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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2010
    Ruth - Just found the forum!!  Thank you Kiss
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010

    Jennie, hope your mom's procedure went OK. Bobbi, I haven't checked the website she gave yet, but it sounded interesting. KRIS, WHERE ARE YOU? How's the sinus infection going? Everybody, check in even if you aren't exercising or else we worry about you Frown. Now I HAVE TO sign out and get to work. Have a good day, all. Ruth

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited February 2010

    Hi Ruth and everyone!  I've been MIA.  I tried to post yesterday but my post got lost and then I got mad!  So I'm back today.  I have not exercised in three days.  We had a visitor for a couple of days and then I just didn't feel like it yesterday.  LOL.  At least I'm truthful!  But, I'm back at it today.  I will do the treadmill and shovel (yeah, snow!)!  

    Good luck with your conferences today Ruth!


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2010

    Jennie hope your Mums procedure goes well, she is lucky to have you, Lorrie I know what you mean about visitors it's nice so see them but your routine goes out of whack, Ruth is right check in even if you're not working out we do worry.  Sometimes I think my workouts are so repetitive but my heart beats like it's going to pop out of my chest and I have to wear two bras as only one boob and so I need to be held in tight and those bras are saturated with sweat so I keep plugging along.  Have a great day everyone now I must get to work - working on my business taxes uuuggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!

  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2010
    Good evening ladies - Hope everyone is doing well. It's still cold here and it is driving me crazy. Don't worry, in the summer I'll be complaining about the hot weather. Anyway, after running from dr to dr (nothing critical), I did do 30 min of brisk walking and then about 20 of core work. It's been a hectic day. Be in bed early. Tomorrow is bowling. Hope I do well as I only have 1 more time after tomorrow before  I have exchange surgery. I know I won't be able to bowl for at least 4 weeks, probably more like 6. By then, the season will be about over. Oh well. Have a good one. Chris
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Hi everyone.  Didn't have a chance to get here yesterday but it would only have been to report that I hadn't done any workout.  Now tonight just got in from church and really don't want to do anything BUT, because of you ladies I am putting on my sneakers and going down and get on the treadmill for as long as I can (before I collapse).  Back in a little.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2010

    Hi Everyone!!  Been walking daily still, and trying to add floor excercises in the evenings to try to get a routine going before I leave on vacation (in 2 sleeps!!).  I really would like to keep up with the routine on the ship if at all possible (cause I WILL be enjoying the food!!)  LOL

    Will be weighing in again tomorrow so I know the damage my holidays had caused when I get back! 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Did 1.25 miles in 26 mins.  Slowed down after 20 mins because I realized it's nearly 10 pm and I would like to be able to fall asleep before long.  So resting now and hopefully the body will calm (maybe a glass of wine will help>). 

    Thanks for giving me that push I needed to do that little bit because I had no intention of doing anytbhing.  You ladies rock!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Mary Louise, I think most ships now have exercise classes.   Last time I did a cruise I went to the class everyday and also walked the perimeter of the ship at least 2x a day.   (I also had gotten too old to stay awake for the 2 am pizza!)

    edited to fix typs - yeah, time for bed.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010
    Hi again, Lorrie, glad that you reported in Smile. Company does screw up the exercise schedule, unless they are exercising company or you know them well enough to just leave them! Oh Cheryl, I hope you don't think I'm insensitive but I laughed out loud at your description of you exercising like crazy with your 'two bras and one boob'! YOU GO GIRL!!! Chris, when is your surgery? It will be good to get it behind you. Mary Louise, when do you leave for your cruise? You can walk, swim and eat, walk, swim and eat; TAKE ME WITH PLEASE! Patoo, 'cause of you all, I got in 30 minutes on the treadmill BEFORE church (we were very bad and went out to Dairy Queen afterwards). Nighty Night! Ruth
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2010

