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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2010

    20 minutes treadmill, 1 hour Body Pump (weightlifting) class.  Hey Ruth if one of us wins the lottery and we go to a spa I'm going to do nothing but read and get massages oh and eat!!!!  Hey patoo I stopped at Target on my home from the gym and they have all of their workout DVDs on sale mostly between $9 and $13, there were some yoga that were more expensive but I saw a Firm in the $9 pile.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited January 2010
    We'll sit under one of those big umbrellas right on the ocean and read all day, but you have to at least go for a walk on the beach (or down the boardwalk to the shops) once a day or so Cool.
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2010
    Oh absolutely, I love to walk on the beach, and when it comes to shops well I'll be there with bells onLaughing
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited January 2010

    It is 8 below zero here right now, so that pretty much sounds like heaven to me!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2010
    Actually did get in my FIRM workout!  Almost blew it off, but didn't want to come back having not excercised in 2 days!!  Tomorrow my daughter (who is in 4H) are going on a Llama Hike.  She is in a Llama club and we get to walk them through the snowy forest!  So am planning on getting some excercise tomorrow so I am less embarrassed! Embarassed  Thanks again guys!!!
  • septembersong
    septembersong Member Posts: 153
    edited January 2010

    Nine degrees here in Boston this morning. The gym was full, though--I guess morning walkers are moving inside. 

    I did 40 minutes today on the stationary bike.

    Yesterday in class I used muscles that I don't think have been disturbed since my kids were born 25 years ago. I'm thinking better late than never.

    Mary Louise, walking llamas through a snowy forest sounds like heaven. Have fun!

  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2010

    Cardio circuit day to work off dinner last night!

    * Elliptical x 15

    * Bike x 15

    * Treadmill x15

    * Stair stepper x15

    * Elliptical x 15

    * Treadmill x 30

    I don't know about ya'll but I am READY for spring, fresh air and mother natures vitamin D! 

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2010

    Wow - lots of good workouts on here.  Ruth, that was heroic all you did before going out to dinner.  I probably would have taken a hot shower instead. 

    Love the idea of the spa vacation and I DO play the mega millions but I didn't win last night :o(  I figure I can waste $5 a week on just about anything so I play at the coffee shop once a week on the way to work.  I will take you all away when my ship comes in.

    Did a double spin this morning with my SO.  I love having that activity to do with him.  And it's 10 degrees here.  He just put 2 roaster chickens in the oven and the house feels warmer already.

    Just found out yesterday from my onc that he wants me to get my ovaries removed sooner rather than later.  I see the surgeon in 2 weeks to schedule everything.  I'm not worried and figure one more procedure now is better than a death sentence in 10 years.  At least that's how I'm looking at it.  Now I have to really concentrate on getting my abs as tight as possible and hopefully lose a couple of pounds before surgery.  Does anyone know the recovery time for something like this?

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2010

    1 Hour Body Jam cardio dance class.  Now don't hate on me I went to the gym in my workout gear, no jacket, so spring is on the way I know if I lived in the cold I would be sitting on my backside wearing my "snuggie" so you all have my admiration.  Bobcat I don't know about the recovery time but you're in good shape and I believe that truly helps us heal faster - I see we are two days apart sisters :)

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    35 mins stat bike; 5 mins elliptical; 45 mins pool jogging and resistance.

    19 degrees here today but the gym was not crowded.  Guess cold kept them indoors.  Looking forward to someone hitting big and taking us all to lounge chairs on the beach.  Walking and massages are wonderful.

    Bobcat, not sure about recovery either but Cheryl is right and being in shape will probably make you sail through the surgery and recover in record time.  Keep us posted and we promise not to go to the spa until after you are all healed.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited January 2010

    Bobbi, a BC friend of mine here needed to have a hysterectomy; she researched and there is a new robotic surgery (nobody around here is trained in it yet, she had to go Minneapolis); but she went in, had the surgery,(I believe was not even in the hospital overnight), and basically was back to normal right away within a week or two. Do you want me to get some information from her? Seems like that would be the way to go, if possible. I did 45 minutes on the treadmill (even punched up the speed a little), 10 minute "Abs Express" and 20 minutes "Rock It Off Express'; combining toning and cardio. Kris, I believe you are going to win the "Extreme Exerciser of the Thread Award"; the prize being all our unending awe you of your amazing workouts!!! Good Saturday Night! Ruth

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited January 2010
    One more thing: Mary Louise, the walk through the snowy forest with llamas sounds so neat, sort of romantic (although maybe not with a group of kids Smile). But way more fun than me yelling, "No, No, I don't want to do anymore crunches," at the lady on the DVD!!
  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2010

    It really gives you a good leg and butt workout going up and down the hills with about 6 inches of snow covering the trail (and whatever danger is under it!),  It really was fun and apparently we will be going again next Saturday also, so all the kids can get their hours in for the club!

