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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited March 2010

    Good job Patoo!  I am so jealous of all you exercisers.  I am going to take the weekend and then start walking again on Monday.  My belly is feeling less bloated and sore so things must be healing.  My son just home and we are going for sushi lunch at his favorite restaurant.  Raining like crazy here!!

  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2010

    Raining hard in NY too.  Traveled from San Antonio to NY yesterday and then went out ot a Saint Patrick's Day party last night so I didn't get any exercise yesterday.   I'm trying to force myself to get on the elliptical now.  

  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2010

    I'm feeling tired today after traveling and partying yesterday, but thanks to the motivating force of this thread, I forced myself to do 30 minites on the elliptical.  Thanks, ladies. 

  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2010

    * 45 min upper body

    * 45 min abs (rumor has it you can work abs everyday and since I can't do cardio or legs for now now...abs it is) !

    Positive moment at gym this morning. As I am lying on mat doing my obliques and 84 year old man stopped on track to ask about my orthopaedic boot. We chatted a few minutes and he shared that his 60 year old son is a veteran and lost his left leg and recently his good leg was broken but miss diagnosed at VA. Leg didn't heal properly and he is now wearing an boot. Harmon (the dad) told me his son is so depressed and refuses to exercise. I shared my story and said if I can do it anyone can. Harmon and I said our goodbyes and I continued to torture my abs. Next thing I know...Harmon and son, Mike are before me. We had a great conversation and I told Mike start slow and do what your body will allow and your mind will follow. He turned around and joined gym!!!! Made me feel like I'm wearing this boot for a reason!


  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited March 2010
    Just checking in but not because I can tell you how much exercise I did today.  NOT!!! Embarassed
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010

    Oh Kris, How awesome is that?!!!! Who knows how much GOOD will come out of that darned old boot! Good job, Kathy, and everyone else too. I am at work with papers strewn out all around me, but feel like I'm making progress on the piles. Will exercise for sure when I get home! Later, Ruth

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2010

    momof2 - great story!!!  I know a lot of us b/c people get told, "You're such an inspiration." You hear it so often, that it's sort of "Yea, yea - whatever" reaction.  But in this case you really were an inspiration to someone who very much needed it.  Good for you!!

    Yesterday, 20 minutes elliptical before work, and 30 minutes after.  Then 20 minutes Pilates today, then an hour of walking around the local Home Show - one of those things where a bunch of home improvement and other contractors show off their products and services.  It's an extremely dangerous place to go!  Wink  But if I win the lottery, there's a lot of nice stuff I could do around the house after being at the Home Show! 

    Off to my cousins' tonight for a St. Pat's Day party - bring on the green beer! 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Yea Kathylev - that's what happens.  This is a most motivating thread.

    Mom_of_2 - nothing just "happens" - there is a reason.  What a wonderful story.  (and congrats for pushing on at the gym even with a boot because we can use that boot for other 'get out and move' options Laughing)

    Sharon - there's still time today and then there's always tomorrow.  (I can attest to that!)

    Happy partying everyone.  I'm off to a missions banquet where there will be oodles of food!


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited March 2010
    mom-of-2 - great story!!  Nats - I'm waiting for that lottery win tonight too!  Have fun partying everyone Kiss
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Well, my banquet was cancelled.  We have driving rain with 65 mph winds.  Trees and power lines down everywhere and no power at the church.  I was on my way when the call came in that it was cancelled.  As I was driving I did worry about the drive back home (it's only about 10 mins).  I've closed all drapes just in case something flies towards the windows (not likely but you never know).  Took everything off the deck because things were blowing.  Glad to be inside - with power!

