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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • kirstensmum
    kirstensmum Member Posts: 76
    edited March 2010

    Now 6.30pm and glad to say I have done an extra 30 minutes on the stationary bike and 5mins on the cardio twister.


  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2010

    Just a quick check in to wish Bobcat good luck.  You will be in my thoughts and prayers today.  Don't have a walking partner today, so will have to do something else.... I'm sure I will hear your voices all day so I will be motivated to do something!     

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2010

    Yesterday before work - 20 minutes elliptical. After work - 15 minutes elliptical, 30 minutes core PT workout.

    HB - you're like my in-laws in La Habra in how blase they are about Disneyland.  My dh says they could hear the closing fireworks at night, so for them it's just another place. Not for me - I'll bore you with a Disneyland story.  I grew up in Maryland, and watching the Wonderful World of Disney every Sunday night made Disney seem like the most incredible magical place in the world for a little girl, especially since I was the exact same age as Disneyland.  One day my mother said that when I was 7, we could go to Disneyland. Well, when I was 7, my parents had some financial reverses, and my mom sat me down and told me she was so sorry, but we couldn't go to Disneyland.  I know that upset her so much to have to do that.  Fast forward to my 30th birthday - my mom's been deceased for 6 years (b/c took her way too young), and we're in La Habra for Christmas and my birthday (Christmas Eve).  I opened my birthday present from my MIL, and it was tickets to Disneyland!  I burst into tears - it was so sweet and one of the best presents I'd ever gotten.  I'd told her the Disneyland story, and I think she was determined to fulfill my mother's long ago promise.  A few days later, we get to Disneyland - my dh, my MIL, and some assorted siblings and kids.  As we pull into the parking lot - yes, I burst into tears again.  Then as I go through the gates, I start crying again. I'm still crying as I get my first look at the castle - I just can't stop.  Meanwhile, my in-laws are kind of staring at me - they think I'm perfectly nuts!!!  It was the most wonderful day in the world for me - we did everything, including Haunted Mansion twice!  We were there from when it opened to the final parade.  I'll never forget it. 

    I've been to other Disneys in Florida and Paris, and I'm OK there.  But every time I go back to Disneyland, I still start crying everytime I walk through the gates! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010

    Oh Nats, that is so sweet, now I'M crying!!! What a super MIL! Have a great day all! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010

    Oh Nats what a beautiful story it made me tear up your MIL sounds very special.  Best time I ever had at Disneyland - Christmas Eve and raining everybody left so we bought ponchos and you could just get off rides run around and get back on worst time, day after Christmas 3 hour lines but it is a magical place and yes we can set our watches by the boom of the fireworks every night.  Hey Jennie great job, that Judge Judy is a great motivator isn't she.- don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining is one of my favorite sayings of hers.  Mary Louise you can just dance around the house and that will count today.  Sending a big hug to you Bobcat, you're in my prayers.  Have a great day.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Bobcat - thinking about you.

    Nats - that's a great story.  My DS is fanatical about Disney.  Anytime I ask if he wants to go to, like today, Cancun, or Aruba, or Barbados, he says "If they don't have a Disney Park there, no!  Even if I'm paying for it.  Now if I ask if he wants to go to Disney Japan - he'd be all over it.  I absolutely refuse to ride a plane for what, 18 hours, to go to a Disney Park - no way, no how.  Disney, Paris - maybe, but not until after I've done my African safari or Brazilian Rain Forest, or Papua/New Guinea!

    have a one-hour water class tonight.  Later Sculptresses.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2010

