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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2010

    Hi girls - this is a little aside from topic but we were talking about swimsuits the other day and I just got an email from Lands End and they are having a 25% off swimsuit sale today at the checkout enter promo code FEB23 and the PIN 00004325. 


  • etk02038
    etk02038 Member Posts: 33
    edited February 2010

    I am a pet sitter so I walk lots of dogs. But that is the only thing I have done the past few days. It is ok exercise but when you stop and sniff every 2 feet and pee on all the telephone poles (the dogs, not me) it is not a good cardio workout. Tomorrow I promise myself I will go the the gym and get my little heart pumping!


  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited February 2010

    Back to gym this morning...

    * 30 min run

    * 10 min cool down

    * 45 min lower bod circuit

    * 3 mile walk on a nice breezy pre-spring day! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010

    Ellen, LOL about the doggie walks; Kris, send some of the pre-spring days out to ME!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2010

    Here we go:

    Before work - 20 minutes elliptical

    After work - 10 minutes elliptical, 30 minutes weight training and LE physical therapy exercises, then 10 minutes elliptical

    This IS a good idea to go public - I might have skipped that last 10 minutes, but thinking that I'd have to post here made me get on the machine and do it.  

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2010

    Ellen - dog walking counts!!  I walk my friends' dog - she runs, I walk.

    Cheryl - I got the same email from lands end.  Great new styles and I am trying them all with free shipping to boot.

    I did spin this am - with lots of layers to keep the back muscles warm.  Skipped boot camp tonight and really looking forward to this chiropractor appointment tomorrow afternoon.  I have a boot camp in the morning and will do whatever doesn't hurt - I just want to sweat.  Thanks everyone for the good thoughts and encouragement.  Welcome to all the newbies - we'll keep you moving, that's for sure.  Patoo - we are getting more SNOW!!!!  Shovel and sculpt :o)

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited February 2010

    Hey girls!  We are a determined motivated group!  

    30 minutes of intervals on the treadmill, then work today!  

    I've decided that tomorrow I'm going to do the intervals for 30 minutes again on the treadmill and then do a Firm tape too.  I'm thinking of the 500 calorie workout.  Ruth--you got me thinking about it!  It's a very good workout!

    Bobcat--good luck tomorrow!  I know what you mean about needing to sweat.  

    Ellen--sounds like you have exercise built in to your day.  That's great and any other exercise is like the icing on the cake.

     Mom-of-2--what the weather like in Georgia?  Is it warm yet?  I'm dreaming of springtime!

    Natsfan--you are doing great.  It's so nice to have you here with us!

    Take care Powerful Rangers!


  • kirstensmum
    kirstensmum Member Posts: 76
    edited February 2010

    Hi ladies I am posting for today and yesterday.  Yesterday I used the stationary bike for 30 minutes and today I have been to the gym and done the 30 min circuit.  We are in the middle of another heatwave so will be exercising indoors this week,  Yesterday I saw my oncologist and I don't have to go back for 6 months.  I need to have a mammogram and u/s before I go.

    Take care everyone


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Hi all.  Did a one-hour water aerobics class.  A new program at the Y but it's very low impact, a little slow but at least it was an hour and I do feel good.  It's every Tuesday for 12 weeks.  It comes with a free Y membership so I may check out some of their other classes.

    Please all, remember that if you are on meds, like an AI or whatever, and you haven't lost and haven't gained, I count that as a loss because without the exercise you would definitely put lbs on.  So the meds are putting it on and the exercise is taking it off = weight loss.  That's my story...

    Tomorrow is my busy day so not sure if I will do anything - depends on whether I can get myself up early (I love my sleep) and do it before work.

    Enjoy the rest of your evening and keep moving.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    I was a page behind on my post above.  Just want to say I'm so proud of you all.

    Bobcat, I hate driving in snow but I'm looking forward to some sculpting - go figure. 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2010

    Hello girls, did body step class tonight.  Welcome Ellen and yes every step counts even a plodding doggy walk step, that counts as "stopping to smell the roses".  Congrats Jennie it's nice when the doc visits space out to the six month mark.  Good luck tomorrow Bobcat hope you get relief.  Patoo you've really got me wanting to do water aerobics again, I am so impressed that you go to the pool when it's cold and snowing, if I lived in the snow I'd be the girl on the couch wrapped in my blankie!  Lorrie I'll give you a heads up, spring is on the way all of the roses I cut down in January have new growth on them.  Have a wonderful evening.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010
    Hi All, busy day here; meeting after school, then zoomed over and visited my dad (who is in a nursing home in town, and whom I try to visit every other day), then squeezed in 45 minutes on the treadmill, then it was my Book Club night; which is a great, fun, talk, laugh, drink 2 glasses of wine and eat dessert kind of night (which I know you would all enjoy!), then came home and did 15 minutes of abs (yes, Nats, it IS a good idea to post, I am pretty sure I would have done NONE of the above without you all). Bobbi, maybe don't shovel if your back hurts; it is hard on the back. Yes Lorrie, that 500 Calorie Workout is really hard and good! Jennie, congrats on going to 6 months, that is a GREAT step! Patoo, think of the progress you've made when you think an exercise class is a 'little slow" Smile! I am not going to have time to order any bathing suits tonight; darn. Talk to you tomorrow. Keep up the great work! Ruth
  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited February 2010

