Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited March 2012

    Hello All! Another crazy warm day here. I went on long reflective walk after work. I needed to just move as it has been a hard week here; a couple students with real problems, and several friends facing very,very serious health or family issues. Sigh, sometimes one does feel 'the weight of the world'. Anyway...,

    Glad to 'see' you back Wonderland!

    I do NOT like the treadmill at all, but DH, who was/is a 'rea'l runner (went to college on a track/cross country scholarship) prefers it because he says he doesn't have to contend with the uneven surfaces of the great outdoors. 

    Esther, enjoy your time with DS.

    Thank you for your post, misswim. I love coming to this thread.....the positive energy we create all together is wonderful, and certainly a blessing to me.

    Kathleen, did you do your exercises yet? Wink

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2012

    Thanks badger.  I've changed a bunch of stuff the last few months, primarily body products from face soap and moisturizers to body wash, lotions.  Actually went from chock full of chemicals to more organic, natural products.  Of course they can contain allergens as well so I don't know how to tell. 

    edit to add:  funny though, only one ankle is swollen and that is the same leg that was painful.  The other leg just has the itchy rash on a smaller area - weird.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited March 2012

    I am totally allergic to one of the ingredients in 'triple antibiotic cream'. I used it a couple times before I realized what the problem was. Both times I broke out in a terrible rash that I could only get rid of with a prescription steriod cream.  

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2012

    ((((Ruth)))).  Ginger thanks for the explanation sounds like an interesting place to walk.  Patoo I hope you get it sorted out tomorrow.  Wonderland so good to see you back.  No exercise for me today unless you count a trip around Costco after work.  Hannahs is coming home tonight, we keep asking the dog "where's Hannah" and he runs to the door wagging his tail abd barking, her Mom has just left for the airport to get her I'm so excited for my girl to come home

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited March 2012


  • cfdr
    cfdr Member Posts: 308
    edited March 2012

    Kathy, there are so many wonderful places to walk in San Francisco! I lived there for years. Of course a lot of the walks are on steep hills, but then you're rewarded with fabulous views. And if you're not up for steep hills, Golden Gate Park is relatively flat and has miles and miles of beautiful trails. Hope the weather cooperates...I hear it's been pretty rainy up there.

    One thing I like about the treadmill is that I can watch videos while I do it. Usually when I watch videos I'm either folding laundry or doing needlepoint, which makes it hard to watch any foreign films with subtitles because I have to glance away from the screen too frequently. But now I'm watching all my foreign films on the treadmill...I don't have to have the volume up super loud in order to hear the dialog. 

    Busy day today, but need to squeeze in a treadmill session this afternoon. May walk down to the river, too, because it's a beautiful spring day in North Carolina.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited March 2012

    Leaving for a shopping trip to a large town a couple hours away. I kind of hate to waste a gorgeous day shopping, but it was DHs idea (and he usually would not suggest a shopping day!). Both of us need to go to Shields to look for shoes, then he will be on to Menards, and me to Barnes & Noble, Hallmark, Victoria's Secret etc. (yes, a nice restaurant will have to be included in the plans). I will do something inside or out depending on when we get back tonight,

    Have a great day, all!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2012

    Hi, Cfdr, yes we are here in Livermore for a wedding shower today, but off to see the sights in San Fran tomorrow. We are taking the Alcatraz cruise and hoping to walk Golden Gate later in the day! Can't wait! Thanks! Hugs and Irish Blessings to you all!!!!!!

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Member Posts: 677
    edited March 2012

    Kindergarten: You picked a great time to leave Torrance. It is raining bucketds here right now. My grandson came home for his birthday and we went out to dinner next door to you (the mexican place) today he is going snowboarding with his cousin (you don't pay on your birthday) hope he doesn't get stuck up there though!  My granddaugher flew in last night. She'll stay until Monday. Will drive over to see her later. Luckily my son and DIL only live 2 miles from me. Normally I would jog over there, but not today (darn it!) supposed to rain all day they say---enjoy SF - haven't been in years, but loved visiting there--

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2012

    Hi, dogs and jogs, Raining here alot as well. Enjoy your grandson!!!! I used the motel gym this morning!!!! Elyptical and bike!!!! You amaze me at the running you do!!!! That is great!!!!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2012

    hi ladies, took a nice walk this morning and did some yard work this afternoon.

    Now for a little lunch and maybe a nap.  Hope everyone is enjoying the day!

    patoo, how'd your visit with the doc go? 

    ((hugs)) to all

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited March 2012

    Shop and Sculpt all day. Got home in time for a quick walk before the sun went down (saw THE FIRST ROBIN of SPRING), and did 30 minute Pilates DVD. I feel like I'm getting a cold, so will go to bed and read. 'Night All!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2012

    'Night, Ruth, hope you feel better tomorrow!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2012

    Hi all.  MD thinks it's not cellulitis but psoriasis instead.  The ankle swelling may be an infection caused by my scratching and breaking the skin.  She wrote a script for a cortisone cream but didn't put the dosage so can't pick it up until Monday after the pharmacist talks to her to clarify.

    After I left her office I went to a park nearby and walked/ran part of a course that I have registered to do another 5K next month.  Then dropped my car home and walked to the pharmacy.  So logged about 4.5 miles today and have elevated the ankle the rest of the day.  Unfortunately all that was wiped out by 2 slices of pizza this afternoon!  Tomorrow is supposed to be another beautiful day so will get out again and promise to eat well. 