    Hello everyone did a Body Combat class tonight, spoke with the instructor after the class and told him that by track 7 (there are 8 tracks then cool down) I couldn't feel the bottom of my feet and he told me I was a warrior I left that room muttering to myself "yes I am"!!!!!  Mary Louise enjoy your cruise - where are you going?  Bobcat good luck with your appointment tomorrow.  Patoo nice to see you, is your snow melting into slush? Have fun bowling tomorrow Chris you'll be back in no time.  Mom_of_2 are you okay?  I'm off to find something for dinner and then watch a bit of the Olympics and then bed.  Night all.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2010
    Hey Ruth we were posting at the same time - I'll tell you another one.  I was doing a Body Step class and at one point as we were runiing up and down on the step the instructor yells out "hold your girls" after the class I went up to her and acted all insulted and told her hey you forget I only have "a girl" she was mortified and then I burst out laughing - if you can't laugh at yourself what's the point ehWink
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010
    Ah, what a great group we are Smile!
  • kirstensmum
    kirstensmum Member Posts: 76
    edited February 2010

    Hi Cheryl and Ruth.  Mum' s procedure went well but she had a "little turn" (nurses words) so will be staying in overnight.  I don't know any details, and nobody can say if it was drained.  Will find out more tomorrow.  I was sent home once Mum was in a ward so I was able to go to yoga and I also did 30min freestyle at the pool.  I'm heading back up to the hospital now so will catch up with everyone tomorrow.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010
    Hi ladies, this is off the 'exercise' topic but wanted to share a great website I found. I'm sure you all know that we should be wearing medical alert bracelets, so that nobody accidentally puts a needle or IV in our affected arm. I have bracelet, but never wear it, I feel like it is saying "Hey world, something is wrong with me Frown." Well check out, for BEAUTIFUL bracelets that absolutely are really nice jewelry with a charm that displays your medical info; designed by you to say what you want. (Check out their engraving help page for wording suggestions. I'm also allergic to penicillin and was able to squeeze that in too on one charm). I ordered one, and they are so cute, I might order another. Here is my new motto, "When life hands you a lemon, accessorize with it!"
  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2010

    Thanks for the website Ruth - saw you posted elsewhere.  Just home from the ovary appointment and had all my pre-op testing done same day.  Surgery is scheduled for March 9.  I have to get moving and shaking to lose some of this weight before then - not to mention more abs!!!!  I'll probably have about two weeks off from intense exercise following laporoscopic surgery - but I'll still be able to walk.  Didn't get anything done today except driving 160 miles and work.  Think I'll have a glass of wine, watch the olympics and plan a nice run for tomorrow morning.

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited February 2010

    Hi girls!  I have been quite laid back this week.  Easy walking.  I'm just in a lazy mood.  LOL.  But I did shovel some yesterday too.

    Thanks for the idea about the bracelet/charm.  It never occurred to me that I should do that but it makes perfect sense to me.   I'm going to check out the website.  Can I ask a really stupid question?  Will emergency people know to look at a charm on your bracelet for the information?  Do you know what I mean?  

    I could go for a glass of wine tonight.  Just in the mood.  Too bad I don't have any though and I don't have the motivation to go out and get a bottle.  LOL.

    I'm worrying about Saint too.  I don't know if you all have been following her thread.  

    See ya!


  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited February 2010

    Hi Power Rangers...

    I'm back! Actually have been back in the gym since Sunday but its been a busy week. Snow in Atlanta (4 inches) which is a hugh amount here hit Friday and the city shut down. My daughters train was scheduled to arrive on Monday and was delayed 3 hours...yuck! Good news was son was already out of school for a long weekend so no panic about getting him home safely.

    BIG NEWS: Kayley my beautiful daughter is now pre-med!!! She is still majoring in music but with 5 years instead of 4 she will be able to apply to med school! I'm so proud...she is such a good girl! 

    Since I shook the yuckies of last week I feel great and am loving sweating at gym again. Am working on increasing my running time and overall feel great even though that damn number on the scale won't budge! 

    Ruth...thanks for the PM' made me feel loved Smile

    Ladies...have a wonderful, strong, restful night!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Sitting here on the couch falling asleep.  My hip is really, really hurting.  I've been procrastinating about seeing my PCP or get new ortho doc for weeks.  Funny it doesn't hurt during the day at work but driving home this evening I was close to tears.  Had to pull the car over to get out and stand and stretch because it was so bad.  Even here on the couch it hurts but I already took my tylenol pm so that's why I'm sleepy.  Wanted to stay up to watch Greys Anatomy but the tv will probably be watching me soon.