    Good afternoon!  Snowy and rainy here today.  A snow day for the boys so my exercise plans had to change.  I wound up doing 60 minutes on the treadmill.  It was good.  It's really hard to do exercise tapes with the kids around.

    Have a nice afternoon!


  • etk02038
    etk02038 Member Posts: 33
    edited February 2010

    Wow, you guys amaze me! 60 minutes on the treadmill...I think I would have died from boredom. Well, no gym for me today...sick 9 year old. I just finished walking 5 dogs in the rain and slush..not fun! I guess running up and down the stairs at least 15 times so far taking care of my son's needs counts as something too. Maybe the gym tomorrow?

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited February 2010

    Too funny, Ellen!  Believe me, I can almost keel over from boredom!  60 minutes is a long time but sometimes, like today, I do a lot of thinking.  An iPod helps too!

    Where are you in MA?


  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited February 2010

    Hi Ladies...

    I had a short day at gym today. Was suppose to work abs but thanks to an awful period I had a cardio day. 2 miles on stairmaster and 6 miles on bike. Sun came out and walked 3 miles. I am trying to get in 10,000 steps per day. 

    Ellen...walking dogs, running stairs and taking care of sick child definitely counts! I hope your son feels better!

    Go rock! I won't attempt tapes at home...too many distractions. I watch exercise TV and tapes and then try to remember moves at gym. are a very busy lady! Book club, wine and dessert sounds GREAT to me!

    Patoo...I am with you on the meds vs. exercise thing. Even though I am sooooo frustrated that the scale has not dropped I understand why. This morning as I was in bed not wanting to go to gym the "little voices" reminded me that at least I am maintaining my weight and not gaining.

    Off to run my DS around...ya'll have a wonderful restful night!


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2010

    Hi Group!

    Before work - 20 minutes Pilates tape

    After work - 30 minutes on the elliptical.

    Morgan - so true on the iPod - music can make any workout good.  Tonight on the elliptical I was listening to Caribbean steel band music.  I just closed my eyes and imagined I was sitting on a white sand beach, looking over a turquoise blue sea, sipping on a cold drink infused with an excellent Caribbean overproof rum that had been brought to me by a good looking speedo-clad cabana boy.  :::sigh:::  That half hour went by fast!!  Laughing

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010
    Hi, quickly checking in. I just got home and have to be to church in half and hour.  I will try to get a little exercise in later tonight to keep up with you all. I was suppose to go a meeting after school; it was canceled, so I zoomed downtown to do a little athlete shoe shopping. Didn't find any shoes, but did buy a darling denim jacket on sale for $17.00, and a possible dress for my niece's wedding next summer. What can I say? I'm easily led astray!! Smile More later, Ruth
  • kirstensmum
    kirstensmum Member Posts: 76
    edited February 2010

    Morning everyone.  I haven't exercised today but I am still hoping to get to the pool.  We are in the middle of a heatwave.  Todays forcast is 42 c(108 farenheit).  I have cancelled yoga as the venue is up in the hills surrounded by bush, at 1pm, just to HOT.  I keep imagining the cold that you ladies are experiencing but it is not helping(lol).  Please take care everyone


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Hi everyone.  I count 7 days, Sunday-Saturday and allow myself one day off.  It's been working out well for several weeks and the day off has not been the same.  It just helps to know that if I miss a day it's okay and I have to be certain not to miss another.  Today is that day.  Got in late from work and just got home from church.  My body is one big ache for some reason so I'm heading for an early night. 

    About the treadmill being boring, I alwys make sure there is something to watch on TV.  Then I try and challenge myself to keep walking for the full hour program, although by 30 mins I'm looking at the clock.

    Not sure what my workout will be tomorrow and Friday but I'm thinking it will have something to do with a shovel.

    Night my Powerful Rangers (someone said that a few posts ago and I liked it).

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    It's so nice to be able to come and say I didn't do anything today because I know it's for today only because of you ladies. 


