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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    33 mins - 1/5 miles on treadmill.  Could have gone longer but need to ccool down and let body relax so I can get to sleep.

    Good job today my friends. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010
    Did my new FIRM 500 Calorie Burn tape (which I needed because I was at a two hour workshop after school where the presenters cleverly brought yummy treats to keep us, the audience, pacified). Yes, each of us is doing this for ourselves (and 'the voices'), but if others are struck by sculpted beauty Smile is just a burden we will have to bear!!! Wink Good night all. Ruth
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2010

    Good evening everyone, just in from the gym where I did my Body Combat class tonight, our instructor really kicked my behind, came out of there sweaty and exhausted - hey I hear the voices of my exercising sisters as well, they are mighty sweet voices and I am grateful for them all.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2010

    I'm hearing those voices - I didn't do anything yesterday except work.  Off to double spin!  Thanks for the motivation.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    I've been watching some of the classes while on the stat bike.  There was actually one I think I may be able to do.  So that's a goal as well to join a class and get a really sweating workout.  Later my sculpted friends.

  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited February 2010

    Cleaned house today...really cleaned...turned up the Ipod and broke a sweat! No time for gym because going to hear my daughter play with University of GA symphony tonight...first day missed gym in weeks but well worth it!

    Did manage a 2 mile walk though.

    Ladies have a wonderful night! 

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2010

    mom of 2 - you do so much and are an inspiration.  You deserve a day off(even though you walked AND cleaned).  Enjoy your daughter's performance.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010
    Kris,I think that walking AND cleaning count as exercise (and I believe the other voices will concureSmile). I did 30 minutes on the treadmill (cranking it up on more notch), and 30 minutes 'Sculpted Hips, Buns, and Thighs" (mostly because it was all floor work; and lying on the floor while exercising seemed appealing to me tonight). They are predicting 4-8 more inches of snow this weekend, and then it is suppose to get really cold again Cry. I want spring!!!!! Good Night All, Ruth
  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2010

    Well, ladies, I did do 30 min of Pilates and about 15 of cardio. Went bowling tonight and had some good scores. Yahoo! Off to the studio tomorrow for my Pilates class. I really enjoy that. Well I'm going off to bed. Tired tonight. Have a good one everybody. Chris

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2010
    Kris I do believe a 2 mile walk is considered exerciseSurprised  Ruth are you sure you don't live in Alaska or perhaps Siberia!!  Patoo that is exactly how I started my classes, watching through the window and thinking "I could do that".  Well tonight I did 45 minutes on the bike set on "Random".
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010
    I'll go look out the window and check as to whether or not I can see Russia from here. Maybe I've been mysteriously transported even farther north Cry !!!!
  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited February 2010

    LOL, Ruth!  

    I did my 30 mins on the treadmill.  I also have the Firm 500 calorie workout.  It's great!

    Momof2, I say housework is a great workout.  I do what I like to call "power" housework.  I just get moving and work up a sweat dusting, vacuuming, mopping the floor, etc.  Lots of bending, pushing, pulling.

    Have a good night!


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2010
    Oh Ruth you make me laughLaughing
  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited February 2010

    Hi Power Rangers!

    Back in the gym today and after a day off had a great energized workout. I think the breast cancer t-shirt I wore by default (need to wash clothes) actually pushed me harder! Sometime I just need a little reminder of how far I have come and just how strong I am! 

    * 30 min treadmill

    * 30 min stepmaster

    * 30 min power upper body

    Ya'll have a warm and wonderful evening...Kris 

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited February 2010

    I love the name Power Rangers!  That's who we are!  

    I'm just about to put on my sneakers and get on the treadmill.  I had to take my DS1 to get his wisdom teeth taken out today!  He had a 9 a.m. appointment and we were on the road home by 9:30.  It was the fastest removal I've ever seen!  He has some pain but finally now has feeling back in his mouth!  You know what I couldn't help but think this morning...that I'm so lucky that I get to be here with him.  Weird how going through bc can put little things in perspective.


  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited February 2010

    Dragged myself  to the gym today and I did survive feel much better now.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2010

    Did 5 mile hill run this morning - alone!!  Haven't run without my training partner since before diagnosis.  I missed her but felt very freeing to listen to my own thoughts.  Joined her later for lunch.  Go Power Rangers!!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2010

    Going to drag out the Biggest Loser Boot Camp DVD for tomorrow - we are waiting on a foot of snow.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Yea, Power Rangers - love the name.

    Friday eve is my time so cut back:  10 mins elliptical but only 15 mins stat bike and 50 mins running in pool.  Really need to push myself more but just glad to be doing this almost every day.  I don't feel badly now when I'm sitting around the house.

    They say maybe 6 inches of snow - that's not much but will still give me a little workout shovelling tomorrow.  Still intend to make it to the gym again tomorrow. 

    Night Power Rangers.

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited February 2010

    Hey Power Rangers--I did the treadmill.  I was cranky the entire time!  I soooo didn't want to be doing it but I didn't give up and I finished!  Hurray!!!!