    Patoo - Disney Caribbean - now that would be a place to visit!!  And the Pirates of the Caribbean ride would be especially realistic!!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited March 2010
    Hi Rangers!!  Just home from the hospital.  All went well and feeling a bit loopy from all the drugs and the percocet.  Just wanted to check in and THANK everyone for the good wishes.  Still haven't heard about the MRI - maybe tomorrow.  Will get pathology on the oves and tubes next week.  She said she removed lots of scar tissue also - I asked if she tightened anything up a bit and also a little lipo - she just laughed.  I will check in tomorrow but tonight I need food, more drugs and sleep Kiss  Not sore yet but it will come.  Love you all!!
  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2010
    Great story Nats... I teared up also!  Well I was able to get another walk in this afternoon, so I didn't feel guilty logging on!!  The weather was great today that I walked in just a t-shirt and sweater!!  I haven't even tried to catch up on all my other saved threads (You guys are the most important to me!!!)  Cool  Thanks everyone, keep up the good work!  Patoo, do you have a routine that you do in the pool and are you in deep water.  Just wondering as I have an above-ground pool and would like to do some excercising in it this year besides running in circles!  Our pool is only 4 feet deep though, so do not know if I could get a good work out in it!
  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited March 2010
    I have been too embarrassed to return.  However, winter is finally over (almost) and today I went for a lovely brisk walk.  It DID feel great.  Sorry, a walk is all I have to report.Embarassed
  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2010

    Hope you're feeling well, Bobcat.

    A little achy today but managed to do 40min. on the treadmill. 


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2010

    Bobcat - hope you're doing well.  Be good to yourself and rest and as you probably know by now, keep ahead of the pain with those pain meds.  And you think your surgeon could have tightened things up just a little, don't you?  Wink

    Today for me - before work, 20 min Pilates. After work 30 min elliptical. The heat is stuck on in the workout room (we have a small exercise room in the basement of my work) so I was ellipticalling in about 80 degrees.  I just kept pretending that it was trendy, like that hot yoga stuff that's so popular.  I also kept my towel handy and swilled water like crazy.

    Sharon - a walk sounds like a wonderful way to get back into the swing of things. 

  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2010

    Hi Ruth...

    Officially it's Posterior Tibial Tendonitis Frown As of today, I am in a in a walking boot to my knee for at least 3 weeks to possibly 8 weeks with physical therapy 3 times per week. I'm so bummed...just as I get into a good running grove I'm sidelined. BUT in the big picture...this ain't nothing! Doc said I will run again in time and for now stick with abs and upper body.

    I'm still here cheering for everybody! How about everyone take a couple of extra steps for me each day?  



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Yes, Sharon, don't apologize that it's 'just a walk' as you are moving and that is getting you back into it.  We are not concerned with how much or how little, as long as those "voices" get you doing something.

    Bobcat, glad you came through okay.  Rest up and take your time.

    fmakj, the pool is only 4 feet.  I mostly run for 30-45 mins and then use a noodle and weights for upper and lower body exercises.  There's really no routine, just moves I picked up from doing the aqua classes - jumping jacks, cross-country, high jump with both knees bent for abs, kicks with knees bent, kicks with legs straight up/out/back.  I wonder if you can watch a class at a local gym or 'Y' so you can see some of the routines?  Or, you can usually find anything on Google so maybe you can find and watch an aquacise class online to get some ideas.

    So, I did a one-hour water exercise class at the Y.  It's geared for people with arthritis but they have added a BC survivor support group, free, for 12 weeks. It's a good workout.  Matter of fact, I'm beat so turning in now.

    Night my Super Sculpted sisters.

  • kirstensmum
    kirstensmum Member Posts: 76
    edited March 2010

    Hi everyone.

    Natsfan, your MIL must be very special to do that for you.  Bobbi good to see you home but make sure you take things easy.  Kris I hope your leg gets better soon.

    Today I have been to the gym for the 30 min circuit and I also rode my bike for 15 mins.   Also have a date with Judge Judy and the stationary bike at 3pm today.

    Take care


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010
    Hi everyone, just got off 45 minutes on the treadmill; I was at the nursing home with my dad from after work until 8pm. He is not doing so well; man, I don't want to fall over dead any time soon, but this old age stuff is pretty tough too. Anyway......Bobbi, so glad your surgery went well, you sounded very coherent for just being home from the hospital Smile. Hope you got all the 'food, drugs, and sleep' that you needed (anyone else remember when it was 'sex, drugs, and rock & roll'?) Sharon, I think that walking outside is the very best exercise of all; because you are moving, and enjoying nature, breathing fresh air. Once it is nice here, walking is all I will want to do. Kris, YOUCH!!! 'Posterior Tibial Tendonitis'' even SOUNDS painful; but think how awesome your abs and arms will look if you concentrate on them! You still need to keep reporting in here. Once a Sculptress, always a Sculptress!!! I agree with Mary Louise about our group, this is for sure my "HOME" thread. Love to you all! Ruth
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010

    Good evening Rangers, just in from the gym where I did two classes tonight Body Step for an hour and then a one hour cardio dance class where in the final 15 minutes I had to take off my shoes cause my poor feet were burning but I was having so much fun I wasn't leaving. 

