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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Afternoon everyone.  Trying to get myself in gear to do some housework.   Probably won't get to gym because going to a "Valentine" dinner with several of my single friends.  Our church is having a couples dinner tonight so we decided to do our own - we'll show them! 

    Going to Olive Garden but I don't plan on eating anything to heavy and then plan to do a DVD when I get back home.  That's the plan.  We'll see how it works out but for now I'm getting up and cleaning 2 bathrooms and want to steam clean Kitchen, DR and LR.  I think that will do well towards my exercise for today.

    Keep moving everyone!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    BTW, just weighed and I'm down almost 10 lbs in 2 months.   It's working so keep moving; do something every day and watch those portions.

    I could not have done it without all of you - really.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Okay, really cleaned DS's BR and bath.  You all will understand that just those 2 rooms alone, because only he uses them, constitutes a double-dose of exercise. 

    While I was cleaning he had the nerve to say, 'Oh, I just cleaned my bath the other day".  I said the tub, tile, floor too?  He said 'Oh, no just the sink and toilet (not the vanity top or outside or bottom of toilet of course!)  If he ever gets maried I will profusely apologize to his wife.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2010

    Patoo - can you come and clean my house??  It's a fright because along with my two cats we are catsitting for 3 weeks for a relative.  Long hair!!  I am vacuming every morning and evening and have a BLACK area rug.  What was I thinking?  Have fun at your dinner.

    Did a double spin this morning but the darn scale is not moving.  I really need to lose 10 pounds.  Some say the arimidex makes it harder to lose the weight.  At least I have a little tone and sculpt going on - just can't see it :o)   Can't even imagine looking for a bathing suit let alone putting one on in a couple of months. I have been shopping online for a suitable tankini - anyone found a sight they can recommend?

  • WildRose
    WildRose Member Posts: 15
    edited February 2010

    14 flights of stairs every MWF, not including the three flights up to my apartment every night.

    I've lost 5 lbs since the beginning of the semester.

    Congrats on the weight loss, patoo!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited February 2010

    Taking the weekend off to celebrate valentines and chinese newyear. Can't promise not to eat the celebration food but I will only eat small portions.Must behave with the vino too those calories sneak up on me all the time.Happy valentines ladies.I found this photo this morning as my screensaver.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2010

    Hey Patoo congrats on the weight loss, it must be all that "Shovel and Sculpting" you've been doing!!  Now can I get behind Bobcat and have you swing on by here after you've finished at her place, mind you I'm halfway done with the cleaning just sat down while I am boiling the water to wash the kitchen floor once that's done only the living room left so it won't be too much for you.  I went to the gym early this morning and did a Body Combat class.  Bobcat you are amazing doing two classes I know how frustrated you must be as I know how much sweat you are pouring out each day in those classes.  Hope everyone has a great saturday night and Happy Valentines for tomorrow.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Ok so didn't do any more cleaning and off to dinner.  Back later and actually looking forward to hopping on the treadmill for a while later.  Yeah, I know, I really need a life.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010
    Got up and did 40 minutes 'Rock It Off" toning & aerobics and 35 minutes on the treadmill. Then I risked life and limb (about 8 inches of snow and slippery roads) to go shopping (clothes, a big sale), and then 'Shoveled and Scooped' the driveway. The snow between my house and the neighbors is over my head! Patoo, 10 pounds!!! That is really awesome! Bobbi, remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so it will take awhile for the scales to catch up with how good you look Smile. Try Lands End for the tankini. They have both online and telephone operators you can talk to for help while shopping;  very nice and helpful and they will steer you toward suits that will look good (I know 'cause I called them when I was looking for a suit the first summer after surgery). Hi Wild Rose, I'm from ND too, and a UND graduate! Tonight I am going to ANOTHER Valentine's Day dinner (yes, it's a hard life Smile) . The youth director at my church is from New Orleans. And she is putting on an authentic 'New Orleans Jazz Dinner'. Patoo, come out and join us, because ours isn't just for couples; in fact, I'll hook you up with a very nice single guy friend who will be at our table if you want Wink! Cheryl, I am not feeling sorry for you being cold at the BEACH (extreme jealousy is what I am feeling!). Take Care All! Ruth
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Dinner was good (only ate half) and we decided to do it monthly, so take that you "couples".  LOL  Just kidding, been there, did that and I would feel really sorry for any guy who hooks up with me.  Too set in my ways so it really would not be fair to him.  Anyway I promised the next guy would have to walk on water and we know He already came and the next time He will be taking us all.

