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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,544
    edited January 2010

    Hi Chris, Welcome. This is a great, FUN thread!!! You will enjoy it. I have sister in Raleigh, NC, so have enjoyed many good trips to your area. I see you are a retired teacher. What did you teach? I'm a middle school special education teacher, so life is always interesting! 'Talk' to you soon. Ruth

  • mantra
    mantra Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2010

    Ruth - I snowbird in SW Florida. I hate winter and honestly believe the stork dropped me by mistake in Canada when in reality, my shipping label clearly stated to deliver me to a warm climate. Laughing

    Today I went to the driving range, got a little too carried away and ended up hitting a lot more balls than originally planned. Had to dash home, shower and then head to my Spanish class. Then, I dashed home (not too quickly because I didn't want my newly learned Spanish to come flying out of my head), with full intentions of putting on my gym clothes. But when I got home, my dogs looked dreadfully sad and I couldn't say no to them . ..  so took them for a one mile walk. Okay, now for sure I was going to the gym. Walking out the door and my sister called and reminded me I was going to her house for dinner. YIKES!! So I figured perhaps someone was really trying to ensure that I didn't go to the gym today. But I will be there tomorrow!! Tonight I hopped on my bike, peddled my a$$ around the neighborhood and called it a day.

  • kirstensmum
    kirstensmum Member Posts: 76
    edited January 2010

    Hello everyone.  Today I have ridden by bike for 40 minutes. 

    Septembersong I have had lymphodema since about May 09.  I do manual drainage and wear a compression bandage.  In a couple of weeks I will be seeing a remedial massage therapist, I am not sure how different this is from the therapist I see now.  I haven't had a chance yet to look at the lymphodema threads yet but hope to soon.  Hi bobcat, I don't follow the tennis but can't help watching it as it is on our main tv channel here,all day and evening. 

    Welcome to all the new ladies, this is a light hearted thread and I am sure you will find it lots of fun.  Keep up the good work everyone.


  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2010

    It's 8am and because boys overslept this morn and I woke with a jolt...I've been up for hours. 



    Dinner...ready for oven


    Kitchen/foyer...swept and mopped 

    Off to's pouring here...I guess thats what we get for 3 pretty days in a row.

    Jennie...are you seeing a lymphedema therapist? Manual drainage and compression really helped when I had a problem. I have a compression sleeve and glove to wear if I feel fullness but haven't had a problem since therapy. Ruth...when does spring start in ND? Hair day is a hugh mental health day for me too!!!! Patoo...I agree with Dr. Oz...if I exercise at night I am too keyed up to sleep even with Lunesta. I hope you enjoyed you night off. 

    Have a fabulous Thursday ladies!


  • septembersong
    septembersong Member Posts: 153
    edited January 2010

    Sun is out here and temps should get to the upper 30s...positively spring-like. So good to see the sun! 

    Did 15 mins. on the treadmill followed by 30 on the stationary bike.

    Have a great day, all.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2010

    Did a double spin class this morning and really sore from boot camp - but a good sore.  Off to work - have a great day everyone!!  Ruth - I'd like some of your snow - we haven't had enough yet!!

  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2010

    Good Afternoon Motivating Mamas!

    * 30 min stepmaster

    * 30 min bike

    * 30 min treadmill

    * 15 min stretching

    I hope everyone has a great day and feels strong and unstoppable!!!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    30 mins on stationary bike; 8 mins on ellipticle (hey, lookee dat!);  30 mins running in the pool.  My poor right hip is threatening to make me pay.  Took my tylenol (one extra strength and one PM) and heading to bed soon (hope I can make it up the staire).

    Thanks for keeping me on track ladies. 