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 2012

    Did some walking today. Very slow but better than nothing at all. My joints feel like I am 90 and arthritic.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2012

    hey patoo, thanks for the update.  Sorry you have to wait another couple days for relief.

    My ankle itched so much at one point I took the bamboo back scratcher to it.  Felt good at the moment but probably did more harm than good.  So don't try that OK! 

    edit to add, Ginger good for you getting out today!  Some days I feel like the tin man who's been left out in the rain to rust.  Movement's hard at first but you loosen up after a bit.

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited March 2012

    Patoo, glad to hear it is not cellulitis!  Hope it clears up soon.

    I got out today for a 1 hour walk in Seward park with the pups and husband. Saw 2 bald eagles!!  Southern CA was nice, but I'm glad to be back home in Seattle.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,847
    edited March 2012

    Went to a sit-down-lunch bridal shower today. Yum! Luckily, I had time to go to the park to walk/run this evening. It was hot and humid. 

    Patoo: Yea! No cellulitis!

    Good night all.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2012

    Went to a Les Mills Super Quarterly today - did Body Combat, Body Pump, Body Vive, RPM, Sh'bam and Body Jam, can't feel my arms my feet hurt like the dickens from being on them all day an I am exhausted so I'm heading off to bed

    Misswim I had my picture taken with Sheldon today he is just too cute sighhhhhh

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited March 2012

    Good news, patoo!

    Sounds like many of us were busy today! I ran 5.5 miles in the park, and it was just like I had never stopped or had any invasive procedures. Amazing! 

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2012

    Cheryl, funny! I thought of you as did Pump and Burn for the first time in a week today, with lighter weights so I don't tweak out my back again. Were there other instructors I might recognize there? Sounds like so much fun.

    Took the dog for a short run today. I haven't run since before my fiagnosis as I tore my hamstring doing a 5K. LONG recovery. I did not run very far, but I found it amazing how much easier it is to run with my reconstructed chest, which is a B, then with my former chest, a DD. That and being 40 lbs lighter than the last time I ran made a big difference. I'm excited to get out again and want to do a 5K with my family in June.

    Hope all are having a great weekend!

  • Ihopeg
    Ihopeg Member Posts: 92
    edited March 2012

    Did 30 minutes cardio, but I really did not eat healthy today. Tomorrow is another day! Down 13.5 lbs since January.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited March 2012

    Good Morning All!

    It's a beautiful spring day - patio door is open, sun is shining and birds are singing.  Perfect day for a long hike in the Buda hills.  

    Spent the past few days in Krakow, a wonderful city.  Had an incredibly moving tour of Auschwitz and Berkinau on Friday.  At one point in the tour, our group stood in stunned silence, many of us in tears.   Nothing like being there and seeing the camp in person.  


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2012

    mornin' glories!  It's a beautiful day here too, I'll finish my cuppa and head out for a walk.

    Joy, I can only imagine.  What some people can do to other people, I just don't get it. Cry

    I'm way more emotional these days. SE of tx, or chemopause?  I tear up at the drop of a hat.

    Have a great day friends, breathe, and just keep swimming.  ((hugs)) to all

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited March 2012

    badger, I have extra tissues for you, no worries. {{{hugs}}}

    Joy, I don't think I could handle a tour like that. I had a lot of trouble at Yad Vashem, the Holocaust History Museum in Jerusalem.

    Great job on the weight loss, Ilene

    Glad you are feeling so good in your "new" skin, misswim.  

    Hope everyone is having a lovely day. It's absolutely beautiful here in the northeast, a perfect day for a run! But I'm being a good girl and sticking to my every-other-day regimen. Walked 7.6 miles in the park in a little over two hours. At least I got my daily dose of vitamin D in!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2012

    productive day - got in a nice long walk, finished tidying the flowerbeds, and made polenta tamale pie with roasted asparagus for supper.  A cup of Earl Green tea sounds divine right now!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2012

    Started Couch to 5K, but ended up running more than I was instructed to. Guess I am on the accelerated track :) 3.5 miles at the track running/power walking with my husband in the sun. It was SO nice. I basically missed the whole spring and summer having surgery and getting chemo last year, so I am excited to get my tail out and exercise in the outdoors!

    Joy, your description had me in tears. Sounds incredibly moving.

    Patoo, I am so glad you were avle to get some exercise and that you are feeling better!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 2012

    Misswim- that sounds like you are on your way to Couch to 5K+. Great job!

    I walked some today but my knees and hips are not happy. It was beautiful here in CT.

    Badger- I carry tissues everywhere these days. The smallest things can bring tears to my eyes. My emotions are right on the surface these days.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,847
    edited March 2012

    My son is home for a one night visit. Smile This morning my dh and I helped 10 kids (ages 5 - 8) make a scare crow for our church's community garden. A first for me - he's really cute!

    Badger: hope you can get your emotions the way that you want them. The other day I came home from work with the giggles - I couldn't stop!

    Ginger: hope your knees and hips get happy again.

    joy: I can't imagine what you experienced in the concentration camps.

    Dh, ds, and I walked/ran at the park this afternoon. Like many of you, the weather was warm and nice.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2012

    CFDR, we did walk the Golden Gate Bridge, oh my goodness, it was awesome! Thank you for telling me about the different walking areas. We also walked in Muir Woods, it took us two hours!!! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!!! We love retirement and hoping the walking and bike riding is getting us in good shape to run after grandkids!!! Thanks again for all the motivation and inspiration I get on these wonderful exercise threads, you are all wonderful!! I have not felt this good in such a long time!!!!!!!