    Just got off the treadmill - 35 mins; 1.6 miles.  I'm determined to not let the weight creep back.

    Night my Power Rangerettes.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2010

    Good Morning Rangerettes!!  Happy Valentine's Day.  SO and I are off to spin, then mass and then a matinee of "Crazy Heart".  Should be a nice day.  Love to all Kiss

    Ruth - thanks for the tip re Land's End.  I will call them.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2010

    Good Afternoon Rangeretts and Happy Valentines day.  Did one hour Body Step this morning and now my legs feel like lead but I think that is a good feeling.  Nice to see you back Jennie, Ruth I love Lands End I did my entire christmas shopping out of their catalog and their online web system is one of the best I've ever used but I'll tell of the trouble I had when I bought a mastectomy swimsuit.  I am a size 16 and I could barely get the staps up and it was really tight, I spoke with them and decided to send that back and ordered an 18 and a 20 and yep it's the 20 that fit I'm short and round and the swimsuit is extremely long and I've never worn it but I didn't know how I'd feel and that's why I got the mastectomy one, well I feel pretty darned good about myself and I don't care that I have a 44D on the left and a 32A on the right I just wear my Speedo guess one of the joys of getting older is that I am comfortable in my well used wrinkly skin.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010
    Just checking in and then I will go get some exercise. With most suits you can order a different size top and bottom if you want. You also can get the mastectomy ones as Cheryl said, or with all sorts of paddings, underwires etc. to give you more shape than you really have. I will have to try mine on; perhaps after all this exercise, I will need a new, smaller size Wink. OK, signing off to work out. Ruth
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Hi my sculpted ladies.  Went to church then took DS to mall but could not get in to a restaurant (today's he's 26) so just had something from the food court.  He's a Disney fanatic so stopped at the Disney store and bought him 2 plushes from Princess & Frog and pre-ordered the DVD which comes out next month.  Then he had one of those quickie shoulder massages and we came home.

    Jumped on the treadmill for 45 mins; 2.2 miles and now relaxing.   I'm so glad no work tomorrow and will try really hard to get to the gym. 

    Hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010
    Hi, did 45 minutes on the treadmill and 30 "Rock Solid Abs". I had fun at my 'New Orleans Dinner in a Snow Storm'. Patoo, you might actually like my guy friend. He doesn't walk on water but is really nice, a great dad, handy with repairs, he also CLEANS and is a GREAT COOK! Oh well, I will have to plot to hook him up with a local girl Smile. I have the day off tomorrow too. Hooray! I will try to get all my exercise done in the morning so I can lounge around for the rest of the time eating bon bons etc.
  • kirstensmum
    kirstensmum Member Posts: 76
    edited February 2010

    Hi everyone.  Went to the gym today (30 minute routine) and also went to the swimming pool and did another 30 minutes.  Trying to step it up a bit.  Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.

     Take care


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2010
    Did a 45 minute spin class and then 15 minutes ab blast.  I've resolved to get this weight off one way or another.  SO and I are going to start eating the carbs at lunch and stick with salad and veggies for dinner.  No work outside of the house today - just more taxes!!  And snow on the way - Shovel and Sculpt in the morning Kiss
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010

    30 minutes treadmill, 30 minutes "Rock Solid Buns", 30 minutes "Jiggle Free Arms"; went out for a lovelu 2 1/2 hour lunch with some girlfriends, and then did some 'Shovel and Sculpt' to get back in the driveway because the snow plow had gone through and plugged it all in. Should go back out now and do a little more......the Hawaiian Islands are calling me!!!! Later, Ruth

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2010

    Did my hour long walk today in 55 minutes and now am going to try some floor excercises while I watch some sit coms..... or olympics.... not sure what dh is watching right now!!! lol

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Had day off so was going to get my workout done in morning and lounge the rest of day, do taxes, etc.  Not!  But I did steam clean my kitchen floor.  Felt I couldn't come here without doing something so did treadmill 50 mins; 2.45 miles. 