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2010
    Well girls I heard the voices tonight so I went to the gym a little earlier than normal and did a half an hour in the weight room on upper body workout then my one hour combat class, and then home, shower and jammies as I was VERY sweatySmile.   Ruth I do believe on this thread shopping is considered exercise!  Don't worry Jennie in a few months we'll all be moaning cause it's hot, hopefully not as hot as Perth is right now, are you getting cool ocean breezes or is it that blazing heat?  Well I'm off to get myself some dinner - hey Bobcat how did your chiropractor go today?
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010
    Hi Ladies, did 30 minutes on the treadmill and 15 minutes of toning with Richard Simmons (RS from now on). My DH is a running fiend, so a few years ago got a really good treadmill with the TV, IPod, fans, inclines, pulse/calorie monitor etc. etc. I just walk (but faster than before), so can multi-task; watch TV, read, go through the mail etc.-although the rum toting cabana boy on the beach sounds like much more fun Cool. Jennie, it was 22 BELOW zero here this morning; that is a 130 degree difference; isn't that crazy?!!! Even if we don't lose weight, we are gaining muscle (which weighs more than fat, so really, in a sense, we HAVE lost weight.... is this called 'rationalization'?). Patoo, hope you had a nice, relaxing evening; we will expect the exercise report tomorrow Wink. Yes, what a great group to be a part of, POWER UP RANGERS!
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010

    Cheryl, just read your post; I will amend my post to add an hour of 'Power Shop' to my exercise total for the day. Smile

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2010
    Ruth, 22 below geeze Richard Simmons is not coming by to visit your house in his shortsCool
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010

    Not unless he wears a snowpants over them!

  • kirstensmum
    kirstensmum Member Posts: 76
    edited February 2010

    Hi Ruth and Cheryl.  Just popped back on to say that I managed to do my exercise after all.  30 mins at the swimming pool and 20 mins on the stationary bike.

    I just can't comprehend how cold it must be.  One day I would like to visit a colder climate, my fathers family all live in England and one day I would like to visit them(they have been here).   I live in the foothills so we get hot easterly winds, but we do have a holiday house on the beach, which is great.  It is a long weekend this weekend and we were going to Busselton(beach house) but I was able to get a cancellation for a cortisone injection in my heal so will be staying home.

    I better go and start getting dinner ready.  Justin(son) and Gary(husband) took the boat out today fishing and caught enough for dinner tonight.

    Take care everyone


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2010

    Jennie - my son just returned from a semester in Perth.  It wasn't that hot when he was there, thank goodness.  Your yoga in the mountains sounds heavenly.

    Had a great session with the chiropractor yesterday - I had never been to one but now have Dr. Smith on my rolodex!!  He was wonderful and caring.  Spent a lot of time going over my history and was well aware of arimidex SE's - that's a plus.  Told him I want to run one more marathon before I die and he said he'll help me.  Anyway the skinny is that I have a sprained back and my muscles go into spasm to protect the strained ligaments.  He gave me hot/cold ultrasound treatment, electro stimutation with ice pack, massage and then adjustment.  Sent me home with a girdle like brace and yoga pose(like the sphinx) to do with an ice pack 10 minutes at a time when I get a chance throughout the day.  I was with him for 90 minutes.  He even told me I could continue to exercise - just be careful not to put strain on that lower back and wear the brace.  I see him again tomorrow for another treatment.  Think I'm in love.  So, we are getting another major snow storm today and must get to work and back home before everything shuts down.  I will take a long walk in the snow but leave the shoveling to someone else today.   Maybe do a yoga tape this afternoon.  Thanks for all the encouragement and concern!!   I love the Power Shopping Kiss

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010
    I believe Power Shopping is much more theraputic then Sculpt and Shovel Smile!!!! Glad you hooked up with a really good doctor, Bobbi. It is so nice when they listen TO you, and work WITH you. Jennie, my DH loves to go fishing all summer long. He freezes up the fish until we have enough and then have a couple big fish fries for all our friends during the summer. Fun! Fun! I guess it is too cold here so snow, so I shouldn't complain! Great Day to All! Ruth
  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited February 2010

    Good morning!  It's pouring again!  I can't believe we are getting poured on and south of us is getting snow!

    Well, I did Kathy Smith's step workout this morning.  It was wonderful!  It's another one of my all time favorites.

    Bobcat-awesome news about the chiropractor.  it sounds like you have a nice new resource in him.  my mother had lots of back issues that were not healed until she saw a chiropractor.  all the orthopedists just gave her shots in her back.  the chiropractor healed her.

    Jennie--108 degrees!!!!!!!  I lived in Texas for awhile and it would get up to 105.  That's HOT!

    BTW--I love power shopping!  :)

    Have a great day everyone!  I'm having lunch with friends today which is always a treat!