    Night friends.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited March 2010

    Patoo - same thing here in PA.  I am on the 6th floor and have closed all the drapes and tied the door shut.  Nutty...  Glad you are home safe.  My son just went to visit a friend - not happy about him driving in this but he's not a hot head so will take it slow.  Told him to curl up on their couch for the night if it gets worse.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010

    Hi girls, busy busy day for me I got up early and did my Body Combat class, then home and started work on my garden, I had bought 8 bags of soil but of course not enough so off to Home Depot for another 6 bags then digging and watering and stooping and bending but at the end of the day I have planted 10 rose bushes and hopefully they will be happy and grow for me, right now I am really feeling my legs.  Kris that is such a beautiful story, sometimes just a hello or a smile can change someones day.  Nats those shows are dangerous you do get to see some wonderful things and all the exercise to boot just wandering from booth to booth.  Patoo I'm sorry your banquet was cancelled but is is better to be safe and snug at home, sounds like you east coasters are having really bad weather so please be careful.  Take care all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010
    Hi again, finished off a whole bunch of work at school Laughing, then did 30 minutes on the treadmill & 30 minutes of abs. Last night DH & I just grabbed a sandwich & visited with my dad, so tonight we really did go out and eat (too much food). It is mysteriously foggy here, but not stormy like you East Coast ladies are having. Glad you are all home safe and sound. Lottery players, remember you have to take us all on the spa week with your winnings before you can remodel your houses Wink!!! Good Night All! Ruth
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010

    Firstly I want to say to all my east coast friends I hope you are all safe, it sure looked terrible from what we saw on the television.  After my marathon in the garden yesterday I woke up at 1am and had to take two Aleve my hands were throbbing but I got up this morning and did Body Step mind you it was very hard when the hands had to go up over my head.  It is beautiful here today so I'm off to do a little more in the garden.  Take care all. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Thanks HB, it was quite a storm.  I feel so blessed that I did not lose power.  They cancelled church this morning because there still is no power in the area. 

    Went to the gym and did a little over an hour running and aerobics in the pool.  Intended to do the elliptical but forgot my sneakers (accidentally on purpose?) at home. 

    Hope all are enjoying your Sunday.  HB, although gardening is excellent exercise, be careful you don't overdo.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited March 2010

    Patoo, I saw that on the news.......bad storm on the eastern side.  Just light rain here.......and I did NOT walk.  And it's too coming for supper. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010
    Hi, did my "500 Calorie" FIRM DVD this afternoon, and then 10 more minutes of Abs. I should have replayed the DVD about 3 more times for all the eating I did all weekend Surprised! Very, very bad. Today we went to a youth pancake breakfast before church (one should support the youth, right?) and then out to lunch with friends after church (all in the space of about three hours). I'm thinking of skipping supper entirely!Tongue out Well, tomorrow is another day and another chance! Lets make it a great exercise week ahead, the choice is ours!!! Ruth
  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2010

    Hi Ladies,

    Yes, we had quite a storm here.  Lots of people without power and damage from fallen trees. It's calmed down now.

    Ruth - I eat like that more times than I want to tell about and never skip supper. Oh well, tomorrow is another day, right?

    I did 20 min. on the elliptical today and 24 on the lifecycle. I have a "mapping" appointment tomorrow for radiation treatments. I hate the idea of having radiation beamed at my body. It's a good thing I don't have any cookies or chocolate in the house or I'd be comforting myself with it right now.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010
    Compared to the chemo you did, radiation will not be bad at all. Just put on whatever lotion they recommend religiously, (I'd bring a little tube and slap some on before I left the center), don't wait until you get red. When I was young I was a camp counselor at a lake, so when I was getting 'zapped', I'd close my eyes and pretend I was tanning on the dock, and think, "I wonder what we'll do for activities tonight?", "What should my cabin do for the talent show?" etc. and when the machine came over, I'd pretend it was a cloud blocking out the sun for a moment . So visualization might help (and if you have a chocolate treat waiting in the lobby.....that would also be helpful Smile!). Let us know how it goes. Ruth
  • kirstensmum
    kirstensmum Member Posts: 76
    edited March 2010

    Hi everyone

    Today 30 minutes at curves and 30 mins stat bike.