    Welcome Chris.  This thread will really keep you moving.  I find it hard to come here unless I have done something, however small. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,544
    edited January 2010
    I'm with patoo; I check the thread, and then feel like I HAVE TO exercise before I post anything Smile. So........did 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes of Super Ab Sculpt. Mantra, I would say that golfing, walking your dogs and biking "counts' as exercise for the day! Jennie and Kris, you ARE super heroines to be dealing with lymphodemia and still exercising like crazy. You are very awesome! Bobcat, I will try to will some of our predicted snow your way. We are suppose to get rain/sleet and then maybe 20 inches of snow on top of the ice!!!!  Starting tomorrow night (after my haircut, I hope) all the way through Monday! Kris, our spring usually doesn't start until sometime in April, so we have a long way to go. Good night all! Ruth
  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2010

    Thanks for the welcome ladies. Today I did 30 min brisk walk and 20 min of Pilates. Also went bowling(I belong to a league)--ok, so it's not really exercise, but I kept moving because I was cold. The only way to keep warm was to move to generate some heat. It's been a relatively cold winter here in NC and I don't like it. I really need spring weather. Off to the studio tomorrow. BTW, Ruth, I taught EE, K-5. I did work with special needs children. I'm sure we could have some interesting discussions.Good night everyone.


  • mantra
    mantra Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2010

    30 minute elliptical. Stretching. Hit a bucket of balls at the driving range. Then of course my normal routine of walking my dogs for just over a mile. Must admit that my exercise today made we considerably more tired than usual. Had to really fight to finish my 30 minute elliptical. Oh well, tomorrow's another day. Maybe I just need a good night's sleep.

  • kirstensmum
    kirstensmum Member Posts: 76
    edited January 2010

    Hi Kris, I have been to the lymphodema clinic at the cancer council here and they have shown me how to do the massage.  I also have the sleeve and glove but I have trouble with the glove when I am driving, so don't use it often.  The swelling has now extended into my chest and side and that is why I am going back.  I asked to see the physiotherapist but the wait list is huge, so the nurse suggested the remedial therapist, so I have an appointment for February 1. 

    Thanks ruthbru for the vote of confidence but everyone else is doing an hour or more, and most days I only manage 30 minutes.  I was told the more you exercise the more energy you get, yet it hasn't happened.  However, today I went to the pool and swam/jogged/walked for 45 minutes, so maybe things are getting better.  Anyway enough of my complaining, today the weather has been really pleasant, 27 celsius(81 farenheit) only needed the ceiling fans not the a/c.

    Take care everyone, will talk again tomorrow


  • septembersong
    septembersong Member Posts: 153
    edited January 2010

    Hi reeltchr--I think bowling would fit in as moderate exercise! Welcome to the thread.

    Jennie, in no way are you complaining. I hope the visit with the therapist helps.

    My knees gave me a lot of trouble yesterday (I think it was going back on the treadmill, rather than starting on the elliptical machine that did it), so no gym this morning. Going to the strength training class this p.m. I want to put off knee replacement surgery for as long as possible so that I can build up the surrounding muscles, but it's very frustrating to have pain/discomfort when you walk even a short distance. So back to the bike for me.

    Have a perfect Friday, all.  

  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2010


    I have a great zip front compression bra that was prescribed by my lymphedema therapist. It fits low just above waist and high under the arm. I was able to wear it with a swell spot when dealing with breast lymphedema and seroma after axillary dissection. Maybe something like it would help with your truncal swelling.


    Have you ever checked out Nexflix endless supply of workout DVD's? They have every possible exercise that I could come up with! Not to say they are any good but at least its a way to try before you buy!


    Sending some warm thoughts your way and hopes for an early spring!

    Time for the "HAPPY FRIDAY DANCE"!

    Have a great one...Kris 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Way to go!!!!

    Yesterday, 30 min walk (fast fast fast with DH) in the Mall (rainy and utterly freezing outside, all day!) Today we plan another walk after work and I've already done 30 minutes of gentle Yoga.

    Yay us! :)

    Yay Friday! With you on that Kris!  

