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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited May 2012

    C25K week 3, workout 3 done.  It's always the 4th week that gets difficult!  Enjoy the weekend.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2012

    Started out for a walk this morning then turned around when the tail end of an overnight storm whipped back around and gave us one heck of a gully-washer.  BIG thunder boomers.  After it passed, I went for a lovely long walk and it was so nice & cool & fresh.  Then the clouds rolled away and it got HOT fast.  It's overcast now with a breeze which is good as I have some weeding to do. 

    Thanks for the article Esther, it's good to have confirmation of the benefits of exercise & fitness.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited May 2012

    Gully washer!  Thunder boomers!  (c:

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2012

    17 K is impressive, Heidi! Holy cow :) Nice job.

    First day back to exercise today. 90 minutes of vinyasa yoga. Nice class, good pace, not too nuts. Planning on a long hike with the dog in the morning.

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited May 2012

    Excellent day racing dragon boats in beautiful Vancouver, CA.  We did well!!  Came in 2nd place in one race by mere fractions of seconds.  There was also a lovely ceremony wherein we brought all of the boats (there were about 10 of them, with 22 paddlers per boat) together and remembered those we have lost to this damned disease.  It was very moving and there was nary a dry eye on the water.

    We did 4 races and now I am exhausted and happy!! 

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited May 2012

    The "color me rad" 5k was so much fun. Not an unhappy/stressed looking person among the 7000 participants. I jogged tiny bits but mostly walked it. Ended up looking like a rainbow by the end of it. It was a great morning; so much positive energy!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited May 2012

    Good morning all.

     Esther, thanks for the article, plus when I went to PS the other day, he said are you still going to gym???

     Gym hours are short today, plus no classes but I have walked the dog and will walk around complex.

     Hope the rain holds off.


  • TriChick
    TriChick Member Posts: 19
    edited May 2012

    Mary Louise (fmakj), I dont care what anyone says your non-formal exercise for the day would wipe me out!  That is a ton of "stuff"!  I get more exhausted from house and yard work than exercise, probably cuz it is simply not my favoriteUndecided.

    Orangemat, I saw that article and I have to say I did not like the sound of it, I plan to be the exception and I am sure I am not the only one!!!  I was a top age group amateur triathlete in my region and in the nation and I will return!

     My holiday weekend so far has consisted of a 75 minute mountain bike ride Friday and 9 mile hike up Mt. Woodson yesterday (2:45).   Today I plan to run an hour (6.5 miles) and tomorrow I hope for a 90 minute mountain bike ride or long hike. 

    Tuesday is my first Taxol treatment.  I posted in the Running forum for some insight on what to expect as far as effects on exercise/stamina etc from Taxol vs. A/C - - so far I have had no response....can anyone here tell me what they experienced?  I know everyone is different I just would like to here some first hand experiences....thanks.

    Have a wonderful holiday weekend!


  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited May 2012

    NWArtLady  Sounds like it was a fabulous day!  

    heidihill  What a great hike experience - and 17k!!  Some of my favorite moments are when I'm out hiking.   

    Ginger48  Yay for your 5k!   

    Adey   I'm looking ahead to what's coming in week 4 of C25K  Tongue out

    Did Week 1 Day 2 C25K.   Took the dog with me which was a mistake - won't do that again.   Also an hour of trapeze pilates work - feel nice and stretched out. 

    Hugs ~  

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited May 2012

    Trichick, I get what you mean. "Exercise is good for you, but you won't be as good at it after treatment" is what I read it to say... and while I like the first part, I don't like the second part either. So as I said in the running thread, just because the odds seem to be stacked against us, that doesn't mean we should quit trying. Believe, and you can, that's my motto.

    Ran 10.5 miles today in the heat and humidity and didn't feel the effects of it at ALL. I think I'm finally getting my nutrition and hydration before and during my runs figured out.