    Great to hear things went well Bobbi, now rest up, get out that icepack, take your meds and relax, we'll all be here waiting for you to come back.  Patoo your class sounds fun. Sharon don't be embarrassed you are a butterfly coming out of your cocoon - it's called spring awakening.  Kris just the diagnosis sounds painful yeowwww but by the time the boot comes off  you'll have rock hard abs and fabulous biceps.  Nats I have a friend who does hot yoga and she has totally changed the shape of her body, she loves it but the heat made me feel sick, just goes to prove you just have to find something that you like to do - look at all of us we're all doing something different but we're doing.  Jennie sounds like you'll be ready when Lance Armstrong calls and invites you for a bike rideWink.  Ruth I'm sorry your Dad isn't doing well, you're so lucky to have him, my Dad died in 1987 and I think of him and miss him every day, I'm with you this is my "HOME" thread as well and now I find that when I log on to the computer in the morning to get my emails I come and see if my girls have checked in, we are all over the time zones aren't we?  I'm off to get myself a nice cup of tea now, night all, Cheryl

  • etk02038
    etk02038 Member Posts: 33
    edited March 2010

    Glad your surgery went well bobcat. Keep the pain at bay with those wonderful drugs.

    We have been so lucky here with the spring like weather, I have been out a lot enjoying it. Makes me feel so much more hopeful about things. I finally did some ab work yesterday. Very little but it's a start. I hate it so much. Today I go for my rad simulation and several dogs to walk after that.

    Have a good productive day all. 

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited March 2010

    Good Morning Sculptresses!!!  I agree, this is my "home/go to" thread everytime I check my mail.  Had a good nights sleep except for the itching.  Has anyone ever experienced excessive itchiness after surgery?  I never have but I actually scratched the skin on my left thigh raw sometime during the night and this morning that whole thigh and all the skin is tingly and kind of numb.  I'm guessing it is from the position they had to put me in for the operation and I will ask when they check on me today.  And this is the first time I've had a sore throat from the breathing tube.  Oh well, not complaining - just wondering and sharing.  My tummy is a little itchy and sore and still bloated but all in all feeling pretty good.  I am going to wait one more day and then get out for a nice walk in this early spring weather.

    Kris - I am so bummed about your knee. I've worn a boot like that for running injuries - no fun.  I did run in the water during that time but you should check with your doc before doing so.  I have an "aquacise" belt that keeps you upright and then you run in the water.  It really kept me sane when I couldn't run outside.  You can find them online.

    Cheryl - too funny about your feet but you kept going!!  Way to go.

    Sharon - welcome back and keep us posted.

    Ruth - so sorry to hear about your Dad.  Aren't you fortunate that you are close by.  Prayers.

    Nats - hot workouts? huh?  Was Richard visiting you? - lol.  Cheating on Ruth.

    Jennie - don't you just love riding outside?  I can't wait to get back on my bike.  My friend has a huge crush on Lance Armstrong - she's also my spin coach.

    Well, I had lots of nice emails and texts yesterday and it just felt so good to have all the support.  But now it's back to work and healing.  SO is going out of town for 5 days but my son returns from Jamaice tomorrow afternoon so he and I will have some quality time before he returns to school on Sunday.  Have a great day all!!  I will check in tonight to get my motivation fix Kiss

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited March 2010

    Arthritis is bad right now so taking it easy and going for a message today instead of the gym.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Oh, massage is wonderful.  Actually it's one of the things on the 'should do' recovery list because it stimulates the blood flow.  I believe it also helps the metabolilsm so it's exercise! 

    Bobcat - rest!!!!  A few days off won't hurt you and because of our sisters and the exercise habits we have developed, you will get back on track.  Please don't rush anything.