    I'm going to hop on the treadmill for a few though because I promised todo something every day.  See you in a few minutes (may be very few too!)

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    The key is to get up.  I can sit here and say I need to go exercise.  Wasn't until I got on the treadmill that I was in gear.  Took it slow but still did 1.2 miles in 30 mins.

    Thanks my Power Rangers.  Have a great rest of night.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010

    Good job patoo! You better get that hip checked out. Would different shoes or inserts make any difference at all? Lorrie, the 'charms' have the medical alert symbol on the front of them; so hopeful they would notice that!!!  Bobbi, good you have a date to get your surgery over with, and it will be soon and DONE WITH. Kris, cool about your daughter. My son recently announced that he is thinking of changing majors and schools (or at least was thinking about it two weeks ago, we shall see.....). Jennie, how's your mom? As for me, we had our second night of conferences tonight (100% attendence!), so didn't get home until 7:00. Went straight downstairs and did 45 minutes on the treadmill, then 15 minutes of toning with Richard again, and now finally can sit down for awhile and watch the skaters. Gee, Bobbi, if you were here, I'd sure join you for that glass of wine!! Before I sign off, not to be gushy, but I just want to say that I DO love and appreciate you all! You are each a blessing to me. Smile  Ruth

  • kirstensmum
    kirstensmum Member Posts: 76
    edited February 2010

    Hi Ladies.  I have been to the gym for my 30 min workout today.  Ruth, my Mum is doing OK but is still in hospital.  The little turn she had during the procedure was her heart so the cardiologist has stepped in and says she is to stay.  There is such a shortage beds here that she is in a ward not relevant to heart or pancreas but at least she has a bed.(Mum has no private health ins.)  Patoo I hope that your hip comes good and doesn't cause you to much pain.  Maybe try stretches while you are in the pool, this helps me.

    Take care everyone


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2010
    Good morning everyone, this is just a check in as I didn't do anything yesterday but eat, we had a barbeque last night and the table was laden with good food and surrounded by good friends so what more can you ask for.  My friend makes a salad that is spinach and then every berry you can think of and walnuts yummmmm.  Jennie sorry to hear of you Mums turn but even though she's not in the cardiology ward she is at least getting care and that is the main thing.  Patoo you take care of yourself and get yourself checked out, Jennie is right gentle stretches but isn't it annoying - in my head I'm still 27 ah well.  Kris you have every right to be proud I'll bet you look at her and see a little girl but she obviously is a terrific young woman.  Bobbi is the hospital 80 miles from your home?  Ruth thanks for the website info I'm going to have a look today I'm always shoving out my left arm for blood draws and blood pressure but what if I was unable to speak for myselfSurprised  and Ruth I second your emotion, you all me the world to me as well.  Happy Friday all.
  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2010
    I did run 6 slow miles this morning and limping this afternoon but I don't care - it was glorious.  Cheryl - the barbecue sounds delicious. Jennie - hope your Mum is doing better today and she is getting good care.  Patoo - how is that leg today??  Kris - your daughter sounds delightful and know you are proud.  My hospital is 75 miles away in Philadelphia - it's a National Cancer Center but the best thing is my son goes to the school that is affiliated so I always get a quick visit and a hug when I have an appoinment and he was there for all my treatments and surgeries the last 18 months.  Delivered a care package to him yesterday.  He is a junior ME student - do I sound proud too??  I am.  My local hospital wanted me to wait a year and watch what they saw on my initial mammogram back in '08.  Thank God I wanted a second opinion and now I wouldn't trust anywhere else with my cancer care.  Ruth - I third your emotion.  You ladies rock and I love the positive tone and encouragement Kiss - love that kissy face.
  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited February 2010

    * 30 min treadmill

    * 45 min lower body weight circuit

    * 3 mile walk outside!

    HAPPY WEEKEND Laughing 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Hi everyone.  You all rock.  I fourth the emotion that you all mean so much to me.