  • nancyh
    nancyh Member Posts: 185
    edited May 2012

    Hey gals,

    Haven't checked in in a while.  I was doing so well on C25K, then went out for a jog last Sat and got chest pain (!?!), so decided to take it easy.  Really bummed because I was doing pretty well and this was just enough to make lose heart and stop.  I'm not concerned about the pain (it went away when I stopped jogging), just trying to figure out how to pick back up and get going again.  Reading all of your posts helps.

    TriChick - You continued running while on A/C?  Wow, that is amazing.  Taxol should be a cake walk by comparison, though it does get tiring the more treatments you've had, so give yourself a break.  If you're getting weekly taxol, you might find that you never feel terrible, but you never really feel great either.  You just sorta' feel mildly icky all the time.  Fatigue gets worse over time and takes a few months after treatment to really go away.

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited May 2012

    Hi ladies Laughing

    I have added a few more zumba classes, since I quit working at the bank,,,, YAY !!!!

    I teach 3 zumba classes a week, and take 3 zumba classes from another instuctor, and I added two weight training classes a week.

    I may start some walking as a way to mix things up a little.

    Have an awesome day everyone.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited May 2012

    Congrats to our sculpted racers, ginger and NWArt! To my sculpted C25K sisters, Adey and Joy, may Week 4 not be too painful. If it is you can always go back.

     Nancy, I would take it easy first and give your heart muscles a rest for a few days. Trichick, I had three agents (Taxotere and AC) at the same time so was pretty much wiped out. Did manage to take a walk everyday but nothing else. I do believe you can recover from the treatments if you're young or fit enough.

    Did Day 1 of Week 6 on the C25K.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2012

    hi ladies, I walked for an hour early this morning before it got hot.  Today I cracked open my new Yoga Conditioning for Athletes DVD and did the general workout.  Lots of my fave poses but it's unfamiliar and I have to look at what they're doing while trying to do it myself, which isn't always easy.  But I liked the routine and will do it again. 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited May 2012

    Bike the Drive 15 miles (yay).  (c:

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited May 2012

    Stopping by quickly on my way from the nursing home and on to graduation parties. My sister is here from NC so I am having to sneak in exercise around the visiting (and eating Surprised).  Got up early yesterday & did FIRM Cardio Dance Party and 15 minutes of toning with Richard Simmons before anyone else got up. Also sneaked in 30 on the treadmill later in the day. Today I have ZERO time.

    I 'just' did AC, but friends who have done both say they feel a lot better on Taxol. So you will hopefully be good to go.

    Someone must not have sent Lance Armstrong the memo about not doing as well. He won a couple Tour de France races after really, really, nasty chemos and other tough treatments......

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2012

    Went for a really nice walk. Did a half hour of pilates. Went to a memorial service for a dear old friend today who has been battling glioblastoma for 30 months. It was held at a beautiful private school on a hillside overlooking the area mountains. It was touching.

  • TriChick
    TriChick Member Posts: 19
    edited May 2012

    Thanks for the input on Taxol Ladies!  I will listen to my body and take it easy/walk/rest on the high fatigue days - - and count on some good days in week 2 (I will have treatment every 2 weeks). And Orangemat, YES!  I am determined and I believe!  And we all should!  We can do this!

    I got the nerve up to run yesterday.  I made for an hour as I planned and felt great! This was my first run since A/C treatment #4 which completely wiped me!  I am heading out now for a 90 min run/hike (I still dont like the feeling up running uphill, so I hike 'em!).  Thanks for all your inspiration!


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2012

    mornin' glories, got out early and walked for an hour.  Gorgeous sunrise!  Cool

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited May 2012

    Hi girls-

    just checking in; things have been a bit frantic, but I am in the full exercise and healthy eating mode.  I glanced at the "not being as good at it" link...Ha, I'm a rebel! I reject this information!  YellBetween cancer and getting old, I don't care what anyone says.  I have bad bones, a bad knee, big time bunions and I just have been slogging those miles out more than ever.  Run pace is only around 10-11 min miles, but I don't care!  I'm going to do it...and yes, Voices and all of you racers have really inspired me!  I do love that Esther keeps us updated on this kind of info-I loved seeing Ronna's pics of you guys, Patoo, all really do get to my heart.

