Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2012

    Hi Mary, I do want a shirt. Like Ruth, I want a little too big, than snug. Are these heavy cotton? I know for Komen Race shirts they are heavy and I can't stand the feel of anything near my boobs. So I am in between a large and x-large. If they are soft, I can manage with a large. Can someone help me with this???

    I woke up today easier to get out of bad, had shingles years ago from too much stress on my abdomen (what else is new). Took a college course I was not prepared to take, but managed.

    Can't remember who said they did not see Sarah's Key. Movie is not the same as the book. Book is much better.

    Been sloppy eating, feeling sorry for myself, Have to get back on track. Doc. said I can do eliptical today. So now to push myself to gym or walk around my complex - go 4 times is 2 miles.

    Everyone have a nice day. Will be back later.


  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2012

    Anyone seen Cheryl lately??  Hope you are getting over the shingles, Cheryl!!  I miss hearing about your unstoppable energy!

    Checked out the shirt - looks GREAT, Mary!!  My only problem with the new version is I am pretty sure I won't get into one!!  I am only "just" getting into a size 16 now!!!  Will mull it over for a bit - it WOULD give me a little more motivation to keep at it though!! Hahaha!  Also, would have to know what the cost to send to me in Canada would be and I would have to add it to my payment!  Great Job, Mary!

    I have been keeping up with my daily 5 km walks with my Mom and alternate with Zumba and walking my dog in the evenings!!  This week it looked like we would be able to open our pool soon - but I believe the summerlike weather is subsiding for now.  I thought it was a little too hot too soon, so will enjoy the more "springlike" weather now!

    As mentioned above, I have been able to excercise my way from a size 22 to a size 16!!  This has been a process of around 2 years and my weight has only changed by about 25 pounds, but I am feeling soooooo much better!  I owe most of this accomplishment to this particular thread and you ladies!!   I also believe that Ruth is the little engine that could (keep us all motivated!)... Thanks, Ruth! 

    Loseit.com has also helped me become a little more aware of my eating habits (I have really not changed them much, but AM more AWARE! Surprised

    Must head out now..... my Mom is waiting for me!!  Have a GREAT day everyone!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2012

    Had to get this in. Badger, I too am very emotional. I was at Cancer Center other day for a routine visit, and suddently someone called my name. It was a neighbor who I of course never expected to see there. I broke down. She had just come from a treatment and I lost it. However, yesterday I sent her flowers (hope she can take the smell) and I feel better.

    Love to all and Hugs,

    Again, Mary, I need some guidance with the shirts, heavy cotton or soft, or am I missing something??

    10-12 if soft large or 12-14 if heavy cotton.

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited March 2012

    Hi Ronna, if you go back to page 333 of this thread, you'll see some photos of the style of shirt that NatsFan has redesigned for the group shirt. It's a tech fabric, NOT cotton, and it's stretchy and silky and feels wonderful on the skin. It's also a very forgiving style that DOES NOT CLING, but rather drapes flatteringly to most body shapes. Personally, I believe that a closer-fitting garment is more attractive than one that just hangs, so for those of you who sized up, you might want to reconsider. When I had the women of my running group try on the sample shirt, they all decided to size down as well. And we're all shaped like "normal" women, NOT models or amazon athletes!

    Here is Mary's link for the shirt again: shirt

    And here is a link for the sizing for that particular shirt, in case anyone didn't see it previously: sizing 

    The website's customer service is absoutely excellent, and you can call them and they'll help you with deciding what size will be appropriate, if you're still not sure. One of the women in my group contacted them via the online chat for help and she said she was so pleased with how they took care of her. And NO, I do not work for them, I'm just another very satisfied customer! 

    Hope that helped. :) 

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2012

    Esther, thank you so much. Puzze solved.


  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited March 2012

    Oh and PS, just added my sign-up too!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2012

    Just ordered my shirt.....Hooray....

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited March 2012

    Oh, oh....maybe I better call and talk to them (it says on the sizing chart that the medium shirt model wears SIZE 4 clothes......which I maybe wore at the AGE of 4.......so I thought a large would be a better way to go. ????

    Congratulations on your decreasing sizes Mary Louise. You are proof that good health and overall gorgeousness is more dependent on exercise than just only a number on the scale!!!

    Cheryl, where are you? Maybe she is too busy hanging out with the college set now that her Hannah is home on spring break.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2012

    Wow - shirt orders are pouring in. Thanks for the expert advice from your experience with the company, Esther.  This is going to be so much fun - we'll all have to post pictures of us wearing the shirts.  You can order them till April 1. The exact price will depend on how many we order - so the more we order the less expensive they'll be.  Once the order period closes, I'll get the exact price from the company, then PM and email to everyone on the list with the price and my address.  You can send me your check and a mailing envelope with your address and postage already on it.  When I get the checks, I'll order the shirts.  When I get them, it'll be an easy matter to pop the shirts in the envelopes and mail them off. 