    Didn't call for doc appt today again. I don't hurt at work and  It's been busy at work, although not fun because they laid off about 40 people Weds and Thursday, and none of them saw it coming - not even their managers.  I'm in IT and sort of 'gate keeper' so my team gets the notice as soon as the person arrives in HR, to pull the plug on all their systems access.  It's so sad because they were given their package and while in HR someone is in their cube packing their personal belongings for them.  We are told that's it for now but you never know.  It's very sad to see people hugging and crying in the parking lot. 

    Went to the gym after work and ran, jumped, danced, jogged and did upper body exercises in the pool for an hour.  But just ate a grilled chicken sandwich and BK fries so that cancelled out the workout.  Think there's only a half-glass left of wine so I'll polish that off.  Just need some comfort food - this was a tough week.    I'll be back at the gym tomorrow though. 

    Yes Ruth, I still need to get new walking shoes and probably should do more in the pool instead of on the treadmill or DVD on hard floors.

    Jennie - yes I stretch lots in the pool - it really feels good while I do them.

    Cheryl - I won't go back quite that far; I still think I'm about 32!

    Bobcat - I know what you mean.  I think that's what I do with my hip.  Working it a lot whether on the bike, torture elliptical, treadmill or in the water but I feel good, emotionally knowing that I'm keeping at it and physically I think I'm benefitting.  Don't think I could shovel as much as I've had to if I hadn't been exercising these last 2 months.

    Going to squeeze that wine bottle.  Will report in tomorrow.  Enjoy everyone.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited February 2010
    Hi Ladies, felt like a toning night; so did 1/2 hour sculpted buns, hips & thighs, and 1/2 hour upper body sculpt. Bobbi & Kris, it sounds like you have very fabulous children (who obviously take after their mothers Wink). Cheryl, I am drooling thinking of your friend's salad. Patoo, sadness about your work, that is just dreadful. We still need to go shoe shopping together. I think I  have planter facititus, my heal and bottom under my foot have hurt all fall; it's somewhat better now because I bought some shoe inserts, and have been wearing my good Merrel sandals in the house. My PA friend said, "Don't go barefoot," so I haven't been. I don't want to go see an orthopedic guy, because he'll probably say, "Stay off it." Which I won't do. I know I shouldn't do the treadmill as much though, because that really pounds it out. Oh well, we should be HAPPY to be talking about medical problems that concern our feet, hips etc. right?!!!! See you later! Ruth
  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2010

    Hello Ladies  -  Ruth,my surgery is on the 4th - a little less than 2 wks. I'm getting anxious. I'm sure everything will be fine but it's the typical waiting and wondering and, of course, the "what if's" that get me going. Also, I know I will have to lay low on the exercise as my PS does not want me using my arms, even for simple things. Geez. We go round and round on this one. Well, at least I'll be able to walk.

    I did walk yesterday for 30 min an d core work for 30.. Today I went to the studio and did 1 hr Pilates. I always enjoy that class.

    Good night everyone. Chris 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2010

    Okay ladies it's official - I'm pathetic!  You see I came home from work and was feeling tired (too many late nights sitting up watching Olympics) and felt I could just sit on my behind for the evening, then thought no I can't let all my friends down so dragged myself off to the gym and did 35 minutes on the treadmill and 20 minutes on the bike  - see pathetic, but feeling good pathetic! 

    Patoo so sad about your work, you just feel so bad for people.  Yes you do sound like a proud Mom Bobbi and rightly so, it's nice that your son will be close by for you and even nicer that you will be able to take another care package to himWink.  Chris it is normal to be anxious but you'll be okay and you'll just have to take it easy for a few weeks and then jump back into it.  Ruth if there is any shoe shopping to be done you'd darned well better be including me.  Good night all.

  • kirstensmum
    kirstensmum Member Posts: 76
    edited February 2010

    Hello everyone.  Today I have ridden my bike for 30min while giving the dog a walk/run.(He ran along side of me on the bike).  Mum is home today from hospital but is feeling quite weary.  She takes oxycotin(not sure spelling) and is pretty wiped out.  Patoo I was sorry to hear about your  fellow workers.  It must be very distressing even when it isn't you.

    Take care