  • kirstensmum
    kirstensmum Member Posts: 76
    edited January 2010

    Hi everyone. I like the idea of going to the spa Ruth, I could do with a massage or two. 

    Bobcat I hope everything goes well for your surgery.

    Mary Louise the snow trail sounds fun.  I've never seen snow, so have this idea in my head of it being fluffy and light, somehow I think I could be wrong.  Sounds like hard work trying to walk through it.

    Today I spent 15 mins on the stationary bike and 20 mins riding outside.

    Take care everyone


  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2010

    Mornin Ladies... you mind me asking why they want to remove your ovaries? I'm taking Tamoxifen and have questioned many times if I should have an oophrectomy and have been told no for now. Just wondering...there is always that question in the back of my head. A friend was BRAC + and had hyster/ooph and she said it was a piece of cake and she has 3 little ones at home.

    Ruth...I'm cold just thinkin about the weather in ND!!!! I'm a southern girl and am having trouble with occasional freezing temps! Plus side...I have read that cold weather helps to speed up metabolism Smile!

    I've always told my DH if we ever win lottery...I'm gone for 2 weeks to a spa...but like Patoo...I don't play...LOL! 

    Gym opens at 11am...Have a GREAT Sunday!


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2010

    Kris - The reason for the ooph is that even though I am brca 1 and 2 negative my maternal grandmother died from ovarian cancer, my mother is a BC survivor but 2 of her sisters died of bc.  I had a partial hysterectomy years ago and they left the ovaries intact because I was premenopause.  Now that I'm post menopause and taking arimidex he just feels to be safer they should now come out.  I agree - I think I'd rather have this surgery now than possibly face another cancer diagnosis years later.  From what I'm reading, ovarian cancer is very difficult to diagnose.  Even removing the ovaries is not 100% but it greatly reduces the risk.  Ruth - I go to a cancer center in Philadelphia - I will ask them about the new surgical procedure.  Thanks.

    Just home from a spin class and going to do some abs on my own.  Stay warm everyone :o)

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited January 2010

    Skipped out yesterday but went in this morning and man was the gym ever crowded.Did 30min treadmilland30min eliptical than all the upperbody weight machines.I think next weekend I will try the bodyflow class instead for a changeup in routine.More lickly to stick to it if I am not bored.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2010

    I have also be advised to get an ooph because I am the 3rd in my family (Grandmother and her sister) that had BC.  Will be arranging that when I next see my onc in March. 

    Will try to post a pic from the llama walk yesterday (never have tried before) so hope I can do it.  My daughter is in the pink coat with an Alpaca.  

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2010

    Sorry, just can't figure out how to post a pic!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2010

    Did one hour Body Step class this morning.  Alpaca walking in the snow sounds very romantic but I'll bet it was hard work, they look like they are very sweet - are they stubborn?

  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2010

    Bobcat...thanks for the explanation. I hate to hear about your family history. Ya'll have been through so much. I don't blame you a bit for wanting the surgery...if they said I was a candidate I'd be on the surgical schedule tomorrow! The reason my docs say no to ooph for me is because I am family history of any kind of cancer (except me), am already showing bone loss and BRAC - . I guess so far so good on yr down and four to go but still have those "what if" questions occasionally. Do you have your surgery scheduled yet?

    Mum...what's a bodyflow class? I'm always looking for ways to shake things up! 

    fmakj...I think you can post a pic by just hitting the little tree picture next to smiley face under "Post a Reply".

    Today's workout: 

    * 30 min Step Mill (a.k.a. sweat machine)

    * 45 min abs

    * 30 min treadmill

    * 10 min stretching (should have stretched longer but I was STARVING)  

    Ya'll have a fantastic evening, a restful night and a bright and beautiful Monday!


  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2010

    For some reason, it would not accept the file?  Will try again later, I'm running a scan that has really slowed down my computer! 