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2010

    Oh - I am bad today.  Worked all morning and then a 3 hour lunch with a dear friend.  I will be back to spinning tomorrow.  Happy Friday everyone!

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited January 2010

    Hi everyone!

    Septembersong--thanks for giving me the kick I needed to get posting!  

    Reel--I love to bowl!  My DH and I bowled quite a bit together before I was diagnosed.  Actually, I got my first pair of bowling shoes two weeks before diagnosis.  The first time I bowled after treatment was huge.  I was so scared that it would be something I couldn't do anymore.  But, I was wrong.  I bowled better than before!  LOL!

    Okay, this has been a back to basics week for me.  I feel like I've been fumbling around with working out and diet, etc., etc.  So I decided to take a step back and think about where I was a year ago (finished with treatment, exercising consistently, eating right).  I then made it a point to recapture that starting this week.  I worked out on Wednesday and Thursday plus I've started walking the dogs again.  I had given it up for whatever reason (actually I know the reason--laziness).  So, I'm walking the dogs too!  I made an appointment with the nutritionist I used to see regularly.  She keeps me on the straight and narrow and she'll help me lose the pounds I've gained since last summer.   It's kind of exciting.  

    No workouts today, it's my work day.  I am always too busy on my work days to fit in the workout but I have that fact as part of my schedule.  I work two days per week and I have two days of rest (not continuous) to recover from my workouts.  

    I'll check back later!


  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2010

    * Walk walk walk 2 hours of walking!

    * Still cleaning house...endless cleaning!

    Have a fabulous Friday night! 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Thanks mon_of_2 - you've given me a reason to give Netflix a try.  They have a "free" 2-week trial so maybe I'll do that.  I just don't care for many movies - has to be 'G' or 'PG' rated, even "PG-13" is questionable so I don't do movies too much.

    Friday evening is "my" evening so no gym but I knew I was coming here so just finished a Leslie Sansone 2 mile high calorie burn 30 min workout.  I really wouldn't be working out every day if it were not for all of you.   Have to admit that my eating has been bad the last 2 days so I need to get that back in check - I'll start tomorrow with that.

    Back tomorrow.  Enjoy.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,544
    edited January 2010
    Hi everyone! I was a bad unexercising person today......was at school all day watching the rain/sleet turn into ice pellets outside the window, went to my hair appointment (hooray, it was not cancelled!), then came home and shoveled (which is hard work), and was about to put on the sweatpants when my husband came in the door and said, "It's not too bad out yet, maybe we should go out to dinner." What could I do but agree Laughing! (The winter storm warning now goes through 6am MONDAY, and I think he was worried about having to eat my cooking for that many days in a row-ha!) Anyway, I will have to exercise like mad tomorrow, and also do a major house cleaning campaign, as it looks pretty dreadful around here. september, don't exercise too much on the treadmill, it is hard on your knees, I think because the pace is always the same, so you are pounding and pounding. morgan, I need to join you in the 'trying to eat right' club, that is my big downfall.  Jennie, you are doing GREAT, I would say it takes a full year after treatment to even start to get back a bit of your 'normal' energy, if not longer. Kris, thank you for the 'warm' thoughts, and for inspiration, I will thinking of how clean your house must be when I really do clean tomorrow!!! Later! Ruth 
  • kirstensmum
    kirstensmum Member Posts: 76
    edited January 2010

    Hi everyone.  Just a quick post as I am going out shopping.  Been to the gym this morning and done the 30 minute workout.

    Catch you later


  • septembersong
    septembersong Member Posts: 153
    edited January 2010

    Hi all--yesterday did a 45-min. strength training class at Dana Farber. Felt AMAZING after--so far no muscle aches. Planning to do two of my own sessions at home in addition to the class on Fridays. Today I'm buying a stability ball (no joke learning not to fall off, but it does increase your options for exercising at home).