    A quick request to send positive vibes and prayers to vballmom (Teresa).  She had her first chemo last week and ended up in the hospital last night when her WBC crashed, even with Neulasta.  The onc is going to have her stay there for a bit; IV antibiotics going now.  I'll keep you posted.  She is a are all of you.  Been thinking about all of us all weekend long.



  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited May 2012

    Keeping vballmom in my heart! So sorry to hear her wbc crashed after the first chemo. ergh.

    Sunny day here in Seattle - planning on a (you guessed it!) Nordic dog walk this afternoon! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited May 2012

    Hey! Did 30 minutes on treadmill before people got up; now am home getting ready for a fish fry supper. I am going to sneak in a 30 minutes pilates DVD before I am back on call. This company thing makes exercise more tricky!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited May 2012

    Was out of the house by 6:30am to get to the annual Memorial Day race in the neighboring town. I didn't run in either the 10k nor the 5k, but I did stand there and clap and cheer for every single runner that went by for both those races, about 4000 in total. And lucky for me, the spot where I was stationed was at the intersection of a very busy street in town, and the police officer and I worked hard to tell the car drivers they just COULD NOT PASS! Actually, I had an absolutely lovely time chatting with the officer during the down times. As he said, no matter what you tell some motorists, they just don't understand that a road race is going on and the street is closed, and that can make for some very frustrating circumstances, to say the least.

    If any of you have any local races in your towns, and you have the opportunity to volunteer in any respect, I really urge you to do so. It is SO incredibly rewarding, even if you don't run.

    After the last participants of the second race came through (a young woman and her 87 year old grandmother), I was allowed to leave my course marshaling post. I jogged the mile back to the start, then did 3 more miles on the track there to finish out today's quota. Did I mention it was in the upper 80s and very humid today? Breathe and smile, one foot in front of the other, that's all that you have to do! :) 

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited May 2012

    Positive thoughts to vballmom.

    Hiked about 11 km with DH for 4.5 hours. My knees really felt it. Some pictures of the flowers along the way.

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited May 2012


  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2012

    Thinking of vballmom. Hugs......

    Trichick, I felt much better overall on Taxol, but for the first few days every muscle in my body, down to the tippy toenails ached, so I took it very easy. I tried to do alot of yoga thinking it would help the pain...... not so much, so I just walked alot when I felt good.

    Yoga this morning, advanced level vinyasa, which was hard because my feet are still bugging me, then the hubby and I "hoed and sculpted" out the basement. A big project we started right before I got diagnosed......which then promptly halted. I brought 6 bags of clothes to good will, and I am embarrased to say (let me preface by telling you my husband calls me the Imelda Marcos of Crosby Lane) that I got rid of 23 pairs of shoes. Yep, 23 , all mine. My count is now down to under 30...... :). Worked up a huge sweat and did alot of lifting boxes up and down the stairs. I am pooped.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited May 2012


    Ruth-  You are an inspiration!  I would not do that with guests.  Maybe someday.  (c:

    C25K week 4, workout 1, done.  It's getting a bit difficult.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited May 2012

    Been away for a few days and lots to catch up on!

    Ruth: hope you are enjoying your sister's visit!


    TriChick: I did 4 dose dense Taxol tx. They caused me great pain from head to toe. Needed Vicodin. But everyone is different and I hope you sail through your treatments.

    Well, I've done minimal exercise over the weekend. We drove up to New York for a family reunion. My butt is sore from all that driving! We made it home safely today. Will definitely be active this week.

    Enjoy this Memorial Day, everyone. 

  • nancyh
    nancyh Member Posts: 185
    edited May 2012

    Heidi - what a beautiful hike!

    After feeling very sluggish all weekend, I drove to one of my favorite places in Seattle and walked a 6 mile loop.  It was wonderful.  I needed a change of scenery from my usual neighborhood walk/jog.   

  • phillybird
    phillybird Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2012

    Did plenty of walking on the weekend; went to the gym and lifted and sweated on the elliptical today.

    Off to work tomorrow . . . hope to go biking at the end of the day.