    3.5 mile run last night.  I'm trying to get used to exercising in the warmer and more humid weather - heat is now my biggest fear about the 10K.  If we have unusually hot and/or humid weather that morning, I'm worried I won't deal with the heat well.  Any suggestions from the other runners on AIs or tamox out there?  How did you Disney gals do in the Florida heat with your run?

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited March 2012

    Welcome to the new ladies!

    Thursday did my half-Callanetics (sooo kind to the body and soo effective), another 45 minutes bounce with high intensity intervals (burn-baby-burn) on the five minute marks, and my arm exercises...

    ...and today am paying mightily for the new high intensity intervals.

    I love doing them, but was sore and feeling it from the first one I did on Tuesday. Still, I thought, with Wednesday off, I could do them again yesterday.  But this time, I way overdid them - a case of too much too fast too soon- and now am nursing a sore sore right hip and butt. I'm even hobbling!!

    I am wishing for a mini trampoline -a jumpsport- so I have a safer way for my body to do the high impact.But right now I can't afford it.

    Love the t-shirt. Will see if it's in the budget.

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited March 2012

    1000 posts!  We are an active *and* chatty bunch. :)

    So kicking myself for not getting out of bed early today for a run.  And I didn't bc it was raining--and all I am hearing in my head today is OrangeMat's "so what if its cold, raining, snowing. You get out there"

    So leaving work early today to do a 30 min run.  Plan on doing a 40 min run on Saturday and will be doing an 8K race on Sunday.

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited March 2012

    Corinne, no self-kicking allowed. Not an approved exercise. Smile

    BTW, my PT/OT has me "inside" walking/ice skating/marching/etc. (in place or around the house, either way) when I cannot or do not want to go out to walk. It's kind of fun. I can do the dishes while inside ice skating or inside march to the evening news, or inside waltz while emptying the dishwasher.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited March 2012

    Enjoyed an hour brisk hike in the woods with the dog.  It was actually hot today - had to peel my jacket off!    I need to recaliber the hike as this one is getting too easy.  I was inspired by all of the runners here, and looked up the couch to 5k and am giving it some thought ......  although my neighborhood is very hilly. 

    misswim   Yahoo on the headstand without the wall!    Sometimes the ability is already within us, that's great that your instructor recognized that you were ready and told you to go for it. 

    NatsFan   We will have to post pics with the shirt - thanks again!

    Hugs and Happy Weekend, All! 

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited March 2012

    Hi Ronna,

    we should get toether for an afternoon walk with the other Jersey gals as Patoo has suggested. Organize it, Ronna...you are good that stuff.

    I did Sansone 1 mile again today.

    hugs and have a good weekend

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited March 2012

    Oh no, Corinne, no self-kicking allowed!! And I hope the voice you're hearing from me isn't a rough one... because what I'd say is "it's OK that it's cold, raining, snowing...". See the difference? I'm no drill sergeant, believe you me!

    NatsFan, when is your race? And what temperatures do you normally run in, vs what you expect it to be on race day? Just remember this: there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. When you have the right gear (clothing and shoes included), it can totally change the experience of your run.

    Way to go on the headstand, misswim! That is really such a major coup to practice an inversion away from the wall, even if you're completely adept at it already. Just knowing the wall is there does so much, right? Then when you finally move away from into the center of the room, wowza! I remember my first time going up into tripod headstand from a straight-legged straddle stance... smack in the center of the room, BY MYSELF AT HOME, not knowing if I could even lift my feet off the floor. I got up and then was like, "um, what do I do NOW??" Sort of like Wily Coyote running off the cliff but not realizing that he's run off out of road yet...

    And speaking of yoga, I'm actually going to a class this weekend, a restorative class. I already emailed the teacher and told her about my situation and how far along I am in my recovery. Granted, restorative is basically just lying there and resting, supported by pillows and bolsters, but some of the positions might be too much for me at this point, like if I had to have my arms overhead, or if I had to lie on my stomach, etc. The teacher wrote back saying the focus would be mostly lower body (hip opening), so I'm glad about that. 

    Yes, I'd love to get together with my NJ neighbor-sisters! Am I the furthest one north? Let me know, I'll be happy to drive wherever, though the park in my "backyard" (Saddle River County Park) is absolutely lovely. I walked 10.7 miles there today, after my PT session this morning. OK, shower time! 

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2012

    Just placed my order!  Cool

    Will have to figure out how to get it to me, Mary, as I can not get a US mailing envelope to send to you!  If you find out how much it would cost to ship to me, I will add it to my payment!! 

    Thanks again!