    Yesterday 30 minutes stat. bike.

    Take care


  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2010

    Outside walking in my boot and soaking in natures vitamin D!

    Happy Monday 

  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2010

    Great ideas, thanks, Ruth.   During my many sonograms and the biopsy I imagined myself on the beach in PR. where I've had many happy family vacations.  It was surprisingly helpful and I'll try it again during the radiation treatments.  I start on Monday.

    Taking the day off from exercising today, but have a tennis game and toning class planned for tomorrow.  

    Take care, Ladies.


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited March 2010
    momof2 - you are too much - walking in that boot!!  But judging from everyone else on this thread, I think most of us would give it a try.  I am going to get out for a walk myself tomorrow morning.  Starting to feel better and need some fresh air and sunshine.  Have a good night all Kiss
  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2010

    Happy 1st Birthday to my "new girls"! Implants have been in a year today and problems!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Happy 1st Birthday mom_of_2+twins!

    Haven't decided if today is my "day off" this week.  Went over to the gym and there were no parking spaces!!!!  So I went and did grocery shopping and made a big pot of soup.  So I'm going to down some of that and if I can get those voices singing I may get on the treadmill after.  We'll see. 

    Looks like we are supposed to get some of that sunshine this week - YAY!

    Keep up the good work my Sculptresses. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010
    45 minutes on the treadmill, and 20 minutes of toning with my guy, Richard Kiss. Watched the news, and am glad none of you East Coasters were washed away by your storm. We are in a flood watch and have a big town meeting tomorrow night about what happens next (we will have had two 500 years floods two years in a row if it gets as bad as last year; stressful). Patoo, did the voices get you on to the treadmill? Kris, congratulations to you and 'the girls'. The end of Feb. was my 3rd year 'cancerversary'; I'm too superstitious to look up the exact date, (my first surgery was the Monday of President's Day weekend), but it has been on my mind. Gee, what a ride! Love and Blessings to us all!!! Ruth
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Nope - so this will be my day off for the week.  I don't really like that since my week goes from Sunday-Saturday.  That means no matter what I have to workout the rest.  Not really hard since I do Tues and Thursday water aerobics classes.  Only Weds will be a challenge but I'll do it because I must (scale is up 1 lb!).

    Night all.

    Wow, Ruth - 3 years - YAY!!!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010

    Hello everyone, did my Body Combat class tonight, on the way out the door Eduardo said (insert swarthy Brazilian voice here) you are getting strong very good (at the same time he was feeling my bicep Wink ).   Hey Patoo my gym was packed tonight as well, wonder what happened this weekend that made everybody get of their butts - ahh must be the promise of spring, we have absolutely glorious weather today so I'm sending it your way.  Happy Birthday to your "girls" mom.  Keep up the good work everybody, it's just one day at a time.


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010
    Hey Ruth your post just appeared before mine - I was thinking of you today as I saw on the news about the floods in ND I hope you are safe, it sure has been crazy these past few days for weather around here.  Congrats on your 3 years, I'm going to eat a cookie and dedicate it to youInnocent
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010
    I am swooning thinking of Eduardo, his swarthy Brazilian voice, and the feeling of the bicep Tongue out.....that should go on the 'tell a naughty story' thread! I live on top of a hill, so should be safe (the two big problems could be the ground water level rising so high that water would come up from the ground itself and/or the sewer system going down Surprised). My town is built right where two rivers meet;  we are protected by two dams, but last year (for the first time ever) the dams were FULL and they had to release water from an emergency spillway; which was pretty scary, everyone was sandbagging like crazy, National Guard troops were patrolling the dikes for leaks, their helicopters going overhead all night etc. etc. I helped make sandbags for one day, decided that it was no job for an old lady school teacher, and made and passed sandwiches with the Red Cross instead. So we'll see what half a dozen cookies and dedicate them ALL to me Cool! Ruth