    Back to work.  Will check in again later.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010

    I second Patoo massage is fantastic, mum I hope you get some relief, we are really lucky I live near little Saigon here in Orange County and we have a ton of Vietnamese massage places and they are only $25.00 an hour and you get the full hour I personally don't know how these guys do it but it is wonderful and a bargain to boot.  Bobcat check with you doc and see if you can take Benadryl and also Aveeno makes a topical cream that helps with the itching.  Ellen enjoy the spring weather - you are like the postman neither rain no sleet nor snow keeps you from your duties but it is nicer to walk in the sunshine, the wind is blowing here to day but the sun is glorious.  Have a great day everyone.

  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2010

    This is my favorite thread too!  Wishing a speedy recovery to Bobcat and Kris!  Very jealous of the massage, mumayan.

    40 min. on the elliptical and 20 on the treadmill today.  Feels great.

    Thanks, ladies.

  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited March 2010

    Bobcat - Good to hear that you are on the mend. Interesting that you mentioned the sore throat from the breathing tube. I had the same problem - 1st time for me too. It sounds like you are making progress and hope pathology reports are all good news!

    Kris - Sorry to hear about your knee problems. It's frustrating when you are told you can't do this or do that so you can heal. I really hope that recovery is quick and easy for you.

    I'm doing fine except for being tired.  I was told today that it could be 2 weeks before the tired feeling subsides. Still limited as to what I can do for exercise. Walking is allowed (but I'm always tired), but for the time  being not much else. Speaking of which, I need to go take a nap!

    Enjoy the rest of your day and work the powerhouse. Chris

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited March 2010

    Keeping this thread in my favs made me walk again today.  Thanks sistahs!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010
    This is the thread I sneak on when I only have 30 seconds (like now). If I have some time, I save it for last because I know I will want to stay awhile Laughing. Awesome jobs, All! (I'd say that a massage counts as a health benefit; we just have to think of an 'official' title  Wink for it).
  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2010

    Did my walk again today and was brave enough to see if I lost any of the 5 "Cruise Pounds".  I am down 4 of them!! Yippppeeeee!! 

    I like checking this thread first and then again before I sign off!!  I like the motivation, and am actually enjoying the excercising. Surprised Next week I hope to start up with my FIRM and RS dvd's again.  I have been a little leery of them since I pulled my calf muscle before my trip, but I think that the walking won't be enough to help with weight loss and I am almost back to where I was.  Weather has been great here lately, but the forecast is calling for rain for the next few days!! I may have a date with Richard sooner than I thought!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Way-to-go fmakj!  Which RS dvd do you like (read - how hard is it?)  I'm thinking of getting one or two but there's so many.  I want something that's not too strenuous because If I want to hurt I get on the torture elliptical.  I think that to continue to lose you have to change up routines now and then.

    Was going to beg off but made myself do 30 mins on the treadmill.  Now need to let the body relax so I can get to sleep.  Plan on my favorite tomorrow which is the pool.  I simply love to run and exercise in water. 

    Great work today my Sculpted sisters.  Keep it up.  This time next year there's going to be so much less of each of us!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010
    Hi All! I wasn't home at all until 9pm, so no exercise for me tonight Cry. I will get back at it tomorrow. Bobbi, hope the itching is better, glad that you and Chris sound like you are feeling good for just being post-surgery. Mary Louise, Nats and Patoo, I am not selfish so am willing to share Richard with you Wink. I don't think any of his workouts would be to strenuous for you, Patoo (being the sculpted athlete that you are!), and they have really fun music too. Glad the 'voices' are getting you out there, Sharon. Cheryl, with all your workouts, it sounds like you are taking over for Kris while she is recovering as the 'Exercise Goddess of the Thread'! Sometime I will have to tell you all about the Lance Armstrong dream I had (it involved me, Lance, a cave home in the mountains, and a bike Laughing........)!  Check with you all tomorrow, Ruth
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010
    Geeze Ruth you can't say "sometime I will have to tell you" and then sign offSurprised, but you are generous sharing Richard I thought maybe we'd have a girlfight over himWink.  Well tonight I did a Body Combat class and it was packed, word is spreading our monday/wednesday night instructor Eduardo - he is Brazilian, leave the rest up to your imagination and you'd be right.  Mary Louise 4lbs is fantastic you rock girl!!  Bobcat and Chris hope you are both doing well today, resting and recovering - drink lots of water to flush all that anestesia out of your bodies.  Good night my sculptress godess sisters.