    I wish we were getting some snow up here.  It's been a while.  All of our snow is old and icy and dirty.  We need a good shot of new snow to brighten it up!

    I'm hoping I'm more motivated tomorrow morning!  

    Have a good night and to all my more southern Power Ranger sisters--stay warm and don't over do the snow shoveling!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010
    Hi Power Friends! One of my favorite times of the day is to check in here and touch base with all my fellow Rangers Smile. I felt in a 'sculpt' mood tonight, so did 30 minutes 'Upper Body Sculpt' and 30 minutes 'Rock Solid Abs', then just 15 minutes on the treadmill. Lorrie, I so know what you mean about having a more appreciative perspective on both big and little things, and also things that used to bug me; they don't so much anymore-I'm happy for 'normal' problems! Bobbi, in the summer I sometimes walk with a friend, but really love to walk by myself and just think and think. We got a couple inches of snow today, are suppose to get another couple inches tomorrow, and then really get nailed Sunday and Monday. We really need someone to inherit/win that 'get away' money ASAP!!!!! Our bodies don't know if our brains are motivated or not; only if we moved or didn't. So lets keep on exercising! It's been too many years since I've watched Power Rangers; the only thing I remember is that they wore different colored costumes, and that one was named Kimberly the Pink Power Ranger, do they happen to have to an inspiring slogan? Good night all! Ruth
  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2010

    Hi Guys!!  Have been walking daily and this morning I did the FIRM and am leaving in 45 minutes for another llama hike.  Really sunny here,Cool but very cold.  I do love it when the snow crunches underfoot (as long as I am well dressed for the weather!).  Keep up the great work everyone, and have a happy Saturday!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Hey Power Rangers - just checking in waiting for the snow to end, or at least slow down, so I can go out and do my thing.  That and cleaning house may be my exercise for the day but we'll see.  I find it is really easy to just jump on the treadmill here at home and watch TV.  Actually gives me no reason whatsoever not to exercise everyday so may add that in tonight.  Don't think I'm going to venture over to the gym today. 

    Will update later on how much I accomplished.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Okay, it stopped and only took me a little over an hour to clear my driveway.  Weighed before and after and it shows I lost a pound.  We expect more snow on Wednesday - I'll gladly send it off to whoever would like it - as you can see you lose by shovelling.  You only need to PM me your city and street name and I'll send enough so your neighbors can get out there and exercise with you.  Smile

    Will take a rest and then attack this house.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2010

    Didn't do anything last night as it was game night with friends and it was my turn to host and cook so gym fell by the wayside.  It's blue skies and puffy clouds and cold here today after buckets and buckets of rain and more on the way, the gym was absolutely packed this morning I did Body Jam class and now my legs are feeling it.  Power on girls.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Okay, so been on this computer for 3 hours and got up sooooooooooooo stiff.  Took a couple of advil and will go vacuum and then walk on the treadmill.  Got to keep these bones moving or I'm sure I'll be in pain tomorrow.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010
    I'm home for about 30 minutes on a packed full Saturday. I managed 30 minutes on the treadmill this morning, but that will probably it. Oh yes, I got a compliment too. I ran into an acquaintance I hadn't seen for months, and she commented on how good I look Laughing!  Since I was wearing several layers of clothes and a coat; she did not have a chance to be amazed at how SCULPTED I have become Wink. Go, Go Power Rangers!
  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2010
    Ladies - Yesterday I did get to the studio and took an hr Pilates class. I always feel good after it. Today I did cardio dance for 30 min and Yoga for 30. Haven't left the house today as it is so cold. We even had some flurries. Now for some of you that may seem like peanuts. To those of us that live in NC it creates a circus. It actually can be funny to see the reaction flurries can get around here. Oh well, such is life. Have a great evening.
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Well didn't get too much house cleaning done after shovelling (housework gave me bc) so just vacuumed the lower level and stairs up to middle level; maybe tomorrow I'll work my way upstairs. 

    Did get on the treadmill though and did 30 mins; 1-1/2 miles.  After I finished I unhooked the DVD and will put it upstairs in a little while.  Now if I can figure out how to work the TV downstairs without it.  It turns on but I can only get one channel on it without the DVD which controlled the channels.  It's a really, really old TV.  Had some type of contraption that hooked it into the DVD player. 

    Night my Power Rangerettes.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2010
    Hey Power Ranger Girls I did a Body Step class this morning.  Ruth isn't it great to get a compliment, you'll just have to get yourself one of those coats that you can rip the sleeves off and pose.  Patoo be careful with that snow shoveling but my goodness a lb, maybe we should think of snow shoveling camp instead of massages and walks on the beach.  I know what you mean about technology sometimes when my goddaughter and her friends use my tv to watch dvds or play playstation it takes me an hour to figure out how to get it back to be a tv.  fmakj hope your walk was fun, Chris I understand about the snow flurries same as here when we get a rain shower it becomes storm watch - mind you yesterday it was pretty bad here, have a great sunday everyone - power up and power on Sealed