    Went to the gym today and did 40 mins. on the stationary bike. Ruth, you're right, the treadmill is too much for my knees. I had to use my trekking pole for support yesterday when I walked four blocks from the parking garage to the gym. I'm not sure what role the Femara I'm taking plays in all this. Anyway, the exercise makes a big difference both physically and mentally.

    Lorrie, great to see you back.

    Reading these posts is VERY motivating. Such a good group!

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited January 2010

    Good morning everyone!  It sounds like we are all busy as always with exercise being the #1 priority.  Wonderful!  I'm just about to get up and do 4 miles on the treadmill.  Then it's grocery shopping (yuck).  But at least I'll be moving around!

    I'll check back later!


  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2010

    * 65 min treadmill

    * 50 min upper body (weights and machines)

    Daughter just got home from school for the night so off to hang with her. I hope everyone has a energetic...happy...productive day!


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2010

    Spin class and abs this morning and then a major house cleaning!  Nice to be home for the weekend with the cats and SO.  I'm fortunate that he does all the cooking and it's delicious.  Ruth - glad you got to your hair appointment and a dinner date too :o)  Have a great day all!!

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited January 2010

    4.13 miles on the treadmill today!  Then I went grocery shopping (more walking but not strenuous)!

    Going out for Mexican food tonight.  I'm going for this excellent grilled seafood dish!  

    Have a great night!


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2010

    Hello all, I'm back.  Today I did a one hour cardio dance class.  Had a lovely time in Florida and I walked every day for at least an hour and I'm counting my travel day as an exercise day as I was jiggled and wiggled by turbulence on the Memphis to Los Angeles sector, it was all shake, shake, shake - pretty bad when the stewardesses sit for 65 percent of the journey!!!!!  My office warehouse flooded while I was gone, water came up from the street and then down from the roof as the drains couldn't handle the deluge all the carpets are pulled up with fans ablowing - isn't life interesting?

    Patoo I came across another resource for you, I was flipping around the tv and public television had a yoga program, then on our local tv I found jazzercise at 6am - I'll admit it I laid in bed and watched Laughing

    and I don't know if you have cable but there is a channel called Fittv and they have lots of programs.  Welcome to all the new girls who have found us and glad to see Lorrie who started this wonderful thread back, missed all of you and glad to be home and back into my routine. 


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Sometimes I have to come here first to get that push so that's what I did.  Just finished a 35 min walking cardio DVD.  Great workout.  Started in a sweatshirtt with t-shirt; ended with just the sports bra. 

    Enjoy the rest of your evening.  Back tomorrow. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    See, you posted while I was sweating away.  Welcome home.

    6am - yeah, right - ain't that much motivation in my world.  I don't watch much tv so only have the most basic of channels.  Anyway, until I'm in better shape I'll stick with my water aerobics, treadmill and walking DVDs.  They give me pretty good workouts for now.

    Night friends.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,544
    edited January 2010
    Hi Cheryl, welcome back! I thought about you when I saw the news of all the flooding in California, not much fun to come home to. Bobcat, how many cats do you have? We have three; two older males who were cell mates at the Humane Society, and a calico who showed up on the doorsteps as a one pound kitten about two months after I finished treatments ( I kind of felt like it was a sign of life going on etc.). Anyway, it did snow a lot last night. I got up this morning and started to clean the house, but then a friend called, she was looking for people to go out to lunch with her; she was going nuts because she had spent the whole week taking care of her (bad patient) husband while he recuperated from shoulder surgery, and if anyone wanted to go she would pick them up in her 4 wheel drive vehicle. What could I do but say yes? (Anyone noticing a pattern here?) Smile. Got home after a three hour lunch, finally finished the cleaning, sat down, looked at this post, and then HAD to exercise as I didn't want have to report two lazy days in a row. Did 40 minutes DVD 'Rock It Off '(aerobics & toning) and 35 minutes on the treadmill. Thanks so much for keeping me going. Yea for us Cool!! Ruth