    Did get my 5 km walk in this morning..... tomorrow is open house at the College my daughter is going to this fall.... that just MIGHT be the only excercise I get tomorrow!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited March 2012

    I just called the tee shirt company & the guy said to take your favorite tee shirt, measure its length and width, and then order whichever size best matches that on their sizing chart.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2012

    Mary Louise - we'll work something out to get the shirt north of the border!

    Orange - my race is early morning April 29. Average lows then are 50 and average highs are 70, so I figure it'll probably be about 60.  That's fine - I can handle that.  But those are just averages, and it's perfectly possible it'll be 20 or more degrees warmer than that, especially given the mild winter we've had.  It also tends to be very humid here.  That's my worry.  I didn't get into running until Fall of last year when the temps were already cooler, so I haven't done a lot of hot weather running.  Running when it's 40 or 45 degrees is perfect for me, but I can manage at 60.  Warmer than that scares me right now. I plan on doing more running in the afternoons to try to acclimate my body to warmer temps, and hope for a cool morning on race day. I already have good shoes that I had fitted at a running store, but am still working on good warm weather gear.  I have pudgy little thighs and have had some chafing problems since the weather has warmed up, so I'm looking into some compression leggings to wear under my shorts - any recommendations?  Our local running store also does bra fittings - I guess I should do that too, cuz since recon I really have no idea what size I am anymore.  Any other suggestions for warmer weather running?  Nice to have an expert on board!  Cool    

    Off to the cabin this weekend - forecast is cold and rainy, so I guess I'll do some Shop N Sculpt!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited March 2012

    I'm a big fan of these shorts, even though they're not the most fashion-forward... having always had big thighs, I was never able to wear traditional style running shorts. What I like about these shorts is the heavier fabric, so they drape rather than cling (are you noticing a pattern with me yet? Wink), and because they're cut slightly looser than bike shorts, they're really rather flattering. They run big, just so you know. And they're much cooler in warmer temps than tights or even capris. Something about having your knees exposed makes all the difference. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited March 2012

    I measured my two favorite tees, then checked the sizing chart. I will stay with the large as that is where the numbers take me. Whew!

    You may all officially feel sorry for me, because tonight I am one of the chaperones at the "Middle School Activity Night"......which means we will be chasing 300 plus 12-14 year olds all over the school for two hours. That has to count for something!!!!

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited March 2012

    Ruth, that sounds like fun!! I remember doing that!

    So, today, after taking a longish nap with a heating pad on my sore hip, I got up and stretched and did my half Callanetics, 30 minutes bounce -with fewer inervals today Smile-  and 15 minute inside march with arm exercises.

    It actually helped me to first baby my hip and then work out on it again before it got even stiffer.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2012
    Hello everyone and welcome all the newbies, this is just a very quick fly by, I am crazy busy at work and  having the kid home has been hectic but I have been keeing up with my gym the last couple of days and then either going out to eat or having people over so one hand is washing the other as the sayng goes mind you I think I've been taking in more calories than I have been exercising off..... and then it's my birthday tomorrow and the parties start tonight yes plural parties so it's going to be a cake, cake, cake weekend ah wellEmbarassed.  Mary I will order my shirt on the weekend when I get some time to myself and as for getting Mary Louises north of the border as you know I have a mailing business, I can do all the paperwork on my USPS account give you my log in info then you just print out the label and ship it off, no worries.  Have a great weekend everyone., and as I have also met Ruth I double triple and quadruple everything that was said about her, she's the bestSmile
  • nehson123
    nehson123 Member Posts: 16
    edited March 2012

    Hi Ruthbru. The picture is my pooch Zeus Wigglesworth  a bearded collie age 8. He is a beautiful and bad,very sneaky. Bearded collies are wonderful dogs he was my best buddy when I was healing on the couch. Take Care Andrea

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,522
    edited March 2012
    I can see the devilish twinkle in his eyes! Smile
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2012

    Love the name 'Zeus Wigglesworth'.  Needed to come here to motivate so going to pop in a dvd - back later.

  • janicemarie3
    janicemarie3 Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2012

    Just got back from a 4 mile walk.  At the oncologist today I am down 4 lbs since last week.  If that doesn't keep me motivated I don't know what will.  Hope everyone has a great weekend.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2012

    Did 25 min FIRM Cardio Overdrive followed by 1 mile walk with Leslie Sansone. 

    NJ ladies, I don't mind a drive so whereever you decide is okay with me.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2012

    Happy Birthday Cheryl!!  Hope you are "shingle free" and able to enjoy your birthday.... although how much effort is really involved in bringing a fork to your mouth repeatedly!!!!  Wink  Enjoy your cake(s)!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2012

    Oops, yes, Happy Birthday Cheryl.  Have a bite of cake for me.

    Congrats janicemarie3 on the loss.  It is a motivator.

  • 1openheart
    1openheart Member Posts: 250
    edited March 2012

    I did a 25 minute walk in the neighborhood and a hour and a half hatha 1 class.  Have a great weekend everyone!