    Now I see it's snowing - don't think we're supposed to get too much so we'll see.  Might have to shovel and sculp tomorrow morning before work which would be okay since I don't have time for workout tomorrow night. 

    Night my sculpted ladies.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2010

    Hello everyone, just back from one hour Body Combat class and my calves are killing me, I probably didn't stretch enough before the class and now I'm paying for it.  I'm going to have some dinner and exercise my thumb with the television clicker for the rest of the night - to say it in two words "I'm exhausted"  see you all tomorrow

  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2010

    Mrgan513- My scores were in the 140's which is good for me. While I can pull out a good game every now and then, I'm just not consistent. I do belong to a league so we have handicap scoring (which is good for me). Unfortunately, I'll have to take a leave in March as I am having exchange surgery and my PS will not let me bowl for probably about 6 weeks.The season will just about be over then. Oh, well, there's always next season.Smile

    Did 45 min of walking and 30 min Pilates.

    Have a good one everybody. I'm running back to watch more of the figure skating in the Olympics.


  • kirstensmum
    kirstensmum Member Posts: 76
    edited February 2010

    Hi everyone.  Today did 30 minutes on the stationary bike.  We have some hot weather for the next couple of days so will try and get to the pool.

    Take care ladies


  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited February 2010

    I know ladies I am going yes I am getting up and i am getting my ### into the car. Wish me luck that the car ends up at the gym.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2010

    Did a spin this morning.  Lots of work and now off to my friend's Cardio Blast class.   Boot Camp tomorrow morning - I will be sore.  But a good sore!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010
    Hi, I'm trapped at school untitl 6:30 pm because of conferences. I had a couple people call and reschedule due to illness, so am checking in here because it's too late in the day to start anything new. Bobbi, I just saw a post called "Perfect Bathing Suit for Me" that you might want to check out. The lady who wrote it found a brand of suits she loves so much, she says she's going to wear them even when she's not going swimming! (I am going to check it out too, because that sounds to good to be true Wink!). I will try to get a little bit of exercise in once I get home. Ruth
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010

    Hello, got home and raced down in the basement before I had a chance to sit down. Did 45 minutes on the treadmill while watching the Olympics, then toned for 15 minutes with Richard Simmons, now I'm watching the Olympics again. Mum, did your car get you all the way to the gym? Hope all are doing well. Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2010

    Hi everyone, I did Body Step class tonight and then stayed for half of the cardio dance class and then my feet gave out, they were on fire.  Bobcat you are amazing you deserve a nice massage tomorrow after all the work you've done.  Ruth you sound like me I have to go to the gym as soon as I get home as if I sit down I won't get up.  Chris I liked the skating as well but why do they have to put it on so late, oh yeah to keep us watching so they'll have higher ratings.  Mum hope you made it up and out today and if you didn't well there's always tomorrow.  Jennie enjoy the pool workout we are also having beautiful weather here in southern California hopefully we're sending it on to he east.  Goodnight everyone, sweet dreams.

  • kirstensmum
    kirstensmum Member Posts: 76
    edited February 2010

    Hi Ladies.  Today was gym day, so 30 minute circuit done and dusted.  My 30 day weigh and measure is on Saturday so I was hoping for extra but no such luck.  Tomorrow, I am at the hospital with Mum all day (pancreatic cancer) so not sure if I will get to yoga.  I may come home in the middle of the day, then go back and get Mum.  Mum is having a procedure to see if they can release/remove some of the fluid in the tumor. (or something like this).  I hope everyone is keeping well.


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2010

    Ruth - where do I find that bathing suit post?  I'm not very good at searching some things out  on here - thanks!!