    Sweated to the Oldies again today, and it felt really goooood!  I was quite surprised!  Now I can actually ENJOY the excercises!  I can really feel which muscles are getting worked and concentrate on them - it's kinda neat.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    hbcheryl, thanks - stopped by Target after church and found one Firm tape for $7.00.  It said low impact aerobics so for $7.00, why not.  The DVD had a part where she shows you the steps - Yay, that's a plus so I watched and followed them.  Then there are 2 workouts - one 45 min complete workout and another 25 min express workout.  Since it was new, figured I'd try the 25 min.  Well, tried for about 7 minutes and not one of the moves was in it.  The ones she did only 2x before moving on to the next and boy was she moving fast.  So I gave up on that.  Will try it every now and then but my frustration level with those tapes is very low.  It would have been worth more to me to maybe move up to other tapes if she led into each routine.

    Instead I went downstairs and did 2-1/2 miles on the treadmill while I watched Monk. 

    I need to move the DVD player that's downstairs up to my BR and maybe it will motivate me to do a quick 1 mile walk before work in the mornings. 

    Enjoy your evening friends.  (I actually feel lighter - exercise works!)

  • geneskirt
    geneskirt Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2010

    Hi Ladies

    Found this thread when i searched 'exercise'.   I am looking for info on returning to the gym after a year of surgeries(Mx, Expansion, Exchange and Revision).  I'm stumped with how to proceed with upper body and arm toniing, without over engaging my pec muscles.  I had a pectoral tear eight weeks ago and the repair has left me with a really tight scar.  I do yoga at home and lots of hydrotherapy and massage, but I'm ready to start toning and strengthening my arns, shoulders and back muscles before golf season. 

    Is there anyone out there that has some suggestions about what machines/techniqes to avoid/use??

     I would be so happy to get feeling better about my body.   Breast Cancer really kicks the crap outta your self esteem and body image.

  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2010

    Good evening ladies - It is sooo cold outside! I dislike it when it is so cold. At least it was sunny today. We don't do well  with snow here in NC. Plow the roads....hmmm, what is that?  Have been in the house for 2 days now and starting to get cabin fever. The only good thing about being in the house is that it is warm Smile. Well, did get exercise in  -- 30 min dance and 30 min Pilates and 20 min yoga for relaxing (love that).

    Have a good evening. Got to get out of this house tomorrow. I just hope it's not too cold outside.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010

    Hi geneskirt, and Katey (who checked in a few days ago). I would say to start slow; use really, really light weights, or even do the arm exercises without weights to start. Start with only a few reps, and then work your way back up. Or do you have access to a supervised exercise program and/or fitness coach who could help you figure out a program that would be best for your situation? You will feel SO MUCH better when you start working out, and keep coming here 'cause we'll keep you on your toes Smile!!!! I bought a FIRM tape this weekend too. It's "The 500 Calorie Workout"; 60 minutes with a kickboxing-like cardio routinue mixed in with weight training. It was very good, but I am used to their moves and can see how it would be frustrating to someone new to their workouts because they go fast. I put on a pair of pants today that I haven't worn in awhile and they were actually loose! I think patoo is right, we ARE getting lighter; for sure we are getting more toned and therefore will LOOK lighter whether we are or not!!! GREAR JOB ALL!!! Ruth

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010
    I meant "GREAT" not "GREAR", my high metabolism from all the cold weather makes me type too fast Wink!
  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2010

    Another form of excercise!!  Power Typing!!!

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited February 2010

    Good morning everyone!  Welcome to our new members! 

    As far as doing upper body exercise, I agree with Ruth.  Start slow.  For a while I would avoid things like push-ups and when you do start, do wall push-ups and work up to the floor.  I think slow and steady would win the race. ;)  Another thing is to make sure to stretch.  It will keep your muscles flexible.  Can you see a physical therapist?  I'm sure a PT would give you great exercises to help you regain what the surgery took away.

    I'm going to check the Target here to see if the Firm DVDs are still available and on sale!

    I did the treadmill on Saturday morning for 4 miles and did not exercise yesterday.  Too much to do but it was an excellent family day.

    I'm on for the Firm this morning.  I'll check back later!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010

     Bobbi, Here is information from the friend I was telling you about:

    I had a DaVinci robotic assisted laparoscopic salpingopherectomy.  She can go to the web site for the robotic system and check out qualified surgeons.  That's how I found my surgeon.