe travels to Canada next week!, TT

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    HIT this morning & Dance2Fit in a few minutes. I had lunch with a friend, brought some treats over to a friend whose son is seriously ill, cleaned up the flowerbeds a little & will go to a wine tasting event at the Art Center tonight. Busy, busy!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,875

    Happy Belated Birthday Karen! I'm sure your MO was extremely incredulous with what all has gone on with you in the last 6 months. The countdown is on until next Tuesday!

    TT: How wonderful that you got to see your college roommate and her dh. Long term friendships are priceless.

    Ruth: A wine tasting event sounds like so much fun. Enjoy!

    We have been having rain and some severe thunderstorms but nothing like other US locations with all the tornado destruction. My heart goes out to those areas. Finally was able to walk today.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Took a nice walk, worked outside some & did a 30 minute Pilates utube video.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    We went out in the country last night looking for the Northern Lights, which were stunning. Yoga & a dog walk today.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    DS & DIL took us to a nice brunch, Bruno took me on a nice walk & I will go to Pound/Barre (both DH & Bruno are taking naps & both are snoring.....tired out from the late nights of star gazing!). One more Northern Lights picture from last night to share.

  • snm
    snm Member Posts: 117

    @ruthbru wow!! Spectacular photos!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    I know! It was amazing!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    It looked fantastic even in town!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,875

    Ruth: your pictures are beautiful! I can't imagine what it looked like in person with the entire sky lit up.

    Happy Mother's Day to ALL women! We mother so many people, pets, and each other.

    Walked yesterday. Today we had a cookout with my dd, sil, ds and his gf. Perfect weather and a perfect day.

    This year ds started tie dyeing shirts. The process is totally different from when I did it in the 1960s. Here is a shirt he did for me. I love it!

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 863
    edited May 13

    Happy belated Mother's Day everyone. Feel very blessed to still have my mother with us…picture with sis, mom and me. Love the shirt Wonderland!

    Got to gym late Sunday and will go today at lunchtime.

    Ruth, I am so jealous of your northern lights photos/experience. We were supposed to be able to see them in VA, but with our consistent clouds and thunderstorms the past few days we missed it.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Great pic, TT! Love the shirt, Wonderland!

    I went to Zumba this morning, am taking a break from housecleaning right now, and will go to HIT tonight.

    Here's me & my two boys 😀

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,875

    Fabulous Mother's Day pictures TT and Ruth!

    I had a cardiologist appointment this afternoon. In March I wore a heart monitor for 2 weeks and this was for follow up. I had received my results in April. I haven't had an AFib episode since Christmas Eve so that is good but this report showed a new thing that was going on. Hardly slept last night and full of anxiety about the appointment. This morning I mowed for 70 minutes to help calm myself down. Anyway, the doctor said there was nothing really wrong with the new thing that occurred, for me to continue taking my meds, call if things change, and see him in 6 months. I was SO HAPPY! I really thought he was going to recommend an ablation. That may be in my future at some point but right now everything is fine. I have been feeling great since the first week in March (when I went off that one medication the doctor prescribed which I only took for 2 weeks bc of the side effects) and feel back to my normal self, whatever that is 😀

    As mentioned, my exercise today was meditating while mowing for 70 minutes.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 863

    Wow wonderland…nothing like 70 minutes of push mowing before going to the heart doctor!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586

    Glad your doctor appointment turned out good, Wonderland, and that you got your lawn mowed in the process!

    I did a couple hours of yardwork myself yesterday. I'll go to Zumba & Yoga tonight.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,875

    Today is our 41st wedding anniversary. 41 years, 2 children, a selection of 7 cats throughout the years, hard times, fun times. Some days I love him so much it hurts and other days he makes me so mad I wish he'd leave. Sounds like marriage, doesn't it? We've been with each other through thick and thin and I'm so glad that we chose each other. 💗

    We brought our 2 cats to the vet for their checkup and rabies vaccine. Usually it's a big deal to get them in their cages with lots of clawing and meowing. Luckily it went smoothly today and all was good at the vet office. We had dinner at my favorite restaurant where you can choose to eat in a private room (at no extra charge!). Feels like you're at home with your hired cook and maid serving you while you sit at your dining room table talking about your day. A nice way to celebrate our anniversary!